Mortal Kombat: Retribution
posted02/04/2009 01:45 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/25/2008 05:12 AM (UTC)
Here is my idea for the next Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat: Retribution

In recent days I’ve wakened up form a deep sleep for many centuries, and set on a quest designed by my parents Argus and Delia for my brother, Daegon and me, in search of the fire spawn, Blaze, for the Elder Gods. A medium for us to determine the fate of the realms in the means of Mortal Kombat, but only Daegon’s as set aside the quest and defeat Blaze for himself. This battle was only meant both us to defeat Blaze of each of us to end Mortal Kombat one to disarm the warriors and the other to kill the warriors, only for us to fight each other forcing my hands to kill my brother. Only has massive destruction caused by all the Mortal Kombat fighters throughout the realms as come to this event forced to fight as allies turn on each being consumed by greed, power, and vengeance. I was now my own destiny set by the Elder Gods to end this Aplascype, and defeat Blaze to end this madness at any cost.

As I stood victories among the warriors over Blaze, therefore the fighting should have stopped, but the fighting continued. As I look up at the sky, just as a flash of light breaks through the temple causing all the dimensions to bleed as fighters continued to fight and run, disrupting the natural order. As I stand waiting to see what the elderly gods decided to due to prevent Armageddon, only not to see the elder gods but to see the archangel Castiel, I now know that the elder gods are dead and Castiel will on unleash judgment on the realms. These are the words of Taven.

Playable Charters
Taven-Half god confronted to go on a quest to prevent Mortal Kombat fighters to prevent Armagedeon except Cassel intervened
Hotaru-Former general for Seido, revived by Castiel to help him restore order throughout the realms.
Darrius-Resistance leader of Seido, killed Hotaru and creating a new regime in Seido
Shinnok-Fallen elder god only one for Taven to receive advice, while in the shadows creating an army of darkness
Kung Lao-Following Vira for his atonement for killing fellow comrades under the influence of Armagedeon
Raiden-Former elder god enraged from Armageddon of how man has turned his own teaming up with Castiel
Kano-Killed long time enemy Sonya Blade and listing to Shinnok to restore the Black Dragon clan
Jax-Special Armed Forces freed form the influence of Armageddon going after Kano for killing Sonya
Rain-Taven’s half brother after vision form Vira goes to assist Taven while plotting to kill him and claiming him prince of Edenia for his self goals
Kira-Kabel’s recruit for Black Dragon clan and now serving Kano
Sub-Zero-Former Lin Kuei warrior who died in events of Armageddon, only for Jaretta to revive him as a puppet killing Earthrealm warriors for his will
Ashrah-Former demon receiving a new life and purity teaching of Kung Lao, as Castiel comes to and tell her that Earthrealm warriors cannot be trusted and must be watched

Lu Bia -Young men with no memories except for uncontrollable dark power exceeding his body
Artus-Angel trained by Castiel as his second in command for vengeance
Vira-An angel looking for fellow realm warriors to fight against Castiel’s war
Rade-Raiden’s son trying to restore his father honor by showing him with help from Darrius’s Resistance
Sam Gibbs-Young girl taken hostage by Kano after leaving the crater, who cut off her arms forcing Jax’s to help her and becomes Jax’s pupil after receiving new mechanical arms
Det. Hungens- Jax’s old friend and NYPD dirty cop targeted by Kira to join the Black Dragon, forced between righteous or survival
Father Michaels-After seeing Castiel break though the heavens and believes it’s the wrath and swears his word to him
Phylasis-Broke out of prison with pyrotechnic abilities prefect for taking out enemies for the Black Dragon or Seidian Resistance
Jaretta-Mysterious sorcerer planning and controlling events for Lu Bia to defeat Castiel for his own means
Xi Sun-Years disguised as man to learn the ways of Shaolin warriors only to be discovered as a woman, forced to leave and has now found Kiru Ryu
Pang Yun-Leader of the new ninja clan Kiru Ryu spending years to create a new clan of elite warriors
Yen-Yung-Former Elder God came down into Seido after Castiel banishment creating the Senate, only for recent events to change his mind and take part of the Sedian Resistance

Castiel-Last Archangel served under the Elder Gods that became annoyed with the Elder Gods ways and created the ways of Order, to conquer the realms with his Angelic brethren with his newly recruited army with disregard of the Elder Gods wishes. The Elder Gods feared that they have become too independent and would go against the Elder Gods with their ability to go between the realms and the heavens, therefore the Elder Gods trapped Castiel and his brethren in a rift between the heavens and the realms unable to escape, unless a massive scale dimensional bleeding between all the realms and heavens and the event happened as Blaze took the effect of the pyramid rose forcing the Mortal Kombat fighters all into one dimension and acting as a tool between the realms and the heavens for the Elder Gods to make a destiny happen between Taven and Daegon, only to give the chance for Castiel to kill them.
01/03/2009 09:17 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat: Retribution would follow the journey of the new warrior Lu Bia.

Character: Lu Bia
Alignment: Unknown
Origin: Unknown
Status: Unknown
Mastery Level: 5
Fighting Styles: Choy Gar, Pao Chui
Weapon: Kali Sticks
Special Attacks
Dark Force: He stops attacking for several seconds to release multiple energy bolts all over the arena
Dark Fireball: Shoots a black fireball from his hands
Dark Touch: A oblong hand movement that forces the opponent to your side when hit
Power Kick: Dashes to the opponent kicks them all the way to the other side of the arena

Bio Part 1
Lu Bia is a man that doesn't know who he is suffering from amnesia with severely bad wounds, only to be awakened in Edenia seeing a decimated pyramid and hundreds of dead bodies (after the effect from MKA). Trying to get up only to be to badly beaten except to pass out. After time he's wakes up being care by the mysterious sorcerer Jaretta in the caves of Edenia and tells him what happened to the pyramid and all the Mortal Kombat fighters, and so Lu Bia tries to run away but can't and seems not to be able to fight only for all his veins to turn black and release this uncontrollable force rendering Jaretta to stand aside. Lu Bia wants Jaretta to help him to get rid of this darkness in him, but the power was to great in Lu Bia for Jaretta to get rid of it so Jaretta teaches him how he can control it though the art of Mortal Kombat. Only for one day, the rogue warrior Sub-Zero comes to kill them forcing Lu Bia to fight and defeat Sub-Zero forcing to retreat, with Lu Bia in control of his abilities Jaretta sends him on a quest to travel between the realms to find the answers he seeks.

He's an mysterious man with Asian descendant only whereing a black pair of Kung Fu pants and black shoes with short black spiked hair.

Character: Taven
Alignment: Good
Origin: Edenia
Status: Half-God
Mastery Level: 3
Fighting Styles: Golden Dragon
Weapon: Drakesword
Special Attacks
Inner Fire: He blasts a fireball at his opponent
Ring of Hatred: He rises into the air and smashes his fist into the ground, causing a shockwave of fire
Godly Charge: He charges forward, ramming his opponent with his shoulder in a show of fire
Speed of Light: He dashes instantly toward his opponent, connecting with three hits
Godly Summon: He vanishes and reappears elsewhere, allowing him to quickly evade his enemies

Bio Part 1
In recent days, Taven has woken up in a new changed world after centuries of sleeping sent on a quest by his parents in search of the firespawn Blaze. Only to find out that his parents were killed by his brother, Daegon, which should have been on the quest with Taven only to have been waken up many centuries ago, Forcing both of them on a quest against one another for Blaze, eventually they are forced face to face against one another in Mortal Kombat. Leaving Taven to kill his brother and finding out that they where to determine the fate of the Mortal Kombat fighters only, for one them to end this madness. Forcing Taven to defeat Blaze for no other fighters to challenge Blaze and obtain the power themselves, therefore Taven defeated Blaze only for the archangel Castiel destrying the battleground where Taven defeated Blaze spearding chaos and fear across the realms. Taven went to the heavens for the Elder Gods to see how he can help, but only to find the Elder Gods dead. Therefore Taven took it upon himself to carry out the ways of the Elder Gods to defeat Castiel. Only for no one would side with him not seeing Taven as a God or even an Elder God, Taven sent out on a quest to the Netherrealm to find the Elder God Shinnok to help restore the forces of light through the realms.

Hes a black serpent dragon down his right side of his face with black hair. And wearing black chest armor with golden rim work and red gem in the center of the chest with golden bands on his upper arms and golden fist and forearm guard. Also with black armored boots and belt with golden rim work and black pants with of red patches running down the sides of his pants and red knee pads.
01/09/2009 08:35 PM (UTC)
Character: Sam Gibbs
Alignment: Good
Origin: Earthrealm
Status: Former Student, Special Forces
Mastery Level: 4
Fighting Styles: Kenpo, Judo
Weapon: Kyo Shuriken
Special Attacks
Punch Da Face: Launches herself to punch the opponent in the face
Continous Punch: Punches the opponent multiple times
Flying Shuriken: Throws her shuriken at her opponent

Bio Part 1
She went out camping one day with her boyfriend only for a rift between the realms open around them only for Kano to come through silting her boyfriend's throat and took her hostage. Shortly after Jax caught up to them, Kano depressant slit her arms straight through forcing Jax to save her and not presume Kano. Jax brings Sam to the Special Forces medical station for her condition only for here arms too damaged to fix, therefore she receive a pair of mechanical arms, and with the death of her boyfriend goes and joins the Special Forces in parachute of Kano.

She has four mechanical arms like Jax's with dark brown hair and wears with a red baret, a green top, and blue jeans.

Character: Hotaru
Alignment: Neutral
Origin: Orderrealm
Status: Sedian Guard
Mastery Level: 1
Fighting Styles: Ba Shan Fan, Pi Gua
Weapon: Naginata
Special Attacks
Grasshopper: He jumps in the air and repeatedly kicks the opponent sideways
Lava Burst: He throws a magma ball to the ground, ascending opponent into the air, opened for an attack
Fury Punch and Escape: He dashes forward with a straight punch with a streak of magma trailing from his feet, then slides back to his original position
Return to Order: He holds out his hands and throws two magma balls at you

Bio Card 1
After years of fighting the resistance Hotaru found himself slowly dying in Outworld by the hands of Dairou which he passes out from battle, afterwards wakes up from nearly dying he finds to return to health and returns to Orderrealm only to see Darrius has is changing the ways of Seido. He finds that Seido is changing under the order of Darrius anarchy to the ways of order, therefore plans to lead his fellow surviving guardsmen into Edenia for a recruiting new soldiers, but soon the mighty fire spawn Blaze has awaken and was consumed to obtain that power to reconstruct the realms into order and the pyramid arose he and his guardsmen find themselves in Mortal Kombat with warrior from vast lands, only to see Darrius which them in coil to fight to the death unfortunate for him Darrius and his resistance over powered killed Hotaru and his guardsmen. Only for the return of the Archangel Castiel seeing Hotaru and his guardsmen dead and revives them to life to enforce a new way of life across the realms for order with all to stand.

He has white hair and wears Sedian Guard armor with samurai flags on his back. This was his main costume in the other games.
01/11/2009 09:37 PM (UTC)
It's okay...but its pretty outrageous that all of the gods are dead....

I like what you did with Sub Zero though...pretty different.
01/12/2009 02:30 AM (UTC)
Interesting...very interesting indeed. One problem though... Why would Sam Gibbs attain four mechanical arms instead of just two? I like the whole Hotaru thing and it's nice to see him in this. Good work! wink
01/16/2009 10:57 PM (UTC)
Sorry, Sam have only two mechanical arms. I don't know how I got four in their. I also noted several other mistakes Taven's second fighting style is Fu Jow Pai and Sam's second fighting style is Sambo not Judo.

Character: Kano
Alignment: Evil
Origin: Earthrealm
Status: Black Dragon Leader
Mastery Level: 3
Fighting Styles: Xing Yi, Wrestling
Weapon: Butterfly Knifes
Special Attacks
Eye Laser: He shoots a laser from his eye at the opponent
Cannonball: He would crunch into a ball and fly at his opponent
Fist of Power: He rapidly lunges forward and strikes the opponent with energy red covered fist

Bio Card 1
After spending many years evading the Special Forces lead by Sonya Blade, destroying any attempt that Kano had to return the Black Dragon clan to power and forcing him into exile in Outworld working for Shao Kahn until the Deadly Alliance striped him of his throne and defeated by Mavado, a member of the Red Dragon, and was imprisoned. Until the Taven freed him and destroyed the Red Dragon, then Kano returned to Shao Kahn palace only to overhear the Shao Kahn has formed an alliance with Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, and Onaga to obtain the ultimate power from the fire spawn Blaze. Kano follows them in an attempt to get the power for him to return the Black Dragon and kill his enemies, only to an all battle before long he ran into Sonya Blade and went into Mortal Kombat, Kano defeated Sonya by stabbing her in the back and to confirm her death he ripped out her heart. Only to be noticed by Jax going on a murderous rampage forcing Kano to run.

Kano has stick backed black hair with a metal faceplate with a glowing red eye with a black ripped up black sleeveless shirt with black pants with a red roped belt with heavy duty black boots.

Character: Jax
Alignment: Good
Origin: Earthrealm
Status: Special Force Leader
Mastery Level: 2
Fighting Styles: Muay Thai, Judo
Weapon: Tonfa
Special Attacks
Energy Wave: He throws a wave of sonic energy at his opponent
Ground Pound: He punches the ground, shaking the arena
Piston Punch: He punches his enemy multiple times
Get the Grenade: He throws a grenade at the opponent

Bio Card 1
Years being Sonya Blade’s right hand man, as Sonya went after Sektor’s Tekunin ninjas, Jax was sent after Kabal’s new Black Dragon clan as they invade small villages and towns through the realms recruiting people and killed any who opposed. That Jax really obsessed with destroying the Black Dragon clan, as they toyed with him by leaving bodies in their wake and killing Jax’s teammates in the process. Finally Jax snapped as he followed them to Edenia as a massive pyramid raised from the ground and all bloody battle of mortal kombat as Jax’s looks for Kabal and instantly ripped off their his breathing mask causing him to suffocate instantly and Jax continues for Kabal’s second in command Kira, only for Hsu Hao to intervene only for Jax to overpower Hsu Hao and ripped out his artificial heart once again. In the distance he see’s Kano ripping out Sonya’s heart, and gives out the loud yell of “SONYA,” only for Kano to run and Jax to follow.

An African American with a red beret and sunglasses on his face and a pair of mechanical arms with a utility belt on green pants with black boots and a ring of grenades around a chest.
02/04/2009 01:45 AM (UTC)
Character: Artus
Alignment: Evil
Origin: Heavens
Status: Angel
Mastery Level: 4
Fighting Styles: Shuari Chiao, Tai Tzu
Weapon: Devastator
Special Attacks
Wing Attack: He stretches out his wings to attack his opponent
Gusting Wind: He backs away from the opponent while at the same time provides a gust of wind at the opponent
Fist of Wind: He launches his fists at his opponent that outputs a ball of wind
Ariel Assault: He flies up and flies down on the backside of the opponent and punches them

Bio Card 1
Artus, was once one of three angels that watched the events in the realm of Seido, despite his wishes by the Elder Gods, he wanted to be one of their warrior angels after centuries of watching the realm of Seido the warrior angels started to thin out and their was only one Archangel least, Castiel, that made an agreement with Elder God Yen-Yung to change a community in the realm of elite warriors to help the angels, only to Artus’s watch between the community that Yen-Yung and Castiel agreement was being broken as Castiel started a new worship in the community into the Ways of Order, that kept this secret to a revolution to the Elder Gods. Before long the Elder Gods found out what Castiel was up to and Artus went down to Seido to warn Castiel that the Elder Gods were going against him which aloud Castiel a chance influence the angels with him as Artus would get Castiel’s army of Order was ready and Artus could finally be a warrior angel, and I had an entire army to command as the Elder Gods came down to stop the army only when they got to Artus they realized they realized Castiel wasn’t their and soon Castiel arrived with other new angel warriors and an all out blood feud ran out between the Elder Gods against the angels and the vast army of order. The Elder Gods desperate started to break apart the realm of Seido until they where capable of gathering us all out of their realms and banished into a rift that wouldn’t get pulled to any realm. Until the day the Elder Gods made their mistake in Armageddon which gave us the chance to escape.

Artus has blonde hair with two powerful white angel wings wearing a metallic harness and with black armor pads at the shoulders and a metallic belt with numerous pieces of black cloth, also wearing dark brown mandarin boots with dark blue pants and brown and studded arm pads.

Character: Kung Lao
Alignment: Good
Origin: Earthrealm
Status: Shaolin Warrior
Mastery Level: 3
Fighting Styles: Mantis, Shaolin Fist
Weapon: Broadsword
Special Attacks
Hat Throw: He hurls his hat at the opponent
Hat Slicer: He rotates his hat and dices any thing in front of him
Whirlwind Kick: He flies towards his opponent spinning like a tornado, doing multiple kicks that knock them down
Wind Teleport: He goes to the ground and reappears behind his opponent. It could be followed by multiple moves

Bio Card 1
Kung Lao died against the Deadly Alliance only to be later resurrected by Onaga, the Dragon King, to service him. Until Onaga was defeated and Kung Lao was free to make his own destiny once again, only to find out that, his fellow monk and brother that was killed by Shang Tsung, Liu Kang’s body was resurrected by Raiden causing death his wake to fellow warriors, therefore Kung Lao gone after Liu Kang’s body per his spirit requests. Therefore, he’s gone after Liu Kang’s with fellow monk’s which eventually lead them to Edenia. As a pyramid rose indicating that Armageddon is here, as warriors throughout the realms gathered as massive blood bath as death and destruction rose from them all as Kung Lao felt a serge of energy only to leave his fellow monks, as lambs to the slaughter, as he was making damage to anyone his way to find Liu Kang only to find it and massively butchered it beyond recognition as he finally came to a stop, he begins to cry. Soon after he notices a bright light pierce thru the sky and their was Castiel the Archangel, as Kung Lao say him only one thing went thru his mind, “That Judgment was here to claim them all for their sins.”

Kung Lao is wearing his typical hat with the metal edge with a black arm band on his lower right arm with two black sashes going up and across his chest to his back, with a bluish-green long sash around his waist with a long end, with black pants and brown Shaolin shoes.
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