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10/07/2006 06:34 PM (UTC)
This one sounded more like Torin's ending, it didn't focus too much on Mileena. All she was is an assasin. That's about it. Still, if you say this is Torin's, it might be reasonable.
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10/15/2006 03:28 AM (UTC)
I don't like this ending very much because you killed My favorite character Mileena. But damn good writing I could actually could see an FMV or deception style ending depicting your stories keep it up good work.
10/23/2006 05:30 PM (UTC)
Ermacsmainman Wrote:
New ending.

the screeen starts out showing Torin looking around. He has an army of centaurs behind him.
Torin: Alright everyone. We are gonna envade Edenia. We can not fail. Shao Khan will be happy.
Torin then turns to face the Edenian army in front of him.
Torin: Attack!!!
All the ceuntaurs and Edenians charge at one another.
Torin than runs away from the battle into the woods.
He walks through the woods until he reaches the palace. He goes to the door. He charges at it to open it. Before he gets to the door a black boot connects with the side of his head. Torin falls to the floor with a thud.
Torin: Who dares strike me.
A women in a purple ninja outfit steps in front of him
Mileena: I did
Torin looks at mileena and exhales. Smoke spews out of his nostrills. He charges at mileena. Mileena dodges the attack. It doesnt do any good though. Torin recovers quickly and he seends his foot into Mileenas stomach. Mileena doubles over in pain. She recovers and pulls out her sais. Torin takes out his bull horn sword. The two weapons clang against eachother as the two fight. Torin then geves a mighty swing of his sword and both of Mileena's sai leave her hands and fall far away. Torin than begins to swing his sword madly at Mileena. He finally lands a hit on Mileena's stomach. He sends the sword through her back and holds Mileenas dead form up in the air and swings the body far away. Mileenas body lands with a smack in the middle of the square. A pool of blood culminates around her. Torin than appears next to the body
Torin: Edenia is mine.
ok one thing a bio would suppose to end with them alive du@#$%% and its all about torin that would not be a bio for Mileena heres one for her not that baraka is gone she can now persue ediena now that she has gotten the tarkatan forces she says now its time to destroy Edeina Now That Kitana is comeing to outworld to ressurect liu kang and sindel Mileena says Its time to attack Ediena But she has to figure out how to get there But somehow the realm was open she went to the nexus and travel to ediena with her forces while kitana was in outworld and she tor Ediena aprart heres a one for Torin Now that Mileena has taken control of Ediena when he went to Ediena he knew that she already taken control he knew that she knew that he was there She Had a trap for him He hid into the bushes and killed each nd every one she brought out he broke the door down and she attacked him he hit her with his sword or whatever it is that has stuned her he was about to kill her but she Dodged the attack so she pulled a attack on him when he dodged it he put his sword in her stomach and by dodgeing the move he kicked the sais out of her hand and killed her and he took the Ediena force But now he went back where she was dead she wasnt there.
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10/24/2006 02:59 PM (UTC)
Not all endings conclude with the character in question still alive (MKDA Scorpion, MK4 Reptile, etc.), but I do agree that this was mostly about Torin.
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