10/03/2006 01:05 AM (UTC)
I like these stories. If this were to come true, MK8 would be a great game.

Seeing Kintaro as a good character would be amazing.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/03/2006 10:44 AM (UTC)
New Bios

I am a cleric of Chaos. I have devoted my life to unbalance. And i despise everything that has rules and order. That is why order must die. I shall go to Seido. And take however many people i can get to go to Seido and riot. Maybe i shall have the pleasure of slaying Hotaru myself. With the black dragon gone i must rely on my new apprentice and brother Sin Keido.

Onaga has died to that menace Shao khan. I did nothing to help but i am still glad that Shao Khan opposed this threat with ease. i have returned to Seido. I have to train my newest memeber of the Guard. It happens to be my brother BinDao. He shows much potential in the ways of order. i must keep my guard up. I know who Havik schemes. If i am lucky he has to little numbers to try and take over Seido or do anything to harm this realm.

About Me

I hate this place.

10/03/2006 04:36 PM (UTC)
Ermacsmainman Wrote:
New Bios

I am a cleric of Chaos. I have devoted my life to unbalance. And i despise everything that has rules and order. That is why order must die. I shall go to Seido. And take however many people i can get to go to Seido and riot. Maybe i shall have the pleasure of slaying Hotaru myself. With the black dragon gone i must rely on my new apprentice and brother Sin Keido.

Onaga has died to that menace Shao khan. I did nothing to help but i am still glad that Shao Khan opposed this threat with ease. i have returned to Seido. I have to train my newest memeber of the Guard. It happens to be my brother BinDao. He shows much potential in the ways of order. i must keep my guard up. I know who Havik schemes. If i am lucky he has to little numbers to try and take over Seido or do anything to harm this realm.


Havik: He has a good story for now, he wants to destroy order, he has bro to train, he's got Seidan people, it's pretty good.

Hotaru: He also has a little bro' to train, but he's wary of havik..... ok.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/03/2006 08:15 PM (UTC)
boomboom Wrote:
Ermacsmainman Wrote:
New Bios

I am a cleric of Chaos. I have devoted my life to unbalance. And i despise everything that has rules and order. That is why order must die. I shall go to Seido. And take however many people i can get to go to Seido and riot. Maybe i shall have the pleasure of slaying Hotaru myself. With the black dragon gone i must rely on my new apprentice and brother Sin Keido.

Onaga has died to that menace Shao khan. I did nothing to help but i am still glad that Shao Khan opposed this threat with ease. i have returned to Seido. I have to train my newest memeber of the Guard. It happens to be my brother BinDao. He shows much potential in the ways of order. i must keep my guard up. I know who Havik schemes. If i am lucky he has to little numbers to try and take over Seido or do anything to harm this realm.


Havik: He has a good story for now, he wants to destroy order, he has bro to train, he's got Seidan people, it's pretty good.

Hotaru: He also has a little bro' to train, but he's wary of havik..... ok.

If you could do me a favor and do the comments for me because they always slip my mind.

New bios.

I am rain. I have volunteered to be ruler of Edenia until Kitana is back from her mission in Outworld. I have done this to attone for the amount of death i have caused. I only wish to do good now. My first order of business is to get Shao Khans remaining militia out of here. There is word of a new centaur to follow Motaros lead. His name is Torin. He wishes to come to Edenia. I know that Motaro will let him. If i tell the militia of his oncoming assault. They will think me even more of a traitor because they will think i am in cahoots with Shao Khan. If i dont then Edenia will be caught off guard. I cant fail Kitana but i also cant be anymore hated than i already am.

New Character.

I am the elder god Razashi. It was my idea to send Blaze to deal with Armageddon. My best has failed. Now all i can rely on is myself. I have challenged every last mortal to mortal kombat. With Liu Kang dead who will step up and defeat me. No one shall get in the way of my Earthly specials. As well as my other combination attacks.

(So you know Razashi is combo elder god. He has powers of all the elements but specializes in ground attacks.)
About Me

r.i.p nujabes

10/04/2006 12:06 AM (UTC)
Hmm Hmm.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/04/2006 12:23 AM (UTC)
New bios.

i am hotarus brother. I never got much recognition in our family. But now i have gotten my brother to train me in the ways of the Seiden. Which i know he would not resist. He will want as many guardsmen as he can get his hands on. Which is perfect for me. I can lure him into a false sense of security. Then i will strike. But only when his guard is at its lowest.

I am of the centaur race. My race has been plagued by these dreaded two legs. My leader Motaro says he has business to take care of. Fine. That gives me time to do what i need to do. I plan to gather as many troops as i can. I shall invade Edenia. To get Shao Khan to favor the centaurs once more. I just need to get through Rain.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/04/2006 01:45 PM (UTC)

Bin Dao: He's cool as well. He wants to kill his bro', and I guess he wants to be leader of the Seidan Guardsmen, or just has a grudge.

Torin: So the Centaurs still have two legs, and he's trying to kill Rain to invade Edenia....

Well done. Keep it up.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/04/2006 05:38 PM (UTC)
New Character Bios

I am sinKedo. I live in the chaosrealm. I will soon be a cleric of Chaos like my brother Havik. He has new group started by Jarek to look after. I know will terrorize Hotaru and all of Orderrealm. Speaking of Order. Some BinDao came to me today. He wishes me to kill Hotaru. Anything for chaos. The young one promised to devote his life to chaos if i help. Always good to have more members.

I am the sorceror Uldib. I have awoken from my long hybernation. I slept through aramageddon. Oh well. I love to help people. I love to destroy them too. I take any requests of the use of my power. If you get on my nerves however. You will not like what happens to you. I can bend reality any way i want. I must ask a higher person though.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/04/2006 05:54 PM (UTC)
SinKedo: Cooool. He's going kill Hotaru. And he has no problem accepting a total stranger into chaostongue. He seems like a chaos guy, he's probably gonna need Shinnok.

Uldib: ........... he slept through armageddon? Surprised he didn't wake up and tell people to stfu and let him sleep. He seems to be a guy who needs Shinnok or Raiden. Or maybe Fujin.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/05/2006 11:40 PM (UTC)
New bios.

I am Khameleon. I have searched for years for the one known as Reptile. Unfortunately it has come to my attention from another from our old realm of Zaterra, Kirehasa. If this is true. I will have to run the new Zaterra i plan to create by myself. I hope it doesnt come to that

I am of the Raptor race from the realm of Zaterra. Unfortunately i have been in hideing. I have spent the last decade in the Netherrealm. I was put there unujustly by the Edenians. But i know better than to hold a grudge. Even if it was Shao Khan that gave the order. I will get revenge upon him sooner or later. Hopefully sooner
About Me

I hate this place.

10/05/2006 11:55 PM (UTC)
Ermacsmainman Wrote:
New bios.

I am Khameleon. I have searched for years for the one known as Reptile. Unfortunately it has come to my attention from another from our old realm of Zaterra, Kirehasa. If this is true. I will have to run the new Zaterra i plan to create by myself. I hope it doesnt come to that

I am of the Raptor race from the realm of Zaterra. Unfortunately i have been in hideing. I have spent the last decade in the Netherrealm. I was put there unujustly by the Edenians. But i know better than to hold a grudge. Even if it was Shao Khan that gave the order. I will get revenge upon him sooner or later. Hopefully sooner

Khameleon: So... Reptile is dead? Well, how is she going to make Zaterra? It seems strange that she can ake her race come back without Reptile...

Kirehasa: His name sounds alot like Reptile's MK:DA weapon. So he wants to kill Shao Kahn. Shao kahn has alot of enemies now.

If your done with the story, then put up endings. Then we'll all discuss it.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/06/2006 10:49 AM (UTC)
Time for the endings

This time i will do it one at a time. Because some of them will be like LeoBraz81's FMV endings. So they might be a bit long

The screen starts out with a heavily wooded area. Through the shrubs we see a small cave. A damp light coming from inside it. Scorpion comes out of the brush. He looks at the cave.
Scorpion: Is this the home of the Sorceror Uldib.
Scorpion cautiosly enters the cave.
Raspy Voice: What do you want
Scorpion: Is this the home of the sorceror Uldib.
Raspy voice: Who wants to know.
Scorpion: Scorpion, spawn of hell, and... Champion of the Elder Gods
Raspy Voice: Champion huh? Well Champ this just so happens to be the home of the sorceror Uldib. But you must go through a test to get to him.
Scorpion: What kind of test?
Raspy Voice: You'll see.
Then out of nowhere a hand grabs Scorpion. A glowing portal appears at his feet which are now off the ground five feet. Scorpion is thrown into the portal. He finally touches ground.
Scorpion: What is this? It looks familiar.
Raspy Voice: That is because you have been here before. Welcome back to the Netherrealm Scorpion.
Scorpion: What?
Shinnok materializes in front of him.
Shinnok, immitating raspy voice: Yes Scorpion you have been tricked.
Scorpion is shaking violently. He looks up at Shinnok he lets out a war cry and charges at the fallen elder god. He throws furious, fast punches. All of which hit the god.
Shinnok: Uhhg!
Scorpion is still shaking. He teleports. Immidiately Shinnok looks behind him. Scorpion doesnt appear there with him.
Shinnok: What is this! Where are you?!
Scorpion: Right here!
Shinnok turns around just to get a firey fist in his face. Shinnok is sent flying backwords. He lands with a thud. He knows he is to weak to get up.
Scorpion leaves the battlefield. He has to find a new way out of the Netherrealm.

Well there you have it. My first FMV ending. For this game and for ever.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/06/2006 05:39 PM (UTC)
Wow... how did Scorpion find this cave?
About Me

"I have betrayed my homeland and joined forces with the man that murdered my father. Now nothing shall calm my rage as I seek to demolish this ruthless parasite and to restore my family's former glory as General of Edenia's Army,"

These are the words of Rain
10/06/2006 09:44 PM (UTC)
Lame as usual. Please for our sake don't post anything else up, because it's not good.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/06/2006 10:23 PM (UTC)
Suikan Wrote:
Lame as usual. Please for our sake don't post anything else up, because it's not good.

And this has been posted why

Oh well.

Well for everyone that thinks this is good here you go. To Suikan. Dont post on this thread again.

Sub Zero.

The screen starts on a temple. It is very hot day. Which isnt surprising considering that this is the Netherrealm. We see a young warrior going through training routines. He is wearing all black. No doubt a wraith. The boy begins to shoot special attacks at a small dummy that has been set up for him. After the second black projectile is thrown at the dummy the warrior begins to shiver.
Boy: What i am in the netherrealm it doesnt get cold
Sub Zero: Well there is a first time for everything
The boy turns around to face Sub Zero. He is wearing his Lin Kuei attire. His eyes however are glowing a violent shade of blood red.
Boy: My master h-has told me about you. He said you should die if any of us saw you.
Sub Zero: Ha ha ha! Who is your master? The very weak Noob Saibot? Dont make me laugh. He tought he could kill me. Ha! he'll never do anything like it.
Noob Saibot: Oh really?
Sub Zero: You come here to fight? After i humiliated you during armageddon, you still dare to oppose me.
Noob Saibot: Not just me. My whole army wants to have a go at you Sub Zero. I cant deny them the pleasure. ATTACK!!!
A bunch of black wraiths start to attack Sub Zero. He gets into his fighting stance. He sends powerful blows at his opponents. Not one warrior is able to take a second hit. Finally the boy that was training attacks. He tries to roundhouse Sub Zero. Sub Zero grabs the boys leg and freezes his body. Sub then rips off the head and sends it flying at Noob. The rest of the boys body falls to the floor and shatters into a million peices. As for the boys head that is now zooming at Noob it is easily dodged.
Noob Saibot: How dare you take that boy out.
Sub Zero: You talk to me about honor? ha! ill show you honor when i rip your head from your shoulders.
Sub Zero lets out a war cry as he sends himself towards the wraith. Noob tries to evade but with his injurys he can do nothing. He gets a powerful cold shoulder. He sent backwards. He gets to his feet. Just to have a freezing projectile hit him. Sub Zero steps closer. He sweeps out the wraiths legs.
Sub Zero: Sub Zero wins. Flawless victory. FATALITY!!!!!!
Sub Zero then squashes the wraiths head into the dust. Or he would have had his brother not teleported.
Noob: you have won this one but its never over.
With that noob vanishes into thin air.
Sub Zero: We'll see.

Well that was long but what do you think
10/07/2006 12:29 AM (UTC)
Emac: I wnat Ermac to find the same sorceror that Scorpion is looking for. But i want Ermac to have the souls inside him split up. Into 100 separate bodies.
Tell me what you think

i dont thinks ermac should split up cause if he does what will be left? nothing a normal powerless human ninja and that suck cause weve seen enough of this!
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/07/2006 12:47 AM (UTC)
By we do you mean you
10/07/2006 01:39 AM (UTC)
Interesting,very interesting,I have to admit when boomboom wanted me to see this thread I thought it was just another khemeleon thread,but the bios you made are like the endings leo made,very good,however,scorpion is no longer neutral,hes good.
10/07/2006 01:49 AM (UTC)
where in the world do you get this stuff keep it upwow
About Me

I hate this place.

10/07/2006 01:52 AM (UTC)
HellrazerHD Wrote:
Interesting,very interesting,I have to admit when boomboom wanted me to see this thread I thought it was just another khemeleon thread,but the bios you made are like the endings leo made,very good,however,scorpion is no longer neutral,hes good.

I just said to comment, but okay. Anyways...

Sub zero's ending was cool, but he seemed too violent for his personality.

And I guess I forgot to metion there was too pages in this thing...
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

10/07/2006 01:53 AM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
Don't you just hate it when people dont reply your threads?


Btw, someone did reply to his thread, HIMSELF DID LOL
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/07/2006 11:42 AM (UTC)
I thank you for liking these ideas. Here is a new ending

The screen starts out in a heavily wooded area. The trees are eating what appears to be a skeleton. The screen then looks away from the tree to a woman in a blue and black ninja outfit. She is Kitana. She is in the living forest in Outworld. She looks around her area. She doesnt find anything and keeps moving. She walks for a while. We see the end of the forest. Kitana runs towards it. her hands rubbing against her steel fans while she runs, in case of an attack. She reaches the end of the forest. Her target is ten feet ahead of her. She stays hidden. Shao Khan is in sight. He is standing Kintaro. The two are talking. Kitana then grabs her steel fans. She will throw the two and knock out both creatures. But before she can.
Kintaro: I am not your servent Khan.
Shao Khan takes out his wrath hammer. Kintaro has his gauntlets. The two begin to swing their weapons at each other. Kitana sends a fan directly at Khan. Direct hit. Khan falls to the ground with a yelp of pain.
Khan looks at the steel fan lying a few feet from him
ShaoKhan: KITANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kitana steps into the clearing.
Shao Khan: You little wench. You dare strike the emporor of Outworld
Kitana: Yes. I do. For killing everyone i love.
Shao Khan begins to laugh. Kintaro seizes this oppertunity and strikes Khan in the back with all four of his gauntlets.
Kintaro: That is what you get for favoring the horses. Kintaro drops Shao Khans lifeless body to the ground with a thud.
Kintaro: Thank you Kitana. Like Sheeva. I now serve you. The new empress of Outworld
Kitana hadnt thought of that. Queen of Edenia and Outworld. No. Depending on how Rain did he can rule Outworld. Edenia was her homeworld she will rule it.
Kitana. Kintaro i will give you a choice. You can come with me to rule Edenia. Or you can stay here with Rain in Outworld.
Kintaro: I choose Edenia.
Kitana Very well.

Phew that was a long one.
About Me

guess what? thats what?

10/07/2006 02:25 PM (UTC)
yo ermac this is some sweet stuff right here.I like the words of riaden and shinook man.I'll create one I guess

Armageddon is now over only a few warriors are left.3 of them might become to powerful,powerful enough to destroy us,the all mighty elder gods.We have challenged them.To think Fujin wants mortal's to help he shall never be accepted into the pantheon of the elder gods.He should look at Raiden he earned his way to become an elder god but his greatest foe will always the fallen elder god,Shinnok.Us elder gods are the elments .We are furious that blaze has let us down we have made him pay with life and he shall never be revived.The 20 remaining warriors are:
Liu Kang
shang tsung
Li Mei
These warriors challegend us.We have accepted we Shall destroy them In mortal kombat.sad
About Me

I hate this place.

10/07/2006 04:59 PM (UTC)
dark_raiden_rules.... YOu make your story in another thread. Not this one, but anways, Kitana's ending...... smilegrin Kintaro is good now! Yeah! Thanx for doing that.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/07/2006 05:59 PM (UTC)
New ending.

the screeen starts out showing Torin looking around. He has an army of centaurs behind him.
Torin: Alright everyone. We are gonna envade Edenia. We can not fail. Shao Khan will be happy.
Torin then turns to face the Edenian army in front of him.
Torin: Attack!!!
All the ceuntaurs and Edenians charge at one another.
Torin than runs away from the battle into the woods.
He walks through the woods until he reaches the palace. He goes to the door. He charges at it to open it. Before he gets to the door a black boot connects with the side of his head. Torin falls to the floor with a thud.
Torin: Who dares strike me.
A women in a purple ninja outfit steps in front of him
Mileena: I did
Torin looks at mileena and exhales. Smoke spews out of his nostrills. He charges at mileena. Mileena dodges the attack. It doesnt do any good though. Torin recovers quickly and he seends his foot into Mileenas stomach. Mileena doubles over in pain. She recovers and pulls out her sais. Torin takes out his bull horn sword. The two weapons clang against eachother as the two fight. Torin then geves a mighty swing of his sword and both of Mileena's sai leave her hands and fall far away. Torin than begins to swing his sword madly at Mileena. He finally lands a hit on Mileena's stomach. He sends the sword through her back and holds Mileenas dead form up in the air and swings the body far away. Mileenas body lands with a smack in the middle of the square. A pool of blood culminates around her. Torin than appears next to the body
Torin: Edenia is mine.
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