Mortal kombat: Redemption Mileena Ending out. Please Discuss
posted10/24/2006 02:59 PM (UTC)by
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

Member Since
09/15/2006 10:57 PM (UTC)
Its over. Armageddon has ended. Twenty warriors survived this ordeal. The elder gods are enraged that Blaze has been stopped, considering he was their safeguard to stop the brutality of the warriors. Now the elder gods have challenged the remaining warriors to mortal kombat. All of us are battered and bruised. We must overcome our differences if we are ever going to defeat the elder gods. Beating the elder gods will let the warriors redeem themselves for their brutality.

Words of Fujin
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

09/24/2006 06:07 PM (UTC)
I will put a better version of the above if you guys like the idea, if you dont i will post the full version anyway
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

09/27/2006 12:09 AM (UTC)
Well now i will give you the full version.

Many people have different definitions on the word Redemption. Some feel as though redemption is when you make a mistake and try to make it all better. Then there is my definition. Redemption is when those who have killed and spilled gallons upon gallons of blood come together to defeat a giant threat.
Words of Fujin

Mortals! They test my patience so. Those who couldnt stand up to the challenge of armageddon have payed with their lives. There are those few that have survived. The elder gods are enranged. They feel as though all mortals should be destroyed. And i have to say i cant agree more. That fool Fujin has made the same mistake i did. Mortals will take advantage of his softness. The elder gods have decided to challenge the mortals to mortal kombat. Fujins greatest test. I must stop him from succeding.
Words of Raiden

Is it over. I must return to the netherrealm. I know that this is a wish that shall not be granted towards me. I am week after my long battle with Raiden. The elder gods wish to eliminate the mortals by themselves. It will be amazing to watch them ahnnihalate the mortals. Hehehehe. Fujin believes that if all the mortals come together they can defeat the elders. Ha! Now Raiden wants to stop them. Oh!! this will be to good.
Words of Shinnok

So guys what do you think. Just tell me what you think. Bios to come soon.

About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

09/28/2006 12:32 AM (UTC)
Allignment: Neutral

I am a spawn of hell. I still wish to see my human side though. I have been told of a sorceror that can help me regain my family and humanity. I must find him. Although from past experiances i have learned not to trust to many people. If he can help me, than i can finally rest in peace with my family. Quan Chi and Noob Saibot are no longer worring me. The only people that will suffer my might is anyone that gets in my way in finding this sorceror.

Sub Zero.
Allignment: Good

My... brother is dead. Well he is weak enough to be sent back to the netherrealm. He will be out for at least a few years regaining his strength. Now i must train Sareena. Frost was my past protogee. Now she is dead. This time for real. Sareena has agreed to be my newest apprentice. I cant teach her in Cryomancing. But in fighting skills i will help her out. The battle field is littered with bodies. I feel as though the dragon medallion has givin me strength beyond my years. i feel like a god. Like there is a greater power in me that is waiting to get out of me. I must stop it. Even i know what kind of power i would have if this power were to get out.

09/28/2006 01:03 AM (UTC)
Don't you just hate it when people dont reply your threads?
About Me

I hate this place.

09/28/2006 03:03 AM (UTC)
Pretty cool.
09/28/2006 07:17 AM (UTC)
you have a pretty creative imagination and are definitely a true fan of MK and think about it all day and kant sleep till armageddon komes out....IM the same way man, hahaha, but........even though I like your idea, I dislike the part about the Elder gods wanting to challenge and kill the mortals, because after them, there would be really no more enemies and without the elder gods there are no rulers or protecters of the world, and really you know..........if the elder gods wanted to kill us mortals, in all reality, MK is a game........a GREAT freakin game, but even it has its limits, and I think if the elder gods wanted the fighters dead, they could just snap their fingers, they bring them back to life to fight, like they did with JOhnny Cage, so I dont think it would be much of a fight. But you definitely have thought this over, and are a true die hard fan of MK, and I salute you forever for that man, peace. MOOOORRRTTAAAAALLLL KOOOMMBBBAAAATTT!!!!!!!

About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

09/28/2006 10:49 AM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
Don't you just hate it when people dont reply your threads?

Only a ltiile. New bios to come out at around 3
09/28/2006 04:26 PM (UTC)
interesting , i like this.
09/28/2006 04:35 PM (UTC)
nice stuff...
09/28/2006 08:18 PM (UTC)
LOL....this thread went alive after I posted that message.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

09/28/2006 08:47 PM (UTC)
More Bios

I have lost everything. i have lost my mother. I have lost my best friend. I have lost Liu Kang. What makes it worse. It was all because of Shao Khan. Being the new queen means nothing anymore. i have no one to celebrate it with. I plan to go to Outworld, to avenge the deaths of my friends. I will leave someone in charge.Rain is the most unlikely candidate but he volunteered.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! i am pleased with myself. Baraka is gone. He shall no longer be a threat to me. I must be queen. Kitana has decided to go to Outworld to avenge the death of our mother, and precious liu kang. Makes me want to heave. She has decided to put that idiot Rain in charge. That fool will do anything. I have to impersonate Kitana again. Baraka is no longer around to expose who i really am. If Kitana decides to come back i will tell her armies to attack her saying that she is me trying to impersonate her. i am too smart. First to get past Rain
09/28/2006 09:24 PM (UTC)
Rain: It has been many years since I had fought in Mortal Kombat. I once served the Emperor of Outworld , Shao Kahn, only to later find out after his defeat that he had killed my father, a great Edenian general. I went into the shadows after Kahn's defeat and attempted to avenge my father's death at the hands of Shao Kahn in Armageddon. Now that Kahn has been killed in the Armageddon I wish to redeem myself for the betrayal of my beloved Edenia. I know fight alongside my people, fending off all who wish to control our realm.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

09/28/2006 09:58 PM (UTC)
DarkSubZero Wrote:
Rain: It has been many years since I had fought in Mortal Kombat. I once served the Emperor of Outworld , Shao Kahn, only to later find out after his defeat that he had killed my father, a great Edenian general. I went into the shadows after Kahn's defeat and attempted to avenge my father's death at the hands of Shao Kahn in Armageddon. Now that Kahn has been killed in the Armageddon I wish to redeem myself for the betrayal of my beloved Edenia. I know fight alongside my people, fending off all who wish to control our realm.

That is what i was thinking but his bio wasnt till later. Also there is a few twists that you didnt mention that i will.

in the mean time

I have lost my patience with these mortals. Fujin too. His kindness towards the mortals will bring about his downfall. He thinks that if the mortals unite with eachother to take down the elder god that challenged them to mortal kombat. I must do everything in my power to make sure that Fujin fails. If i can defeat Shinnok, the mortals and Fujin should be no problem for me. All will fear the Dark Raiden

The elder god Razashi has challenged the battered mortals and i to mortal kombat. I must help them. They must unite if they ever wish to defeat him and his power over the Earth. He must be stopped. As should Raiden. He will help Razashi. He tells me that the mortals will take advantage of me. I do not have a weakness that would allow the mortals to take advantage of me.
About Me

r.i.p nujabes

09/29/2006 09:46 PM (UTC)
This is rather interesting...
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

09/30/2006 12:52 AM (UTC)
New bios

Noooooooo!!!! I have failed. I could not beat Noob Saibot. i have been sent back to the Netherrealm. And can feel all forms of demon flooding back into my system. The very same evil i tried to destroy is back in my system. Even my holy Kriss has a blackened taint to it. Maybe i wasnt meant to leave the Netherrealm. My allieigence now... is to Shinnok. He is the ruler of the netherrealm. Augh! the demon side is taking over the holy part of me.

We dont know what to do with ourselves. Armageddon is over. We wish to free ourselves into one body of our own. 100 bodys for 100 souls. In order to reach our goal we must find a sorcerror. We must find him. The souls inside us are eager to get out.Maybe with his help we can. At least we can go without trouble. Ashrah is no longer bothering us. with her defeat to Noob Saibot she has been sent to the netherrealm, which is a place we will never venture unless we have to.
About Me

I hate this place.

09/30/2006 04:44 AM (UTC)
Damn, your good at this.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

09/30/2006 12:45 PM (UTC)
New Bios

Finaly. Drahmin is gone. The spell he had over me is gone. No longer shall i be his slave. I have new plans for myself. I will help someone that helped me in the Netherrealm. He promised me friendship for his services. His name is Raiden. He says that he must help me defeat some Fujin and a bunch of mortals. I can taste it now. Human bones crunching under the might of my teeth. This Raiden character might be the best master ive ever had. But even an oni like me knows never to let my guard down with someone who is powerful.

I could not get rid of that stupid horse Motaro. And now the guy who makes the wind blow wishes us to join with each other to stop some enraged elder god. He wont do it and neither will i. i will rid the world of that horse. Him and his apprentice. With Sindel gone, i have no one to protect. Kitana is going to Outworld. Which is a place i will never venture. I will protect none. I will spend my time stratigizing. Figuring out how to lure Motaro into a false sense of security.

Comments: (forgot to post these)
Scorpion: I wanted to see Scorpion put his other goals aside and find the sorceror. The sorceror can hopefully give him his humanity.

Sub Zero: I want him to be a god. Sub Zero is a great character. He feels the evil part of the medallion flooding his insides

Kitana: I want kitana to pick up where Sindel left off in the war with shao Khan. Nothing else matters to her.

Millena: I wanted her to pick up on the imperssonation of Kitana. That was a good plot for her. Now all she has to get through is Rain.

Raiden: Since Dark Raiden appeared i wanted him to be a kick ass sub boss. Thats what i did here. I want him to do everthing he can to bring about the mortals downfall.

Fujin: Ive always seen Fujin as a great mentor type character. Thats kind of what i had him do here. He tries to get all the mortals together

Ashrah. I have always wanted the demon part of her to come back and for her to be evil. I also dont have her losing her Kriss. I have the Kriss tainted evil and the demon is taking over

Emac: I wnat Ermac to find the same sorceror that Scorpion is looking for. But i want Ermac to have the souls inside him split up. Into 100 separate bodies.

Moloch: Yeah. I have always thought that he was under Drahmins spell. With Drahmin dead its broken. Now Raiden is offering him friendship something that oni dont get everyday.

Sheeva: She is a little tough. I want her to stop protecting people and try and get rid of Motaro. Pretty straight forward

Tell me what you think
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/01/2006 11:32 PM (UTC)
New bios

I have survived armageddon. Yet i only have two legs. What is the meaning of this. No matter. I have a new apprentice by the name of Torin. He serves me well. He can handle himself. I have previous plans to attend to. I must have Shao Khan favor the centaurs over those for armed idiot shokans.

Shao Khan.
Onaga. What business does he have in Outworld. I am emporror. He is not. With the help of many of my loyal subjects help me subdue him. He is now heavily guarded in prison. He was not my greatest victory though. I finally got rid of that stubborn queen Sindel. May her remains burn in hell. Kitana wishes to come after me. Leaving the posistion of ruler of Edenia to Rain. I shall send many to Edenia to blindside the ninja.

New bios to come later
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/02/2006 12:54 AM (UTC)
New bios. nothing to do

To think i spent all those years serving Shao Khan. He killed Goro. Right in front of me. I no longer serve him. I know have an alliance with the female shokan Sheeva. She has plans to rid the world of centaurs. I fully agree. I also think that her and i should deal with Shao Khan for eliminating the prince of our race.

Having no sight is not a problem. I have other senses to see with. It does get annoying though. I miss it. Shang Tsung is dead. My ancestors now rest in peace. There is a sorceror. He can cure my blindness. I must find him. I have asked Sonya Blade to temporaroly leave the OIA for a while to find the sorceror.


Motaro. Want him to fight with Sheeva excellent rivalry. Wanted to build on it.

Shao Khan. He was a tough one. Wanted him to still want Edenia. Have him beat onaga

Kintaro. Wanted him to be a good guy since MK2. Did it here

Kenshi. That sorceror appears in a few bios. Kenshi wants his sight back

new bios soon.
About Me

r.i.p nujabes

10/02/2006 01:37 AM (UTC)
Pretty nice! keep up the good work!
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/02/2006 10:45 AM (UTC)
New Bios

I am cyrax. LK-4d4. I have regained my humanity. I work for the OIA under Sonya Blade. Kenshi is leaving on a mission. I asked him if he needs help. He said no. He is up to something. Giving his...state Sonya would never let him go anywhere by himself. I know where he is going. I heard him talking to someone saying the sorceror can help me. With Shang Tsung and Quan Chi dead, there cant be to many. Maybe i will follow

I finally have rid myself of the wraith Noob Saibot. I helped Sub Zero bring about his downfall. Now i wish to return to the Lin Kuei. Sub Zero is generous. He will definitely let me in. But before i go there, i am going to the OIA. For two things. Gain my humanity. Then burn the cyborg part of me into ash.
About Me

If hate consumes your very waking thought than souless is everywhere!

10/02/2006 02:27 PM (UTC)
I like that smoke one good job
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/02/2006 09:14 PM (UTC)
New Bios.

Onagas control has weakened my soul. As has the loss of my best friend and partner Jax. The black dragon still dare defy me. I got rid of the Red Dragon and the Tekunnin. Only one black Dragon remains. Jarek. He is too stubborn to admit defeat. He will die. Just like the other black Dragon. I will rid the world of all evil even if it kills me.

Kano is gone. Kabal is gone. All the black dragon leaders are dead. As is the black Dragon. I shall start a new clan. I shall call it the KunDoMa. All loyal to Jarek. Sonya will not defeat this clan. The black Dragon may be gone but Jarek and the KunDoMa stand. Just need to recruit members.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/02/2006 09:53 PM (UTC)
You are good AND fast. Kepp it up.
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