Mortal Kombat: Reborn
posted10/23/2006 06:51 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/13/2006 03:52 AM (UTC)
Alright here's my ideas for Mortal Kombat VIII. Basically the only two characters that survived AND are in the game are Sub Zero and Scorpion, as they are obviously the core ninjas. Anyway here's my overview of the story.

"The Past"
Mortal Kombat was about life rather then death. It used to be a sacred tradition. Indeed, it was, until Shang Tsung became Champion, was defeated by Kung Lao, and then Goro stepped in. From there it was a downward spiral. Liu Kang defeated Shang Tsung, only to have the Emperor Shao Kahn break the sacred law. This caused a domino effect and soon the realms were at war. Taven and Daegan quested to stop the coming Armageddon, but they were too late. As the Pyramid rose, the battle ensued. Many scrambled up the pyramid but most died. Taven, Scorpion, Sub Zero, Goro, and Liu Kang became the only ones to reach the top, though Taven reached it first. Spell bound by the law that one shall fight Blaze, Taven defeated him, and in his attempt to destroy Blaze, Daegan interfered, stabbing Blaze in the back. The gods of Edenia as well as the Elder Gods saw Daegans treachery, and when Taven's brother realized his folly, it was too late. Daegan ran, and escaped, and Taven had a new mission. In the meanwhile, Scorpion's clan returned to life, a "consolation reward" for reaching the top. Quan Chi stole Scorpion's son, causing the spectre to chase in hot pursuit. Blaze's energy coursed through Sub Zero, marking him for death by the Elder Gods, Liu Kang ascended to god status, and Goro regained his sense of honor, and slew Shang Tsung, Kahn, Onaga, and Kintaro in an epic battle. Of all the warriors that actually survived, Taven, Daegan, Scorpion, Sub Zero, Goro, Sonya, Johnny Cage, Liu Kang, and Kitana truly made it out alive. The world would never be the same.

The Present: Ten years have passed. Mortal Kombat has not since returned after the Armageddon. A annivery is celebrated - and mourned worldwide, for the great battle did indeed get noticed by all the major governments, though they never truly knew what it was about. All seems quiet through all the realms. Too quiet.

The Future: Something is brewing in the Netherrealm. The one being that was once the original Sub Zero and once Noob Saibot struggles with its self, trying to balance its rage and its humanity. Though something else watches him. Something evil. Within moments, Noob Saibot lays dead, its essence... consumed. An abomination of the truest form. A creature of conviction and pure evil. A being that calls itself "Death." Defeating Noob Saibot has given itself control of the Netherrealm.

Not long after, a now peaceful Outworld finds dark clouds overhead. The Shokan, and the new Emperor - Reiko - find themselves threatened by this very being Death. This creature... calling itself Death has challenged Outworld to Mortal Kombat. Indeed, Mortal Kombat took place, and the Netherrealm won. Now, they target the Earthrealm.

The Shaolin Monks have decided to challenge this being known as Death, who now controls Takartans, the Undead, as well as various other Outworld Races...

...meanwhile as it turns out, Quan Chi is behind this, using the figmant of "Death" take victories. In the end it is the sorceror being a puppet master as he craves the power. Corrupting the tournament like never before, now he has organized a Mortal Kombat that is unlike any have ever seen before.

Gameplay Concept

There are several options at Main Menu
Kombat - Your standard Mortal Kombat arcade style. The fighting engine however is revamped. The environment is fully useable 'ala Shaolin Monks x100 HOWEVER the fighting is different. Like all Mortal Kombat games it is indeed left side versus right side, and there are rounds. The difference is that each Kombatant has two fighting styles, a weapon style, and a "special style" The special style is what gives special moves. Instead of combos for special moves, you switch to special style and each button does a different special move. You beat the end, and you see the ending

Konquest - Like all Konquests you follow heroes to the end of the game EXCEPT you can choose either the main hero OR a past hero from MK. if you choose a hero of the past, your story takes place at Armageddon, and you rotate to the main hero.

Story Mode - Arcade Mode plus storyline cutscenes between fights.

About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/21/2006 12:47 PM (UTC)
Hmmm... Not bad. Why are the Tarkatans always being controled. They should roam free.

About Me

I hate this place.

10/23/2006 02:29 AM (UTC)
Wow. It's great. But it's Daegon, not Daegan.
About Me

"Time's up! Let's do this!... LEROYYYYYYYYY JENKINSSSSSSSSS!"

"You always screw up the plan Leroy!"

"At least I got chicken."

10/23/2006 06:51 AM (UTC)
I'm liking Story Mode. That's something i've been waiting to see for years.

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