Mortal Kombat:Personal Assasins (aka Shaolin Monks 2)
posted08/28/2006 07:02 AM (UTC)by
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Member Since
08/11/2006 06:32 PM (UTC)
Wassup Everybody I am Pretty new to this board but I just wanted to get my first Post out there in this forum.I was Playing Shoalin Monks for the 3rd time the other day and I was wondering Would'nt it be hot for them to come out with a game just for our sexy assasins Kitana, Mileena, and Jade.Here's a Possible Story:

Before the Events of MK II Shao Kahn the Emperor of outworld had Killed King Jerrod of Edenia and took the queen Sindel for his Bride.She had a daughter Kitana who was made to believe that Shao Kahn was her father.Queen Sindel was so heartbroken that she was left with nothing else to do but Hara Kiri.assuming that all of this happened as a child we go a couple of years into the future with our Kitana coming of age.Shao Kahn makes her his personal Assasin along with her twin sister Mileena and another female ninja Jade.Basically the story would revolve around Shao Kahn Dispatching His Assasins against his enemies,Princess Kitana learning the truth about her Past,the Rivalry between Mileena and Kitana,and a more in depth look at Jade's Background

Of course this Game would be non-canon.It could also coincide with Shaolin monks a little bit with Kitana interacting with Lui and Kung Lao a little bit.

Possible Character interactions:
Khameleon(ie I'll elaborate on this)
Skarlett.( I know ima get alot of hell about this one)
I'll Post others if I think about it.

They could fit Khameleon in the game because how can one person remain hidden for so long without being detected by anyone.They could even go as far as making her a big part of the game by having her be the one to tell Kitana about her true past because it never really became clear as to how she found out.

Now about Skarlett.They could just have her as being a assasin in training who got a little beside herself and had to get dealt with.

Lastly I think something that this game should have that would make it better than Shaolin Monks would be multiple endings it Should at least be 6.One for each character,then character combinations(ie.Kitana and Mileena,Jade and Kitana,etc).

So everybody give me your thoughts.I'm sorry my thought was'nt so well developed, but this was my first posting so please be nice oh yea and give your opinions.Thanks

08/27/2006 07:09 PM (UTC)
Now thats just scary wheres lui kang kung lao or the other heroeswink
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08/28/2006 07:02 AM (UTC)
The game is supposed to take place before Shaolin Monks around the same time the original Mortal Kombat takes place and then lead up into the events of Shoalin Monks while spanning into its own adventure.
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