Mortal Kombat Online (Great Idea!)...
posted11/06/2006 05:27 AM (UTC)by
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05/09/2006 12:22 AM (UTC)
As the name implies "Mortal Kombat Online", is known as a popular website (this one of course). But how about impling the title to an actual game made for online! How kick a** would that be!

Street Fighter Online ( has accomplished this idea via shockwave, I believe. It's got just about every option you could ask for! Ex: Teamplay, Tag, etc... etc... And best of all it is free!

If someone could make a similiar game in tribute to MK, probably reminiscent of the classic 2d gameplay with better visuals (like SFO has done). The game would take off. Only some technicals things should be a necessity if it were to be done - An option... to use a joystick/pad, for fullscreen/widescreen, and maybe some other things (not found in SFO). Oh yeah and make it only cable/dsl/broadband/t1/t2 etc... connections only! Regular modems 56k and under just won't cut it when it comes to online play, so the inclusion of multiplayer offline would be kick ass as well.

Seriously! check out the Street Fighter Online game, Then you'll know what I'm talking about. Kudos! and thx for reading

ps. I hope somebody could make this happen and deliver us the best MK experience, we all should of had!
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Hey, what the f%#& you doing?
11/02/2006 10:24 PM (UTC)
f****** awesome idea :D
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11/03/2006 12:18 AM (UTC)
robsonfp Wrote:
f****** awesome idea :D

I'm glad you agree with me smile

yeah... the possibilties would be endless if this where to happen! You guys really got to try the SOF game out, at least. It's similiar to Marvel vs Capcom 2, only i'm not that big of a fan of that type of series, but the idea in itself is just ingenius and if they were to do something similair to MK with an online component. It would be just to good to be true!
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I'm taller than a hall of midgets.

11/03/2006 02:51 AM (UTC)
It's actually something that already exists on Xbox Live called UMK 3 where u can play online. It's pretty awsome, you should check it out. (Assuming you have a 360)
11/03/2006 10:31 PM (UTC)
I do not like SFO mainly because of its EXTREME lag, but if they can take the lag out, then it would be much better. Its funny how some people on SFO claim they are gods of SF when they just won by lag, wait till they play SFA3 on Kaillera then they will see. I think MKO should be its own file and not a shockwave one (which is probly the cause of the lag)
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11/05/2006 12:03 PM (UTC)
Hmm... You have a very strong point about the lag with shockwave, unless theirs a way to make it broadband, dsl, + faster connections only. I was searching the net recently and came across a video on how I think the fighters should look graphically. I'm sure many of you are familiar with the mugen engine (the custom fighter creator). So maybe mugen would be more or so the way to go. You can check the video out here,;=related&search;=
It appears both scorpion & subzero have been somewhat animated in a 2d style, reminiscent of street fighter. I think this would give mk a fresh new look, if it were to be done for all characters and levels. My only concern with mugen is... Is there an option to have online and more options for customization outside of what the engine already has to offer.
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I hate this place.

11/05/2006 07:24 PM (UTC)
Oh! You know hat place!? Wow, I joined that place almost a year ago. My user name is xWeaponx.
I'm not a mod or anything, but that's my username.
It's really cool, but sometimes it's pretty hard.
Wow, pm me.
11/06/2006 05:27 AM (UTC)
The admin says the reason for the lag is because of the speed requirements to run SFO at a full FPS rate, if one person gots a slow piece of crap pc and the other got a blazing fast PC then it would be very laggy, it can also depend on speed differences on both computers.
unless it was turn based, then Mortal Kombat with shock wave would not be a good idea but Mortal Kombat with its own file would run fine.

it Needs either the UMK3 engine or the easier MK2 engine, and they should make it where when you beat people, your unlock people (Like SFO)
and there could be a player vs CPU ladder (like every fighting MK game) to unlock even more stuff.
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