Mortal Kombat: Ninja Spector
Here's my idea for Scorpion's own game. I would like to see it based on the MK1 story which is based on Scorpion's quest for revenge as he battles his way past his kombatants and Shang Tsung's henchmen and the final boss of the game is: you guessed it Sub-Zero. That's what I think.
04/03/2005 09:58 PM (UTC)
how bout titles such as...


Burning Revenge
Scorpians Hell
i dunno Ninja Spector isnt very original.!
Well since, Liu Kang and Kung Lao's game is called "Shaolin Monks" which describes them perfectly, I thought it'd be best to suit Scorpion's own game like that.
04/04/2005 02:37 AM (UTC)
I like that idea but I think it should go up to the end of mk 2 when he see's subby spare someons life and sais he will be the guardian of sub-zero for killing his brother
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04/04/2005 07:45 AM (UTC)
johnnycage04 Wrote:
I like that idea but I think it should go up to the end of mk 2 when he see's subby spare someons life and sais he will be the guardian of sub-zero for killing his brother

That never happened. He didn't become Sub-Zero's protector, obviously demonstrated in his MK4 ending, where he fights and defeats sub-zero. Scorp's MK4 ending did actually occur, as MKDA picks up from it (Quan Chi stuck in the Netherealm with Scorpion).

Anyway, good idea for a game, though I would like to see the game pick up from his death, to his transformation in the Netherealm and the trials he faced, and then going up to the tournament when he kills Sub-Zero. Afterwards, a few select battles throughout MK history resulting in his ascension to Champion of the Elder Gods, and there you go. But a prequel kept solely on his transformation in the netherealm leadig up to his battle with Sub-Zero would be awesome.
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04/04/2005 07:52 AM (UTC)
Wrong. Scorpion indeed acted as his protector untill the start of MK4 when the resurfacing Quan Chi informed him about his family and it's demise. To that time Scorpion was ignorant towards his family simply becouse he could not and ould not pay them attention, probably becouse of his secret curse.

remeber: the clan was wi0ped out before MK1, but the family was killed during or after MK3. That is why Scorpion pronounced vendetta against a Sub-Zero, this time towards the younger one.
The Scorpion becoming Sub-Zero's protecter did happen. Though I just hope they don't retcon it with Shaolin Monks. *really hopes that doesn't happen*
04/04/2005 09:54 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Wrong. Scorpion indeed acted as his protector untill the start of MK4 when the resurfacing Quan Chi informed him about his family and it's demise. To that time Scorpion was ignorant towards his family simply becouse he could not and ould not pay them attention, probably becouse of his secret curse.

remeber: the clan was wi0ped out before MK1, but the family was killed during or after MK3. That is why Scorpion pronounced vendetta against a Sub-Zero, this time towards the younger one.

No actually Shang is right. Scorpion never officially became the protector of Sub-Zero, the only place that its stated in is his MK2 and MK3 ending which cannot be taken seriously, especially when none of his bios ever supported it. Besides it wouldnt make sense for him to be the protector then try to kill Sub-Zero again. Scorpion's family was not killed during MK3, they were killed during the MK Mythologies period (before the 1st tournament) because when Sub-Zero is in the Netherrealm Scorpion blammed Sub-Zero for murdering his family.

Fact is Scorpion still blammed Sub-Zero for his family's murder up until MK4 when Scorpion learned it was Quan Chi.
Actually Quan Chi told Scorpion in MK4 at first that the younger Sub-Zero killed his family and clan. Scorpion turned his back on his vow to protect Sub-Zero and though he (reluctantly) agreed to work for Shinnok. His real objective was just to find Sub-Zero and make him pay. The two fought their final battle with Scorpion emerging the winner. But then Quan Chi revealed to Scorpion the truth... and well you know the rest.
04/04/2005 11:16 PM (UTC)
ProudNintendofan Wrote:
Actually Quan Chi told Scorpion in MK4 at first that the younger Sub-Zero killed his family and clan. Scorpion turned his back on his vow to protect Sub-Zero and though he (reluctantly) agreed to work for Shinnok. His real objective was just to find Sub-Zero and make him pay. The two fought their final battle with Scorpion emerging the winner. But then Quan Chi revealed to Scorpion the truth... and well you know the rest.

WHAT? Where did Quan Chi tell Scorpion that Sub-Zero killed his family? Granted he PROBABLY told Scorpion in MK Mythologies, (hence the reason for Scorpion entering the tournament) but nothing in MK4 says anything about Quan Chi telling Scorpion that Sub-Zero killed his family. Im not coninced that Scorpion ever knew there were 2 Sub-Zero's until after MK4.
No... Scorpion assumed that the FIRST Sub-Zero killed his family and clan. It wasn't until Quan Chi told him in MK4 that he believe it was the new Sub-Zero. Then he found out Quan Chi was the real murderer
04/05/2005 02:16 AM (UTC)
ProudNintendofan Wrote:
No... Scorpion assumed that the FIRST Sub-Zero killed his family and clan. It wasn't until Quan Chi told him in MK4 that he believe it was the new Sub-Zero. Then he found out Quan Chi was the real murderer

And I ask AGAIN, where in the MK4 storyline or anyone's bios did it say that Quan Chi said anything to Scorpion about Sub-Zero murdering Scorpion's family? It sure wasnt in Scorpion's bio.
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04/05/2005 03:18 AM (UTC)
::sigh:: thanks for backing me up Sub. It just drives me nuts when people who don't really know much at all about the history of some MK characters tell me I'm wrong.

Unless you're just really dense, you know that all MK endings are 'potential'. Although certain events may occur from them, not all events usually do. Scorpion NEVER assumed the role of younger Sub-Zero's "personal protector". He never even knew that it was Sub-Zero's younger brother. He thought that Sub had somehow cheated death, which is why he was shocked to see him during MK2, and even more shocked to see him spare an opponent's life. THAT happened. However, Scorpion never vowed to become his protector, because he never figured out that he was the younger brother.

If he had chosen to assume the role of his protector, then why on Earth would he 'exact his vengeance' in MK4, declare that Sub-Zero the murderer of his clan and family, and then say 'if you are not the murderer, then WHO IS?' if he knew that it was younger sub-zero? Scorpion's MK4 ending was complete canon. He defeated Sub-Zero, and found out that it was in fact Quan Chi who was responsible for the death of his clan and family. Both Scorpion's clan and his family were killed BEFORE MK1, during the events of MKM. Quan Chi saw to that. In fact, the key events of MKDA with Quan Chi finding the Runestone in the netherealm and then escaping witht he amulet are a direct result of Scorpion's ending.

If you still can't comprehend this, fire up MKM and play through the first level. The cinematic at the end of it will explain everything.

04/05/2005 05:57 AM (UTC)
What I don't get is that in subs or scorps ending in MK4 Sub said that he was responsable for scorps death. And we all know that it was his older brother who did it not him.
04/05/2005 06:27 AM (UTC)
What Sub-Zero actually said is that the Lin Kuei was responsible for Scorpion's murder, which is obvious to Scorpion anyways.
It was in Scorpion's MK4 ending, but you could easily assume that Quan Chi told him that
04/05/2005 10:14 PM (UTC)
Yes that can be assumed, doesnt mean its right, however its not the only assumption one could make. One could also assume that Quan Chi secretely knew that Scorpion would try to hunt down Sub-Zero as well. Quan Chi afterall did have a vendetta against Sub-Zero.

And what better way to get rid of Sub-Zero than to have a warrior who is already mad at him?
04/06/2005 08:31 PM (UTC)
So is Scorpion well aware that there is more than one Sub-Zero? I am confused confused

I thought of it like this at the end of Mortal Kombat 2 Scorpion relized that the man who was after was not the Sub-Zero who killed him long ago, and was in fact another. So he left Earthrealm and returned to the depths of hell knowing that his family was still out there and that he could not be united with them because he left his past behind him and became Scorpion as soon as he made that pact with the demons to get revenge on his killer whom he hated in his previous life.

Mortal Kombat 3 happened, and Scorpion was pretty much out on his own wandering the destroyed lands of Outworld and Earthrealm during Shao Kahn's invasion as a wild card type character. Shao Kahn was defeated and Scorpion returned back into hell.

Now in Mortal Kombat 4, Quan Chi went into the Netherealm broke Shinnok free and Shinnok had already been in control of the Netherealm after he thwarted the original ruler from power. Quan Chi knew Scorpion would be an asset and knew of Scorpion's family because he in fact murdered them himself. Sub-Zero had knowledge passed down upon him from his older brother about Shinnok's amulet and the mysterious powers it holds. Sub-Zero decided that he would finish what his brother had started long ago and wore his clothes in honor of him. Quan Chi I bet was well aware of Sub-Zero's presense so he decided to use Scorpion as a tool to eliminate this threat while focusing on other fronts of the battles to come. So Scorpion was after the original Sub-Zero mainly due to his own death, not for his family and clans. And he put the blame on the youger Sub-Zero for the murder of his family.

In Scorpion's mind, he probably thought that since he killed his brother, Sub-Zero in an act of revenge took away what he held precious in Earthrealm and what he sacrificed his mortal life for, and that made him extremely pissed. It explains why after he discovered the true killer, why he won't rest.

Please Tell Me I'm Right... Because this is what I had thought since Mortal Kombat 4.
04/10/2005 12:30 AM (UTC)
to tell u the truth the scorpion game sounds hot but wut about all the other characters in mk how great would it be if they all got theyre own games too at least the really important ones with the most interesting storylines
04/10/2005 12:30 AM (UTC)
to tell u the truth the scorpion game sounds hot but wut about all the other characters in mk how great would it be if they all got theyre own games too at least the really important ones with the most interesting storylines
04/10/2005 12:30 AM (UTC)
to tell u the truth the scorpion game sounds hot but wut about all the other characters in mk how great would it be if they all got theyre own games too at least the really important ones with the most interesting storylines
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04/10/2005 12:59 AM (UTC)
Here's what's clear:

Scorpion announced in the Official Midway MKII comic (by John Tobias) that he WAS the protecor of Sub-Zero. Parts of endings (like Scorpion's UMK3 ending) that mention the past are canon, until retconned.

Here's where it gets unclear:

MK4 (and to some extent, MKM) may have retconned the whole "protector" deal in the first place, if MKSM doesn't do it soon. They never said until MKM/MK4 that Scorpion's family had been killed in the first place. In MKM Scorpion blames the elder Sub-Zero (who later becomes Noob), but in his MK4 ending he blames the younger Sub-Zero.

There's not necessarily a contradiction here, just a couple gaps. It's possible that Quan Chi told Scorpion the younger Sub-Zero was in on it just before MK4, and that caused Scorpion to abandon his protector status.
07/12/2006 01:56 AM (UTC)
Sounds cool, I'm fine with the name.
07/12/2006 02:09 AM (UTC)
That would be alright, but it might be better if it followed his story all the way to MKA.
07/20/2006 04:01 AM (UTC)
"That would be alright, but it might be better if it followed his story all the way to MKA."


I also think it would be cool for the game to start in Scorpion's childhood, Fable-style. This way, the player would actually get to know and care about Hanzo Hasashi(sp?) and his family. They will learn about how he became a great ninja and be there when he learns how to use the tools of his trade. They will develop bonds with the people who helped to shape the young Scorpion into a great warrior. Then, when they get murdered and it comes time to take revenge, the player will feel some fraction of the rage that Scorpion posesses.

From there the game would follow Scorpion's exploits as depicted in the MK fighting games, perhaps also adding an overarching main plot and sub-plots. You will meet many new heroes and villains as well as battle with classic characters like Sub-Zero, Liu Kang and others.
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