Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub Zero VI
posted05/23/2006 03:31 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/22/2006 06:55 PM (UTC)
Sup guys, I was a huge fan of the series from MK1-MK4, then when Mortal Kombat dropped off for a couple years I dropped off from being a fan with it. I didn't bother with DA or Deception until I heard about Armageddon coming out, and nostalgia hit me and I bought Deception and got right back into the series. The story's always got me coming back, even with all the damn plot holes, and I always thought a sequel from the first Mythologies could be made on Noob's younger brother.


The Beginning
I'll just call the original Sub-Zero Noob for namesake. It starts out with Sub-Zero getting started in the Lin Kuel, having Noob a couple years experience in the clan over him, and Noob showing his bro the ropes. During Sub's time in the Lin Kuel he gets acquainted with Sektor, Cyrax, and Smoke, and between them becomes good friends with Smoke. Him and Sektor also become huge rivals, as Sub-Zero is brought up to be the Lin Kuei's next greatest warrior. Sektor being the one who's very jealous of Sub. He also sees Tremor here, but only for a short time because Tremor ends up leaving, and the Lin Kuei marks him for death. Good example would be that the Lin Kuei puts out a contract on his head. A cool concept here for the video game would be to have Noob train Sub how to master the cold and learn his abilities. Also have Sub here realize that the clan Noob's in is cold-blooded (no pun intended) and in the back of his mind wants to leave the clan, but only stays because of his brother and the generations of his family involved in the clan. He'd rather be a man of honor.

Noob gets the call from the Lin Kuel and Quan Chi (MK:M)
This is when the original MK:M begins. Sub's learned all the abilities he needed from the Lin Kuel and his brother and becomes a great warrior. Noob leaves his brother for his mission with all the strength necessary. Have Sub question his brother on what he's doing and Noob telling him that he's doing what he has to do for the clan. With Noob on Quan Chi's mission, Sub-Zero starts developing his own mindset with the clan, and without Noob he no longer has the desire to believe in the sacred codes of the clan. The clan considers him dishonorable, but regardless, Sub-Zero sticks with it. Out of all the people in the clan, the only one that respects and befriends Sub-Zero is Smoke.

Mortal Kombat I
Noob is back from his mission, and after hearing what Noob accomplished with the whole MK:M story (vs Quan Chi/Shinnok), Shang Tsung invites him to MK. The Lin Kuei give orders to Noob to assassinate Shang Tsung, and send Smoke to watch in stealth (if you remember in MK2, when you face Smoke, a mention is made that he was at MK1) Noob tells him the story about it all, and Sub-Zero asks him if everything he did was the right thing to do, and Noob says no, as he thinks about Hanzo Hasashi's murder in cold-blood, but never tells Sub about it. Sub sees a taint of evil through his brother that he believes ran through him because of the Lin Kuei. Sub-Zero wants to leave the clan, but Noob convinces him to stay again. The conclusion of MK1 is also what made Sub-Zero stay.

Mortal Kombat 2
Use the original MK2's storyline, not MK Shaolin Monks here. Sub-Zero goes to MK2 for the same mission Noob had, and has Smoke sent with him to watch his back in stealth. The addition I'd make for this game would be that Sub-Zero's motives, besides completing Noob's mission to kill Shang Tsung, are also to find out what happened to Noob. After spraring an opponents life, Scorpion, aka Hanzo Hasashi learns that this is a new Sub-Zero and explains that he killed his brother just like Noob did to him. You guys get the point with this storyline. Sub and Noob do not cross paths, as they are on completely seperate missions, but Smoke and Noob do. Smoke sees some familiarity in him, but nothing is ever mentioned. Kung Lao also gives Sub-Zero his scar, as this story does make sense because he also gave Goro a similar slash in MK:Gold on his chest.

Sub-Zero gets back to the clan and tells him what he learned, and depises being a Lin Kuei even more, and also loses respect for his brother and what he did to Scorpion. The end of the line comes when the Lin Kuei gets the balls to make their guys into cybernetics. Sub knew Sektor and Cyrax would do it because his whole life they have stayed very loyal to the Lin Kuei. Sub remembers how Tremor bailed and what would happen if he broke the clan's sacred codes, but he left anyway, and Smoke followed way. A great story here would be that the reason they caught Smoke and not Sub-Zero is because Cyrax/Sektor are programmed to detect heat. As Sub/Smoke were running/hiding, it was winter, and Sub's blood was too cold for them to detect (like Predator), but they were able to catch Smoke, as stealthy as he was, because they detected his bodyheat in the cold.

You guys know the story from here, I wanted to throw out somespeculation for the main piece of the game. This is my conclusion to MK:A, and with this as the conclusion, it would make for an AMAZING game.

Sub's the Lin Kuei's grandmaster, and Raiden reigns as the protector of Earthrealm, Outworld, and Edenia. With Blaze and Onaga out of the picture, Liu Kang has reign of Mortal Kombat champion, and protector of Earthrealm. Sindel/Kitana rule Edenia, with outworld needing a ruler, he appoints Sub-Zero as the ruler and the protector. He leaves the Lin Kuei out in Earthrealm.

Outcome of Sub-Zero's important friends/enemies
Cyrax - The OIA (Sonya/Jax) survives the Armageddon and Cyrax gets them to ally up with Sub in Outworld. The OIA becomes very successful and Sub-Zero has them as an ally, allowing them to do any business they need in Outworld, as well as allying them with the Lin Kuei.

Sektor - He survives Armageddon. The Teknunin also become very powerful, and they develop a strong army. Sektor programs them to terminate the Lin Kuei and any of their allies. The Teknunin also become so advanced they created their own way to gain access to Outworld, and they are also to destroy it and hunt down Sub.

Noob/Smoke - During Armageddon, Sub and Noob confront each other and Sub tries to unmake his brother from being a wraith. Noob stayed back from the events of Armageddon and became a big player, taking rule of the Netherealm over Shinnok, Quan Chi, etc. All of the baddies are down there with him, including any evil deceased kombatants. Rather than fighting each other, Sub finds a means of negotiation with his brother, as now they both have realms at stake. Sub gets Noob to release Smoke, and he sends Smoke to the OIA, which make him human again. Sub appoints Smoke as master of the Lin Kuei in Earthrealm, and Smoke uses his own techniques of stealth to shape the clan. Noob then tells Sub-Zero that their conversation's the last they'll ever have, as Noob has his own agenda (take over all the realms)

Noob - He's got control over all the kombatants that stayed pure evil in the Netherrealm. And he's got rule over them. He's got alot of power down there, and he wants to use it.

Sareena - Sub should've never trusted a demon. During Armageddon she turned his back to rule the Netherrealm with her one time ally and potential lover, Noob. Consider her Netherealm's queen. Frost - Sub tosses her into the netherealm lol

So here's the game folks. Have Sub-Zero in it pre-MK1, have highlights of his career MK1-MKA, and the big portion of the game be post-MKA.

It's Outworld/Lin Kuei/OIA etc vs Teknunin/Netherrealm. An interesting note is that Scorpion's in the Netherrealm, and he despises Noob, especially that he has the reigns down there. He'd be just the player Sub-Zero's looking for. And don't forget, the climax of the game is
Sub-Zero vs Sub-Zero(Noob).

I have alot of plotholes and information here, point out anything to me that needs to be straightened out or changed and I'll do my best to make sense out of this. There's so much going on between the two brothers in their story and theyr'e intertwined with everybody, so it's difficult to piece it all together. I think with the end results of Armageddon that I pointed out though, it'd make a badass game. I'm leaving all this out in the open and I think with your help this can turn out to be a great story. I lost focus here and just remember the story's in the eyes of Sub Zero VI.
05/22/2006 08:32 PM (UTC)
Sounds interesting. Sub-Zero's story is such that he could easily be the subject of his own game.

Only things I'm not keen on is Kung Lao giving him the scar, Sub-Zero ruling Outworld, and Sareena betraying him.

I just don't like the idea of Sub-Zero's scar coming from Kung Lao. I think he should've gotten while escaping the Lin Kuei with Smoke.
I'm also very hesitent about characters becoming kings. I have the same reaction when people say Liu Kang should become King of Edenia. It just doesn't work for me.

Those are minor opinions, but Sareena betraying Sub-Zero then joining Noob in the Netherealm I think is a poor choice. For one thing, I don't buy Sareena wanting to stay in the Netherealm since she hates it there. But more importantly, I think it'd be a waste of her character and cliche for her to simply be evil. Not to mention redundent since Frost has already betrayed Sub-Zero as well.

Aside from that, the idea seems good and the plot is for the most part pretty solid.
05/22/2006 09:17 PM (UTC)
="Only things I'm not keen on is Kung Lao giving him the scar, Sub-Zero ruling Outworld, and Sareena betraying him.

I just don't like the idea of Sub-Zero's scar coming from Kung Lao. I think he should've gotten while escaping the Lin Kuei with Smoke.
I'm also very hesitent about characters becoming kings. I have the same reaction when people say Liu Kang should become King of Edenia. It just doesn't work for me."=

The idea didn't really make sense either to me, but when I saw Kung Lao mark Goro the same way, it hit me that the man just might like to leave a mark on people.

The other idea I had was that, say, in the Lin Kuei's sacred codes, the scar is basically a "mark for death," actually making sense with his MK3 storyline, regardless if Boon claims it doesn't. Laying the scar on your face vertically across your eye would be the Lin Kuei's biggest insult, thus why Sub-Zero did it.

Rather than Sub-Zero being a ruler, I meant by that as a protector/ambassador type of role. For people in outworld, he'd be the man to make all the decisions. A ruler is typically a bad guy like Shao Kahn, but Raiden appointing Sub-Zero as the protector, especially for Mortal Kombat makes sense, especially with the cyromancer ancestry being there. Regardless, though, my storyline's being built to a final duel of Sub-Zero/Noob, and in order to make that duel as big as it is, Noob's ruling the Netherrealm. Rulers are villains, and with him becoming a real player among the baddies, it makes sense for him to finally earn that.

="Those are minor opinions, but Sareena betraying Sub-Zero then joining Noob in the Netherealm I think is a poor choice. For one thing, I don't buy Sareena wanting to stay in the Netherealm since she hates it there. But more importantly, I think it'd be a waste of her character and cliche for her to simply be evil. Not to mention redundent since Frost has already betrayed Sub-Zero as well."=

I'm a fan from the original games and just got into the new games, so I haven't got Frost down. But if you recall in Sareena's MK:TE ending:

"While in Outworld, the demon known as Sareena encountered Sub-Zero. Since she had freed his brother from his confines of the Netherealm so many years ago, Sub-Zero offered her asylum within the Lin Kuei. His compassion may be honorable, but befriending a demon of the Netherealm is not an action without risk...
As Sub-Zero may soon discover."

I didn't make the choice of Sarenna betraying Sub-Zero, I just based that part of the story on the most probable chance.

Something else I wanted to throw in, the Netherrealm and death haven't made much sense in the storylines, because when people say they're dead, they go to either heaven or hell(netherrealm), and they can come back anyway through a portal. So for it to make more sense, the storyline of the netherrealm should be that the realm consists of freeground, and then layers below it. The more evil you were at life, the further down you go, and the harder it is to get back up. For example, Scorpion would be at the freeground, while if Shao Kahn died, he would go down to, say, the 10th layer. When Noob died, he was evil, but he wasn't at Shao Kahn's level of evil, so he was at freeground, and had more opportunity to conquer.

Also I completely forgot about the Brotherhood of the Shadow. That makes things more interesting, because with Noob ruling the Netherrealm, he'd obviously have the rule over them, which makes another crew the enemy of the Lin Kuei.
05/22/2006 11:40 PM (UTC)
The thing with Kung Lao giving Sub-Zero his scar in the same way he gave Goro a scar is you then have to give a reason for it. Kung Lao scarred Goro as "revenge" for the death of his ancestor. If you're going to have him scar Sub-Zero, Sub-Zero needs to have wronged him in some way first.
And hopefully not in the lam eway MK: Shaolin Monks suggested where they just automatically assumed they were enemies.
MKGuru Wrote:
But if you recall in Sareena's MK:TE ending:

"While in Outworld, the demon known as Sareena encountered Sub-Zero. Since she had freed his brother from his confines of the Netherealm so many years ago, Sub-Zero offered her asylum within the Lin Kuei. His compassion may be honorable, but befriending a demon of the Netherealm is not an action without risk...
As Sub-Zero may soon discover."

I didn't make the choice of Sarenna betraying Sub-Zero, I just based that part of the story on the most probable chance.

But what if Sareena is a risk, but it's something she can't control or may not even be aware of? What if she is a danger to Sub-Zero, but she doesn't want or mean to be? That would make her relationship with Sub-Zero all the more interesting, IMO.
All I'm saying is Sareena has a lot more to offer to the story, and can be a lot more interesting, than being yet another power-hungry traitor.

Not to mention, I think the idea makes Sub-Zero appear very foolish...
"I was betrayed by a Demon from the Netherealm?! I never would have thought!"
05/23/2006 03:31 AM (UTC)
="The thing with Kung Lao giving Sub-Zero his scar in the same way he gave Goro a scar is you then have to give a reason for it. Kung Lao scarred Goro as "revenge" for the death of his ancestor. If you're going to have him scar Sub-Zero, Sub-Zero needs to have wronged him in some way first.
And hopefully not in the lam eway MK: Shaolin Monks suggested where they just automatically assumed they were enemies."=

Shaolin Monks screwed up the original MK story, shame for any newer MK fan that considers it canon. That makes sense about Kung Lao, let's stick to the 2nd theory.

="But what if Sareena is a risk, but it's something she can't control or may not even be aware of? What if she is a danger to Sub-Zero, but she doesn't want or mean to be? That would make her relationship with Sub-Zero all the more interesting, IMO.
All I'm saying is Sareena has a lot more to offer to the story, and can be a lot more interesting, than being yet another power-hungry traitor.

Not to mention, I think the idea makes Sub-Zero appear very foolish...
"I was betrayed by a Demon from the Netherealm?! I never would have thought!""=

Sareena could be the parallel opposite of Noob then. While Noob constantly grew from good to pure evil, we can have Sareena growing from pure evil to good. Having Scorpion in the Netherrealm, he can be the wildcard to stop Noob, while Sareena can be the wildcard to save him.

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