Mortal Kombat Mythologies 2
posted12/19/2006 08:58 PM (UTC)by
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08/30/2006 03:10 AM (UTC)
I was just thinking wouldn't it be cool if they made a Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Scorpion. I mean he has an awesome story. You could start with trying to get the map in MK Mythologies 1, then you can add in all the stories of him avenging himself, his family, and clan with Sub-Zero and Quan Chi. You also could have levels going through Outworld, Earthrealm, and the Netherrealm, and with todays graphics it could be like a Shaolin Monks kind-of-thing. Well, I would like to know your opinions so let me know your opinions. Tell me if it's a good idea or not. furious
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10/28/2006 06:06 AM (UTC)
Yea, and they just...pallete swap the whole game!!

No....just pokin fun at ya there.

I think I could live without it, even though it's an o.k. concept.
10/29/2006 03:10 AM (UTC)
There were rumors of it back when Shaolin Monks was being made (Before we knew what the new MK game was going to be) and I thought it would be cool...but it'd have to be done right. We'd have to see Scorpion has Hanzo at the beginning, instead of his spectral form, and that could be kind of weird.
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"Blaze rules all! May killer heat waves cosume your soul!".

10/29/2006 11:35 AM (UTC)
Yep great idea. It could start out like this:



Takeda(Scorpion):I must prepare for war. The warlords are taking over our domain. I wonder who they are.
Wife: Looks like our son will have to continue training later after you arrive. Be sure to take care of yourself Takeda.
Takeda:Do not worry. I will be home looking un wounded.
Son:Goodbye father!

Chapter 1:Battle for the Domain

Takeda: I must find out who the warlords are. It seems my clan the Shirai Ryu are already preparing for battle.
Shirai Ryu Apprentice: My lord! We have found out that it is the Lin Kuei Grandmaster Sub Zero! He is attacking our base!
Takeda:Prepare for battle then!

My clan members are all dead. But still they fought well in war. I must now face the Grand Master responsible for destroying my domain.

Sub Mission: Sub Zero

Sub Zero:You there! Are you the one known as Takeda?
Takeda:Yes. You must be the Grand Master destroying my base! Why did you come here?
Sub Zero: The Scorceror Quan Chi told me that you have stolen the Lin Kuei's Warriors Medellion and for that I may have to kill you.
(Quan Chi appears)
Quan Chi:Fool!(Throws a green ball at Takeda)
Takeda faints.
Sub:Why did you do that?
Quan:Hahaha! He is dead. I will take him to The Netherealm.
Sub:What about The Medellion?
Quan:That can wait.(dissapears into a green portal)

Chapter 2: The Netherealm
(Scorpion wakes up)
Scorpion:Uh! What happened? Wh?Where am I? This cant be hell!?
Quan Chi:But it is Scorpion.
Sc:Who are you?
Chi:My name is Quan Chi. You were dead when you met Sub Zero back in Earthrealm. Your wife and son are killed as well.
Sc:That cant be! Where am I? Tell me exatcly what happened!
Chi: I will tell you once you reach the end of this hellzone. Meet me at the Cliffs.(dissapears)

Cut scene:
Chi:I see that you have arrived...Scorpion.
Sc:Why do you call me Scorpion?
Chi:When you arrived here in the Netherealm, demons and minions casted a spell for you to learn the art of death. You are now considered a dead man. You have a bloody spear in your hands and you are equipted with a Mungai Ryu sword which you used since you were human.
Sc:If I'm a deadman does that mean I am evil?
Chi:It depends. Wether you want to be.
Sc:I will finish Sub Zero if I meet him again. What about my clan?
Chi:Your clan has been reformed again. They have some powers like yours. But to you, they consider you as a God.
Sc:That does not matter now. I must avenge my wife and son's death.
Chi:I will take you to your home.

Chapter 3: A devastating Comeback
(Scorpion sees his wife and son's dead bodies)
Sc:I must find some clues to where the Lin Kuei might be.

Cut scene:
Raiden:Stop! I cannot allow you to pass through this gate. It is cold and temperatures can freeze your blood at instant.
Sc:I am a dead man named Scorpion. Cold ice doesnt affect me. I learn the powers of fire and death.
Rai:I see. My name is Raiden. Im the God Of Thunder and Lighting. I sence that you want to kill someone.
Sc:Yes. A warrior named Sub Zero. The Scorceror Quan Chi told me that he killed my wife and son. Sub Zero accused my clan for stealing his medellion. Thats when I died.
Rai:Quan Chi? This is not good. He has escaped the Netherealm with Shinnok ruler of The Netherealm. I must stop Shinnok. You are allowed to pass through the gate but I have warned you of the dangers that lurk inside.

Chapter 4: The Lin Kuei Grounds
Sc:This must be Sub Zero's base. I must eliminate all of his warriors.

Fight Mission: Defeat the Ice Beast!

Chapter 5: Lin Kuei Temple
Sc:Sub Zero must be inside this temple somewhere. In the mean time, I must find a way to a safe area.

Fight Mission:Defeat Sub Zero!
(A fighting arena in he Lin Kuei Temple)
Sub:Tekeda? You seem different.
Sc:I am not Takeda! I am Scprpion. I am here to avenge my families death. I am here to kill you.
Sub:I would never have the intention of killing your wife and son!
Sc:Do not lie! Once this is over, my families soul will finally rest. FIGHT!

Cut Scene:
(Sub Zero is unconsious)
Sc:Say your last words before you die!
Chi:HAHAHA! You fools!
Sc & Sub:What?
Chi:You have been tricked! You Sub Zero! Your medellion was not stolen by the Shirai Ryu! I stole it. And you Scorpion, I killed you and your pathetic family!
Sc:Lies! ARRGH...
(Scorpion runs after Quan Chi into a portal)

Chapter 6:The Final Battle
(Shinnok's Spire)
Shinnok:Do not fail me Quan Chi. If you do, I will take your life away from you! Finish this dead warrior!
Chi:I will not fail my lord.
Sc:You will pay with your life scorceror!

Shinnok:You may have defeated my scorceror but later on, I will defeat you and feed you to the Oni! Hahaha!
Scorpion:We shall see! I have defeat both my sworn enemies, Quan Chi and Sub Zero. What next?
Spirit wife:Scorpion.
Sc:Emerald?(Scorpion's wife's name)
Emerald:Yes it is I. I thank you for freeing me and our son's souls. You are gifted as the Grand Master of your Ninja Clan.
Sc:(bows) Thank you.
Em:There was a man named Shang Tsung and he knew who you were.
Sc:Who is he?
Em:I am not so sure myself but he did say something about entering a tournament called Mortal Kombat. It is being held in his Island. I think maybe your friends or foes may have heard this.
Sc:Probably. But I will enter. Goodbye Emerald. May the good spirits watch over you.

10/29/2006 08:09 PM (UTC)
In Mythologies 2 it is going to follow the story Scorpion. Even though Fear_Breaker's story was good it wasn't what I had in mind. See the game would start out when he was alive and it would have some parts from Mythologies 1 where he goes on the quest to foind the map for Quan Chi. Once you got to the place you would fight Sub-Zero as a boss battle. Once you beat him you would lose in a way. It would go to a movie showing you Scorpion and Sub-Zero fighting, and then Sub-Zeo would freeze Scorpion and then get a few shots at you then the ice would break. and Scorpion falls to his knees and Sub-Zero would come from behind and break his neck. This is only the beginning tell me what you think of the beginning. The game would feature anyone who encounters Scorpion on his quest. Also, a later level would show when Scorpion enters Shang Tsung's palace and he would face Moloch and Dramin. Then once you won you would lose same as what happened with Sub-Zero. They would hurl Scorpion into the soulnado and then there would be a little mini game like teat your might where you would have to escape. There you would see the Elder Gods and they would transform him into their weapon to defeat the Dragon
King. The game would have 3 costumes. MK1-Scorpion alive; MKSM- dead Scorpion; MKD- Elder God Scorpion. Tell me if this sounds good to you.furious
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10/29/2006 08:21 PM (UTC)
good idea. but i personally dont want to learn anymore about scorpion than we already know. the fact that he is somewhat a mystery as to his origins is what originaly drew me to his character. The game idea is cool but if it reveals to much about scorpion it may ruin his character for me. maybe if it was based on another character...
10/30/2006 03:05 AM (UTC)
"good idea. but i personally dont want to learn anymore about scorpion than we already know. the fact that he is somewhat a mystery as to his origins is what originaly drew me to his character. The game idea is cool but if it reveals to much about scorpion it may ruin his character for me. maybe if it was based on another character..."

I can understand that too, that's also what drew me to Scorpion. A good idea would be making it about Rain. Since we haven't heard of him before UMK3/MKTrilogy, and then not until MKA (Basicly Trilogy 2) there's a lot of space there, and it could play off of what we learned about him from his ending in MKA, which was a pretty big surprise to all of us I think. lol
10/30/2006 03:43 AM (UTC)
Out of all the characters who should have a game made about them?
10/31/2006 02:07 AM (UTC)
I think a good one could be done on Kitana / Mileena
11/17/2006 02:29 PM (UTC)
well duh smoke in his human form
11/24/2006 02:45 AM (UTC)
I think it would be kool if there was an adventure game based off of the Saurian race.

Where you start off with Reptile and you bring back his race. Like first you find khameleon, and then you play as her and you run across chameleon and he helps you find a way to go back in time before his race was distroyed and do things to prevent it from taking place. something along these lines would be sweet.
11/26/2006 04:59 AM (UTC)
I think rain was cool in trilogy, but he is the most worthless character in MKA. Whats up with making him shoot water? JUST BECAUSE HIS NAMES RAIN IT DOESNT MEAN HE HAS RAIN POWERS! Its like smoke, just cause his names smoke hes suddenly made of smoke? Sorry going off topic...
11/30/2006 01:25 PM (UTC)
I would be interested in Younger Sub-Zero Mythologies!

Start off with Scorpion Killing the Older Subby in an Opening Cinematic fight.

Show the back history of the 2 brothers training . Going on missions with other clan members :) . Witness the Cyberanimations on his clan and his escape from his hunters. See his side of being a protector of Earthrealm. The emergence of Noob. And end around the events of Armageddon...

Make it a personal view of the younger Sub-Zero's plight and hardships to endear and become the great new leader of his clan.

Maybe make it and even game, swapping out Subby for Smoke... or even have side missions as others...Smoke, Cyrax, Sector....Noob

I know most here know the back history.... Why not live it in a game?

One thing i liked about Deception's Konquest, it was an open realm. It took you several times to actual find everything... The newer Konquest was pretty dull and limited areas to explore. The game should be made similar to MK:SM in its game play (needs an in game jump) , but should have the open worlds of Deceptions Konquest.

Oh well... Is just my view of something i would buy and play.wink
12/01/2006 07:29 AM (UTC)
Yes I'm very interested in the younger brother Sub. It would be cool trying to escape Smoke, Cyrax, Sektor, and not to mention Scorpion! Hopefully meeting Noob and finding out the history between Frost and Sub. Younger sub has a very rich storyline.
12/01/2006 08:52 PM (UTC)
Ok these might be more along the lines of MK: SM rather than MK:MSZ but they could still work....(Also I might have mentioned these before but couldn't find the post)

1. Raiden and/or Fuijin vs Shinnok: Show us what really happened in that war mention in the intro of MK4.

2. Sonya Blade and/or Jax vs Black Dragon: Forget MK: SF and do it right this time.

3. Kitana, Sindel and/or Jade vs Shao Kahn: Possible eye candy for the guys, but I would like to see how Edenia fell to Outworld.

4. Red Dragon vs Black Dragon: Let's see just how much these two groups hate each other.

5. Johnny Cage and Stryker vs whoever: Just to give the two 'normal' people something to do.
12/01/2006 09:25 PM (UTC)
Shao Kahn - You'd start off as a young demi-god trying to work your way up, slowly building your empire. Eventually, you'll be found by the Dragon King whom you must first fight in order to prove your worth. After doing missions for him, it will soon be up to you to poison him and take over. You must destroy his army; escape the holy-men's attack before they can force you to be buried.

You escape, and start to wonder different realms, encountering different wild creatures that leads you into vicious battles. All types of dangers lurk, and you soon start to recruit your own generals - but before that can happen, you must defeat them first since they'd want to test your knowledge. Everything would go with Kahns beginning story, so right before you destroy King Jerrod and take over Edenia, you'd have to defeat and recruit Rain. Sindel is also someone who'd need to be defeated.

You'd eventually seek out Reptile, after annihilating his race. After consuming a certain amound of souls (since you steal them to become more powerful), you'd create Ermac who helps you steal souls in certain missions. Baraka and his tarkatans are also soon-to-be defeated warriors.

Shao Kahns story would add up to his current one. So you would have or eventually come into contact with Earth warriors like Liu Kang and Raiden. You being evil, an important mission would be to capture Sonya and Kano; make sure they cannot be freed.

You seek hide-outs along Shinnoks time; you face off against the deadly alliance whom defeat you. Things from their start to get extremely hard, especially defeating and recruiting new warriors - like Goro and/or Kintaro. Eventually it all leads up to the aftermath of Blaze's destruction, and that's when you prepare for some of your most intense battles for conquering.

I think something like this would be bad ass, IMO.
12/01/2006 09:52 PM (UTC)
I'd like to see a game centered around Kitana, Mileena, & Jade. Back when they were still loyal to Shao Kahn. Maybe detailing how exactly Kitana learned the truth about her past.

One about Shao Kahn and his rise to power would be cool, Dark_Noob suggested.
12/03/2006 03:20 AM (UTC)
Wow... didn't really think of that... but love it.... I'de still want a game about Younger Sub-Zero, But damn.... To Have a game about Shao Khan... That Rules... PUN intended.

Why not change the pace and side with evil. Show and tell the story of how Shao Khan came to be.... Developed armys, takes over realms, and just be the over-all bad ass.

I'de buy that for a dollar + somewink
12/06/2006 06:09 PM (UTC)
There are so many backstories left untapped in the MK mythos that they could literally do one a year for well over a decade and still not scratch the surface.
Actually, TheUberNinja is currently working on an RPG Maker game called Mortal Kombat Mythologies 2: Rage of the Spectre. He'll post it pretty soon. Check out his thread on it.
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