Mortal Kombat: MMORPG/Fighter
posted03/29/2006 10:47 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/23/2006 03:46 AM (UTC)
You can go into Outworld, or compete in online MK tournaments within Earth. The more tournaments you win, the more stuff you can buy for your character, such as weapons. You can also explore Outworld, create parties, and enter different realms.

Also, instead of creating guilds, you can create your own KLAN, like the lin qui, and build your own realm. There can be MK tournaments to see if a KLAN can rule over another realm and steal it, or you can do raids.

Also, when creating a character, you limit yourself to certain powers, but depending on which Kung-fu style, or Sorcery style you want, you can add spells/powers later on. When you compete in MK tournaments, it will go in fighting mode, the 2d/3d arena, and then when your finished, you will go back to the MMORPG style.
03/25/2006 11:51 PM (UTC)
join201 Wrote:
You can go into Outworld, or compete in online MK tournaments within Earth. The more tournaments you win, the more stuff you can buy for your character, such as weapons. You can also explore Outworld, create parties, and enter different realms.

Also, instead of creating guilds, you can create your own KLAN, like the lin qui, and build your own realm. There can be MK tournaments to see if a KLAN can rule over another realm and steal it, or you can do raids.

Also, when creating a character, you limit yourself to certain powers, but depending on which Kung-fu style, or Sorcery style you want, you can add spells/powers later on.

When you compete in MK tournaments, it will go in fighting mode, the 2d/3d arena, and then when your finished, you will go back to the MMORPG style.

I had not made a thread to this, but i posted a message wondering what a MMORPG Mk would be like. ithink it would be an awesome idea if they id that.
03/26/2006 12:00 AM (UTC)
I made a Race and Class option for my idea too


Reptile - option to change skin and color

Human - Can be ninjas

Cyborgs - These are sektor smoke and cyrax type things

and much more... pending


Ninja - Can choose from variety of powers, but limited, like scorpions snake, and sub zeros ice powers. Can choose ninja outfit.

Sorcerer - Like Quanchi, shang tsung and shinnok, they can be humans, Elders or Shadows

Elders - Like raiden and Fujin
Shadows - Like Thieves/Rogues, Noob Saibot type creatures

Different stuff for each race and class

Raidens electric staff
Scorpions sword
SubZeros Ice Pick

All can be bought with money

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"because real men throw eggs"

03/29/2006 09:33 PM (UTC)
Nice idea
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03/29/2006 10:47 PM (UTC)
I think that these are good ideas, but I personally can't stand MMO games. This seems to be the wave of the future, but in my opinion they're way too expensive. I'm not paying 50 dollars a year to play a game that can only be played online plus other fees. I like video games but not that much. I just bought a 400 dollar XBox 360, and now I'm expected to pay more so I can enjoy modes that could just as easily be implemented offline for a single player or multiplayer experience? I don't believe that online players should be ignored, but I think that in making online exclusive modes or, in MMO's cases, online games, they ignore a VAST majority of gamers who don't want to pay the extra money or have simply chosen not to upgrade.

To me, this makes no sense. If you're a game company, and your costs for making a game are skyrocketing with each passing title and each passing year, why spend all of the time and dough on making a game that only a small portion of the game playing population can enjoy? It's obviously different for PC games, as you'd be hard pressed to find a gamer that doesn't have a PC with internet access. But it seems like console games are starting to be downgraded if they don't have online options, modes or experiences. Again, that makes no sense to me.

MK is my favorite game series of all time by far, but even if MK made an MMO game, I still wouldn't spend the money to get Xbox Live and all of the extra stuff. I'm not a geezer that simply refuses to upgrade (as I said, I have a 360, so I obviously like upgrading), but I personally think that online console games are one of the bigger frauds perpetuated on the gaming community by the developers.

Still, I like the ideas about the MK MMO, but I don't see any reason why those ideas couldn't be implemented offline. I'd have no problem if alot of the modes were online, but I'd be pissed if alot of those modes were online only without an offline equivilant, which seems to be what's happening in games nowadays.
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