Mortal Kombat Lucifers Vengance
posted08/09/2006 03:55 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/02/2006 12:14 AM (UTC)
This is what i think should happen in MK8

i think everyone should die except shinnok, raiden, scorpion and sub zero, and those 4 work together and defeat blaze, than they fight eachother untill lucifer comes and tries to take over the realm. Lucifers 1st target is shinnok, who he attacks. shinnok standing no chance at all is being beatan like a pig, during that, raiden teleports sub zero and scorpion to the earthrealm where he tells them that they must work together in order to defeat lucifer. scorpion refuses, and gos away, sub zero agrees. Raiden now gos to find new warriors to put against Lucifer, to stop his Vengence taking over all realms.


Raiden - Ever since his acounter with Lucifer he felt very dark, his body is becoming evil but his mind is still good, he is more brutal than ever. He is currently looking for new warriors to defeat Lucifer.

Sub Zero - Having to be one of three survivors of armegeddon, he returns to the Lin Kuei to train, and prepare to battle Lucifers army.

Scorpion - His refusal left him to wander the earthrealm, with nothing to do, the elder gods speak to him telling him to now defeat lucifer, he refuses again because he is being used as a weapon. The elder gods threatan to return him to void, so he has no choice but to fight on the good side

more characters when i think of them
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The reverse side of beauty is dyed by filth, flith lies in the beauty...

08/05/2006 11:37 PM (UTC)
kool i like the idea

it's great!!
08/06/2006 04:25 AM (UTC)
but i thout every one was vs eachother
08/06/2006 06:18 PM (UTC)
Landwinski - The first warrior Raiden found, he was a desendent of a famous 1920s american boxer. He was a survivor of shao kahns invasion, thus he was able to withstand the extermination squad. He was in hiding untill the invasion was over, and continued his life normaly as a celeberty. Now after armageddon Raiden seeks his help in defeating lucifer.

Fighting Style: Boxing
Weapon Style: Bat

Special Moves-
50-Jab-Combo - does 50 jabs really quickly
Mega Punch - takes 2 seconds to charge a punch, than punches a hard hit

Costume - Leather coat, black pants black shoes, black bandana, black leather gloves

Alt Costume - Boxing shorts and boxing gloves

Trivia -
He was going to enter Mortal Kombat 1, but was in favor of American Boxing Championship, "ABC" and won over 10,000 dollars.

The Only character to not have a fireball move

The only character to not have a kick move

08/07/2006 05:52 PM (UTC)
Not bad.
08/07/2006 09:44 PM (UTC)
Allignment - Evil
Allies - Lucifer, Lucifers Army
Foes- Shao Kahn, Extermination Squad

Once was a prince of a lost kingdom in egypt, he was killed when Shao Kahn's army discovered the lost kingdom in egypt, after the assasanation, the prince's magician used a ritual to bring back Egizano in 10,000 years. Its 10,000 years later and Egizano is looking for revenge on Shao Kahn. He was resuructed in the netherealm and was tooken by the guards to Lucifer. Lucifer offered him a deal that if he fought on his side, he would bring Shao Kahn back to life, so Egizano can kill him himself.

Special Moves -
Forgotten Soul - Sends a soul of one of his fallen egyptians
Body Slam - Picks up opponent by arm and bashes them on the floor.

Fighting Style - Egyptian
Weapon Style - Chains

Costume - A mummy outfit, duh
Alt Costume - What a pharoa would look like, he gets resstored by Lucifer

His name comes from egyptian in spanish which is Egiziano

Just like Liu Kang he is a zombie

08/07/2006 09:56 PM (UTC)
you can submiit any characters that you think would go well to, i could always make a fan game.
08/09/2006 03:55 AM (UTC)
Name: Mist
Race: Elemental
Allignment: Good
Allies: None
Enemies: Blaze

I havent thaught of a storyline yet!!!

Costume - female body totally naked, but everything is covered by water
Alt Costume- Human female, blue clothes

Fighting Styles
Ku (Tai Chi)
Trident (uses it like a staff

Moves -

Water Ball - just like liu kangs fire ball attack except its water and its in a shape of a leviathan

Water Fall - sends massive water from the sky to pin opponent to ground


Leviathan Fury - Turns into a levianthan looking creature and eats opponent

Giant Gulp - Swirls up into opponents mouth than opponent explodes
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