Mortal Kombat Legends
posted07/13/2006 11:43 PM (UTC)by
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Join the KMD (Kang Must Die) club and recieve a free piece of his corpse, no donation=1 of his fingers. small donation= a limb. Large donation=the turkey voiced Monkey boy's Head.

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06/01/2006 07:20 PM (UTC)
After a couple of games come out on the PS3 ( to see wether it is strong enough or not) they should make this game.

Mortal Kombat Legends.

Genre: action.

Cast: all characters from MK to MKA.

Story: "Mortal Kombat was not always meant to protect realms or invade them, at one time it meant the survival of all existince....many warriors bled died and returned to fight for what they belived in this is thier story..... the story of the Legends of Mortal Kombat".

the game is a combonation of MKMSZ, MKSM, MKD's and MKA's Konquest Mode where you play as one of the chars from the beginning of thier involvment with MK till thier ending at MKA.

Gameplay: 1-Cities: the gameplay is like MKD's Konquest with MKA's where you would talk to people recive special missions in and outside the city, but unlike them you can buy weapons, items, armor and accessories to use later (the inventory menu from MKMSZ) you can attack people( MKA style) boxes, crates, barrels, etc.. to reveale extras or in game items that you could use attacking people in front of guards will cause them to fight you if they beat you you don't die but put in court for your crimes the sentence is as followes:
1- attack a civilion fined a small amount of cash.
2- attack a guard fined a large amount of cash.
3- kill a civilion fined half of your money and banned from entering the city for 1 day.
4- Kill a guard fined 75% of your cash all the items you bought from the city will be taken away put in prison for a day (you are forced to fight the inmates) and banned from the city for a week.

you can bribe your way out but your affinity(good, evil, neutral) the city that imprisoned you (good, bad) and realm affect wether you can get out the easy way or the hard way.

2-the field: like MKSM you fight enemies depending on which area your in, which realm your on and which character you are (Sub zero will randomly be attacked by Lin-kuei warriors and cyborgs, Kabal chased by red dragon members, etc...) mid-bosses (orochi hellbeast, Oni war lord) are fought as they were in MKSM somtimes an ally will join you on your quest if you fight a regular character with an ally it will be like MKSM. in the field you may encounter some chars who will help you, fight you or ask you to do somthing for them(Smokes secret missions from MKSM) and will give you something in return(Item, key or important item, secret weapon/armor, cash, extras...).if you meet a regular character and you have no ally at the moment you fight him in classical MK vs mode style.

the game as said at the top followes the story of each character those who appeared in the final days of the current MK( Havik, Kobra, Kira, etc...) will have pre story stages/levels to help make them more interesting and fun.
all event will be canon and story wise with very few joke/non-canon events(Cage's shadow kick on Goro from MKSM) to help fans know what realy happened during that characters quest.

tell me your thoughts and ideas on this.
06/23/2006 01:22 PM (UTC)
A very good idea Deadman.

I am not very sure about the possibility of such a game actually being released though. There is so much to squeeze in the one game. It would be sort of like having Shujinko's Konquest mode from MKD but around 60 times. I am not sure it would fit (or the MK team would put so much effort) in just one game.

However, if Midway do decide to release a game like this, I would be one of the first people to go and buy it. It is a really good idea, but it is unlikely that a game like this would be released. It is a real shame.
About Me

Join the KMD (Kang Must Die) club and recieve a free piece of his corpse, no donation=1 of his fingers. small donation= a limb. Large donation=the turkey voiced Monkey boy's Head.

06/23/2006 01:29 PM (UTC)
If the PS3 is as strong as sony claimes then it would be no problem even if they put the graphics of the PS2 in it it would still be great.
06/26/2006 06:54 PM (UTC)
Couldnt a game like this be released as a dual disk? I mean you would only be able to access the other disk when the memory card tells it to after a certain amount of the original disks game has been accomplished. Am I way off here?

I know people would hack the second disk but still it would be cool to have a game like this and not be restricted to the amount of content in it being too much.
About Me

Join the KMD (Kang Must Die) club and recieve a free piece of his corpse, no donation=1 of his fingers. small donation= a limb. Large donation=the turkey voiced Monkey boy's Head.

06/26/2006 07:24 PM (UTC)
If your talking about a large amount of content that would depend on the PS3 if it's as strong as Sony claims than we can have everything in one disc, if your talking about straying away from the char's story and doing anything you want (like the GTA games) you are free to do so (there will be a green light like in MKD's Konquest that lets you continue your quest when you touch it)
06/28/2006 03:00 AM (UTC)
Gender: action.

glasses I think you mean Genre, my friend.
About Me

Join the KMD (Kang Must Die) club and recieve a free piece of his corpse, no donation=1 of his fingers. small donation= a limb. Large donation=the turkey voiced Monkey boy's Head.

06/28/2006 04:32 AM (UTC)
just fixed it, sorry.
About Me

07/11/2006 05:09 PM (UTC)
SuperT26 Wrote:
Couldnt a game like this be released as a dual disk? I mean you would only be able to access the other disk when the memory card tells it to after a certain amount of the original disks game has been accomplished. Am I way off here?

I know people would hack the second disk but still it would be cool to have a game like this and not be restricted to the amount of content in it being too much.

yeah like final fantasyglasses
07/13/2006 11:43 PM (UTC)
jrkosmo Wrote:
SuperT26 Wrote:
Couldnt a game like this be released as a dual disk? I mean you would only be able to access the other disk when the memory card tells it to after a certain amount of the original disks game has been accomplished. Am I way off here?

I know people would hack the second disk but still it would be cool to have a game like this and not be restricted to the amount of content in it being too much.

yeah like final fantasyglasses

what he said
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