Mortal Kombat: KAOS *** with endings
posted12/23/2006 05:22 PM (UTC)by
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01/29/2006 02:51 AM (UTC)

There is chaos in the realms. An evil overlord resurrected by a priest of chaos. Kahn has returned and has easily conquered the paradise of Edenia. However the priest of chaos did not stop with the resurrection of Kahn. Havok also resurrected many of his enemies and of course many of his allies.

Havok was granted passage to Earthrealm through a portal where he then resurrected many thugs, mercenaries and villains. Of those it brought old hatreds, and new alliances. Some complimented one another like the Red and Black Dragon clans. Other alliances were forced upon those resurrected, when Kano found a way to enslave members of his former clan to aide him on a mission.

With the rise of Dragon clans in Earthrealm, the Special Forces had their hands full and were soon shattered by the sheer number of Dragon clan members. After the Special Forces were in shambles, the Lin-Kuei was the next to fall by the new might of the Red Dragon.

Earthrealm is in a constant state of chaos with clans tearing up the interior, while Kahn’s forces are at the exterior ready to invade. With the dragon clans all fighting for themselves, factions that fight for a common goal must join forces, both for survival and to defeat Kahn, before he can overthrow another realm!


BLACK DRAGON - Wants to destroy the Red Dragon

Kabal - leader that strives to kill Shao Kahn
Kobra - ends up going to the Special Forces
Kira - turns out to be the daughter of Kano and Sonya

RED DRAGON - Wants to destroy the Lin Quei

Daegon - leads his men against the trader Kano
Mavado - wants Kabal’s mask now that Kabal took his hook swords back
Tsu Hao - sent to destroy the Lin Kuei

SHAO DRAGON - hired by Kahn to help take Earthrealm

Kano - in it for himself now - has the soul of Liu Kang within him
Jarek - sent to destroy the base of the Special Forces
Tremor - turned into hybrid of reptile and human - moves like Onaga

SPECIAL FORCES - join the Lin Quei to defend Earth Realm

Jaxx - now under the control of Kira
Sonya Blade - she goes out to save Jaxx from Kira's control
Kenshi - creates and alliance with Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei
Stryker - it seemed like a natural choice
Cyrax - reprogrammed ninja that hunts dragon members without sleep

LIN KUEI - join the Special Forces to defend Earth Realm

Sub-Zero fights to gain more members to the Lin Kuei
Taven - hunts his brother to avenge their father - new apprentice to Sub-Zero
Frost - learns she was wrong to want power without the time taken to earn it

OUTWORLD - Seek to destroy Kahn once and for all

Sindel - Fights to destroy Kahn
Sheeva - Protector of Sindel, goes after Nitara
Army of Ermac - becomes the new army of Edenia to defend against Kahn


Kahn - revived by Havok, he thirsts for a conquest of Earth
Motaro - revived by Havok, he is the protector of Kahn
Natara - Kahn persuades her to clean the blood of his victims
Havok - Reviver of Kahn... and his enemies!


He has ordered the destruction of their rival clan, the Red Dragon. Aided by Hovok, Kabal has resurrected Kobra.

Kobra now has a cybernetic heart, because Kira stabbed him in the heart to be victorious in a challenge to join the Black Dragons. He also wears a backpack respirator, due to lung damage from Kira’s dragon teeth. Instead of exhaling from his mouth, he exhales from the backpack.

The new member of the Black Dragon strives to seduce Mavado and get her way into the heart of the Red Dragon.

He has betrayed many on his way to the top. In order to gain aide, he has promised to defeat the Lin Kuei and find out how they can master turning water vapor into ice.

When Kabal regained his hook swords from the hands of Mavado, he was left humiliated. Now he wants to claim a bigger prize. The mask of Kabal!

He has become more cybernetic. After a fight with Kano, Hsu Hao’s was sliced across the eyes, and Hsu Hao has a cybernetic visor that allows him to see.

Always a liaison to Kahn, he has been hired to assist Kahn’s rule. However Kano cannot do it alone, so he has found his old allies from the Red Dragon. Jarek, and Tremor.

Resurrected by Havok, he has been captured by Kano and kept alive by a collar. If the collar is removed Jarek will not get proteins he needs to be kept alive.

One of the first to be mutated by his former Red Dragon clan, Tremor has been left as a half human and half reptile. He is collared like Jarek by Kano, but he secretly strives to kill Kano, the Red Dragon that mutated him, and find another like him.

Seduced by Kira’s trickery and magic powder, he allows her into the new base of operations. The base is quickly destroyed, leaving the Special Forces in shambles.

With Jaxx under the power of Kira’s powder, Sonya must free her long time partner from the grasp of Kira.

With the Special Forces in shambles, Jaxx under the control of Black Dragon and Sonya gone, Kenshi seeks out an old acquaintance, Sub-Zero. The two clans will soon join forces into a mighty force.

The newest member of the Special Forces enjoys the freedom of force that he can use to dispense justice.

Kenshi and Sonya command Cyrax to go out and hunt down all Red Dragon members and kill them.

With the Lin-Kuei in shambles, he has agreed to join forces with Kenshi and the Special Forces to deal with the Red Dragon clan.

He has begun training under the tutelage of Sub-Zero. He remains hidden from his brother Daegon until the moment is right to strike.

After Taven had broken her out of a block of ice and come to her senses; she realized that she must learn discipline before she can obtain her final goal. Power. With the Lin-Kuei in shambles, Sub-Zero has taken her in once more.

With her overlord husband’s return to power, she strives to overthrow his army of invaders.

Resurrected by Havok as an attempt to balance the Shokan and Centurions, she has found a new hatred. Sheeva hunts the woman that stole her husband’s blood from his dead corpse.

A former minion of Shao Kahn, Ermac is now an army of warriors that is free to join whatever side he wants. He now fights on the side of good, for the Edenian army and Sindel.

Revived by Havok to provide disorder and chaos, he once again has taken Edenia and seeks to take earth amidst turmoil of destruction and the rise of the Dragons clans.

At the command of Kahn, Havok resurrected Motaro to once again be the protector of Kahn.

She seeks the power gained by drinking the blood of her enemies. Nitara has enraged the wrath of Sheeva, by drinking the blood of Goro from his dead corpse before it was melted in molten lava.

The catalyst with the power of Onaga to resurrect. The first he resurrected was Kahn and then Havok brought to life all of Kahn’s enemies.
12/19/2006 12:23 AM (UTC)
That was absoultely Horrible! The Storyline is Pretty Boring, Nothing New or Innovative, and Kind of Confusing as well....
About Me

Test your Mortal Kombat trivia with 6 levels of difficulty:

12/19/2006 01:09 AM (UTC)
Any particular reason why? Your critique was rather vague.
12/19/2006 10:53 AM (UTC)
Well you made a KAOS.
About Me

Test your Mortal Kombat trivia with 6 levels of difficulty:

12/19/2006 03:30 PM (UTC)
It was originally MK Dragons, but I thought that might be vaguely confusing, so I went for Kaos. I would have said Chaos, but MK has the whole K think trademarked, cause they're kool like that.

So the name is what sucks?
12/19/2006 03:34 PM (UTC)
No the chaos in the storyline.
About Me

Test your Mortal Kombat trivia with 6 levels of difficulty:

12/19/2006 04:41 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I should have made it easier to follow with clear cut factions and cliche'd hatreds (ninja seeking revenge for the death of his family).
About Me

Test your Mortal Kombat trivia with 6 levels of difficulty:

12/23/2006 05:22 PM (UTC)

On the outer rim of the circle were members of the Black and Red Dragon clans.
Kabal commanded his Black Dragon clan that no one would interfere.
The fight was to be settled between Kabal and Daegon.
Kabal fought bravely, but he was no match for the treachery he had instilled in his clan.
Just when it looked as if Kabal had won, that is when the Black Dragon struck on their master.
Kira cut the tube of Kabal’s breathing apparatus while Kobra ripped off the helmet on Kabal.
As their master died, they pledged their allegiance to Daegon and the Red Dragons!
The Black Dragon dies with Kabal.

Left a cybernetic menace, he waited for his opportunity in the tournament to fight Kira.
He would have his revenge on the one that defeated him before by stabbing him through the heart and lungs.
Kabal was proud of his apprentice, but Kobra was not proud of his master.
When Kabal had let down his guard to congratulate Kobra, he struck!
Kabal’s body was left broken and wounded.
To spare Kabal’s life, Kobra demanded control of the Black Dragon be handed to Kobra.
Kabal refused and one way or another, Kobra is now the leader of the Black Dragons.

The temptress Kira had caused so much chaos in Eathrealm.
With Mavado under her power she was allowed to gain access into the den of the Red Dragons.
Mavado kept a look out for Hsu Hao and other clan members of the Red Dragon.
Then in a surprise, Daegon turned around and with a single plunge of her knife,
Kira left the leader of the Red Dragons with a knife in his chest!
With her task complete, she took the knife from Daegon’s heart.
Kira then told her accomplice to take credit for the death of the founder of the Red Dragons.
Mavado did not likely did not survive their wrath.

Daegon clashed with Sub-Zero in an epic battle that seemed endless.
Endless, until Mavado and Hsu Hao brought about the deciding factor.
In the arms of Mavado was Frost and being held by Hsu Hao was Daegon’s brother Taven.
The Lin Kuei was powerless to the leverage that the Red Dragons had.
Sub-Zero had lost the battle and agreed to teach Daegon the power to turn water vapour into ice for the release of his clan.
The test subject of Daegon was his own brother, whom he turned into solid ice!

Kira used Mavado to gain access to the Red Dragon clan leader Daegon.
Mavado secretly used Kira to get to Kabal.
He merely pretended to be caught in her spell to follow her every command.
She brought him into the den of Black Dragons to finally join them.
He arrogantly struck Kabal in front of Kira and Kobra.
Mavado was not much for the three members of the Black Dragon.
As Kira and Kobra held Mavado’s arms, Kabal used his hook swords to slice the face off of Mavado.
He was left for dead faceless and now in need of a mask that he had tried to covet so badly from Kabal.

Kahn had taken notice of Hsu Hao’s deceptive tactics and brutal strength.
Kahn knew it was better to have Hsu Hao on his side, than someone else’s.
Hsu Hao agreed to join the army of Outworld and in the process he made many more enemies.
Daegon and Mavado were enraged by Hsu Hao abandoning the Red Dragon.
Hsu Hao commanded his army to seek out and annihilate his former clan members.

With two comrades enslaved to his will, Kano used them to distract Motaro from Kahn’s side.
Alone in the throne room with Kahn, Kano showed the trophies he had taken from Kahn’s adversaries.
The trophies were the heads of Kabal, Sub-Zero, Sonya Blade and Daegon.
They were all once the leaders of the remaining clans in Earthrealm.
There was however one head missing from the collection.
Not trusted, Kano’s head had to be taken by Kahn himself!

Jarek carefully bided his time and did as Kano wanted until the moment was right.
When Kano found himself engaged in battle with Sonya Blade, the control for Jarek’s neck ring was dropped.
With the press of a button, Jarek’s neck ring was deactivated.
Jarek became his own man again, a man that sought revenge against his former master.

Released by Jarek, Tremor’s anger raged at Kano and anyone else he saw.
No longer controlled by the ring around his neck, Tremor was free to do what he had done before.
Rumble through Earthrealm and brutally shatter the bones of his enemies.

With both Mavado and Jaxx under the control of Kira, she no longer felt fit to be a member of a clan.
Instead she would be the leader of her own clan.
Her first order of business was to have her two goons dispense with her Black Dragon clan.
The next task she had Jaxx and Mavado complete was the destruction of the Red Dragon clan.
With the might of Jaxx, the skill of Mavado and the seductress Kira guiding them, they will be an unstoppable new clan.

Sonya followed Jaxx and Kira to the hideout of the Red Dragon.
She waited for Kira to be alone with Jaxx, before Sonya called out for Kira to release Jaxx from her power.
Kira merely laughed and told Jaxx to destroy her.
However, Jaxx was conflicted by his oath to never harm another Special Forces Member.
Instead Kira would have to do her own dirty work.
Just when it looked like Sonya had won the battle, Kira blew the mind controlling powder in Sonya’s face.
Kira was left alive, as that was her will.

Along side of Sub-Zero, they both lead their respective clans into each den of dragons.
The Lin Kuei and Special Forces were combine to form Earthrealm’s own extermination squad!
The Black Dragons were defeated, and then the Red Dragons were destroyed.
Kahn knew of the destruction that had befallen the two clans.
His own extermination squad was sent to the location of the joined warriors.
Kenshi, Sub-Zero, Taven, Stryker, Sonya Blade clashed in an epic battle against Motaro, Kano, Tremor, Jarek, and lead by Shao Kahn himself.

Unrestricted by laws, he brought justice to members of the Red Dragon.
As a one man army, he used tasers, guns and riot grenades he defeated them one and all.
It was then that a damaged Cyrax entered the den of the Red Dragon.
The orders of Cyrax were still to kill all members of the Red Dragon.
Stryker was weary from his battle against the entire clan and inside of the den of the Red Dragon, Cyrax saw him as a traitor.
Stryker did not survive the mechanical menace.

Cyrax had done what he was programmed to. Kill.
First was Hsu Hao, Mavado and Daegon, but when Cyrax returned he was damaged.
He was still programmed to kill, but now he recognized every human as a Red Dragon member!
Kenshi and Stryker tried to stop the maniacal machine, but they were no match for him.
Cyrax has last been seen roaming around North America.
His programming is still to kill.

The power from Sub-Zero’s medallion amplified his power enough to defeat Kahn.
Sub-Zero felt a new sense of power he had not had as the grand master of the Lin-Kuei.
He left his clan and replaced Kahn as ruler of unified realms.
However, he made the decision to use his powers to freeze everything.
All hail Sub-Zero, king of dead realms.

After many years of training with Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei, Taven was altered.
He now had the power to turn water vapour into ice.
With his new power, he went on a journey to seek out his brother Daegon and the Red Dragons.
Unable to find them, Taven returned to the palace of the Lin Kuei to find it abandon.
Those left at the palace were torn apart in a most inhuman way.
There was only one symbol found as to who could have created the carnage.

With the death of her mentor at the hands of Kahn, she fought to avenge him.
She lanced her frost daggers through the knees of Kahn.
Then blew frost in his face and shattered Kahn’s skull.
Frost had achieved the power that she had craved.
She felt the immense pride to have earned that power.
And the glory that came with it as Earthrealm’s new protector!

With Sindel’s bodyguard and army of Ermac defeated, Sindel was left alone in Edenia.
She then thought a wicked idea.
Would it be better to live in a realm taken by Kahn?
Or would it be best to join him at his side to become his queen?
Sindel joined her husband at his side once again.

Once Sheeva had taken her revenge on the one that had drank the blood of her husband Goro.
Sheeva was badly injured from the fierce fight against Nitara.
Another stepped forward to challenge Sheeva.
It was Motaro who said once she is dead, Queen Sindel would be next.
Although Sheeva fought like a dragon, she could not endure two brutal battles back to back.
Motaro lanced his tail through the body of Sheeva and held the body up in victory.

As an army of himself, Ermac fought bravely.
His numbers matched those of Kahn’s army and with Ermac’s skill and eternal wisdom he overtook them.
Kahn was no match for an army of hundreds of Ermacs as they rushed into his chamber.
The army of Ermac rushed the ruler of Outworld.
With the might of hundreds of men, they ripped Kahn apart, leaving only his helmet in tact!

Kahn gloated in his victory against his foes!
That was until Havok resurrected them using the power of the Kamidogu.
As long as Havok was alive, Kahn’s foes would always be numerous.

All have fallen at the slaughter that Motaro has brought to them.
When Motaro returned to the palace of Shao Kahn to report the good news he was met with unexpected force.
Kahn knew that Motaro was successful in executing Kahn’s enemies, which meant there was no further use for Motaro.
It took an entire army to destroy the Centurian, but they were successful.
Now there was no one left to rival Kahn’s power.

Nitara’s people have long survived because of their ability to drink the life from their enemies.
Sheeva sought revenge against Nitara for the besmirching of her husband Goro’s corpse.
Nitara merely laughed and said she has developed a taste for the powerful essence of Shokan blood.
The two fought in a vicious battle that was not contained to the ground, but the air as well.
In the end, Nitara was victorious, and drank the blood from Sheeva’s neck.
There was an unexpected side effect though.
Tiny nubs began to form beneath of Nitara’s arms.
Could they be an extra set of limbs?

Havok entered Kahn’s chamber to find members of every dragon clan dead in the bloodiest battle yet.
For each warrior that fell in battle, Havok used the power of the Kamidogu to resurrect them.
However Havok did not notice in a shadowed corner of the chamber was the one that had killed them all.
A red dot could be seen. That of Kano’s eye.
When the time was right, Kano fired his laser eye through the priest of chaos.
The Kamidogu was now the price of Kano’s to be had.
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