Mortal Kombat: Immortal challenge - My fan idea of a future MK!
posted10/02/2006 08:40 PM (UTC)by
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11/10/2002 01:53 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat: Immortal Challenge...

"We live in a post-apocalyptic age here on Earthrealm. The Elder Gods seem to have forgotten our world. Though I am still here to protect it, it seems hopeless. The world is collapsing, war is everywhere to be seen and no where is safe. And this is just what happens in our Earthrealm. Though I have not seen it with my own eyes, I have heard that the other realms is also in chaos. Hope for the survival of the worlds was vague until one day, the portals reopened. They have been shut for centuries and now they are open once again for an unknown reason and it is not known who did it.
Shortly after the portals opened, I saw a light of hope. I found you, the Chosen Ones who have a mission to save the world. For centuries there have not been any Chosen Ones, there have not been any hope to save the realms from chaos. You have found each other by destiny and I will be your guide through this, so do not worry. Hope is back in our hearts!"

-Words of Fujin, Protector of Earthrealm and God of Storm.

"We thought we were at peace once again after the great war amongst warriors of the realms. We who survived went back to our realm, now free of the evil which had tainted it for aeons. We were supposed to be free after the portal closed, free from corruption, free from evil and stay free for eternity. I guess we were naive!
I have served the queen for centuries and together we led the people of Edenia to freedom. Everything was peaceful and beautiful for a while when one day it was exposed that the one I had served was not the one I thought it was. It was not my childhood friend, the rightful queen of Edenia. It was not Kitana who have been sitting on the throne for so long. It was her twin sister, her clone... It was Mileena! At first it was held a secret, as she pledged me not to uncover the truth. I have always thought Mileena to be evil, but her rule of Edenia have been that of a rightous queen. But she has lied to me and to the people of Edenia. I thought I did the right thing to uncover the truth and show the people who had decieved us all. Now I regret ever doing it!

Mileena was executed for her betrayal and ever since that day things turned bad for Edenia. Now without a ruler, people ran amuck and civil war errupted. Everyone hate eachother and nowhere is safe to be. And I could not do anything to stop it.
Then one day the portals reopened. I was shocked to find them open once again and even more to see great Tarkatan Hordes coming through and murder everyone around them. The Edenian people assembled once again against this new threat and the war continued. I wanted to find a reason for this to happen, so I gathered a group of warriors and together we walked through the portal in hopes of findeng the source for this evil and stop it once for all!"

-Words of Jade, General of the Queens Guard.

"I have slept for so long, I cannot remember who I am and where I come from. My mind is cleansed for every memory I might have had of the past. I woke up in a temple which seemed to be floating high up in the air and a portal was open. All of this seemed very familiar to me, I have seen that portal before. Before entering it I wandered the floating temple to seek out information about me and this temple. I found nothing except for a symbol that was repeatedly used through out the temple. A symbol of a dragon! And I recognized the symbol, but do not know from where.
I returned to the portal to find a hooded man stand before me at the other side. He told me my name and that I had a mission to accomplish for the Elder Gods. That I am their champion and I have to obey them. I felt no reason to resist since somewhere in my heart, I know the man spoke the truth.
Someone have reopened the portals to the worlds and I am to find the one responsible and close them again, or else the worlds will emerge and all living beings will die. I will do everything to prevent that!"

-Words of Scorpion, Champion of the Elder Gods.

”All my long life I have been nothing but a brutish general, a leader of my race, and we have always served some master in glory and honour. All of my masters have failed, and still I live on. I began to realize that no master I would serve would be good enough to stay on top of the power obtained, no matter how hard they tried. Now, without any ruler, Outworld is at chaos. We have had a few rulers, but none of them could stay on the throne before they were killed and new ones tried to take his place. I did not serve any of these rulers, of course, because I knew they did not have the potential.
The whole Outworld was at war and we Tarkatans defended our selves against the ones who thought to believe they could defeat us, but they all fell to our blades. And one day, I was the one sitting on the throne. I had never believed to become the ruler of Outworld myself, but my army had destroyed every one who tried to take the throne before us. I did my best at ruling Outworld and slowly the chaos disappeared and Outworld was organized once again. I realized that all of those trying to get to the throne did it because they craved for power. I have never wanted power, only glory and honour. Apparently that was what this realm needed in a ruler, a strategist instead of a power-hungry fool. That is why my past masters had failed. All they wanted was power.
A scout came to me one day and told me the portals was reopened for some reason. I knew my once loving partner ruled the realm of Edenia after we killed the rightful queen together, but she betrayed me and hid in Edenia ever since. Now I the time for revenge is at hand and my forces will walk through the portal and make sure she will suffer greatly for her betrayal!”

-Words of Baraka, Warlord of Outworld.

Fujin, Protector of Earthrealm and God of Storm.
Kung Lao, Shaolin Monk Sensei.
Jade, General of the Edenian Queens Guard.
Scorpion, Champion of the Elder Gods.
Baraka, Warlord of Outworld.
Sub-Zero, Master Sifu of the Lin Kuei.
Ermac, Enigmatic Soul Warrior.
Smoke, Cyborg Bodyguard of Lord Noob.
Noob Saibot, Dark Lord of the Netherrealm.

Goh, Shaolin Monk apprentice of Kung Lao.
Natasha, Secret Agent of the Relica Organization.
Roland, Contract Mercenary.
Kaleb, Black Dragon member.
Seth, US Special Force agent.

Kheron, Edenian Freedom Fighter.
Lianna, Queens Guard soldier.
Mekhet, Leader of the Rebellion.
Aroks, Shokan General.

Skorak, Tarkatan General.
Amellek, Emperor Elite Guard.
Irana, Tarkatan Mistress.
Esper, Lin Kuei Warrior.
Garouda, Student of the Red Sorcery.
Horamin, Vampire Alchemist.

Beliar, Demon Warrior of Lord Noob.
Siris, Demon Huntress of Lord Noob.

More of the plot and character explanation will come soon!
About Me

I hate this place.

09/25/2006 02:33 PM (UTC)
Seems good for now.
09/25/2006 05:33 PM (UTC)
Thanks, though it just seems wrong to make a whole new story without all my favourite characters!!! Something is missing!!!

Any ideas anyone?
09/26/2006 05:36 AM (UTC)
Well, I'm not really fond of the directions that were taken with Kitana and Mileena. I think that something could've been done with them. I would've liked Mileena to escape as opposed to being captured and killed. I take it that you also had Sindel die so that Kitana would become Queen in the first place.

If a hundred or hundreds of years have passed, how are characters like Kung Lao still around? I mean, with Sub-Zero, it's kind of plausible, but Kung Lao? Also, is your idea for Kung Lao to make him a teacher or master or something? If so, Sifu would be a more accurate term instead of using a Japanese term like Sensei for a Chinese character like Kung Lao.

The two main things I do like with your story is having Fujin trying to sort things out as well as Baraka stepping up and becoming his own ruler.
09/26/2006 01:07 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Well, I'm not really fond of the directions that were taken with Kitana and Mileena. I think that something could've been done with them. I would've liked Mileena to escape as opposed to being captured and killed. I take it that you also had Sindel die so that Kitana would become Queen in the first place.

If a hundred or hundreds of years have passed, how are characters like Kung Lao still around? I mean, with Sub-Zero, it's kind of plausible, but Kung Lao? Also, is your idea for Kung Lao to make him a teacher or master or something? If so, Sifu would be a more accurate term instead of using a Japanese term like Sensei for a Chinese character like Kung Lao.

The two main things I do like with your story is having Fujin trying to sort things out as well as Baraka stepping up and becoming his own ruler.

All of this will be posted in due time!!! :D
09/27/2006 01:23 AM (UTC)
Hey I posted this in another thread but I don't sree why I shouldn't post it here. I can see Sub Zero leading a rebellion of sorts against all the evil characters who want control of outworld. I think all of SubZero's allies shouls survive and include, maybe Kitana(taking Sindel's place, Smoke(assuming he does survive), Rain(yeah I said it, maybe he feels sorry for betraying Edenia and tries to Redeem himself). I can also see Noob Saibot bieng a major threat, along with Reiko(maybe a next gen Shao Khan as he is seeming to become), and possibly Shinnok(theres no reason Boon would kill him off after two games, as he is supposed to be very powerful.
09/27/2006 01:33 AM (UTC)
It's okay.
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Well, I'm not really fond of the directions that were taken with Kitana and Mileena. I think that something could've been done with them. I would've liked Mileena to escape as opposed to being captured and killed. I take it that you also had Sindel die so that Kitana would become Queen in the first place.

If a hundred or hundreds of years have passed, how are characters like Kung Lao still around? I mean, with Sub-Zero, it's kind of plausible, but Kung Lao? Also, is your idea for Kung Lao to make him a teacher or master or something? If so, Sifu would be a more accurate term instead of using a Japanese term like Sensei for a Chinese character like Kung Lao.

The two main things I do like with your story is having Fujin trying to sort things out as well as Baraka stepping up and becoming his own ruler.

I agree.
09/27/2006 02:52 AM (UTC)
Yeah Jade and Kitana's story could be so much better if they were given a separate identity from other characters. Especially Jade because even though I'm not fond of her I feel she needs a better storyline.
09/27/2006 06:04 AM (UTC)
I wanted to make as few returning characters as possible, so picked a few that I would think would have significant roles in the future story of MK! And since I'm a big fan of Jade and so wishes to return, I picked her instead of the other Edenians... But just because they don't return doesn't mean they are dead!!!
09/27/2006 07:52 AM (UTC)
Here's the next main bios...

”The restoration of the Lin Kuei Clan’s honour has come to completion. Already have I past down our teachings of a warrior to many students and some of them is now passing it on to our newest members. And alot of members they may be! Though the Lin Kuei has its headquarters in Outworld, we are not aggressively affected by the constant war and chaos, but many of the newcomers have their hearts filled with sorrow, hate and guilt. They come here to be trained and become powerful enough to fight back, and some even hope to use our teachings for revenge. But that is not the way of the Lin Kuei.
I have sought to find a way to stop this madness once and for all, so we dragged ourselves into war with the new emperor of Outworld, one I know very well. He leads his people with what he calls a warriors honour, but he is no better than the rest of the brutal lords who have ruled these wastelands.
When we had prepared for an infiltration of the mighty fortress of the emperor, we found it empty, completely stripped of life. I found out the reason for this in the throne room which was filled with battle strategies against the Edenian Empire. It seemed that the portals that was closed for so many years ago are open once again and the emperor Baraka took the advantage to go to war against Edenia. Though the war does not concern me, I am concerned about the open portals. The last time they were open the worlds began to merge. I cannot let this happen. We overtook the fortress and I gathered some warriors and set out to find a way to close these portals once more.”

-Words of Sub-Zero, Sifu Master of the Lin Kuei Clan.

”We knew this would happen, we have felt it a long time ago. The portals are open once again and the worlds merges into one. Maybe it is for the best. We have seen the future in Our search for the One Being. The One Being is the force that connects the realms and it is through the One Being it is we travel when walking through the portals. We did all We could to try and create a portal, not connecting with another realm, but with the One Being itself! We have read thousands of legends and We have been to many temples in search of a way to find the main source of the One Being. Yes, the weapons of the Elder Gods, the Kamidogu, can be used to become the One Being, replacing the one existing, but they do not keep the powers of the One Being. Besides We know that the Elder Gods has been inactive for many years and the Kamidogu is nowhere to be found.
One night when We were back where We started in the Dragon King’s temple, We heard the voice of a familiar person. He told Us to find the Champion of the Elder Gods who has reawakened and with him the portals reopened. Then the voice disappeared and it left Us with the suspicion that this Champion might have wrought the worlds into their doom. We knew this would happen. We have felt it a long time ago. And now with the knowledge We have about the legends and myths of the worlds, We will make allies with some powerful warriors and seek out this Champion of the Elder Gods.”

-Words of Ermac, Enigmatic Historian and Soul Warrior.

”I have been used by a force unspeakably evil. Even more evil than I thought myself to be. For the past years I have gotten more and more powerful with the help of a mystical ally. I have yet to see his face and when I do, I will crush it into inrecognition. I and my bodyguard, the cyborg Smoke, have gathered a great army and transfused them with the nanotechnology Smoke is made of, creating the perfect army of demonic super soldiers. I lead them into battle with the rulers of the Netherrealm, plane by plane, until I was the powerfulliest of all the planes of the Netherrealm. My former mystical ally helped me by giving my forces the power of immortality. But the power my forces were given was a holy taint and so my army was destroyed shortly after my mystical ally’s disappearance. Now my very excistence depends on the evil energies flowing within me, and Smoke has no such taint within him which have kept him alive.
We found an open portal in the deepest and darkest plane of the Netherrealm which lead us to a familiar place, the realm I was born when human... Earthrealm. This realm looked even more terrible than the Netherrealm. I got curious and found other portals that lead to the other realms, and they too had enough evil energy for me to keep the holy taint within me down to a minimum. I would use this to find the traitor and destroy him for good!”

-Words of Noob, Lord of the Netherrealm.
09/28/2006 12:22 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero: When Sub-Zero moved the Lin Kuei headquarters to Outworld, did he relocate it near or at the ancient ruins where he found his armor? There were some things that were put in that don't sound like Sub-Zero to me such as "And alot of members they may be!". Sub-Zero and Baraka know of each other, but I don't think there's anymore to it than just that. Since when has Baraka cared about honor? Overall, it's an ok bio. Btw, Sub-Zero is the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei clan. Sifu means "master" so having "Sifu Master" is a bit redundant.

Ermac: Why would Ermac search for the One Being? The One Being is everywhere in the realms as its splintered consciousness is what the fabric of reality is made of. Fusing the Kamidogu results in the merger of all the realms into one realm.

Noob Saibot: Well, it's good to know you had Noob in this story. Shinnok was the sole ruler of the Netherrealm after defeating Lucifer so there aren't other rulers. That's why Noob Saibot wants to step in and become the new ruler. Shouldn't the cyborg demons already sort of be immortal? When you refer to the taint in Smoke, are you talking about the holy taint that inflicted Noob's forces?
09/28/2006 10:04 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Sub-Zero: When Sub-Zero moved the Lin Kuei headquarters to Outworld, did he relocate it near or at the ancient ruins where he found his armor? There were some things that were put in that don't sound like Sub-Zero to me such as "And alot of members they may be!". Sub-Zero and Baraka know of each other, but I don't think there's anymore to it than just that. Since when has Baraka cared about honor? Overall, it's an ok bio. Btw, Sub-Zero is the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei clan. Sifu means "master" so having "Sifu Master" is a bit redundant.

Ermac: Why would Ermac search for the One Being? The One Being is everywhere in the realms as its splintered consciousness is what the fabric of reality is made of. Fusing the Kamidogu results in the merger of all the realms into one realm.

Noob Saibot: Well, it's good to know you had Noob in this story. Shinnok was the sole ruler of the Netherrealm after defeating Lucifer so there aren't other rulers. That's why Noob Saibot wants to step in and become the new ruler. Shouldn't the cyborg demons already sort of be immortal? When you refer to the taint in Smoke, are you talking about the holy taint that inflicted Noob's forces?

Sub-Zero: Yes, I was thinking about having some northern region where there's cold and snowy in Outworld where Lin Kuei ha ́ve their headquarters! And yes, I would also imagine that is where Subbie got his armour, because then he would always feel connected to the place, since it seems that is where his ancestors are from. And about my way of writing his speak, like when using the sentence "And alot of members they may be!" is because I see Subbie as older and wiser, a real warrior master, instead of keeping his rough attitude. And yeah, Sifu and Master is the same thing, I were also doubting if I should write one or the other, so I just wrote both :P Then if anyone is in doubt of what Sifu means, they get it when reading Master... Hopefully...
In MKD Subbie's ending he meets alot of Tarkatans, so I wanted to give him and Baraka some sort of connection, being the two strongest Outworld leaders. And about Baraka thinking of honour, I have always thought of him having some kind of warrior-code, but his evil masters have made him forget about this. And now when he's his own master, the thought of honour comes back to his entire race, fighting for what they believe in as a warrior-race. Even evil guys can have an honour-code :P

Ermac: I have always thought of the One Being having some kind of source of power and that the One Being could manifest in corporeal form and be an actual living creatur/person. And I think that is how Onaga also thought it would be like, and that is why he wants to replace it and become it himself. But only by merging the Kamidogus will he be strong enough to destroy the original One Being and become it himself. Ermac tries to find an answer of why everything is in chaos and he keeps feeling it is connected to the One Being, so he tries to find someplace or something giving him the chance to confront it!

Noob: Since MKD I've wanted Noob to go away from his ninja-self and become some kind of dark lord, trying to take the rule of Netherrealm for himself (kinda imagining him looking a bit like Spawn :P ).
And Smoke at this time is completely an android, a robot without emotions and thoughts because of Noob's influence on him. So he is just following orders programmed into him. This makes him able to enter the Netherrealm without having some sort of evil taint withim him, like Shujinko had in MKD, and makes him alot more of a thing than an actual person, because he has lost the little humanity he had left! So when Noob's mystical ally gave his army immortality, he used holy power and kept on focusing it on them. The cyborg demons are not immortal of their own, but are just very powerful! So when he disappeared, the holy "taint" in the demonic army simply destroyed these beings born of the darkness, but Noob is powerful enough to keep it to a minimum level by using the energies of the worlds. Kinda like Sareena does to contain her beauty. Smoke however is not affected by the holy "taint", because of his condition...
09/28/2006 06:50 PM (UTC)
It doesn't make sense for Smoke to be an android since he doesn't have that much of a resemblence to a human. Technically, he's still a cyborg. It does make sense for him to have an evil taint thus why he's able to enter the Netherrealm in the first place. He is/was one of the Lin Kuei's finest warrior assassins afterall which is the cause of his evil taint in the first place.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/02/2006 08:40 PM (UTC)
Wow. You're doing good. Keep it up. I'll say something on the next bios.
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