Mortal Kombat: Generation
posted12/30/2006 02:27 AM (UTC)by
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Sig made by Prodigy004
Member Since
11/20/2006 02:08 PM (UTC)
Hello, everybody. It's me, TheUberNinja, with an idea for a cool MK8 idea. Here is the storyline:

It has been 2 years since the coming of Armageddon. After the half-god Taven defeated the Firespawn known as Blaze, the elemental power spreaded and was given to the warriors of Mortal Kombat.

It has been my greatest regret of ever sending him on his quest. Ever since Taven's brother, my son, Daegon, was awakened too early for the quest, along with Caro's weak telekenetic bond between himself and Blaze, the quest was bound to be a failure.

Only one last hope remains.

The warriors Taven and Shujinko, god and champion, feel a disturbance in Earthrealm. The once allied god Raiden became a dark god after sacrificing himself for Earthrealm in his battle against Onaga. Now, with a new power, I will test their strength. He may be our only hope to finally kill Shao Kahn and bring glory back to Earthrealm.

Now begins our final battle. These are the words of Argus.
12/23/2006 12:10 AM (UTC)
I'm not really fond of the idea of making Liu Kang the main hero again. That kind of makes Taven a waste, just like Shujinko.

Also, I don't think Raiden would have a reason to choose to become dark.
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Sig made by Prodigy004
12/23/2006 03:15 AM (UTC)
I'll change it a bit...
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12/23/2006 08:49 PM (UTC)
I would have a three way race. They each take their own path / unique quest, and by the end the other two become evil, corrupt or mad for one reason or another, then go after who you chose to do the race / conquest as.

Taven can find you as a foe trying to invade Edenia, Liu Kang is a ghoul that can just go after you cause he's a ghoul and Shujinko can still be diluted into thinking he's the champion of the Elder Gods.
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Sig made by Prodigy004
12/29/2006 01:06 AM (UTC)
Now here are the character alignments and factions:

Scorpion (neutral, now joined the Lin Kuei)

Sub-Zero (neutral, left his clan as a wanderer)

Taven (good, now the God of Edenia)

Sorzel (evil, main baddy in MKG, sorcerer and servant to Shao Kahn)
Shinnok (boss of MKG, you know the deal, evil, sorcerer and ruler of the Netherrealm)

Shujinko (good, now weilding godly powers and is allied with Taven, regained his youth and is a formidable warrior)

Baraka (now serves himself, an assassin and a cold-hearted demon)

Blaze (neutral, he was not killed by Taven but was merely drained of his energy. He is back in his Lesser Firespawn form and seeks to regain his power.)

Liu Kang (regained of body, soul, and memory, Liu Kang rejoined with Johnny Cage, Sonia, Stryker, Jax, and Nightwolf.)

Kira (after her entire infiltration squad was wiped out by the Red Dragon, Kira lost contact with Kabal and was forced to travel back to the Black Dragon headquarters.)

Raiden (Raiden gained unimaginable dark power and roams Outworld as Shao Kahn's newest assistant.)

Meat-Blaze (a secret character in MKG, a servant of Shao Kahn, the fusion between Meat and Blaze.)

Kabal (a member of the Black Dragon who seeks to destroy the Red Dragon.

Kano (Kabal's servant, a member of the Black Dragon who barely managed to escape from the Red Dragon headquarters.)

Frost (once the apprentice of Sub-Zero, she now seeks to kill her former master.)

Johnny Cage (he is one of the greatest martial artists in Earthrealm and is no longer acquainted with Raiden.)

Kobra (a hotheaded member of the Black Dragon.)

intro coming soon furiousfuriousfurious
TheUberNinja Wrote:
Now here are the character alignments and factions:

Scorpion (neutral, now joined the Lin Kuei)

Sub-Zero (neutral, left his clan as a wanderer)

Taven (good, now the God of Edenia)

Sorzel (evil, main baddy in MKG, sorcerer and servant to Shao Kahn)
Shinnok (boss of MKG, you know the deal, evil, sorcerer and ruler of the Netherrealm)

Shujinko (good, now weilding godly powers and is allied with Taven, regained his youth and is a formidable warrior)

Baraka (now serves himself, an assassin and a cold-hearted demon)

Blaze (neutral, he was not killed by Taven but was merely drained of his energy. He is back in his Lesser Firespawn form and seeks to regain his power.)

Liu Kang (regained of body, soul, and memory, Liu Kang rejoined with Johnny Cage, Sonia, Stryker, Jax, and Nightwolf.)

Kira (after her entire infiltration squad was wiped out by the Red Dragon, Kira lost contact with Kabal and was forced to travel back to the Black Dragon headquarters.)

Raiden (Raiden gained unimaginable dark power and roams Outworld as Shao Kahn's newest assistant.)

Meat-Blaze (a secret character in MKG, a servant of Shao Kahn, the fusion between Meat and Blaze.)

Kabal (a member of the Black Dragon who seeks to destroy the Red Dragon.

Kano (Kabal's servant, a member of the Black Dragon who barely managed to escape from the Red Dragon headquarters.)

Frost (once the apprentice of Sub-Zero, she now seeks to kill her former master.)

Johnny Cage (he is one of the greatest martial artists in Earthrealm and is no longer acquainted with Raiden.)

Kobra (a hotheaded member of the Black Dragon.)

intro coming soon furiousfuriousfurious

Its good to see that one of the people who are always aying "Raiden should be one of the main villans in future mk games"is finally doing something about it.
Just two flaws
1.Scorpion would never ever ever join the Lin Kuei.They are the archenemies of his clan and some of ther members have f***** with his life(such as the first subzero killing him,and the latter destroying his clan.
2.And how can both Meat-Blaze and Blaze exist at the same time?
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Sig made by Prodigy004
12/30/2006 02:27 AM (UTC)
Here are the answers to your question.

1. Scorpion made a false alliance with the unknowingly Sub-Zero and tricked him into allowing Scorpion into his clan. The other clan members don't like him that much, though.

2. Meat and Blaze storyline will be revealed soon.
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