Mortal Kombat game improvements (new controls, functions,gameplay music,soundtrack,etc,)
posted06/14/2011 09:58 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/13/2011 01:15 AM (UTC)
The new MK is beast, but to top it off I think the game should get:
-REAL soundtracks, like with REAL music ,ya know? Hardcore songs/artists like (ex. SLIPKNOT, Linkin Park (early/ old stuff), Disturbed, The Agonist, Cannibal Corpse,Cradle of Filth,Korn,Adema,Straight Line Stitch, etc.)
-More camera modes/ better views (ex. You get to see your opponents face in front of you while kickin their asses, see the whole arena while fighting, or have the camera switching positions)
-Stickin to one MK story that makes sense instead of changng what happened to what confusing everybody
-Bring back characters that need more gameplay
-Giving them any extra costtume (besides alernate) would be kinda cool, like for say, a costume for war, then the costume would be more complex and exotic, (and heavier cuz of armor, lol)
-Plus a little more 'Test Your Might' won't hurt ;)
Anything else? Please share!
P.S. The game is alright as is, just throwin out some random thoughts and ideas
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