Mortal Kombat Free roaming game.
posted04/13/2012 04:51 PM (UTC)by
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09/19/2010 09:38 PM (UTC)
So, I just wanted to start off by saying I'm in the crowd of people who likes MKDA MKD and MKA (not MKvsDCU). This doesn't mean that I don't agree that the first games were much better then the later ones I am just a VERY open person. I like all kinds of new ideas and what not, so when looking through the newer Mortal Kombat games in my eyes, they wouldn't look so bad. But to start off the actual post I just wanted to discuss a game that will probably (99.9%) never get made. A free roaming MK.

I know, I know. Free roaming? But I really liked MKD's conquest mode, it was so cool with it's free roam and side missions. I also liked MKSM. At first I thought it would be cool to do a MKSM 2, which would be a retelling of MK 3. That won't be made because of the new MK story line. But I just want another free roaming MKD feeling game where you get to meet all the MK characters and stuff. Not only will I never see this game by itself, I'll probably never see conquest mode again. The story mode in MK 2011 looks ALOT different then story mode's weve seen in MK. I still think MK free-roam style would be cool.

And you think...
02/11/2011 07:18 AM (UTC)
A Free-Roaming Mortal Kombat Game, hmmm?

That sounds like a great concept, if you could get it to the right people. See what you could do to make your idea happen. Holla back and let me know what happens.
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Black stole my avatar.

02/11/2011 10:09 AM (UTC)
um, yeah this sound like a bad idea...
02/11/2011 05:03 PM (UTC)
I've felt for a long, long time that a Mortal Kombat MMORPG would be awesome! Think about it, the game has a very deep story, many realms to explore, lots of interesting characters and races. That just screams MMO. Also, while you could have RPG elements in the game, you could also have a MK style fight system. If not that, then you could have the game similar to Shaolin Monks, I guess. Either way, it'd be epic. I think if WB's "DC Universe Online" does well, they should consider doing a similar game called "MK Universe Online".
03/30/2012 07:30 PM (UTC)
Well, if im not mistaking, I believe MK Deception is free roam and the best game they have made because it's free roam.
03/30/2012 11:47 PM (UTC)
A totally free story/konquest mode? Maybe i would let myself into that. The only thing i think is important is the: Choose your character and then go with him. Once his/her chapter is done, choose another one if you will and see where it leads.

Free roaming would be cool. The only thing i hated about MKD's Konquest compared to the previous one was that i was forced to roam with a guy that took me some time to get used to and never became a great character in my eyes. Also that you were forced to learn particular characters in order to advance in the quest when others were just there for you to learn them or not afterwards?

For the rest, the mode was pretty interesting.
03/31/2012 06:02 AM (UTC)
I really enjoyed MK:D's Konquest mode as well, along with MK: Shaolin Monks. So, I like this idea. It'll probably never happen, but one can always dream.
04/04/2012 05:16 PM (UTC)
i thought of a mmo to

you create your character explore the realms the fighting would be like mk4 in a way your in 3D and you go up to the opponent and suddenly its 1v1 2d style or take on a crowed arkham city style and you kompete in the MK tournament on shang sungs island and shoalin monks tournament with the ability to sit in a crowed spectate and bet koins

also train under any of the 60+ mk characters as your mentor and join a faction like linkuai black/red dragon clans special forces barakas/shao khans army shoalin monks and white lotuse

live it up like sims with mk housing in any of the realms
04/04/2012 07:58 PM (UTC)
I have dreamt of an MK MMORPG for a long time, even scripted a whole idea down after MK Armageddon. It would be awesome!
04/05/2012 03:33 PM (UTC)
i still dream of it ^^ i think if its done properly this could be incredible. imagine,

u begin by choosing a class (race) than create a character with a neutral status. once that char. is done u become a part of this open world, but where u begin depends of your class (race). for example, if u have chosen for human, u begin on earth, have u chosen a saurian, u begin @ the government :P no u would begin in outworld, Zaterra. all with zero knowledge (spells) and limited skills (martial arts). just a some basic kombat skills. (it depends on your class(race) what ur able to learn in terms of skills and knowledge).

from here u create your own path, take part of the heroes and defend earth realm or fight for out-world and become one of shao kahn's army or stay neutral and stand by your self....

seek for knowledge to learn spells, seek for masters to improve your kombat skills, prepare for mortal kombat and defend whatever ure fighting for!!

by fighting u level up, but shang tsung's island would be the best place to level up and make points/money to kustomize your char. (armor, clothes, weapons etc.)

i would make me a ninja spectre, and go neutral grin
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

04/13/2012 11:28 AM (UTC)
I'd be down for another Shaolin Monks Esque game.

I actually think Kenshi would make an excellent character for his own adventure game.
04/13/2012 04:51 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
I'd be down for another Shaolin Monks Esque game.
I actually think Kenshi would make an excellent character for his own adventure game.

He would indeed. Lots of potential for different abilities; Sword skills, martial arts, and telekinesis. An idea that I really want to see happen is another stab at a Special Forces game, but this time you could have 4 playable characters with Sonya, Jax, Kenshi and Cyrax. Each with their own set of skills and abilities... it could be awesome. But that's another story.

As for an open world/free roaming game, I'm not sure. I love the idea of a Mortal Kombat RPG, which certainly would allow for some exploration and character interaction. I have my doubts that NRS could pull it off though, so I'd rather see another studio develop it with people like Boon and Vogel overseeing. If someone like Obsidian were to work on an MK RPG it could be amazing for the franchise.

MMO however? No way. MMOs are always a risk for developers and publishers, they're a terrible way to tell a story, and they're often simply garbage. If they don't flop immediately, they go free to play after a few months and eventually die. They cost ridiculous amounts of time and money to develop and it really wouldn't be worth it for anyone.

There are plenty of other genres they can branch into before trying to break into the MMO market. Which will never happen, because it'd be a terrible terrible idea.
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