Mortal Kombat: Final Showdown
posted06/25/2005 11:51 PM (UTC)by
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I, Cleric

Member Since
02/15/2005 05:12 PM (UTC)
This is my idea of a second trilogy, if you will, which involves every single character in mk to date for a final showdown.

"The Dragon Beast. The Elder Gods. The Fallen Elder. All have one thing in common. All have somehow interfered with the legendary tournament known to few people. The name of the Great Legendary tournament is Mortal Kombat. Designed by the Elder Gods to allow the Survival of the Fittest to take place. It was once an honourable tournament held once a generation thus forbidding any destructions within realms that truly deserve to exist. Those who had lost too many tournaments were not fit to be, and were therefore vanquished by the winners. Very recently, the tournament has been exploited and many threats have come alive to cause harm the six main realms: Earthrealm, Outworld, Netherrealm, Orderrealm, Chaosrealm and Edenia. As I have said before, Onaga, Shinnok, and the Five Elder God's have something in common. Each have been granted the noble power to ressurect at will, by the power of their heart. The Mortal Kombat tournament had been lost to evil, as Shinnok and Onaga planned to take over it and The Elder's chose not to interfere at all. The almighty power of Ressurection has been used too much be it for better or for worse, and now, the only two beings to use their power have vanquished, and the Mortal Kombat tournament has returned to normal...but at a cost. Unrightful victories have occured as the dead have been allowed to rise again, and it is time for the Five Elder's; creators of time, must correct it. Since Onaga's death, his heart has spilled on to the Great Dragon Symbol that is the Tournaments representation, and The Five Elder's have now made their choice. It is time to correct the tournament. As the Last holders of the powers that are time-twisting and Ressurection, The Elder's have decided to make use of them one last time before destroying them indefinitely, thus avoiding such a catastrophe again. From now on, Mortal Kombat's former glory will be restored and all those that have participated in these recent, illegal tournaments shall too be restored and will fight once again with one chance only this time to decide their fate. All those who have fought will fight once more. On which side, we cannot tell. They are the new masters of their destiny, and from now until eternity, they will shape their lives in the Great Tournament. We have spoken and now begins...MORTAL KOMBAT!

what do you think? it has everyone from mk1-mk6, and no-one can ressurrect, meaning johnny cage is screwed now!grin
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Kabal... his aura was orange.

04/06/2005 12:31 AM (UTC)
sounds decent but i would rather it be made in 2D ... but that will never happen so at best i can hope for something like this in 3D.

cause with todays technology it seems like they could make a pretty good 2D fighting game.

just my thoughts.
About Me

I, Cleric

06/15/2005 06:31 PM (UTC)
i cannot believe that no-one else has answered. it would be a very very good idea. i ressurection! thats gotta be good. the only good rssurection was scorpions because his happened right at the beginning...not a lame storyline to bring back a significantly shit character-johnny cage.furious------------------------>>>glasses GET OVER HERE!
06/15/2005 07:25 PM (UTC)
sorry i joined about 2 months ago, but yeah, that does sound good.
About Me

06/15/2005 09:38 PM (UTC)

Not all the characters again. Especially not a laughstock trilogy again.
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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?

06/15/2005 09:51 PM (UTC)
yes all the characters! MK7 will concern EVERYONE. it wouldn't be that bad if Shao Kahn or Shinnok won, because then you'd still be alive maybe. but if the One Being wins, you cease to exist!
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06/16/2005 12:37 AM (UTC)
There are way too many characters in the MK world to fit into one game and still have the space/time for gameplay, graphics, moves, etc...

I'd rather have really good graphics and gameplay then all the MK characters.
About Me

I, Cleric

06/24/2005 09:06 PM (UTC)
It was really an idea to get rid of the f*ckin ressurrections!

and why is it that the good people of earth must win. when ermac became good, he took on the five earthrealm warriors but i bet anything that in mksm, when ermac is evil, some douche like jax will probably take him. why would it be bad if the bad guy wins, and a new generation of good guys is born. why don't the earthrealm people cheat along with the outworldians? its basic human nature to do something wrong especuially if its to save your life! i mean, by mkd, all good guys had died and gone more evil (liu kang, kung lao, sonya, cage, jax, kitana, raiden etc.) which sux. Theres no need to apply the logic that the graphiocs will be sacrificed to fit the characters, just think about whether it would be a sweet idea or not.

I reckon it would also be cool if the whole thing was a sudden death match and only one winner remained. I'd rather a good guy that actually could win to win (raiden) instead of some a$$hole who's good but gay (cage)
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Life is just a squirel that's best freind is wine.

Death awaits us all...

See you on the other side...

Oh yes...there will be blood

and tacos...lots and lots of tacos

06/25/2005 07:54 PM (UTC)
It does sound preety good but still there are some stupid ass charactars that just need to be scrapped, Johnny Cage, Kobra, Jarek, Darrious. Charactars that sucked just need to DIE!!!!!! Other then that it sounds like a good idea

06/25/2005 11:51 PM (UTC)
If everyone showed up then it would give past characters who didn't impress fans that much a chance to redeem themselves. Like for example Tanya. She debuted in MK4 and was called 'Kitana wannabe' and had very few fans but when she returned in MKD, with a new look, a new story and a personality thanks to Konquest, she became one othe most popular character in MK. Now I would love for the same to happen to Sheeva, Reiko, Shinnok and other characters we havn't heard from in ages so that they can become great like Tanya did. Okay, its very likely Mokap won't amount to much but to be honest he was really just a filler for a secret character and I'm sure the MKteam knew he was going nowhere. Just my thoughts
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