Mortal Kombat: Evil Unleashed
posted11/25/2007 05:08 PM (UTC)by
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11/19/2007 06:31 PM (UTC)
The battle of Armageddon is still raging on, many lay wounded but still the fighters carry on. Many fights are raging, as Kano charges up the pyramid Scorpion spears him and pulls him down but gets blasted by a stray spell. Near by a zombie Liu Kang is slamming Shang Tsung with a flurry of punches, as Baraka and Kung Lao trade sword swings. Kabal almost gets to the top but is hit by the red dragon member Hsu Hao's krystal lazer, sending im flying off the pyramid. Shao Kahn is fighting a brutal battle with Onaga, trying to smash him with his hammer but simply gets carried away into the distance. However two people are ahead of the others, Taven and Daegon. Daegon fires a fire ball at Taven, who draws his sword and deflects it then throws it into his brother’s leg. Taven runs forward with a high kick that is ducked as Daegon pulls the sword out his leg and rolls. Daegon takes a swing at Taven's head but it is dodged and countered with an uppercut, sending Daegon half way down the stairs. Taven starts descending but Daegon rolls up to him and hits an upper cut of his own. Daegon picks up the fallen sword and stands over his brother. He raises his blade high up but Taven kicks him off sending Daegon all the way to the bottom of the pyramid! Taven turns and ducks a punch from blaze and counters with a few kicks and a fire ball. Blaze moves back, letting Taven axe kick him down. Taven rolls up but Blaze counters by punching the floor causing laver to burn Taven's face. Blaze moves in and lifts Taven off his feet, punching him in the face until Taven counters with a massive kick of his own! Blaze goes down off the structure as a light blasts down from the sky. Taven lifts his arm up and grows to twice his usual size and is surrounded by mist. Taven hovers up to the sky and into a black portal as the pyramid cracks down all sides. Thunder hits the structure and fire fly's off every were! Those who can open portals and everybody dives through, but some can't. Sheeve grabs Jade with all her hands and pulls every one of Jades limbs off before leaving her to die. This is leading to something >_>
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11/21/2007 10:56 PM (UTC)
Redone. It won't split into paragraphs >_>
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11/22/2007 05:21 PM (UTC)
The fighters transport all over the place, some to earth relm, some not so lucky.......

In the wastlands, a fighter lands on the hard ground with a loud thud. He stands up to reveal himself as Kai and holding a spiked club. In frount of him is a stone fort, with blood on the walls. Kai walks foward through the large stone arch coverd in spikes. He looks around at the empty courtyard, scatterd with dust. Kai turns left and walks down a coridor, looking for a sign of life. He steps through a door way and down a passage to see a bad sight. Kai stands on a blood red carpet going to the head of the room were a figure is sitting on a throne. To both sides are warriors holding swords and wearing white robes. The figure on the throne stands up and looks down on Kai. He bellows down at Kai "Who are you to disturb me?" before drawing a pair of knifes out his pocket. He steps down to reveal his blood red robes, strong arms and his light skin. His face has a large scar down the right and as the warriors turn, they too have the same scar. He moves towards Kai yelling "I am the master of this land, the Great Ryoushi, the strongest warrior alive!" as he charges at the monk. Kai readyies himself as the large warrior charges to him and slashes at him with his knifes. Kai falls back letting Ryoushi stand over him, stab him through the eyes and then slit his throat. Blood pours from Kai as the warrior stands up, causing his warriors to cheer in joy....
About Me

11/22/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
The Great Ryoushi.
Origin: Out world
Race: One third human, one third Tarkatan and one third outworlder.
Hand to hand style: Hung Ga
Weapon style: Aikido
Weapon: Two tantō
Alignment: Evil

Signature attacks:
Double hand upper cut
Forward roll into axe kick
Leg sweep
Throw tantō at opponent

Dive on opponent with tantō out, stab them through both eyes and slit there throat.
Strong punch straight through opponents gut then let them bleed to death.
Throw both tantō into opponent’s neck.

Bio: After being born in the outworld to a Tarkatan and a human, Ryoushi grew up quick by training in dojos behind his parents back. His Tarkatan father disapproved on his dream to fight in the Mortal Kombat tournament to Ryoushi killed him in cold blood. After a few years of isolation Ryoushi went crazy and went into sleep under ground. He woke to find the world in a dire state. He decided to form his own order and kill all those who stand in his way of becoming the sole master of all the lands.

Appearance: Around six feet tall, Ryoushi has large, strong arms, a dark skin tone and a small mandible to show his Tarkatan relatives. Ryoushi always wears his blood red robes and black shoes.

Info on his followers: Ryoushi's followers all believe he is the most powerful being alive and should be master of all the worlds. They are all trained in Aikido and Hung Ga as well as a few other fighting styles. They all use swords, knives, spears, bows and staffs. They are all willing to lay down their lives for Ryoushi and his cause.
About Me

11/22/2007 09:21 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Sub Zero and a group of monks are training. They practice punches, kicks and breathing exercises before taking a break. Suddenly a portal appears above them and out drops Ryoushi along with 4 followers. Ryoushi stands up tall and says "I am Ryoushi, the strongest fighter alive. I am just going to cut it short, surrender and join me or I will kill you". Cage simply laughs and replies "I bit stereotypical isn’t it? Do you just want an autograph?". Ryoushi simply laughs as his four warriors spring on the monks with there swords drawn, slashing at them and generally trying to kill them. Ryoushi draws his tantō and attacks Cage, dodging some punches, stabbing him and hitting a double hand uppercut. Cage slams on to the hard floor as Ryoushi throws both his tantō, penetrating Cage's neck. Sub Zero charges forward with a flying kick but it is ducked and when Sub Zero turns around Ryoushi hits him with a rolling axe kick. Zero falls to the floor near the dieing Cage as Liu kang steps forward. Ryoushi retrieves his blades and steps back as his fighters finish the monks, having killed them all with a loss of only one follower. Ryoushi and his fighters step back as Sub Zero and Liu Kang ready themselves for a second attack. Ryoushi turns to his fighters and beckons them to move back. He looks at the dead body of Cage and says "Do you wish to be next? Join me now, we can rule all the realms!". Liu Kang looks up and replies with one word. "Never" "Fine, it will be your death" Ryoushi retorts before stepping back through the portal and to were he came. That is not the only problem, after the recent death of master Bo' Rai Cho his most recent student Kronos is looking for revenge on his killers, the Black Dragon. After the great battle Kabal, Kano, Kobra and Kira ambushed Cho from behind and brutalized him, breaking most his bones before Kano removed his heart. No Kronos is coming for revenge on the Dragon. Kronos profile in next post.
About Me

11/22/2007 09:35 PM (UTC)
Any comments?
11/25/2007 05:08 PM (UTC)
pretty interesting story I'm waiting to see what comes next
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