Mortal Kombat: Eternity
posted10/10/2006 04:23 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/26/2006 05:46 PM (UTC)
The aftermath of armaggedon had left earthrealm in relative peace the realms once more seemed to be at rest. Rayden has once more resumed his position as elder god and I fujin have been left to guard earth realm. Although many kombatants had fallen in the battle that was armaggedon i and a select few have remained.

Shao khan the emporer of out world is dead edenia has been freed, and the realm of chaos, conquered by the realm of order. But it is from this realm the realm of order that a new chaos shall arise. DArrius's rebellion had been quelled but the leader had managed to escape into the realm of chaos and has yet to be detained. I have been given word from raiden that He and Havik have amassed an army of those who are dedicated to chaos. Rayden suspects that even though darrius and havik are at the head of the army they are not pulling the strings. The tournament of mortal Kombat has come once more. I am gathering what remains of earth realms defenders and preparing them for the battle that is to ensue.

Many mortals flock to compete in this tournament a tournament that has promised the power to control the realms. Darrius and havik intend to enter with the intention of taking the prize for their own personal gains. The earth realm defenders and the white lotus society cannot ally this to happen thus we have alligned with hotaru and his army of sentient order to act as a counter strike should any militant conflict arise. I will bring my realms defenders to the tournaments grounds and hope we can put an end to this ominous threat before chaos reigns the realms for an Eternity.
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98% of the Internet population has a Myspace. If you're part of the 2% that isn't an emo bastard or scum, copy and paste this into your sig.

10/01/2006 04:28 PM (UTC)
Sorry, but that sounds pretty lame.
10/02/2006 04:09 PM (UTC)
Thank you for your criticism is very much appreciated and i will try and be more imaginitive, but im not doing this story to show off my writing ability im doing it so i can post my art along with the soon as i figure out how to do that. And whether i suck or not its all in good spirit.


Sub-Zero had been traveling though the netherrealm in search of what was left of his brother, now know to be the wraith Noob-Saibot. As he prepared to make camp a silhoutte emerged from the shadows Sub-Zero braced himself for an attack. The silhoutte turned out to ba an old Lin Kuei ally now turned cyborg it was cyrax. From that point on Sub-Zero and cyrax ventured through the netherrealm together in order to better defend themselves against any threats. Not long after the had been together cyrax's poximity sensors indicated that they were being followed by not one but two individuals.

On one of the long nights nights which had left time disoriented and reality meshed into an un-reality Sub-Zero and cyrax were attacked By two oni warriors. A fierce battle had begun although the two oni had not taken the earthrealm warriors by surprise due once more to cyrax's Proximity sensors. Cyrax had engaged moloch in singular combat a foolish move to make moloch swept the cyborg aside with a crushing blow from moloch's massive iron ball. Meanwhile Sub-zero was locked in fierce kombat with the oni draahmin. Sub-Zero pummeled the oni into submission and raised his arm triumphantly as he ripped out the oni's spine Sub-Zero then realized his victory would come with a terrible cost. As he looked byond the fallen corpse of draahmin he saw molochs final crushing blow the blow that would end cyrax's life forever. Sub-Zero would have to fight with Moloch...Alone.
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I hate this place.

10/02/2006 09:27 PM (UTC)
Sub is dead, lol. Your... okay, but not the greatest. You just need a little bit better writing skills.
About Me

how bout a cup of shut the hell up.

10/02/2006 09:28 PM (UTC)
It is okay. Not great but okay
10/03/2006 07:28 PM (UTC)
Can anyone tell me how to post images.....Please?

Cyrax had been deceived by Nitra. The deceitful vampyr had in fact done everything except hold up her end of the bargain. Instead of fulfilling her promise. She had proven she was not to be trusted, but it was too late, Nitara had damned Cyrax to the Netherrealm. He roamed the netherrealm for what could have been a hundred years. He was hunted constantly by oni who desired human flesh and entrails. Even though he had little of either it was enough to make him a target. So it was this way he had become famous in the Netherrealm protector of the wicked mortal souls and slayer of the evil oni opressors. He had disposed of a countless number but still more came and even more after that. All of them had failed to finish off the Cyborg, all had perished but one.

The one who escaped was Draahmin a very cruel and vengeful oni. Cyrax knew he would surely return with friends he had realized oni did not take defeat with any certain amount of honor. Cyrax wandered the netherrealm aimlessly only seeking away back to earthrealm, not long after the defeat of draahmin his suspicions were confirmed. He was being followed. Cyrax sought to use his advantage, his proximity sensors would alert him of their positions so he attempted to out manuever and lose them but he had failed. Cyrax had eventually come to a camp and crept slowly towards it there he found an old ally from his time in the Lin Kuei he had found Sub-Zero.

Sub-Zero welcomed Cyrax and agreed to help him should any conflict arrive between Cyrax and the two Oni following him in return for cyrax's assistance on Sub-Zero's own Quest. The quest to find and kill hid brother the wraith Noob-Saibot. In return for Sub-Zero's help cyrax had to holf off Smoke when and if they ever found Noob-Saibot. Cyrax readily agreed and they both wandered the netherrrealm together....

Draahmin found himself once more a resident of the Netherrealm. It seemed he was instantly returned to this realm after falling into Quan Chi's inner sanctum. Instead of devouring the body's of fresh mortals he was forced to content himself torturing and causing pain to the wicked souls of the Netherrealm. The evil souls of the netherrealm were getting more then they deserved from the oni draahmin, he was taking out his rage on everyone and anything even his fellow oni. A rage that would only drive him so far , a rage that would lead him to attack moloch who had been tricked by chang tsung and also returned to the netherrealm. Moloch pummeled Draahmin and managed to calm draahmin down. Moloch told Draahmin that the deadly alliance had failed Shang tsung and Quan chi were dead and that there murderer was none other then the Dragon King.

Draahmin and moloch set forth to establish their dominance in the netherrealm, They heard of a warrior who had made a reputaion for slaying demons and they made that warrior their newest target. Draahmin picked up the scent of living flesh and abandoned moloch in the night so that he could capture this mortal and devoure him alone.

Draahmin located the human and waited patiently for the man to fall asleep but this man appeared to need no rest. Draahmins patience had soon worn thin and he malicously attacked the motal. It was made clear to draahmin the he was not fighting any ordinary mortal as he was beaten into the ground, he was no longer fighting for a meal he was fighting for his life. In an act of desperation he sacrifed his Iron Clun to deflect and explosive device that had shot out of the mans chest deflecting it back at the man who was no man. The Half-machine parried the bomb as it exploded and was left temorarily blinded. This was the opportunity draahmin sought he quickly made his escape. Draahmin went back to moloch and told his stroy, together they would hunt down and kill Cyrax.
10/04/2006 06:29 PM (UTC)
I give up this will be the last of my posts. I really wish someone would tell me how to post images.....sadsadsadsad and im only doing it cause i likes the twist i had in it for sub-zero.

Sub-Zero had to imrpovise and quickly the giant oni was bearing down on him and it appeared as though he would be torn apart. Sub zero used his freezing abilites to slick the ground and trip moloch up. His plan had succeeded moloch was on his back. Sub-Zero soared through the air and stomped his landing onto the onis chest but this seemed only to enrage moloch. Acting quickly Sub-Zero landed icy blow for blow. Moloch raisedone of his massive arms and grabbed Sub-Zero by the throat. Dangling Sub-Zero out in front of him he bashed Sub-Zeros body against the ground repeatedly. Sub-Zero hung limp and broken in the air. Using the last of his strength he focused his freezing ability into his hand and stabbed his fingers into moloch's eyes the freeze had frozen molochs inards and all of his nerves killing the giant beast. The shear weight of the oni caused him to collapse freeing our frozen warrior. As Sub-Zero lay there dying he was swarmed over by tiny mechanical spiders. he sought to find the origin of them and saw them coming from Cyrax's body. Moments l8r sub-Zero rose from the gtround no longer was he sub-Zero grand-Master of the lin kuei he was now the cyborg Zer0-Celsius.

comments: even if you didnt like the ending i would like to know what you have to say about the concept.
10/04/2006 09:30 PM (UTC)
To post images... use this code:

[img src=]

Replace the [ ] tags with < >

Oh yeah, nice ideas.
10/05/2006 06:35 PM (UTC)
ty ill have some images to post tommorrow.
About Me

"I have betrayed my homeland and joined forces with the man that murdered my father. Now nothing shall calm my rage as I seek to demolish this ruthless parasite and to restore my family's former glory as General of Edenia's Army,"

These are the words of Rain
10/05/2006 10:03 PM (UTC)
Lame. Play some more Mortal Kombat or learn more than try with some ideas.
10/06/2006 05:02 PM (UTC)
I know enough about mortal Kombat thank you very much.
About Me

10/08/2006 08:55 AM (UTC)
i'll withhold my opinion about the storyline kombosus. But i will say that Mortal Kombat: Eternity sounds like a great title for a future MK. And i wood like to see those pics you mentioned...
10/10/2006 04:23 PM (UTC)
Im really lazy ive only done draahmin scorpion sub zero ermac moloch Big shokan thing* wu shin* Lao Tzu and Raiden* still gott draw 21 more characters. But if you wanna see them e-mail me and ill send you what i have already done. But until i have these done im not gonna post anymore storylines.sleepsleepsleepsleep.....
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