Mortal Kombat: Endgame
Yes, it's FINALLY here. Anyway, hope you enjoy:

“The tale of Mortal Kombat begins at the very fabric of time, at the birth of the cosmos... there only existed the Elder Gods and the One Being. It is not known where the One Being emerged but one thing was for certain: the creature was evil incarnate, it took malicious delight in feeding on the Elder Gods essence, leaving them on the brink of extinction.’

“When all seemed lost and their hour of doom seemed at hand the Elder God known as Shinnok stepped forward and proposed a way of defeating the One Being. While the One Being could easily fed on the Elder Gods, Shinnok proposed that he and the remaining Elder Gods use their power to create 6 warriors who would be endowed with Godlike strength and powers while at the same time lacking the proper essence required for the One Being to devour them.’

“These 6 warriors were created and subsequently trained by the Elder Gods to prepare them for their confrontation with the One Being: I was one of these warriors. We were all skilled in our own talent, but there was one ambitious warrior who I did not fully trust. That warrior’s name was Shao Kahn....’

“After their training was completed, only 5 of the warriors were deemed worthy enough to receive full godhood. Shao Kahn was denied this gift for the Elder Gods could sense that his heart was impure and unbalanced.’

“And so the battle came. The 6 warriors marched into battle, protected from the One Being’s special abilities, they took him off guard. Despite this, victory did not come easy for the One Being’s sheer power seemed too much to possibly overcome but the Elder Gods had created 6 mystical tools that would allow them to break the One Being’s consciousness apart. Shao Kahn’s attacks were the most vicious and damaging... it was he who finished the One Being, allowing each warrior to hold up their Kamidogu to allow Shinnok to seal the One Being away...’

“And so the battle with the One Being ended... each of these 6 warriors was assigned a realm to guard where the sacred Kamidogu would lay hidden to prevent the One Being from ever returning. But no one knew that Shao Kahn’s battle with the One Being was fought on more than the physical plane.’

“You have great power, but I can grant you power that will make the other gods look like insects to your might. Every wish fulfilled. Every desire granted. You could rule over the ones who denied you godhood and make them suffer for denying you that privilege.” – The One Being’s words to Shao Kahn.

“These words ignited Shao Kahn’s anger towards the Elder Gods. He accepted the One Being’s offer, so while it appeared that Kahn had destroyed the One Being’s conscious, it had in fact managed to survive in two ways, the first form that the One Being lived on through was its scattered conscious throughout the realms and the second was that of its spirit merged with Shao Kahn.’

“After the formation of the realms, each of the 6 warriors was assigned a realm to protect. I was assigned to protect Earthrealm while Shao Kahn was made guardian of Outworld. He served as the appointed Emperor of Outworld, Onaga’s advisor, but unbeknownst to the Dragon King, he too was slowly being corrupted by the One Being’s influence.’

“Onaga then spread dominion over Outworld and at the suggestion of Shao Kahn, began to invade and conquer other realms, but Kahn was merely bidding his time, waiting for the right moment and when it came... Onaga lay on the floor, dead...’

“Shao Kahn then became Emperor of Outworld and spread his evil across the realms, slowly, piece-by-piece, the One Being started to revive...”

-The words of Raiden

(Fujin stands on a cliff, staring at Shao Kahn’s fortress.)

Fujin: Shao Kahn is a being of pure evil... I have seen this monster commit many atrocities, but none can compare to this. When he took away Liu Kang’s memories and turned him against Earthrealm, this was his ultimate revenge against the warrior who had defied his plans three times...

(We cut to Shao Kahn’s throne room, Shang Tsung bows and kneels before him)

Shang Tsung: Great Emperor, we have succeeded in capturing the forces of light... (quietly) No thanks to you.

Shao Kahn: What did you just say?!

Shang Tsung: (quickly) Nothing.

Shao Kahn: Good...

Shang Tsung: The male warriors are being prepared for execution. The females are being “trained” into slavery.

Shao Kahn: I see...

Shang Tsung: But I must express my concerns over one matter.

Shao Kahn: (sighs) And that would be?

Shang Tsung: Liu Kang.

Shao Kahn: What about him?

Shang Tsung: I am concerned that his encounters with his former allies... may awaken some of his true memories.

Shao Kahn: Well, as long as your spell remains strong, we shouldn’t have to worry about that.

Shang Tsung: Well yes... but if he should break free of this spell everything could be unraveled...

Shao Kahn: Shang Tsung, I have little time for your minor concerns, besides keeping Liu Kang under our control should be your major concern not mine.

Shang Tsung: But... what if this doesn’t go the way we planned? You may have the combined power of the amulet and kamidogu at your disposal but something could still...

Shao Kahn: Very well then, if anything goes wrong, I shall blame YOU no matter what the cause is. Do you have a problem with that?

Shang Tsung: ....No. No, I don’t.

Shao Kahn: Good. Now get out.

(Shang Tsung leaves the room and when the door closes)

Shang Tsung: That idiot is going to ruin everything. He has so much power and yet he chooses to still use others to do work that he could easily do in 5 minutes.

(A green arrow blasts through the door, narrowly missing Shang Tsung, who manages to duck at the last second. He then crawls away from the door.)

“It was wise of Shang Tsung to make it so that the spell he placed on Liu Kang could be broken if he was killed, otherwise Shao Kahn would’ve long since executed him. Eventually the day came when Earth’s heroes were brought to Shao Kahn’s throne room... All seemed lost... Shao Kahn had finally won.’

(Liu Kang stands with a sword in his hands, which means he’s going to the one doing the killing...)

“But something happened that nobody counted on... former enemies found themselves united....’

(Several guards lay on the ground, dead. This alliance turns to be none other than... Scorpion and Sub-Zero. (Not surprising, is it?))

(Both Scorpion and Sub-Zero glare at each other with a mix of distrust and respect. Sub-Zero opens the door, and signals to Scorpion to go through first. The spectre does so, but gives the Lin Kuei Grandmaster a “Good thing you know not to mess with me” kind of look.)

(Inside the throne room. Kung Lao, Johnny Cage and Jax are being held down by several Masked Guards, while Kitana, Sonya, Sareena, Jade and Li Mei have been chained to altars and are being forced to watch. They are clad in more revealing slave girl outfits. (In essence, think of Leia’s outfit at the beginning of Return of the Jedi, well after she’s captured by Jabba, that is...) Sindel reluctantly sits by Shao Kahn, while staring sadly at her restrained daughter.)

(Shao Kahn points at Liu Kang and tells him to execute Kung Lao. Liu Kang prepares to do so, but when he stares over at Kitana, he pauses upon seeing her about ready to break down in tears. Liu Kang lowers the blade.)

Shang Tsung: (to himself) I knew this was going to happen. I knew it! But would he listen? Noooo!!!

(Kahn glares at Liu Kang, who raises his sword once again... but just before he can bring the sword down. Scorpion and Sub-Zero enter the room... which causes everyone to pause... Until, Shao Kahn just scoffs and tries to blast the two ninja into oblivion, but they manage to avoid the attack. Scorpion throws his spear at Shao Kahn, but it narrowly misses, Sub-Zero uses his freeze blast to free Kung Lao, Johnny Cage and Jax before he is attacked by Frost...)

Frost: I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time, Sub-Zero!

(Sub-Zero’s eyes widen in surprise but he doesn’t have to time to answer as Frost immediately begins her attack on him. Meanwhile, Scorpion is attacked by Kira, but he’s able to throw her aside. During all this, Ermac manages to sneak into the room and he sets the women free using his telekinesis to remove their chains. What happens after that is pretty much all out mayhem.)

“If the warriors of light were able to remove the amulet from Shao Kahn, then he would lose his powers, a task much easier said than done... but there was one factor that Shao Kahn had forgotten about..’

(Raiden slowly floats down, having been waiting for the right time to escape and make his move. He reaches in and manages to get a hold on the amulet, Shao Kahn starts to panic and the two begin a struggle for control as the amulet starts to surge with energy seeping out of it. As Raiden and Shao Kahn both try to gain possession of the amulet, Raiden starts to flicker back and forth between his light and dark forms...)

(Meanwhile Frost has Sub-Zero is cornered, but is tackled by an angry Sonya, who immediately opens a can of whoop ass on Frost. Kung Lao can be seen fighting Goro during the chaos. But... two warriors are not fighting. Liu Kang and Kitana just stare at each other...)

(A note here, I’m not going to include any dialogue for this part, but you should know that Kitana is trying to make Liu remember his true self here...)

“I myself formed an unexpected alliance with an old enemy... Shinnok...’

(Fujin and Shinnok blast through Shao Kahn’s palace, with Kai not too far behind. Shinnok then opens a portal and signals for the good guys to go through.)

(A note here, this doesn’t mean Shinnok’s a good guy now, he’s helping them because he knows what will happen if Shao Kahn wins.)

(Several go through, Jade has to drag Kitana away from Liu Kang, who has an opportunity to kill her by throwing a daggar, but he finds that he cannot do it. Meanwhile, Raiden manages to win the struggle for the amulet as he prys it away from Shao Kahn, who angrily calls out for his guards to stop Raiden before he gets away. But the Thunder God manages to teleport out. Kahn transforms back into his original form, signaling his lost of the amulet (plus the kamidogu’s) power.)

“We managed to make our escape and limit Shao Kahn’s power. But... the war is not yet over. We have only delayed Shao Kahn, for the tyrant has managed to merge nearly every realm with Outworld. Only the Netherrealm remains out of his grip. We must now make our final stand against him...’

(Shang Tsung tries to slip away unnoticed but is grabbed by Shao Kahn, who growls at the sorcerer angrily. Shang Tsung begins to sweat with fear.)

“At long last, everything has come to this last battle. Fates will be met and destinies shall be decided. We have reached... the Endgame.”

Yes, that was Fujin narrating that last part. And the Shao Kahn/Shang Tsung part was mainly just to add a little bit of humor to the story. Anyway, keep a look out for the first bios. Also, I'm going to be providing something for you as a apology for the long wait. You remember my parodies which featured Scorpion and Sub-Zero as a comedy duo? Well, I'm going to be doing "episodes" that feature Scorpion and Sub-Zero going on wacky, random adventures. (To Sub-Zero's dismay.)

Anyway, as for Endgame. This is my "Armageddon". All of your questions will be answer. Will Noob Saibot be stopped? Will Liu Kang and Kitana live happily ever after? And can Shang Tsung actually beat Liu Kang without cheating? (Because admit it, he SO did when he killed Liu at the beginning of MK:DA ) tongue

Anyway, more coming..
12/20/2006 03:01 AM (UTC)
Finally, you've brought the goods. *gives you cookies*

I think you did a pretty good job, and I like the narration of the action sequences and stuff. The Shao Kahn/Shang Tsung interaction, which is similar to their interaction in MK: Conquest (at least in the first episode), is good as always.

I found the whole Shao Kahn origins thing to be a bit strange in the way you did it. For a backstory, I personally would've done Shao Kahn's origins differently. However, you took a unique approach to something that hasn't been explained before in the MK storyline.

Anyway, I look forward to the bios and all. Good stuff, PNF. glasses
12/21/2006 01:07 AM (UTC)
A very neat start so far, PNF. Can't wait to see how this and the um... "episodes" featuring Scorpion and Sub-Zero.
First Appearance: MK1
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Neutral (though currently aligned with the good side)

“My mission has only just become. Though we have only delayed the One Being’s revival, Shao Kahn still lives. I have since been informed that Noob Saibot, the wraith who now rules the Netherrealm is my old enemy, the original Sub-Zero. After I exacted my revenge on him, his soul descended to the Netherrealm just like mine after my death at his hand and he too became a hellspawn. The Elder Gods agreed that it’d be best to make sure the Netherrrealm remains out of Shao Kahn’s hands for it is the only realm that’s not fused with Outworld.’

“Ironically, I find myself teamed with another old foe of mine, the younger Sub-Zero. While we have formed an alliance, it is an uneasy one. Regardless of this, we have made our way into the Netherrealm, along with Sareena. But I won’t deny that I feel wary of this mission. I feel that there is more to this than we know.’

“But I don’t care. I’ll accomplish my mission here. Nothing will stop me from reuniting with my family in the Heavens. At long last, after so much suffering, my soul can finally be at peace.”

First Appearance: MK2
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good

“The time has come. My brother, Noob Saibot’s alliance with Sektor has made them both substantially more powerful, it is for that reason that I have teamed up with my old enemy, Scorpion. Though I don’t fully trust him, it is an alliance of necessity. Scorpion doesn’t take too kindly to following my instructions, but someone needs to take command of this situation.’

“As I near this oncoming battle with my predecessor to the Sub-Zero name, I think about the future. My future. If I am to survive this battle, what will I do? Will I continue on as Sub-Zero? I have asked myself this question many times. Perhaps it is time for me to pass on the mantle of Sub-Zero. Yes, I believe it to be so.’

“This is my final mission. This is where all my trials were leading up to... a battle between two brothers. He is both my only family and my greatest enemy. It is time to find out which one of us is truly the better warrior.”

Scorpion and Sub-Zero Mini-Episode 1:

(Scorpion and Sub-Zero are sitting on a couch)

Scorpion: Come on, think of all the stuff I’ve done for you for Christmas.

(Sub-Zero thinks back)

*Christmas 1993*

Sub-Zero: Did you get me a present?

Scorpion: No.

*Christmas 1997*

Sub-Zero: Did you get me a present?

Scorpion: No.

*Christmas 2005*

Sub-Zero: Did you get me a present?

Scorpion: No.

*Back to the present*

Sub-Zero: Yeah... thanks.

Scorpion: I knew you’d remember my kindness.

(Sub-Zero glares at Scorpion, angrily.)

Scorpion: So what do you want this year?

Sub-Zero: (sighs) There’s only one thing I want.

(Sareena walks in)

Sareena: Hey guys.

Sub-Zero: (looking at Sareena) And there it is...

Sareena: What are you guys up to?

Scorpion: Making Sub-Zero feel miserable.

Sareena: Ah, yes, that’s the best way to spend the day.

Sub-Zero: You guys are the worst friends ever.

Scorpion: Ain’t we though?

Sub-Zero: Uh, yes, well, I’m going out. Sareena, you want to come with. We could stop at McDonald’s on the way home.

Sareena: No. Get lost loser.

Sub-Zero: (sighs and walks off)

Sareena: Soo.. Scorpion, what do you want to do?

Scorpion: Anything that doesn’t involve you slut.

(Sub-Zero goes to a gun store)

Sub-Zero: Time to get some revenge.

(He walks in, and speaks to the store clerk.)

Sub-Zero: Yeah, hi, I need a gun so I can kill somebody who’s been a real prick to me for years.

Johnny Cage: Okay, what gun do you want?

Sub-Zero: ....Johnny Cage? What the hell are you doing here?

Johnny Cage: Well, until the next MK game comes out, I have no inspiration to do another half-assed MK movie that’s filmed in a year and completely exaggerates my storyline making me look like a great hero.

Sub-Zero: Never stopped you before. Anyway, just get me a gun.

Johnny Cage: (he takes out a pistol) I used this gun in “Ninja Mime.” So it’s very special to me, I want you to have it.

Sub-Zero: ....You played a mime... who used a gun... who was a ninja?

Johnny Cage: Yeah, also, this gun right here. (takes out a machine gun) I used this gun in “The Terminator”

Sub-Zero: You were in the Terminator?

Johnny Cage: Yeah, for some reason everybody says Arnold Schwarzenegger did it, but that’s not true. Only I can be in low-budget action films like that!

Sub-Zero: (pause) Uh-huh...

Johnny Cage: Also, I was in “Speed”, I was the cop who heroically diffused the bomb on the bottom of the bus and I got to make out with Sandra Bullock at the end. I really scored in that movie!

Sub-Zero: Yeeahhh.... Next thing we know, you’ll be running for Governor of California.

Johnny Cage: Hey, that’s not a bad idea.

Sub-Zero: (groans) What have I done? Anyway, can you just give me the gun?

Johnny Cage: Sure, but you’re required to shoot a target before you leave.

Sub-Zero: Okay... that’s fine with me.

Johnny Cage: I’ll set one up for you.

Sub-Zero: No need. I already got one.

Johnny Cage: Really? Where?

(Sub-Zero shoots Johnny Cage in the heart)

(Christmas Day)

Scorpion: Hey Sub-Zero, what did you get me?

Sub-Zero: (takes out the gun) This gun. I’m going to use it to pay you back for all the years of mistreatment you’ve given me! And for making me have to live my life working in a pointlessly violent video game!

Scorpion: (takes the gun from him) Cool. Thanks. You’re a pal.

(Sub-Zero stares blankly, a long pause follows.)

Sub-Zero: Did you get me a present?

Scorpion: No.


Yeah, that parody's more of a christmas present if anything. Anyway, I'll get back to more bios later on.
12/22/2006 06:52 PM (UTC)
Finally, the first two bios are up! grin

Scorpion: Cool bio. The Scorpion/Sub-Zero alliance is good, and I like the bit of animosity between them. It's somewhat like the Goku/Vegeta alliance.

Sub-Zero: Well, since this is the last story of the trilogy, I guess passing on the mantle of Sub-Zero would be good. I think it would've made more sense if Sub-Zero's battle against Noob Saibot is to honor his brother by putting an end to this abomination as opposed to seeing who is the better warrior.

As for the parody... stuff. I liked the part with Sub-Zero getting the gun and using it on Johnny Cage.
12/22/2006 08:23 PM (UTC)
Lolz at the first episode.

As for the bios: I like both directions for them and the Sub/Scorp alliance is pretty good.
Sorry for the long wait. Anyway, I'll be posting bios for the characters involved with the Noob Saibot storyline, that way I can resolve it before moving on to the main plot with the final battle against Shao Kahn.


First Appearance: MKM:SZ
Origin: Netherrealm
Alignment: Good

“The final battle has dawned and while everyone seems to be focused on Shao Kahn, one other evil remains: Noob Saibot. Now rescued from my enslavement at the hands of Frost, I’ve decided to travel with Scorpion and Sub-Zero to the Netherrealm once again, to find Saibot and stop him once and for all’

“Once we arrived, we met with my sister, Ashrah who continued to fight against his rule. Ashrah informed us of Saibot’s recent activities. With the aid of Sektor, he’s been building a generator that will assimilate Outworld into the Netherrealm thus leaving him in control of the One Realm. We must make our stand now to stop him but unfortunately Scorpion and Sub-Zero often spend their time arguing like children. I often find myself having to break up their foolish feuds. But in the midst of it all, Sub-Zero made me a rather surprising offer: to succeed him as the Lin Kuei Grandmaster. But I find myself unworthy of such a role and turned his offer down. Still though, I’ve noticed a weary look in his eyes, he’s tired of the endless fighting. I only hope that Sub-Zero’s tired heart will last long enough to carry him through this last battle.’

Noob Saibot

First Appearance: MK1 (As Sub-Zero), MK2 (As Noob Saibot)
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil

“Finally, my plan is almost complete. While Fujin’s idiotic lackeys were concerning themselves with Shao Kahn, I silently watched and continued my plans in silence. Now the time has come. My brother, Sub-Zero, has finally decided to show his pathetic face in the Netherrealm. But he is not alone. He has brought Sareena with him, and perhaps more surprisingly, Scorpion, my old enemy.’

“But they are minor annoyances now. Frost managed to steal a Kamidogu away from Shao Kahn, and with as the “ingredient” as it were, Sektor’s generator can assimilate Outworld into the Netherrealm, thus leaving all realms under my control in one fell swoop.’

“Scorpion and Sub-Zero are making their way here even as I speak. But I have been observing them. Their animosity towards each other will be there downfall. I will use this against them. I shall make them doubt the other’s loyalty and ultimately propel them to fight each other in a duel to the death. After this battle is fought, I will step in and kill the weakened victor of the fight. Then there shall be no one left to stop Noob Saibot.”

Scorpion and Sub-Zero: Episode 2

(In the Netherrealm, Noob Saibot is sitting on his throne with Smoke standing to the side.)

Noob Saibot: So tell me, servant. What of our plans?

Smoke: Do we even have plans?

Noob Saibot: Of course we do! I’m the main villain! The main villain always a plan.

Smoke: Yeah, usually. But you never do... because you’re an idiot.

Noob Saibot: Eh... I’m sure I’ll come up with something. I mean, we did plant a bomb in Scorpion and Sub-Zero’s house.

Smoke: You mean I did. You didn’t do a damn thing.

Noob Saibot: Dr. Phil was on. Who would do anything when watching “Dr. Phil”?

Smoke: ...I hate you.

(We finally go to Scorpion and Sub-Zero’s house. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Kitana are sitting at the breakfast table.)

Scorpion: Look. Everyone knows that Google’s planning on becoming a monopoly. I mean, look at how they much they offered to YouTube to buy them. $2 million over a website?! Come on, you know it’s true!

(Sub-Zero doesn’t answer.)

Scorpion: ...I know this fascinates you. You fascinator!

Sub-Zero: Uh... you know, if I were the guys who founded YouTube and I was offered $2 million. I’d take it.

Scorpion: (long pause, he then whispers to Sub-Zero) Google and MTV are conspiring to take over the world.... I know this to be true...

Sub-Zero: Uh... yeah. How did MTV get into this?

Kitana: Well, I don’t know about this conspiracy thing but MTV does suck. I mean, so many reality shows now. If I wanted reality I’d... (Scorpion puts his hand over her mouth) Mmmph!

Scorpion: Quiet! MTV could be watching us right now.

Sub-Zero: (long pause) Scorpion, I don’t know where you get these ideas other than to for cheap attempts at humor.

(Scorpion leaves.)

Sub-Zero: Yeah, he gets weirder every day.

Kitana: Who cares? He’s still cooler than you’ll ever be.

Sub-Zero: ....Yeah. You keep telling yourself that.

Kitana: No problem.

(Sonya enters the room.)

Sonya: Oh great. I come in to have breakfast and who do I find. The idiotic ice ninja and the retarded princess.

Sub-Zero: Look. How many times do I have to say it? I am not a ninja. Scorpion’s a ninja!

Sonya: You look like a ninja. You act like a ninja. You take on jobs that only ninjas would. Face it. You’re a ninja.

(Sub-Zero stares blanky.)

Kitana: I got to admit. She’s got you on a technicality there.

(Back to Noob Saibot and Smoke, watching them from a portal.)

Noob Saibot: How long is this bomb going to take to explode?

Smoke: I don’t know.

Noob Saibot: What do you mean? You were the one who set the bomb!

Smoke: But you didn’t put a timer on. So I couldn’t set it for a time to blow up.

Noob Saibot: ....oh. Right.

Smoke: So now what? Mission’s a failure, right?

Noob Saibot: No. We must go on a dangerous mission to activate it.

Smoke: But we, you mean me right?

Noob Saibot: Yes. That is exactly what I mean.

Smoke: I knew it.

Noob Saibot: we even have bomb timers?

Smoke: (sighs disgustedly)

(Back to Scorpion and Sub-Zero’s house.)

Scorpion: Hmm. Okay. I think I’ve figured out where MTV’s hiding their cameras.

Sub-Zero: Wait, when did you first come up with this sneaking suspicion that MTV was spying on us?

Scorpion: Ever since I saw “Punk’d” by Ashton Kutcher. I so wish they could’ve aired the episode where they pranked Terrell Owens. I would’ve loved to have seen that.

Sub-Zero: That doesn’t answer the question.

Scorpion: What truly is answered in this universe?

Sub-Zero: ...Yeah. Anyway, nothing really happened in this episode, did it?

Scorpion: Nope.

(Unbeknownst to Scorpion and Sub-Zero, they are being watched...)

MTV Producer: With our hidden camera, we’ve been able to spy on these two ninja for a while. What do you say, boss? How about a reality show with two ninja living together?

MTV CEO: won’t last.


So yeah, Sareena's bio is meant more to show her concern for Sub-Zero and how she's learned to show compassion for others. (Even though it hasn't been a major issue for her right now.) No, Sareena won't become the next "Sub-Zero" before any of you ask me. I did think it would be good to have her as the "peace keeper" of Scorpion and Sub-Zero's arguments.

Noob Saibot's bio, I had to think of a way to make him a major threat in this conflict so this was the best I could come up with.

As for the parody, not one of my better ones, but this one's divided into two parts. I'll try to make the next one better.
01/09/2007 10:58 PM (UTC)
Finally, more bios. grin I think they are pretty good. I like Sareena's a bit more. The parody was amusing. I think the Noob/Smoke interaction was the best part about it.
01/10/2007 09:17 PM (UTC)
Excellent stuff as usual, PNF.
It's been a long few months, but I finally found the motivation to continue this. So here's four bios to make up for the lack of progress.


First Appearance: MK3
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good

“I arrived not a minute too soon. When I heard that Sektor was intending on assassinating Smoke, I knew that I had to find Smoke first. I arrived not a moment too for he was about to be overcome by the dark energies of the Netherrealm. As I repaired his programming, I was attacked by Sektor. I managed to fend off his assault thanks to the last minute assistance of Smoke, but Sektor was not defeated. I only caused him to retreat. I know it is only a matter of time before I see him again.’

“As Smoke and I made our way through the Netherrealm, I told him of what the Special Forces had done for me. That they were able to free my human mind from the cybernetic programming. The same could be done for him. We have received rumors that Sonya Blade has entered the Netherrealm for what purpose I do not know. But I know that must reach her, for both Smoke and my sakes. Only one thing stands in our way: Sektor.”


First Appearance: MK2
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good

“My search for Noob Saibot nearly cost me my life. Had it not been for the interference of Cyrax, I surely would’ve been destroyed by Sektor. He then told me of the Special Forces and what they had done for him. I could not refuse his offer.’

“Since then, we have searched for Sonya Blade, who Cyrax believes is in the Netherrealm though he does not know why. I believe that these events foretell a dark foreboding... I believe that Noob Saibot, my former master is preparing his own plan while everyone remains distracted by the threat of Shao Kahn. He must be stopped and for the part I played in this madness, I must be the one to put an end to him.”


First Appearance: MK3
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil

“Cyrax and Smoke were lucky to have escaped with their pathetic lives. Damaged, I returned to the Tekunin where my body was repaired. Saibot then contacted me and told me that it was finally time to set our ultimate plan into motion.’

“But I have grown tired of him. His endless prattle and idiocy has annoyed me to no end ...I will dispose of him and then I shall be the supreme overlord of the realms. Let my enemies come, one-by-one, I shall dispose of them all!”


First Appearance: MK:DA
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil

“I cannot begin to express how relieved I am to no longer be working for that idiot, Shao Kahn. His ambitions have made him insane. Saibot, at the very least, will allow those who survive to live under his own domain. Shao Kahn would destroy us all just to fufill his own desires.’

“During the chaos that ensued, I managed to steal one of the Kamidogu and escaped back to the Netherrealm, but it seems as though I was followed by Sonya Blade. I must admit one thing: serving Kahn allowed me to torture that silly girl. It was rather enjoyable... I’d like to do it all over again before I kill her.”

Well, none of these bios really delve into things that much as none of them are really major characters. What I'm doing here is that before I go into the big final battle with Shao Kahn, I'll be resolving the Noob Saibot storyline first. So all upcoming bios will be those involved in the Noob Saibot storyline... after I've taken care of things here, I'll be going into more details about what's transpiring as Fujin and the others prepare to make their final stand.

Also, I'm intending to write up a backstory for the Great Kung Lao as part of this and reveal some more things about him. Such as him actually having a confrontation with Shao Kahn in the Outworld shortly after his victory against Shang Tsung. Confused? Well, you'll see... hehe
03/12/2007 08:51 AM (UTC)
Well, I'm glad you've finally done more bios. It felt a lot longer than 2 months, but nonetheless, these are pretty straight-forward bios. I guess I'd have to say Frost's was my favorite out of the 4 new ones you posted. Even though she is kind of treacherous, I like that you didn't have her just want to backstab even Noob Saibot and that instead, you had her be truly loyal to him for logical reasons.

Thanks for the heads up on the update. I look forward to reading more bios.
03/14/2007 08:23 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I got your PM. =)

Anyways, good work, particullarly on Frost's bio.
03/14/2007 08:50 PM (UTC)
wow! I love these bios you've created they're really good, I can't wait to see the next onessmile
04/12/2007 09:00 PM (UTC)
I liked this story why did it stopfurious
04/12/2007 11:27 PM (UTC)
subzeroyeti Wrote:
I liked this story why did it stopfurious

It's not exactly that they stopped. It's just that PNF is busy, that's all. When he comes up with more bios and posts them, that's when he'll do it.
04/13/2007 02:03 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the info forgive my rude attitude
04/17/2007 12:51 AM (UTC)
Well, this is funny(the parodies) and it is interesting. So good luck with it.
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