Mortal Kombat Characters A.I.
posted12/25/2006 02:28 AM (UTC)by
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01/23/2004 01:55 AM (UTC)
For Mortal Kombat 8 I had an idea that was inspired from upcoming games such as army of two in regards to the computer A.I.

I thought about adding much realism to Mortal Kombat this round coming and adding personality and life to each character of the game. I'd like the A.I. be programmed differently for each individual character depending on their persona and traits.

For example if you were to fight someone such as Johnny Cage, if his health bar is at full he would be most energetic, he would be calmly and collectivley taunt you with phrases such as "Man, you're not even in my leauge" and maybe even shuffle around a bit while fighting you. As the round progresses he could start to loose wind and you could see sweat dripping from his body and he might not be cracking jokes as much anymore. Instead he could bark out taunts like "Bring it on!" or "Is that all you got!" You could see his lip being busted open and him touching his lip with his finger and he notices he's bleeding and begins to get angry (depending on what character you pick) During his lower health region you could see in his face his fatigue, his arms dragging, his breathing getting heavier and his phrases sounding desperate with him saying "I can't loose!" or "If i'm going down I'm taking you with me!"

Depending on who your character is determines what kind of response. Let's say you are Kung Lao listening to those taunts "Kung Lao's face can scruntch up and he could be like "HMPH!" all of these vary depending on what state of health he is in.

I feel like if details like this were put into this game, it would add so much life to this game and make it stand out different from the rest of the fighters. I think something like this would be great in a Mortal Kombat game because it would add to the shock factor of when you perform a fatality to one of these characters. Because it would be so realistic that you would have to sit for a second and think to yourself that you just ended someone's life. Someone that started out fresh with life and you beat it out of them literally.

Each character would react differently in fighting. One character may value defense, but if you keep doing the same move over and over again. they will catch on and use a move that focuses on the weakness of that move. Let's say you start beating up a character really bad, depending who they are determines whether they start withdrawing a little, or adding rage to them and having them come at you full force. It would mix things up and give you the feeling that you are fighting an individual instead of just another character.

What are your thoughts?
12/23/2006 11:05 AM (UTC)
good idea,really.
But just a question:if YOU are the character with low health,and your hits are less strengh than normal,how you can defeat your opponent.
The great thing of a fighting game is unpredicable of fights:i can have 1% of life-bar and reverse the aftermath of the match beating my opponent.
A match must be fight till the end.
If the low-healted character haven't enough strengh and it's too slow,how in the hell can he beat his opponent?
That means that the fight is decided from start:the first that can chain a 6 or 7 hits combo will win.
12/24/2006 02:39 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
good idea,really.
But just a question:if YOU are the character with low health,and your hits are less strengh than normal,how you can defeat your opponent.
The great thing of a fighting game is unpredicable of fights:i can have 1% of life-bar and reverse the aftermath of the match beating my opponent.
A match must be fight till the end.
If the low-healted character haven't enough strengh and it's too slow,how in the hell can he beat his opponent?
That means that the fight is decided from start:the first that can chain a 6 or 7 hits combo will win.

The damage factor will still be the same, it's the animation that is different.
12/24/2006 02:58 AM (UTC)
Good idea what would barakas be like?
12/24/2006 03:43 PM (UTC)
Baraka would have a personality based on rage, imagine a pitbull with rabies, from the start of the fight he would be growling and he would pound his chest with his fist. Baraka would bark out taunts such as "Your death is going to be slow and painful mortal!" If fighting against human characters. If he fight's a character like Mileena he could say "I'm going to enjoy cleaning your blood off my blade bitch!" If he gets beat to the point where you start to see him fatigue, instead of him getting sluggish, it would just add on to his rage but his breathing gets deeper and he lowers his stance, "picture how wolverine stands when he fights" Baraka would start sliding his blades back and forth, and would start drooling, and you would see it drip off his chin to the ground. If you beat Baraka down to almost defeat he would let out a roar and his blades would extend, Baraka would then make gargling sounds.
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12/25/2006 02:28 AM (UTC)
I want to see more "natural"mobility from all the characters, not just AI. By natural I mean, not so conformed to the fighting styles each has.... The proverbial fist at the waist, partial squat and hand up in front.

Now, I know that's from Mk1, but we are still cursed with this basic funtionality from every character. I think part of the appeal of a "run" feature is that, everybody runs differently. More "natural" things happen when people run. Facial expressions transform, weight of the character becomes visual while in motion like that and everything else associated with movement while-in-speed.

I want to see characters get tired of holding their arms in the same place during a fight. I think the only time we should see the "stance" is at the beginning of the fight, and when the character regroups from being hit with a combo. Not too loose though, one punch or kick shouldn't disorient the form if that character was just standing there.

Another thing I wanna see, or rather hear, on the audio side of things is like, "struggling grunts". Whenever doing something physical, the "grunts" from a person become more wierd and crazy than ever. It signifies how hard it is to try and beat up or "kill" someone of high skill. Which all of our Mk combatants are supposed to be.

Maybe even an extention to this idea would be to have an "Aggressor" metor off screen that dictates when you are kickin someones ass. What it would trigger is "shit talking" during the whipping. Like Scorpions: "Get over Here!" or Jaxs': "Gottcha!"
But more comments and from other characters.

I like the motion hints from PNF here too(wipe of the brow and so on), but I think stuff like that should be inconsistant. Like once every so often, triggered by a long combo or something. I'd like to see it, but not often enough to get used to it. Know what I mean?

I think we should also see more facial expressions from our characters. Technology has advanced enough for this. Wounds need to be more realistic looking as well as blood//sweat//saliva splatter.


Fight wise, AI should be able to switch "player inspired" styles...not just the styles that are set (like Iron Fist). I.e. ever played that person that blocks or baits alot when they play? Or that extemely aggressive player? Yea, but within any given fighting style. AI should be able to bait or block alot.....Or be really agressive like you are playing someone sitting next to you. Exploiting the games capabilities like the players will.

I say this because we all know how the creators "test" the game. Well, how many different types of players test the game....implement it.

Too much to continue.....thinking.......
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