Mortal Kombat: Beginnings and Mortal Kombat: Extermination
posted05/14/2006 11:26 AM (UTC)by
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

Member Since
06/08/2004 02:30 AM (UTC)
Since everyone seems to be clamboring for a 'prequel' MK game, as well as a sequel to Shaolin Monks, I decided to throw my hat into the ring and propose my ideas for these stories:

The first is Mortal Kombat: Beginnings, the prequel game, that talks about the rise of the MK tournament, and the fall of the Great Kung Lao which eventually begins Outworld's 9 generation winning streak. There will be roughly 24 characters, split among men, women, and creatures, and will feature the same KAK mode and a sleeker version of the Deadly Alliance combat system (with most of the bugs ironed out).

The second is Mortal Kombat: Extermination, which is a Shaolin Monks-like retelling of the events of MK3; you get to see exactly how the failed attempt by Sonya and Jax to convince the govenrment of Kahn's threat went, get a glimpse inside the automation process of the Lin Kuei, find out if Stryker is as much of a chump as people make him out to be, etc. There WILL be multple storylines, depending on which character you play as (up to six), and as one secret in the game, you get to unlock a 'hybrid' version of MKTrilogy (hybrid, in that it's basically the PSX version with the 'extra' characters and fatalities from the N64 version (including Khameleon and all of the other 'klassic' ninjas' finishers) in it. The playable bosses will also have their own finishers, as well).

I'll have more info about these two games later.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

05/12/2006 06:22 PM (UTC)
Okay, here's a list of the fighters in MK: Beginnings:

1. Goro
2. Sojiro
3. Si Kun Tao
4. Ti Na Wen
5. Tsun Yomi
6. Tygarras
7. Siro
8. Taja
9. Vorpax
10. Shadou
11. Kyrach
12. Bo' Rai Cho
13. Sykes
14. Reptile
15. Urix
16. Golem
17. Spyder
18. Sub-Zero
19. Takeda
20. Orochi
21. Drahmin
22. Xyrus
23. Shang Tsung
24. Kung Lao
Mid-Boss: Shang Tsung
End Boss: Kung Lao
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

05/12/2006 10:30 PM (UTC)
Okay, Bios:

Name: Tygarras
Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Good
Allies: None
Enemies: Shao Kahn, Shokan, Centaurians, Shang Tsung, Goro
Fighting Style: Tiger Fist, Modified Shokan, Katars

"I had always been an outcast among my people, despite my lofty heritage. Born the bastard son of an esteemed Shokan general and an Edenian slave girl, I was mocked for my hybrid blood that resulted in a lack of a full four arms common to our species. Without them, I was told, I was weak, and not worthy of being called a Shokan. I did not care; the suffering that I endured by my own peers opened my eyes to the true nature of the strong ruling over the weak, and it filled me with disgust. I was told that I would never understand the glory of the Shokan way, but I know far more about it than they realize, and I don't want any part of it.

Alt Bio:
I had always been told that the humans of Earth were weak and pathetic, but recently one mortal has caught my attention: Kung Lao, a young Shaolin monk who had done the impossible and defeated the Emperor's top sorcerer, Shang Tsung, in that tournament of theirs, Mortal Kombat. It was thought that the sorcerer's winning streak would never be broken, and that the Emperor's invasion of this realm of 'pathetic mortals' would be imminent, but this lone human derailed all those plans. I admired him, having proved to have an inner strength and discipline that I had never seen in the vast wastelands of Outworld. His respect for all, both the strong and the weak, was impressive, and it inspired me to learn more from him. However, the next tournament had arrived, and rumors abounded that Shang Tsung had recruited the mightiest of all Shokan, Prince Goro, to compete. Despite his amazing skills, I knew the mortal would have no chance against a Shokan prince, and would most likely die in the conflict. I had finally found the solace that I had been longing for, in my life, and I will be damned to the Netherealm if I am to lose it now. I must warn Kung Lao of this treachery, at all cost...
About Me

05/13/2006 02:05 PM (UTC)
You know that MK Conquest had nothing to do with the normal MK conti-nuity or canon? Sorry but I have to cringe whenever I see Vorpax in a fanfic character list. Otherwise please continue...
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

05/13/2006 05:47 PM (UTC)
I know, but who says that it could'nt be finagled in? This IS a prequel, after all, one tha takes place 500 years prior to the first game, so anything could happen.



Costume 1: Essentially, Kintaro's concept render for MK2, the one where he's a playable tigerine two-armed character.
Costume 2: More traditional of what a Shokan would wear, with a soft leather trenchcoat vest and loincloth, and the standard Shokan 'bondage gear' chest straps and arm/shin guards.

Special Moves

Sonic Roar: A variation of Sindel's Banshee Scream that stuns the opponent up-close.
Bodyslam Pounce: A flying tackle that floors the opponent and deals a fair amount of damage.
Shokan Fireball: Tygarras brings his mighty fists together, clapping out a large fireball forward.

"Get Up" Animation: Tygarras digs his hands into the ground above his head and pulls himself into a roll that ends in a rather feral crouch, before straightening up into his fighting stance.

Throw: Tygarras grabs the opponent by the shoulders and hops up, planting his feet into their stomach before kicking them away.

Tygarras was too late. As he struggled to make contact with Kung Lao and warn him of the dangers posed by Goro, he was stopped at every turn by Shang Tsungs guards, and was forced to watch as Goro literally slaughtered the young monk without remorse. Enraged at his people's arrogance, and grieving over his lost opportunity at peace, Tygarras lept out at the Shokan prince and tackled him, determined to make him pay for the hubris of their race.

Goro was a formidable opponent, and it seemed that Tygarras was hopelessly outmatched, but his anger and drive gave the half-Shokan renewed strength and vigor, and he managed to hold his own against his prince. However, before the battle could come to a conclusion, a familiar hand yanked the two combatants apart and halted the fight. That hand belonged to Kintaro, the Shokan general who had fathered Tygarras, and his presence stopped the vengeful youth dead in his tracks. In a rare show of compassion, Kintaro expressed pride in his son's renewed fighting spirit, and admitted that he and his fellow Shokan may have been wrong about Tygarras being weak. Tygarras, however, did not share his father's sentiments; he angrily argued that it was his rage against his people's lust for power and his having been denied of finding another way of life that forced him to embrace his Shokan heritage of warmongering, and that now that his life has become ruined, he can no longer trust anyone but himself.

As the young half-breed stormed off, Goro watched in shock as Kintaro morphed into Shang Tsung, bitterly questioning the sorcerer about his deceit. Shang Tsung said simply that - had Tygarras had been successful in his quest - he would have tipped the scales against them by sharing many of Outworld's secrets with the Earthrealm warriors; despite his role as an outcast among his own people, Tygarras was still the son of a Shokan general, and as such, had access to many strategies and battle plans that could provide a means of sabatoge against them, had he befriended the mortal Kung Lao. Now, his anger and mistrust prevented him from allying himself with anyone, ensuring that he became no threat to the emperor's plans.
About Me

05/14/2006 08:12 AM (UTC)
My greatest beef is the names of the characters, just like in every bad fantasy spinoff, you put alot of consonants and X,Y-s or '-s for no logical reason. Just a note.

Why does a characters name sound like Tiger Ass?
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

05/14/2006 11:26 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
My greatest beef is the names of the characters, just like in every bad fantasy spinoff, you put alot of consonants and X,Y-s or '-s for no logical reason. Just a note.

Why does a characters name sound like Tiger Ass?

It's pronounced "Tee-gar-us", not 'Tiger Ass'. He's meant to be a new character based on the concept art of Kintaro as a playable character (the one that was an anthropomorphic tiger with two arms, but was too big for the creators to find a suitable actor to 'play' him as). And don't most of the names in Mortal Kombat sound like a bunch of bad fantasy spinoff characters? I mean, Dairou, Drahmin, Li Mei, HSU HAO... I may change the names of a few of the characters, if I can figure out some more appropriate, but seriously, Goro, Kintaro, Motaro... you don't call that bad?
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