Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
posted10/09/2005 12:24 PM (UTC)by
About Me

Deep within the netherealms lies the ELDERGOD SHINNOK powerless without his amulet

Member Since
08/11/2005 08:38 PM (UTC)
This is my mk story with bios only a few yet

Rayden: after onaga gained control of the once seven peice amulet rayden in act of despration used his most powerful attack unleashing his very soul in attack that was invain...Rayden the elder god now lies in the heavens until he regains his power and finds a new body. then found by fujin and kung lao there he gets powerd up and advances to earthrealm

Scorpion: the ninja spectre seeks quan chi once again in the netherealms for the death of his family and clan seeking the enemy he find the once eldergod shinnok. meanwhile quan chi hides in dark place far deep in the netherealms quan chi learns of the onaga and once again looks for an exit to relinquish the amulet .doing so shinnok makes an alliance with scorpion. shinnok tells scorpion if he can free shinnok then shinnok will then find quan chi and they will both feed him to the lost souls in the neatherealm. scorpion then seeks to find onaga to get back shinnoks amulet... will he succeed ??

Sub zero: After subzero gained new armor he then continued his search for frost and his ancestors. he then stumbled in on something very intresting. he had found deep withing the ice caverns ruins of a frozen fortresss there he finds frost and 3 of his ancestors he then wonders who could have done all this and with these extreme tempatures it couldnt have been any of his enemys. he then searches deeper in the cavern only to find dead ends and tracks of lin quei clan symbols he then relised thats theres only one person who could have done this his long lost borther....

Shinnok: Shinnok waited for years in the neatherealm only to be betrayed by quan chi and sent back to the neatherealm, he wandered aimlesly but deeper he went the more insane he got then he stumbled upon scorpion unready for kombat shinnok tried to alli with scorpion in his attempt he succeed and now he waits with paitence for scorpion to retrieve his amulet
shinnok then finds a very very strange place deep within the neatherealms it was quan chi's hiding place.Quan chi sensed the presence of shinnok and advanced despatley away now that he no longer has his amulet he stole from shinnok. shinnok now chases quan chi deep within luckly quan chi excaped as shinnok roams the netherealms waiting..

Shang Tsung: after the deadly alliance was destroyed and rayden made his desprate explosion shang tsung was powerless in out world with completely no souls captured.. he seeks alliance until he regains his souls. tsung searches outworld until he finds shujinko. shujinko then ready for kombat before shujinko could strike tsung asks for his alliance against the dragon king... shujinko declines after witnessing the deadly alliances fall at that moment tsing creates a portal to earth relm to seek alliance from lui kang or kung lao.. instead he steals a few souls to regain some power now shang tsung searches the dragon king to challenge him once again but only after he regains full power.

Quan chi: after raydens sacrifice quan chi was banished to the neatherelm witnessing shinnok then runs like hell with his remaining power luckly shinnok yet is in no posion to chase yet then in his run away he stumbles upon scorpion. the ninja spectre chases quan chi only to run into shinnok. quan chi learns of there alliance and fins a hidin place deep within the lake of blood in the netherealm... quan chi then senses the pressence of shinnok near and once agains runs away this time he finds noob siabot but noob doesnt know he follows noob into a portal leading to the order realm.. there he follows noob saibot to caves of cold there he relised that noob saibot was none other then sub zero the one that had been pronoced dead!!!!...

Kung Lao: kung lao training with bo rai cho continues after the defeat of shang tsung. learning of onaga kung lao decides to find a way to bring back lui kang and rayden.. doing so he finds himself deep within outworld searching for something that might help. or in search of honor. he runs in to smoke and asks smoke if he knows anything about rayden or lui kang unsuspected he did he then showed him a place in out world thats is the temple of the elder gods..... there he runs into the ninja spectre searching for power from the elder gods but the elder gods did not know that shinnok was involoved and granted him the power and titled of the champion of the elder gods kung lao bowed there he finds a portal leading to the hevans there he finds none other then fujin the god of wind with the guidense of fujin he finds rayden in the havens rayden his then powerd by fujin then he tells him the only way to bring back lui is to kill onaga.

More bios to come sorry and the story still to come tommrow
About Me

Deep within the netherealms lies the ELDERGOD SHINNOK powerless without his amulet

10/09/2005 06:55 AM (UTC)
tell me if its good should i continue or am i just waisting our times?
10/09/2005 12:24 PM (UTC)
very good..only you should begin a sentence with a capital... come on mods give him dragon points! wink
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