Mortal Kombat: A Possible Vision of a Reboot
posted12/02/2009 11:35 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/02/2009 08:05 AM (UTC)
Hello everyone.

First a quick introduction: I am a professional video game scenario/level designer who is currently out of work due to the job market the way it is now.

When I'm not at work on real games, I often take time out to look at other franchisee/games and see what I would change or do "fantasy designs" to games. I feel that this is a great way to hone in my skills as a designer.

Plus, I'm a huge Mortal Kombat fan. I still remember when I was very young watching people play the first Mortal Kombat game in arcades and being excited about it as the American Street Fighter. When I was older, I started playing MK II and been playing Mortal Kombat since.

To put it short, my philosophy on the Mortal Kombat series really stems from the first two games. The major points were that it was realistic looking, had it's own style that differentiate it self form other fighters, had morbid and a sense of dread but also a dark sense of humor and that it was so violent it made people lose their minds when they first see it.

Taking this sort of look as well as adding things I've wanted to see in a fighting game (P.S. I like Street Fighter but I hate all these "Anime Fighters" that have dominated the market since Japan took over) I here by present you my re-imagining of the Mortal Kombat universe simply titled as Mortal Kombat with an invisible (2010) for differentiation sakes.

The first thing I'm going to post is the overall world story and then the game play controls/flow. Then I will list all the characters names and through future posts I will go through each one in detail. we go...



When the world was formed, the Elder Gods were key.

The Elder Gods are the anchors to which all reality exists. To keep this reality together, the play of order and chaos must carry out. It's result is sacrifice. Sacrifice is what holds our world together.

And thus to keep the universe in existence, the elder gods worked together to create the worlds as we know it with the beings to inhabit it.

Most important are the humans. Humans were evolved over time by the gods to serve but one true purpose, to sacrifice them self's to keep the universe going. And thus man has done this for it's entire existence. Many cultures over time from the Egyptians, to the Aztec, to the Romans, the Chinese, the Zulu and so on have carried out human sacrifice and bloodshed in the name of the elder gods, who have been called various names through our history.

And now many years later in the year 2011, the time for the sacrifice....dubbed Mortal Kombat...must be carried out once again. For the gods have not nourished them self's for a very long time...and they are hungry for the shedding of human blood...before 2012 comes and the bond that holds reality together comes apart if Mortal Kombat is not completed.

The gods have once again descended into the mortal realms and have picked their champions, bonding with them, empowering them to preform the sacrifice of Mortal Kombat.

There are only three rules in Mortal Kombat:

1) In terms of facing your opponent, there are no rules. Any means necessary to get the job done and cheating is encouraged.

2) If chosen, you must either kill a thousand people...or kill off the other contestants for their god empowered soul is equal to a thousand.

3) If you are chosen for Mortal Kombat, you have to compete in it. Fate will always find a way...


--Main Fighting Mechanic Flow--

The fighting is unlike any other fighting game on the market.

The game instead focuses on an absolute frenetic and brutal combat pace that leaves no room to breath and no room forever. Unlike other fighting games where you are merely playing with each other, Mortal Kombat focuses on the fact that the fighting is just a means to the ultimate goal: to terminate your opponent by any and all means necessary. Your not fighting, your trying to kill without being killed yourself.

The inspiration for such brutality is from extremely realistic martial art movies with the main one being the film Danny the Dog, known as Unleashed in America.

Watch a clip here:

To punctuate this new brutal style of combat, the camera is constantly in your face and up close, circling around and moving with the players as if a person with a video camera was filming it, swaying with every major hit and blow. Insperation for this kind of camera is seen in the interigation segments of the Ubisoft game Splinter Cell: Conviction.

See a clip here:

While still having things such as magic, cybernetics and other fantasy elements, they are integrated in the world in a much more realistic and baroque way similar to the Hellblazer comics. Instead, such special attacks and abilities are integrated into the fighting and enhance it rather than having players rely on them as a crutch much like the "Hadoken" fights that happens in Street Fighter.

The main things about combat and controls are followed.

There is only one very long round.

Each of the four face buttons correspond with a limb. Every character has a left hand, right hand, left foot and right foot attack.

Each character has two stances mapped out to the trigger buttons. One is a "high stance" and one is a "low stance". Each stance has different tactics and new moves for the player to explore. The stances also fill in another role: blocking.

There is no block button. Instead, when you are in a high stance, you block most normal attacks (minus throws and special moves) that are aimed in a high stance, however, any stance where low attacks are used are completely open. Switching to a low stance has the reverse effect, meaning you are always open either high or low. A good player learns to read the opponents stances/attacks and switch appropriately.

The special button, a extra bumper button, is held to activate special attacks by hitting one of the four normal attack buttons. Each character has a completely unique special attack for the left hand, right hand, left leg and right leg. Every time a special attack is used, one of three icons disappear. To do another special attack, the player must wait ten seconds to do another special attack. Special attacks can be done three times in a row, each adding a ten second wait to a total of 30 seconds before any special attack can be done again. Special attacks also cannot be blocked on default, they can be dogged, sidestepped or countered however depending on the kind of attack used.

Using new technologies in animation, the game has a completely open combo system. The game being very fast, fluid and can blend any form of attack animation wise together, the player is encouraged to experiment in finding unique combos and play styles without having the game's engine dictate how a character should be used, thus getting around the dial-a-combo system prevalent in other fighters.

The other major change is how defeating your opponent works.

Instead of a health meter that you simply chip away at, you have two graphical indicators: A Blood Lust Bar and a Condition Graphic.

Both players start with an empty Blood Lust Bar. As they attack the other opponent, their Blood Lust Bar begins to fill and occasionally their opponent chips away at any Blood Lust they have obtained.

When a player has filled up their Fatality Bar, it glows and then slowly begins to drain. In this mode, all opponents moves become "fatal" and will permanent damage the opponent. Weapons are normally automatically drawn at this point and are the only time they are drawn. The graphic is of a wire frame human and each zone will change from green to red over this fatal damage. Depending on the damage, it can affect the fight. For instance, crippling the arm means attacks and special attacks from that arm will not work as well or simply will stop working. Damage to the body brings down performance and the head brings down concentration.

If the player holds down both style triggers when not in Fatal Mode, they can use any or all remaining Blood Lust to heal a part of their condition graphic as long as they hold down the buttons. They will not be able to heal it all the way overall and if the player is hit in this state, it will give the opponent double the amount of blood lust for said attack.

When the majority of the Condition Graphic becomes red, the Gyoji (a being that serves the gods and is the disembodied voice heard in matches) will announce to finish them. In this greatly expanded Kreate-A-Fatality mode, all normal attacks become over the top fatal attacks that absolutely destroy the opponent. Through this, players can even recreate some classic Fatality scenarios or develop completely new ones. The Gyoji ends the match and rates both players while rating the fatality of the winning one.

The environments are completely interactive, with multi-tiered levels and objects to be used to your advantage. Vault off walls, grab weapons that replace your special attacks temporarily, avoid hazards, knock your opponent into hazards when in fatal mode and even use real people wandering around the arena as human meat shields or farm their body part's as weapons.

The area is your playground of death, remember, kill them before they kill you!


This a reboot. Only three characters from the original remain and they are completely remained in this new world. The rest are 100% new and are fighters of brutality unlike the world has ever seen.

-- Scorpion
-- Cybernetta
-- Rangna
-- Sub Zero
-- Angulimala
-- Longshank
-- Kuchi Sake
-- Urchin
-- Raiden
-- Mr. Gibbs
-- Ayesha
-- Nanzi
-- Deacon Dianus
-- Jae Son Gun
-- Surasak
-- Totek
-- Yan Luo
-- Baphomet *BOSS*

Bios, Move Sets and Details Coming Shortly...
12/02/2009 08:17 AM (UTC)
I have no idea why this double posted. I think this was a browser error since I only clicked post once. Please delete this version.
12/02/2009 10:25 PM (UTC)
Please add Kitana, Mileena and Jade in the roster.
12/02/2009 11:35 PM (UTC)
I think you are going to like the new females way way better. Besides, one of them is very Mileena like. grin

Going to copy/paste some bios once I get this work for tonight done on time...
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