Mortal Kombat 8: The Chase and Broken Promises
posted11/26/2007 01:45 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/13/2007 11:04 PM (UTC)
Hello fellow mk fans. It's me Storyteller, and I just wanna share a fan fic I made recently about the aftermath of Armageddon. I hope you all enjoy it and it is written in script form, different from my previous versions. BUT FIRST! Let me write....a 'monologue' of what happened on the Armageddon battlefield, according to me. I know this post is gonna be long but!!!. I promise the actual story won't. please read this and comment and then hopefully I will post the story itself.
Long ago, the Gods foresaw that the fury of Mortal Kombat would lead to the destruction of the realm.
Every warrior has been summoned to face this final challenge.
Their survival will depend on their ability to fight.
Armageddon, will put every warrior against each other to determine the greatest champion.

The battle raged, blood spilled, bones cracked, and peaced crumbled as the warriors battled fiercely on the Edenian battlefield. Their battle cries echoed throughout the lands. Taven had just finished his brother Daegon and Blaze awaited him in combat. He looked down on the battlefield and stared in horror to see the combat that stirred between the warriors of different lands. He hurried and made his way to the pyramid of his father.

:Here is what happened to everyone in armageddon:
Here are the events of what went down with the Black Dragon's, Red Dragon's, and Special Forces: [spoiler]Clashes of metal sounded and Jax & Sonya fought off two of the black dragon members known as Kira and Kobra, the battle ended as Jax cracked Kobra's neck. Kira fled once she witnessed Kobra's death. Sonya sighed in relief, and Kano shot a beam from his eye that headed straight for Sonya. Jax acted quickly by pushing Sonya out of the way and the beam pierced through his flesh and burnt his heart. Tears formed in Sonya's eyes, and rage formed in her heart. She immediately laid her best friend down and ran towards Kano with a quick speed. She chased him to one of the upper levels of the pyramid and unfortunately for him, Sonya caught up, and brutally ended his life. The rivalry was finally over and she had realized that nothing was gained. She fled from the scene in tears and went back to Earthrealm, to tell the others of Major Jackson Briggs' death. Mavado and Kabal fought savagely and a huge explosion occurred at the bottom, apparently it was caused by the Tekunin Leader Sektor, but that did not stop there battle. However, Hsu Hao, fell from the level due to the strong wind created by the explosion. He was holding on the edge for survival as the fire raged at the bottom of the pyramid. He fell to his fiery grave, as Johnny Cage stepped on his fingers that kept his life. A massive explosion sounded at the top of the pyramid and Taven ran down as the blast followed him only meters away. Kabal and Mavado were shocked, as the explosion succumbed their bodies. Jade's scream echoed throughout the battlefield and many tried to flee from the horrible Pyramid of Argus.[/spoiler] ************************************************* Here is what happened between Liu and Tsung: [spoiler] As for Liu Kang and Shang Tsung, they were not spared by the explosion at the top of the pyramid. Their bodies dissolved, and the sorcerer was finally terminated. Liu Kang's corpse flew off the pyramid and laid torn up on the main ground. As a green life force expelled out of his body[/spoiler] *************************** These are the events that took place with: Kitana, Jade, Mileena, Tanya, Onaga, Sindel, Reiko, Shujinko, and Kahn [spoiler] Kitana and Mileena dueled on the main ground. Kitana was anxious to get this over with so she could go and save her mother from the hands of Kahn. Sindel ran towards Kahn and they began to battle as cries and clashes sounded. Shujinko and Reiko fought as well, but the pyramid. Their fight however, ended as Onaga appeared and slaughtered Shujinko with ease. Reiko attempted to flee but the mighty Dragon King caught him also. He asked him for Kahn's location with force, and Reiko told him quickly. Onaga searched for Sindel and found her body dead and a trail of blood leading up the pyramid. He followed it and at last, he found Shao Kahn battling the sorcerer Shang Tsung. Finally he grabbed Kahn and fled from the scene. Meanwhile, Jade ran to the top of the pyramid and witnessed the battle between Taven and the fire elemental. She remembered an incantation, that would bind and disable any elemental of their power. She acted fast, and impaled her staff into the cement, and started chanting the spell. Blaze did not recognize her presence and continued to duel Taven. Her last word was spoken and the spell was completed, she then told Taven to give him the last strike and run. Taven reluctantly agreed and did so, he managed to break through the barrier that enclosed the 3 of them and the barrier exploded destroying both Jade and the Fire Elemental. The explosion was extraordinary and it began to make its way down the pyramid, and fast. Some were succumbed by it. And others tried to escape. Kitana felt her heart ache, as she heard the last scream from her childhood friend Jade. Mileena laid on the floor bested by her sister, but heard the remarkably loud scream. Kitana then tried to run to the top of the pyramid, and Tanya stopped her, as she fought her hidden in her "find me" technique. The battle ended quickly as Kitana defeated her and realized it was too late to make it up there to her mother and best friend. She decided to flee from the scene and as she left she saw Liu Kang's soul approaching her. Through the red skies a ray from the heaven's shone down and Liu Kang gave Kitana one last kiss and told her to move on with her life and to take care of their daughter, Kitana was confused, but she nodded. He ascended to the Heaven's and Kitana left the battlefield emotionally wrecked. [/spoiler] *********************************************** This is what happened with Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Noob, and Quan Chi, Sektor, Cyrax, and Smoke [spoiler] Scorpion and Sub-Zero pretended to battle as they had agreed to do before the battle had started. They fought until they saw Quan Chi weakned, they separated, and Scorpion managed to finish off the wicked sorcerer and avenge his family. Before Quan Chi died, he told Scorpion that his son was still alive. Scorpion angrily fled from the scene and questioned the sorcerers statement. Sub-Zero beheld Cyrax struggling against the 2 robots Sektor and Smoke, he immediately jumped in and together both him and Cyrax defeated them. Cyrax fell to the floor unable to move as Sub-Zero ran to Smoke checked on him, Sektor secretly pressed a button on his right arm pannel, and he yelled self destruct. Sub-Zero reluctantly fled from the area as Cyrax tripped and burnt into the explosion. Sub-Zero encountered Noob and they started a viscous battle. They were both evenly match, and some how, when they both gave each other there strongest blow; a light shone and their bodies became one. Sub-Zero felt different, he felt a feeling that was darker. He fled the battlefield, hoping not to encounter anyone, for he wouldn't have fathom what the outcome might be. Unfortunately, Frost spotted him and attacked him as she tried to snatch the medallion. She palmed it, and her hand froze. The fusion attacked her uncontrollably, and beat her to a brutal death. "Sub-Zero" or whatever this new thing was laughed, and fled the scene. [/spoiler] ******************************** Havik, Dairou, Darrius, and Hotaru: [spoiler] Havik stared at the chaos in total amazement, He was thrilled to see the death of Quan Chi, the capture of Shao Kahn, and even the reaction of Dairou when Hotaru told him that Darrius was the murderer, just before he died. Dairou was puzzled, but it all made sense now, he immediately searched for Darrius and found him near a battle in the center of the battlefield.[/spoiler] I'll finish the rest later
About Me

Turn on your light and they'll see you. Make a sound and they'll hear you. If you think it's scary being lost...

Just wait till you're found

11/14/2007 01:12 AM (UTC)
So far so good and I can't wait to see more
11/14/2007 01:13 PM (UTC)
Thanks Princess Meta. I will be sure to post the rest when I get to my comp class today.
11/14/2007 10:48 PM (UTC)
Now guys, this one is basically the left overs, although the surviving will resurface in my future mk fanfics. Here are the events that took place concerning:Shinnok, Raiden, Fujin, Reptile, Chameleon, Khameleon, and others: [spoiler] Reptile, Chameleon, and Khameleon searched for Kahn, but failed to find him. Upon searching for him, they witnessed the fight between Lord Shinnok, and Raiden. Shinnok fell to the ground, and asked them for help quickly. He agreed to send them back to their realm if they would help destroy Raiden. Raiden shot lightning bolts at them before they could even agree. A battle raged on and Raiden sensed that he was loosing energy, and fast. He ran towards the center of the battlefield and he began to utter the same words he did at Shang Tsung's palace years ago, when he battled the Dragon King. Fujin realized the language he spoke, and he flew down trying to stop him, but his efforts were futile. Raiden said the last word and an explosion was created riding the field of anyone a km distance away. Shinnok, the Zaterrans, Drahmin, Sareena, Moloch, Motaro, Sheeva, Kintaro, Darrius, and Dairou were in that km distance and they all acted as fast as they could've. Shinnok managed to escape into a quick portal that he created, and Reptile, Chameleon, Khameleon, Sareena, Darrius and Kintaro managed to jump in also. While Hotaru's body, Sheeva, Motaro, Moloch, Dairou, and Drahmin burnt into oblivion. AS FOR HAVIK. He was no where to be seen. [/spoiler] ^ Sorry for the lack of detail with wat had happen between these^ characters, I just have plans for them in the future, it will be revealed in due time. Now here is the final one. Taven, Daegon, & Rain: [spoiler]Daegon laid unconscious, throughout the destruction, while the other 2 brother's Rain and Taven fought ferosciously at the 2nd last level to Blaze. They raced up as they fought, and finally Taven was forced to give him the final blow. Taven made it to the top and started his battle with Blaze before anyone could arrive. They fought, and fought, and finally Jade made it to the top of the Pyramid as well. Time passed and she completed an incantation, Taven managed to escape the explosion created by Jade's spell. Blaze was defeated and the explosion made its way down the pyramid consuming whoever that was too slow to escape. Taven ran pass his brother Rain, but turned back to pick him up, although he tried to kill him, he didn't loose his way like Daegon. Rain realized Taven's love and mercy, and although he still had a hatred towards Taven for defeating Blaze, he jumped off of Taven's shoulders and allowed him to escape faster as the EXPLOSION destroyed the remains of his body. The field was destroyed. And Vultures flew down cautiously, and then feasted on the remains that laid on the floor. All was done. Armageddon had passed over... any questions or concerns? please feel free to post. I will post the story of the sequel to armageddon after i get at least one feedback.
11/14/2007 11:48 PM (UTC)
Now, here is the Intro to my story.

Fujin: "8 earth years have passed since Armageddon"
Camera: *Shows the battle raging*
Fujin: "All has been renewed, a decree has been made."
Camera: *Shows beautiful scenes of Edenia, Seido, and Earthrealm*
Fujin: "But history, has a way of repeating itself"
Camera: *A loud sound occurs, and screen turns black*

Fujin: "A new threat roams in the realms"
Camera: *Shows a dark ninja running through a forest at night and shooting black ice balls*
Fujin: "A new deception, fools Edenia"
Camera: *Shows Mileena laughing on the balcony and crowd cheering, while camera zooms in the castle quickly and down to the dungeon where Kitana lies*
Fujin: "Old faces remain, whether good or evil"
Camera: *Quickly shows Tanya turning invisible, Baraka pulling out his blades, Reiko siting on his throne, Kung Lao meditating, Nightwolf collecting herbs, and Sonya and Stryker busting some thugs.*

Fujin: "And new faces appear"
Camera: quickly shows Ordain, the new leader of Seido, doing paper work. Two black figures with shiny red eyes, 1 of them is bigger and more machine looking than the other. A little girl wearing an expensive Edenian Kimono, running through a forest. And that same dark ninja from before, creating an ice wall.

Fujin: "But no matter what may occur. The peace in the realms must remain, even if we must chase it, or break promises."
Camera: *zooms into Fujin's face and many fight scene's show up, between Black-Ice and Stryker, Tanya and Kitana, Mileena and Kimono.
Fujin: "This is an era of PEACE!"
Camera: *Screen turns black and the mk logo appears, frozen in black ice, and red blood.

11/16/2007 01:21 PM (UTC)
Now here are the cast of characters:

Good: Fujin, Nightwolf, Kung Lao, Sonya, Stryker, Kitana, Kimono, Taven
Neutral: Ordain, Kayani, Oragon, Scorpion
Evil: Mileena, Reiko, Tanya, Baraka, Alexander, Kira

Fujin (The new Protector of Earthrealm, the god of wind, and forcer of peace)
Alignment: Good
Weapon: none

Bio: I was speaking to the Elder Gods about the development between the realms since armageddon. They weren't impressed to see the peace that remained through the realms, but they new that it would end shortly. They didn't tell me what would exactly occur, but they did tell me to venture to the Chaosrealm and search the midnight forests. I was puzzled, but I obeyed their orders. To my shocking surprise, an old friend of the Forces Of Light, Nightwolf; was injured and near the cold feel of death. I quickly opened a portal leading back to Earthrealm and brought him back there. I treated his wounds and he awoke the next morning. He told me of the events that had taken place, and the fusion of Noob Saibot and Sub-Zero. I believed those rumors were not true, for they died down years ago after the death of Frost. I immediately called a meeting, and the remaining members of the Forces of Light excluding Kitana, started our quest on stopping this new fusion, this new ninja of darkness. We do not want to kill him, but I am afraid we will have to if he doesn't co-operate. We will leave to the Lin Kuei Temple, and wait for his arrival.

Bio 2: Time passed, and I was in the chamber of the Kori Blade, guarding it from the deadly ninja, while Kung Lao fought him outside. Finally "Sub-Zero" had won and he entered into the Chamber. He looked darker, but that was to be expected. We fought fiercely, and I had the upper hand for the majority of the match. However, he duplicated into many ninjas and they all stormed me at once. I was outnumbered and definately weakened. It was suppose to be the end of my existence at the point, but apparently the gods weren't ready for me. Lin Kuei ELITE appeared and they fought off the duplications. I failed to find the real "Sub-Zero" and by doing that it caused him to possess the Kori Blade, and with it he destroyed the Lin Kuei Temple. I managed to escape, but the overseer, kori blade, and "Sub-Zero" vanished. I know they are alive somewhere, and the search is far from over... Bio 3: After we all healed and gathered back together at the Special Forces Headquarters, I had decided to take things more seriously and to gain more assistance, However, Nightwolf had awoken and he told us about a shocking vision that he had. He told us to go to Orderrealm for Kitana's daughter is lost, and she will be arriving there shortly. He also told us that she knew where Black-Ice was. I saw the look of anxiety and determination on his face and I quickly made a portal leading us to Seido. Once there, we hurried to the main portal gateway and found Kitana's daughter, the moment was still but all was well. We rushed to Ordain and when we arrived there we saw Kitana, bloody and beaten siting down in a chair infront of the Seidan ruler. After she comforted her child, she told us of Mileena's charade and Reiko's plans. Unfortunately, Black-Ice had entered the realm and time was slipping away. Ending: The fight had begun and Black-Ice was more powerful than how we could've imagined, he was infuriated, and he attacked savagely. Sadly, Kung Lao and the Seidan guardsmen were killed by his rage. The rest of us were injured. The fight continued to rage on, and then Stryker went down. It seemed like it was futile to even try. 2 of our members were already destroyed. However, we were saved by none other than Scorpion, the Elder Gods Champion. He managed to destroy the fusion and the realms were once again safe. After helping Kitana, and stopping the war between Reiko and Edenia; I returned back to the sky temple. My promise was kept... the Peace in the realms must remain. __________________________________________________ Fujin is a character in my game that is the new Raiden or whatnot, he's the new protector of Earthrealm, and the enforcer of peace. In gameplay, his combos are based mainly on a pop-up chain, giving him the ability to execute a air combo on the player. Most of his moves are stunt moves, which means they temporarily paralyze the opponent and leave them open for a free hit. I will post more bios after I get feedback
u need to work for midway! 1 question? why is scorpion not in this one to me since noob is still alive and sub-zero isnow in danger it seems like scorpion would play a good and interisting role. because the man who killed him and caused him and pain andthe man he vowd to protect is 1! i could see a great plot for him!
11/25/2007 01:39 AM (UTC)
can i see two new black dragon recruits yes or nogrin
11/25/2007 07:04 PM (UTC)
well, Scorpion is in it, is just that i have been ill in the last few weeks, but I am feeling better now. So I will work on more bios. The Black Dragons are exterminated. Kira was the only survivor.
11/26/2007 01:45 AM (UTC)
Kimono (Princess of Edenia, daughter of Liu Kang and Kitana.)
alignment: good
weapon: spiked yo-yo

bio: Everything happened so quick. I broke my favorite toy and ran to mommy for help. As always, she helped me by giving our butler, Krokea, enough gold to buy a new one. When I hugged her, my yo-yo fell from my pocket and I ran out of the room leaving it by accident. Just as Krokea and I leave the castle; we see some guards heading upstairs mysteriously, they sped, but I was to happy and excited to pay them much attention. At last, we reached the store, and I noticed that my yo-yo was left behind. I wined and pestered, and Krokea and I went back to the Castle to retrieve it. As I opened the door, I saw mommy bleeding on the floor and tied up. There was an evil woman who had mommy's eyes and nose but an ugly mouth, I began to cry as I saw mommy starring at me, the ugly woman pointed at me and guards began to run towards me. I didn't realize the tears coming from my eyes; Krokea quickly ran away with me as the guards chased us. However, he failed in allowing both of us to escape alive. We separated once we arrived at the back door, He told me that he will meet up with me but only if I continue to run.... I didn't want to but, I did. I ran until I was tired, and found myself in a realm with purple skies.

bio 2:
I was hungry, scared, tired, sad, and all alone. But I continued to run through the forest I found myself in. I stumbled on a injured man, that wore black and had a cold mist around him. I began to cry as I approached him... we began to talk and it seemed that he knew my mother. Just as everything seemed to get better, the mysterious man yelled as he got up and began to strike at me. I was shocked, but I managed to dodge most of his hits, one of them however, struck me in the face and I fell to the floor. He raised his blade and as he tried to impale it into me, A ninja woman jumped in and fought him off, she was in no condition to defeat him however so she grabbed me and fled.

We talked, and I found out that she was a renegade ninja who was previously from a hidden clan that stops evil. Her name was Kayani and she insisted that I go to Orderrealm and speak with Ordain. I didn't know how to thank her, but I will if I ever see her again. She lead me to the portal, and we departed. When I arrived at Seido, I saw strange people who knew my mother. They seemed friendly, so I followed them to Ordain and surprisignly mommy was already there. I was so glad, that I cried... It was too bad though, although I was reunited with mommy, I found out that the scary man was back. The others ran out to do battle, while I stayed hidden.

Ending: The battle was finally over, and Mommy, Mr. Ordain and a bunch of Guards raced back home to Edenia. They fought off Reiko and his troops, while mommy and I chased upstairs to finish Mileena. The battle raged on, and this was the first time, mommy has ever seen me do battle. I was proud, but yet scared. We won and Edenia was saved. I know that someday, I will have the joy of being on one of the missions....someday.

Kimono is a unique character to face the mk universe, especially in this saga. She is very short due to her age, and that enables her to dodge a lot of high strikes from her opponent. Her spiked yo-yo weapon is very difficult to master and most of her special moves involve her weapon fighting style. Unique, cute, and hard to despise, Kimono survives to the next series.
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