Mortal Kombat 1:Revamped
posted06/21/2006 05:26 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/29/2006 02:41 AM (UTC)
i put so much thought into this i just need to share this idea.
first of all.....
test your might and sight
puzzle and chess kombat
konquest should involve the original kung lao growing up and defeating shang tsung in the tournament and he learns various fighting styles(not like shujinko)then at part 2,you play as shang tsung and how he got goro as his servant then winning the tournament.there will be sidequests too as you venture as both of them.another added bonus is how all MK1 characters entered the tournament.
the krypt
2 fighting styles and a weapon for each kombatant.
fatalities AND hara kiris
death traps
8 player kombat
alternate costumes for each character
choose your destiny(like in MKT)
you can unlock MK1 when you beat konquest(as both characters
more levels......
nethership interior
yin yang island
Shang Tsungs throne room
Goro's lair
Wu Shi Academy
Sky Temple
Warrior Shrine
The beach of the lost island(Shang Tsung's lost island)
Added character, Reptile Enemies:(in konquest mode) Monk Oni Shirai-Ryu ninja Lin Kuei Black Dragon Member Red Dragon Member Kuatan Zombie Masked guard Soulless human Fujin Rayden Shang Tsung Goro Fire,water,earth gods Brotherhood of Shadow member Special forces guards(future special forces officers)
also the tournament story.....
A long time ago,there was a tournament called Mortal Kombat,a tournamet to see who wins their freedom or domination.Only chosen Earthrealm warriors could only enter the tournament to ensure the saftey of Earthrealm.Shang Tsung was the one who started this tournament,to steal others souls to in order to live by this curse the Elder Gods gave him.A warrior called Kung Lao defeated him in Mortal Kombat.Ever since,Shang Tsung has not entered in since.Many years passed and Shang Tsung has his ultimate plan.Goro,a half human dragon is his servant.Goro entered the tournament and defeated Kung Lao in Mortal Kombat.500 years passed and Shang Tsung devoured many souls in order to live by his curse.Earthrealm has lost 9 tournaments out of 10 and little does Shang Tsung know that Shao Kahn will rule Earthrealm if Shang Tsung wins the next tornament.Earthrealm has chosen their warriors to save Earthrealm.Their names are Liu Kang,a member of the Wu Shi academy and Chosen Warrior,Sonya,a Special forces officer to hunt down Kano,Rayden,the Elder God of Thunder and founder of the White Lotus Society,and Johnny Cage,a movie star that stumbles into the tournmant.Others who have a different purpose are Kano,a Black Dragon Member to rule earthrealm,Sub Zero,a Lin Kuei ninja to assassinate Scorpion,A dead Shirai-Ryu ninja to get his revenge on Sub Zero.Now we must win the tournament in order to save Earthrealm.We must win MORTAL KOMBAT!!!
Any comments?
06/11/2006 06:25 PM (UTC)
Oh yeah, I used to think about this. I think it SOUNDS hella sick, but... I wouldn't want a remake. No matter how sick the graphics are, and how much features they would add, I would never want a remake. I would only want the orginal MK1. You guys know what I mean, right?
06/13/2006 09:07 PM (UTC)
i have continued my idea...
Okay,here will be the main menu disc 1...
Tournament-1 player,2 player,practice
chess kombat
puzzle kombat
Choose Your Destiny-Endurance tournament,8 player kombat,survival(like 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 mode in MKT,you destroy each charcter like that without any health recovery until you beat the tournament),time attack,tag team
Disc 2
The Krypt
Konquest(since there will be a lot of space to take up because of each character's konquest)
any more comments???
06/13/2006 10:49 PM (UTC)
any1 know how to do sprite animation cuz i might wanna make a game outta this.
06/13/2006 11:28 PM (UTC)
Do you have any idea how to make a game? 'Cause you don't sound like you know what your doing at all.
06/13/2006 11:37 PM (UTC)
To be honest, I gotta go with RyanRaiden. I don't want a remake of MK1.
06/13/2006 11:50 PM (UTC)
Here are some important character stuff
Shang Tsung
fight styles:snake,crane,straight sword
fatality:soul steal
hara kiri:self soul explosion
bio:I was cursed by the elder gods for cheating in the previous Mortal Kombat tournaments.My curse was to live off of stealing souls.I competed in the Mortal Kombat tournamnets as champion but then,Kung Lao destroyed my chance to live off of souls.I never again entered in Mortal Kombat until i stumbled upon Goro,Prince of Pain and Kuatan prince.Goro was my ultimate weapon to destroy Kung Lao and he did.9 tournaments later and 500 years,I kept stealing souls to live.I am now hosting my 10th tournament and those foolish mortals don't know how much power I will get from Master Shao Kahn after I win this tournament.

fighting styles:Shokan,Kuatan,Dragon Claws
fatality:limb ripper
hara kiri:self head rip
alternate:heavily armored suit
bio:I am the Kuatan prince of Pain and the ultimate servant of Shang Tsung.He allows me to compete in the tournamnet known as Mortal Kombat and kill countless Mortals.Before I started my conquest of death,I killed Kung Lao,Shang Tsung's enemy 500 years ago.I can't wait for Shang Tsung to realize that i will win the 10th tournament and grant him much power from Shao Kahn.Master will be very pleased win I win this tournament.

Liu Kang
fighting styles:MKSM
fatality:flaming bicycle kick head rip
hara kiri:self fire
bio:I am the next chosen warrior of Earthrealm.Although I am nervous,I fight to protect it.500 years ago was a time of peace and prosperity and I must ensure that will happen again.I have entered the tournament and theres no holding back.I must kill Shang Tsung to restore peace for the last time in Earthrealm.

fighting styles:MKD
fatality:corpse electrcution
hara kiri:Thunder sacrifice
looks:MK 1
bio:I am the thunder elder god known as Rayden.I have watched Kung Lao 500 years ago defeat Shang Tsung.All of that has changed since then.I am sick and tired of Shang Tsung winning these tournaments and I must defeat him because Outworld Emperor Shao Kahn has a very dark plan for Earthrealm if Earth's mightiest heroes die.Earthrealm will be destroyed if Shang Tsung wins.Eartrealm will need a backup plan if the Earthrealm heroes are slain by Goro or Shang Tsung.

more coming soon!
06/13/2006 11:51 PM (UTC)
im just gonna keep the MK1 graphics.
06/14/2006 01:16 AM (UTC)
Don't double post, and again, I'll ask you:
Do you have any idea how to make a game? You seem to know very little about what your expecting to be able to make. And, if you're going to use MK1 graphics, how are you going to have multiple fighting styles? Each one of those uses a different animation set, and none of those fighting style are present in MK1. Gonna be editting much?
I'm not saying that would be a bad idea, but we should just leave MK1 alone because it would be wrong to change it's greatness. MK1 is legendary.
06/14/2006 08:30 PM (UTC)
i feel like turning this game into an RPG to give a liitle twist and I feel lazy so I probably won't come back to this thread in a while.but here are some more bios Johnny Cage fighting styles:MKDA Fatality:Brain rip hara kiri:self force ball explosion looks:MK1 alternate:Tuxedo! bio:I am a popular movie star that is always being turned down by my fans.They say my movies are lame because of cheesy fighting styles and terrible acting.I will soon show them that I will once become popular again and release my latest movie:Mortal Kombat.I got this idea from Shang Tsung because he asked me to join his competition.I am ready to prove myself that I will be the best actor in the movie awards ever! Sonya Blade Fighing style:MKDA Fatality:Kiss of Death hara kiri:self charged ring toss to the head looks:MKDA alternate alternate:MKDA primary Bio:I am a member of the Special Forces Squad and I have been sent to exterminate Kano,A criminal whose been wrecking havoc throughout the world and is top of our list.But Kano is hidden somewhere in the world and cannot be found anywhere.I could never search for him since,but an old man told me where to go.He told me he joined a competion called Mortal Kombat and in order to capture him,i must join too.i am ready to capture Kano and restore justice once and for all more coming soon
06/16/2006 12:13 AM (UTC)
does any1 know where a damn MK1 soundboard is cuz i cant find one on google
06/17/2006 12:05 AM (UTC)
MKTrilogyMaster Wrote:
does any1 know where a damn MK1 soundboard is cuz i cant find one on google
I've got the MK1 Soundpack of WAV files if thats what you're looking for.......
06/18/2006 08:32 PM (UTC)
please tell me!i really need it!
06/21/2006 12:00 AM (UTC)
Buddy... be honest...I think your ideas are great...but I wouldn't waist my time making a game out of it...despite how crafty you are with computers...

I'm pretty sure Ed Boon would have something to say about you infringing on reserved and respected copyright laws...

Either keep it as a fantasy, or suggest it to the gamemakers
06/21/2006 05:26 PM (UTC)
xdevilinsidex Wrote:
Buddy... be honest...I think your ideas are great...but I wouldn't waist my time making a game out of it...despite how crafty you are with computers...

I'm pretty sure Ed Boon would have something to say about you infringing on reserved and respected copyright laws...

Either keep it as a fantasy, or suggest it to the gamemakers

Fangames are one of the most common things on the internet. Sorry, but game designers just don't care....except Capcom of Japan, they hate Fangames....
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