More than 32 characters?
posted01/06/2006 06:48 PM (UTC)by
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06/21/2005 07:52 PM (UTC)
Well, if MK7 has the most characters in MK history, that would mean that it would have more than 32 (considering MKT counts) Do you think that having this many characters will affect the gameplay alot
01/05/2006 09:27 PM (UTC)
If all the characters are well-developed, all have their places in the story, and the gameplay is good enough, then it'll make the game that much better. From a selection that big, everyone will be able to find a character that they have an affinity with, and can play to death without ever getting bored with them. I personally hope they release a game with this amount of characters only if the game needs them, and uses them properly. No point in making another MKT, and having characters such as Johnny Cage and Scorpion appearing for the sheer hell of it, just because they are fan favourites. Give them a plot, or leave them out. I think MK can work just as well with a small roster though.
01/05/2006 11:33 PM (UTC)
I would surely like for that to happen but who knows, depends on what kind of story they will be telling. I would like for them to start keeping people just dead. If they die that they wont ever return. But if anyone is ever killed off to go out with a bang. Not just a "oh hes dead now" kind of thing. I liked what they did with Lui kang in MKDA but then they go and bring him back which is kinda lame. I would just like to see more twists and more deaths with a WAY better story to back them up. The endings were all too short and not very descriptive in MKD. I would like for them to take the time and really give details on the characters stories this time.
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The world is built upon the bricks of shame

01/06/2006 12:01 AM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
Well, if MK7 has the most characters in MK history, that would mean that it would have more than 32 (considering MKT counts) Do you think that having this many characters will affect the gameplay alot

Well 32 characters in MKT is pretty much an illusionary number. All characters all fought pretty much the same with exception of the special moves and some of the characters were just palette swaps of others so...
01/06/2006 02:03 AM (UTC)
Having 32 characters would be an outstanding idea in my opinion. I just really think that it will fill us up pretty good gameplay wise through the holiday season of 06 :DDDD
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StretchShrimp: Destroyer of OWG: Most dominate clan on Xbox Live

01/06/2006 05:49 AM (UTC)
Hell yea more than 32. I can play with every character in every MK game. 32 would be great. The only downside is that it will kill disk space preventing many modes of play. Online Clans and tag battles are what I want the most.
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01/06/2006 06:02 AM (UTC)
Hmmmm the way i see it is that if Boon gives us more characters, he gives himself a reason to shortcut those characters.

Kinda like the whole vs mode in MKSM, Sharing moves and what not.

Although if he gives each character one unique fighting style, and one unique weapon then that will be plenty for me.
Well that along with other game features.

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01/06/2006 11:41 AM (UTC)
Thirty-two characters would be great if the game could somehow be arranged into actual tournament brackets.
01/06/2006 05:27 PM (UTC)
The tournament thing is nice. Although 32 characters would only allow for 5 matches. Add in a 2 bosses though, and it starts getting more realistic. Were bosses in previous games explained as being people who'd beaten their way through the other "side" of the tournament, or just guys who face the winner of the tournament part as their first opponent?

As to whether having loads of characters will "affect the gameplay". It depends on how you look at it. If we were informed that the next MK game had 10 characters, it would be safe to assume the gameplay is going to be heavily reworked, wheras if it has 32 characters, it is likely it will be another one just like MKDA and MKD.

This seems quite likely to me. Although this means that the gameplay won't be a huge leap from before, I have hope that something good may come of this: like someone already mentioned, with any luck they will limit each character to only one unarmed "style". Either condense their two existing ones into a hybrid, or lose one.

I'd prefer each character had only one "style" fullstop- like classic mk- either a weapon, or no weapon.
01/06/2006 06:27 PM (UTC)
Maybe 32+ characters is not a good idea, and quite honestly, I doubt that the whole “biggest Mk rosterâ€? is true.

Remember the many more simple things they promised in the past but never gave in the end? This is just like one of those promises, I cant believe how many people have taken that statement seriously.

Besides, having so many characters in the game would limit other possibilities. There will probably be NO FMV endings for example (if they still cant afford to do them), no improved gameplay, etc.

As long as they focus on the story, gameplay and game design overall, its all cool, but I have some doubts, with so many characters to develop, will hey really pay attention to he rest of the game? Will they really pay attention toe ach character? I also want to see many characters, but I rather they worry more about making each and everyone of them original, with their own style, then just adding a whole bunch to please fans that will later be upset.

The game is also not only about gameplay, they need to develop good music and sounds, backgrounds, etc. Many characters is cool, as long as they pay attention to everything else, if not, then just reduce the number to 20-25 to improve the entire game.
01/06/2006 06:48 PM (UTC)
Rather have 12 characters that have been paid attention too then 32 half-arsed characters. ( Like in trilogy )
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