Mokap ForEVER!
posted10/24/2007 12:47 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/29/2006 06:36 PM (UTC)
I really, really hope that Mokap is in MK8.

Oh and his girlfriend Sonya too. she's hot, and i hope that they have a baby together soon. imagine playing as their child.

07/05/2007 06:43 PM (UTC)
Please do not Spam and go read the community faq. Perhaps you main gain some wisdom from it.
07/05/2007 07:13 PM (UTC)
*LKF's mouth drops open to the largest extent*

Dude, are you serious? Mokap is one of te worst characters IMO.
07/05/2007 07:44 PM (UTC)
why? is it wrong to want to have another man's baby?
07/05/2007 08:00 PM (UTC)
this is for you n00b,welcome to the forum....and stop spamming with Mokrap.
07/05/2007 08:10 PM (UTC)
i've been here for a while.

what's wrong with talking about mokap? everyone has a favorite character and he's mine.

i think he has three great styles in DA. i liked using him more than blaze.
07/05/2007 08:13 PM (UTC)
and in case you didn't know, he was created as a way of honoring carlos nicieza, the guy who does all of the MOtion CAPture for the MK games.
07/05/2007 09:03 PM (UTC)
mokap_luvr Wrote:
and in case you didn't know, he was created as a way of honoring carlos nicieza, the guy who does all of the MOtion CAPture for the MK games.

Yes we all know that. And his last name is Pesina, not niceieza.
07/05/2007 09:30 PM (UTC)
Yes Sonya is hot, but if she ever has a baby, then the honor should go to Mr. Johnny Cage. Honestly, at least its been hinted that these two could have shared/or share a love interest, and there have been popular theories about their son or daughter fighting in a future mortal kombat.

As for now, I would just rather to see them as a couple and leave the baby story for later Mk games. Mokap and Sonya have never crossed paths as far as we know.

About Mokap, well, he was vastly improved in MKA, great moves and fun to play as, but its kind of sad he didn’t get a new interesting costume. Lets hope his story is something we can take seriously, something that involves him directly with the plot and not just like a fun-extra character, like Meat used to be (Mokap was never intended to be a real character).
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07/06/2007 01:42 AM (UTC)
mokap_luvr Wrote:
and in case you didn't know, he was created as a way of honoring carlos nicieza, the guy who does all of the MOtion CAPture for the MK games.

Please do not double post; if you've been here long, you should know how to edit.
Also, if anyone is going to post, please do so in order to try and save the thread, not plummet it further with degrading talk about Mokap as a character. Instead, at least propose some sort of discussion concerning his character (what we know of about it at least) in MKA and how he performs in the game.
07/06/2007 10:10 AM (UTC)
mokap_luvr Wrote:
i've been here for a while.

what's wrong with talking about mokap? everyone has a favorite character and he's mine.

i think he has three great styles in DA. i liked using him more than blaze.

Mokap is considered Mokrap because he is just a human in a motion capture suit based on Carlos Pesina. Not a monster or ninja hell-spawn, a guy in a motion capture suit. IMO, Blaze was alot better (and he was the one to be MKA's boss, not Mokap).

Sorry if this post is degrading Mokap.
07/06/2007 02:41 PM (UTC)
Like Jerrod said, please don't double post, and if you're going to talk about Mokap, make it relevant to MKA, not for future MK games or general discussion.

queve Wrote:
Yes Sonya is hot, but if she ever has a baby, then the honor should go to Mr. Johnny Cage. Honestly, at least its been hinted that these two could have shared/or share a love interest, and there have been popular theories about their son or daughter fighting in a future mortal kombat.

As for now, I would just rather to see them as a couple and leave the baby story for later Mk games. Mokap and Sonya have never crossed paths as far as we know.

About Mokap, well, he was vastly improved in MKA, great moves and fun to play as, but its kind of sad he didn’t get a new interesting costume. Lets hope his story is something we can take seriously, something that involves him directly with the plot and not just like a fun-extra character, like Meat used to be (Mokap was never intended to be a real character).

The problem with the Johnny/Sonya thing is that if such a thing exists in the story of the games, it is very underdeveloped, even more so than the Liu Kang/Kitana romantic relationship.

I disagree about Mokap. Sure, his gameplay got better, but why should he be given a serious story? Why should we care for someone like him? While making something more out of characters like Ermac and Noob Saibot worked nicely, I don't think the same should be done with all of the joke/glitch type characters.
07/06/2007 08:40 PM (UTC)
idk why you guys say mokap is crap i bet i could beat a shit load of you with him.
He's like in my top 5 characters
07/06/2007 10:28 PM (UTC)
Has anyone discovered who the Mokap master is?
07/06/2007 10:41 PM (UTC)
i think Mokap doesn't really have a master. he is a martial arts expert, much like Johnny Cage, who had lots of masters, from whom he learned lots of moves and techniques. And seriously, i hope Mokap dies in armageddon, killed in a brutal way, like beheading or member riping or something like that. i hope he doesn't return. sorry Mokap fans..sad
07/06/2007 11:03 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Like Jerrod said, please don't double post, and if you're going to talk about Mokap, make it relevant to MKA, not for future MK games or general discussion.

queve Wrote:
Yes Sonya is hot, but if she ever has a baby, then the honor should go to Mr. Johnny Cage. Honestly, at least its been hinted that these two could have shared/or share a love interest, and there have been popular theories about their son or daughter fighting in a future mortal kombat.

As for now, I would just rather to see them as a couple and leave the baby story for later Mk games. Mokap and Sonya have never crossed paths as far as we know.

About Mokap, well, he was vastly improved in MKA, great moves and fun to play as, but its kind of sad he didn’t get a new interesting costume. Lets hope his story is something we can take seriously, something that involves him directly with the plot and not just like a fun-extra character, like Meat used to be (Mokap was never intended to be a real character).

The problem with the Johnny/Sonya thing is that if such a thing exists in the story of the games, it is very underdeveloped, even more so than the Liu Kang/Kitana romantic relationship.

I disagree about Mokap. Sure, his gameplay got better, but why should he be given a serious story? Why should we care for someone like him? While making something more out of characters like Ermac and Noob Saibot worked nicely, I don't think the same should be done with all of the joke/glitch type characters.

Yeah, Noob and Ermac may have been glitch characters, but they had way more potential than Mokap, who is a waste and not even a joke to me.
07/07/2007 03:41 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
The problem with the Johnny/Sonya thing is that if such a thing exists in the story of the games, it is very underdeveloped, even more so than the Liu Kang/Kitana romantic relationship.
I disagree about Mokap. Sure, his gameplay got better, but why should he be given a serious story? Why should we care for someone like him? While making something more out of characters like Ermac and Noob Saibot worked nicely, I don't think the same should be done with all of the joke/glitch type characters.

Yeah, the “romance” is very underdeveloped but I used it as a perfect example of how Mokap has had no sort of interaction with Sonya, ever, (as far as we know) and that those two make a better couple for the hints that have been given in the past, despite how shallow they may seem.
As for Mokap, that’s were I will always disagree with you or anyone else who feels the same about character development.
I don’t see how being a joke or underdeveloped character makes you less disserving of the chance to actually get a decent story, improvement, a refreshing development, etc, specially if this might be the last Mk game for him and the rest of his cast.
The thought is mediocre imo. Why not do it, if they can do it? Its not like their improvement will hurt other characters.
Just because Mokap started as a joke doesn’t mean he has to die as a joke if he can be improved. Look at Meat, despite him not even being a character, now he seems to have a deep story, at least for his standards.
07/07/2007 05:25 PM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
The problem with the Johnny/Sonya thing is that if such a thing exists in the story of the games, it is very underdeveloped, even more so than the Liu Kang/Kitana romantic relationship.
I disagree about Mokap. Sure, his gameplay got better, but why should he be given a serious story? Why should we care for someone like him? While making something more out of characters like Ermac and Noob Saibot worked nicely, I don't think the same should be done with all of the joke/glitch type characters.

Yeah, the “romance” is very underdeveloped but I used it as a perfect example of how Mokap has had no sort of interaction with Sonya, ever, (as far as we know) and that those two make a better couple for the hints that have been given in the past, despite how shallow they may seem.
As for Mokap, that’s were I will always disagree with you or anyone else who feels the same about character development.
I don’t see how being a joke or underdeveloped character makes you less disserving of the chance to actually get a decent story, improvement, a refreshing development, etc, specially if this might be the last Mk game for him and the rest of his cast.
The thought is mediocre imo. Why not do it, if they can do it? Its not like their improvement will hurt other characters.
Just because Mokap started as a joke doesn’t mean he has to die as a joke if he can be improved. Look at Meat, despite him not even being a character, now he seems to have a deep story, at least for his standards.

The thing with characters like Mokap and Meat is that we aren't meant to take them seriously. Meat's story is not really much of anything. Why should we care for these kinds of characters? Mokap came late into the story and there wasn't really much to him anyway. It's not like he ever had any real relevance to the story.
07/12/2007 04:19 AM (UTC)
Mokap rules!... I dont care what any of you say!
but mokap wif sonya? wtf? and nah i dont think he'll be in mk8

Mokap is da manglasses
07/15/2007 09:35 AM (UTC)
I used to like punching Mokap in Orderrealm, when he was walking like a retard having way too much fun apparently for nothing.
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07/15/2007 12:01 PM (UTC)
I don't think Mokap should go with Sonya...he should have a threesome with Jade and Kitana instead.
07/16/2007 03:58 AM (UTC)
just so i'm clear - is it okay if i double post?
07/16/2007 06:27 AM (UTC)
mokap_luvr Wrote:
just so i'm clear - is it okay if i double post?

07/18/2007 06:51 PM (UTC)

For a spam thread, it sure does have quite a few posts.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/18/2007 08:09 PM (UTC)
wow........i think i just lost all my brain cells by replying to this thread :(
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