Modes I would like to see for the next MK thoughts
Mortal Kombat X
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Modes I would like to see for the next MK thoughts
Tournament Mode- The normal arcade mode where you fight through the characters to reach the main bad guy.
2 player co-op and vs- In this mode, you would be able to play of course against one of ur friends on 2 player mode,but you could also use a tag-team to face the computer in a match (2 player co-op). However, i would like to see the 2 player co-op tag mode be able to be used in Tournament mode as well, where both character's endings would show at the end. (maybe even special endings designed for the specific 2 charactes you picked)
Checkers Mode- Come on, we had chess, why not? lol...Players would move, and when one is jumped, you would have to battle them. When someone got a King, they would sprout an extra life bar. Characters that have been jumped and taken would be able to be used in fights in place of your fighters when you jump someone, or you could just use the person u jumped the other guy with.
Now heres the big ideas that i have
Classic Fighting- Opens the game up to the classic 2D days of MK, giving your characters the same kind of fighting as the old days (HP, LP, HK, LK, ect.) This mode would also feature the 2 player co-op and versus as mentioned above. However, you would, of course, be able to play Real Tournament mode (as mentioned below) in this one. Classic characters only unlockable through this mode would consist of some of the ones from the old MK games.
Real Tournament Mode (tentative title)- According to the character you pick, this mode would feature videos (and maybe even missions) to watch or complete. These events would show what all the character does throughout the tournament (or whatever u want to call it) and would lead up to their ending.
2 player co-op and vs- In this mode, you would be able to play of course against one of ur friends on 2 player mode,but you could also use a tag-team to face the computer in a match (2 player co-op). However, i would like to see the 2 player co-op tag mode be able to be used in Tournament mode as well, where both character's endings would show at the end. (maybe even special endings designed for the specific 2 charactes you picked)
Checkers Mode- Come on, we had chess, why not? lol...Players would move, and when one is jumped, you would have to battle them. When someone got a King, they would sprout an extra life bar. Characters that have been jumped and taken would be able to be used in fights in place of your fighters when you jump someone, or you could just use the person u jumped the other guy with.
Now heres the big ideas that i have
Classic Fighting- Opens the game up to the classic 2D days of MK, giving your characters the same kind of fighting as the old days (HP, LP, HK, LK, ect.) This mode would also feature the 2 player co-op and versus as mentioned above. However, you would, of course, be able to play Real Tournament mode (as mentioned below) in this one. Classic characters only unlockable through this mode would consist of some of the ones from the old MK games.
Real Tournament Mode (tentative title)- According to the character you pick, this mode would feature videos (and maybe even missions) to watch or complete. These events would show what all the character does throughout the tournament (or whatever u want to call it) and would lead up to their ending.
Real tournament mode is a cool idea. Bear in mind though if you have a game that is 4 knockout rounds before facing a subboss and then the boss, youd need 2^4=16 characters, 5 rounds you'd need 2^5=32, 6 rounds 64... Perhaps you could make up the numbers with some non-famous generic/random characters from the various realms.
I think a little story mode would be cool. It wouldn't have to be much- just a bit of text between fights (like in mkda learn-the-moves-mode), and some pictures/cutscenes (game engine or prerendered- i'm not fussy) for important bits- like the at the beginning/ towards the end. Basically like what you get in tekken- you'd generally face a load of random guys, then your nemesis, a sub boss and the boss, or maybe the nemesis could be the subboss for some people. Also they could make it so that good characters faced only evil/neutral ones etc.
What would be super cool is if your performance determined what happened- ie you could get different endings, or end up facing harder opponents if you did really well- the incentive being that you'd unlock stuff by getting the better endings.
For instance you could face some really hard dude, say goro. If you got them down to below 50% then lost, you could still continue to the next round- perhaps someone else intervenes, but if you ko them completely, the story goes another way. Maybe you could beat someone down, and you'd have the option of escaping, but if you stayed they'd be harder, and you'd get some reward for beating them- be it in the form of coins, a krypt key, or a branch in the storyline.
I think a little story mode would be cool. It wouldn't have to be much- just a bit of text between fights (like in mkda learn-the-moves-mode), and some pictures/cutscenes (game engine or prerendered- i'm not fussy) for important bits- like the at the beginning/ towards the end. Basically like what you get in tekken- you'd generally face a load of random guys, then your nemesis, a sub boss and the boss, or maybe the nemesis could be the subboss for some people. Also they could make it so that good characters faced only evil/neutral ones etc.
What would be super cool is if your performance determined what happened- ie you could get different endings, or end up facing harder opponents if you did really well- the incentive being that you'd unlock stuff by getting the better endings.
For instance you could face some really hard dude, say goro. If you got them down to below 50% then lost, you could still continue to the next round- perhaps someone else intervenes, but if you ko them completely, the story goes another way. Maybe you could beat someone down, and you'd have the option of escaping, but if you stayed they'd be harder, and you'd get some reward for beating them- be it in the form of coins, a krypt key, or a branch in the storyline.

The chekers mode is real innovative it sounds good and the tournament.
what about and mode where u can actually create your own character!!!
wouldnt that sound good. u can customise your characters. When u first create him\her u can costomise your character fighting styles, clothes appearences,weapons,moves,combos,fatalities, face masks, pads,
etc. when u finish them give them a name and u could take them into konquest. When u enter konquest u cover they story side missions and u can polish your skills and customise stregnth, speed, and other attributes.
u can even use them online but attributes at a certain level so u cant be invincible. Im not trying to turn mk into a RPG or anything but its not bad to introduce new things
what about and mode where u can actually create your own character!!!
wouldnt that sound good. u can customise your characters. When u first create him\her u can costomise your character fighting styles, clothes appearences,weapons,moves,combos,fatalities, face masks, pads,
etc. when u finish them give them a name and u could take them into konquest. When u enter konquest u cover they story side missions and u can polish your skills and customise stregnth, speed, and other attributes.
u can even use them online but attributes at a certain level so u cant be invincible. Im not trying to turn mk into a RPG or anything but its not bad to introduce new things
This is the list pf Modes I would like to see for the next MK.
1. Arcade
2. Versus
3. Practice
4. Tournament
Card Kombat
Pocket Kombat
1. Arcade
2. Versus
3. Tournament
Konquest Adventure 2
The Krypt
Chao World
1. Chao Lobby
2. Chao Coleseeum
2a. Chao Race
2aa. Beginner Race
2ab. Jewel Race
2ac. Challenge Race
2ad. Event Race
2ae. Chao Grand Prix
2af. Party Race
2b. Chao Kombat
2ba. Arcade
2bb. Versus
2bc. Tournament
1. Kreate Profile
2. Edit Profile
3. View Profiles
4. Delete Profile
a. Kombat
b. Card Kombat
c. Pocket Kombat
d. Chao Race
e. Chao Kombat
In Chao Grand Prix they are up to 28 Chao racing at the same time.
You can receive a Krypt Key containing one of Ariel's Alternate Costumes (Ariel has three alternate Costumes)as the Grand Prize with a toy for the Garden of your choice if you finish the Swimming Grand Prix Levels 1-9 in First Place.
1. Arcade
2. Versus
3. Practice
4. Tournament
Card Kombat
Pocket Kombat
1. Arcade
2. Versus
3. Tournament
Konquest Adventure 2
The Krypt
Chao World
1. Chao Lobby
2. Chao Coleseeum
2a. Chao Race
2aa. Beginner Race
2ab. Jewel Race
2ac. Challenge Race
2ad. Event Race
2ae. Chao Grand Prix
2af. Party Race
2b. Chao Kombat
2ba. Arcade
2bb. Versus
2bc. Tournament
1. Kreate Profile
2. Edit Profile
3. View Profiles
4. Delete Profile
a. Kombat
b. Card Kombat
c. Pocket Kombat
d. Chao Race
e. Chao Kombat
In Chao Grand Prix they are up to 28 Chao racing at the same time.
You can receive a Krypt Key containing one of Ariel's Alternate Costumes (Ariel has three alternate Costumes)as the Grand Prize with a toy for the Garden of your choice if you finish the Swimming Grand Prix Levels 1-9 in First Place.
They also need a Practice mode that doesn't suck.
We should have the option to control the 2nd player, record and replay his movements, or have a 2nd player control the player 2. There should also be tons of option settings for the CUP, like bloking, ducking, jumping or walking. To keep it short, I want a practice mode that surves a purpose unlike the joke that was in MKDA and MKD.
We should have the option to control the 2nd player, record and replay his movements, or have a 2nd player control the player 2. There should also be tons of option settings for the CUP, like bloking, ducking, jumping or walking. To keep it short, I want a practice mode that surves a purpose unlike the joke that was in MKDA and MKD.

In the options mode there should be an option to fight in an infinite stage like the ones in Tekken tag.
So you can practice juggles with ought the wall getting in the way.
Also a quick reset would be good to put you in the middle of the stage again.
So you can practice juggles with ought the wall getting in the way.
Also a quick reset would be good to put you in the middle of the stage again.
Infinite -- you mean Survival Mode?
I would like to see:
Tag Team
(with tag fatalities)
The Krypt
(no staff pics, or silly useless junk)
An adventure game
(like "Jin Kazama: Devil Within" From Tekken 5 instead of MK:D Konquest.)
MK Shop
(Buy items/clothing/moves/fatalities/speed/strenght/etc...)
Kreate Your Own Kharacter
(Make a character and buy him a lot until he becomes extremely powerful, then use him for Online)
Kustomize Kharacter
(Buy things and fix up the regular characters)
Survival Mode
(So the matches can go on and we can see who can win more)
Test Your Might/Sight
(For good hand/eye coordination, also fun)
Quest Mode (Separate From Arcade Mode)
(Not just 1 on 1; including a story, cinemas, rivalries, etc...)
(Gotta have online
Unlock Klassic MK Arcade (Play MK 1-Gold)
(Gotta have the classica, maybe on the next collectors Edition)
Computer Fight Mode
(Where two computers fight eachother and you spectate it just to see how and what they can do)
I guess that's all I can think of right now.
I would like to see:
Tag Team
(with tag fatalities)
The Krypt
(no staff pics, or silly useless junk)
An adventure game
(like "Jin Kazama: Devil Within" From Tekken 5 instead of MK:D Konquest.)
MK Shop
(Buy items/clothing/moves/fatalities/speed/strenght/etc...)
Kreate Your Own Kharacter
(Make a character and buy him a lot until he becomes extremely powerful, then use him for Online)
Kustomize Kharacter
(Buy things and fix up the regular characters)
Survival Mode
(So the matches can go on and we can see who can win more)
Test Your Might/Sight
(For good hand/eye coordination, also fun)
Quest Mode (Separate From Arcade Mode)
(Not just 1 on 1; including a story, cinemas, rivalries, etc...)
(Gotta have online
Unlock Klassic MK Arcade (Play MK 1-Gold)
(Gotta have the classica, maybe on the next collectors Edition)
Computer Fight Mode
(Where two computers fight eachother and you spectate it just to see how and what they can do)
I guess that's all I can think of right now.

I mean infinite stages like the ones in Tekken Tag, where no matter how far you walk in any direction you never reach the walls.
They have some stages like that in Tekken 5 also.
Have you played those games?
I'm talking about a stage where you can't reach the walls, not a survival mode.
The point of it is to make practicing juggles easier.
They have some stages like that in Tekken 5 also.
Have you played those games?
I'm talking about a stage where you can't reach the walls, not a survival mode.
The point of it is to make practicing juggles easier.

About Me

Arcade Mode:(1 or 2 players)
The arcade mode would be your standard mode where you pick a character and go through a standard 10 match cycle of characters where you can earn some Kombat Kurrency.
Story mode:(1 player)
The actual meat of the game. You pick a character and go through an Arcade type mode where you fight significant characters to your character's story. There would be CG scenes for every match, with one Destiny battle and then the Boss battle.
Tournament Mode: (1-32 Players) (Online and Off)
A feature seen on the Budokai and Virtua Fighter games. A five difficulty level tournament tree that puts you against a random set of opponents with a single, one round elimination, the final match ending with an automatic fatality. This is would be where you you'd get most of your kurrency. In online mode the other characters wait for their match ups. Kurrency must be waged.
Arena (Survival)
If you don't know what this is, you're either lying or you have no business on a fighting game site.
Discipline: (1 player: Requires Profile)
Discipline is the traing/tour mode. It's largely like Virtua Fighter 4 Evos' tour mode. You have a gaint map of Outworld where you can travel to and participate in things like mini challanges, to specific based tournaments. An example might be, in the start of the mode you can start out in a match where, you can fight your opponent like a standard fight, but it won't end until you preform 3 successful counters. Then in tournaments, you might have start out like a standard fight in the perliminary's but end up having to do a complex combo in the final to finish the fight, all the while being guided to how to build up the combo. In this mode you would be able to unlock free, miscellanious stuff like a new wallpaper for the title screen, to alternate colors for your characters and alternate menu music and layout. As well as the bulk of secrets in the game that you need to pay for. Such as characters, and new arenas.
Team Deathmatch: (2 Players) Online and Off
A mode that was used once in MK4. You pick a team of up to 8 characters, and an arena. Both players battle it out until the other player has no more characters, last man standing wins. You could also bet kurrency here.
This is where you can kustomize your prefered character with different outfits, unlocked colors, accesories, weapon skins, enterance stances, eye color, hair color, projectile color.
Kronicle Mode:
Once you beat Story Mode, you can go back and watch the events that happened to your character in this mode. You'd also have camera control so you would be able to Stop, Play, Rewind, Pause, Fast Forward, Zoom in, Zoom Out. The layout would be an actual room with posters of the events all around so you could control your selected character and walk up to the clips you'd like to watch.
Last Man Standing (1-4 Players) Online and Off.
A basic free for all where all four players choose a character and enter an arena. Two are chosen at random to start the fight while the other's wait. Health bars would be set at maximum so the fights last a little while. Every 20 seconds, one player will be cycled out with another player at random. Who can last the longest wins. It's all one round with death traps and hazards activated. Kurrency can be waged.
This is where you can, set your style like, blood amount, blood color, turn death traps on or off, turn indicators on or off, health bar amount, rounds, match time.
This is where you can select and equip new backgrounds for the title and menu screens, VS screens, as well as all the other modes except Kronicle and Wardrobe.
Warrior Shrine:
Everytime you reach a certain goal in Discipline as well as beat story mode with a different character, you recieve a trophy as proof. Various accomplishments like a Double Flawless gives you a trophy, while beating a character's story erects a shrine in their honor. Certain trophies unlock certain bonuses like classic fatalities and other things like Arena sizes where you can decide how big or small you want the arena's to be as well as earn some old school arenas.
Nostalgia Mode:
This is where you can play the old school games. You start out having only MK1, as you earn trophies you can unlock MK II, MK3, UMK3, Trilogy, and Tournament Eddition. As a bonus in these, once you obtain enough trophies for special events in Discipline, you can go to Bonus and unlock the secrets in these versions as well with an extra option.
That's just my idea of what I'd like to see in MK 7. With 100% knowledge of that this won't happen.
The arcade mode would be your standard mode where you pick a character and go through a standard 10 match cycle of characters where you can earn some Kombat Kurrency.
Story mode:(1 player)
The actual meat of the game. You pick a character and go through an Arcade type mode where you fight significant characters to your character's story. There would be CG scenes for every match, with one Destiny battle and then the Boss battle.
Tournament Mode: (1-32 Players) (Online and Off)
A feature seen on the Budokai and Virtua Fighter games. A five difficulty level tournament tree that puts you against a random set of opponents with a single, one round elimination, the final match ending with an automatic fatality. This is would be where you you'd get most of your kurrency. In online mode the other characters wait for their match ups. Kurrency must be waged.
Arena (Survival)
If you don't know what this is, you're either lying or you have no business on a fighting game site.
Discipline: (1 player: Requires Profile)
Discipline is the traing/tour mode. It's largely like Virtua Fighter 4 Evos' tour mode. You have a gaint map of Outworld where you can travel to and participate in things like mini challanges, to specific based tournaments. An example might be, in the start of the mode you can start out in a match where, you can fight your opponent like a standard fight, but it won't end until you preform 3 successful counters. Then in tournaments, you might have start out like a standard fight in the perliminary's but end up having to do a complex combo in the final to finish the fight, all the while being guided to how to build up the combo. In this mode you would be able to unlock free, miscellanious stuff like a new wallpaper for the title screen, to alternate colors for your characters and alternate menu music and layout. As well as the bulk of secrets in the game that you need to pay for. Such as characters, and new arenas.
Team Deathmatch: (2 Players) Online and Off
A mode that was used once in MK4. You pick a team of up to 8 characters, and an arena. Both players battle it out until the other player has no more characters, last man standing wins. You could also bet kurrency here.
This is where you can kustomize your prefered character with different outfits, unlocked colors, accesories, weapon skins, enterance stances, eye color, hair color, projectile color.
Kronicle Mode:
Once you beat Story Mode, you can go back and watch the events that happened to your character in this mode. You'd also have camera control so you would be able to Stop, Play, Rewind, Pause, Fast Forward, Zoom in, Zoom Out. The layout would be an actual room with posters of the events all around so you could control your selected character and walk up to the clips you'd like to watch.
Last Man Standing (1-4 Players) Online and Off.
A basic free for all where all four players choose a character and enter an arena. Two are chosen at random to start the fight while the other's wait. Health bars would be set at maximum so the fights last a little while. Every 20 seconds, one player will be cycled out with another player at random. Who can last the longest wins. It's all one round with death traps and hazards activated. Kurrency can be waged.
This is where you can, set your style like, blood amount, blood color, turn death traps on or off, turn indicators on or off, health bar amount, rounds, match time.
This is where you can select and equip new backgrounds for the title and menu screens, VS screens, as well as all the other modes except Kronicle and Wardrobe.
Warrior Shrine:
Everytime you reach a certain goal in Discipline as well as beat story mode with a different character, you recieve a trophy as proof. Various accomplishments like a Double Flawless gives you a trophy, while beating a character's story erects a shrine in their honor. Certain trophies unlock certain bonuses like classic fatalities and other things like Arena sizes where you can decide how big or small you want the arena's to be as well as earn some old school arenas.
Nostalgia Mode:
This is where you can play the old school games. You start out having only MK1, as you earn trophies you can unlock MK II, MK3, UMK3, Trilogy, and Tournament Eddition. As a bonus in these, once you obtain enough trophies for special events in Discipline, you can go to Bonus and unlock the secrets in these versions as well with an extra option.
That's just my idea of what I'd like to see in MK 7. With 100% knowledge of that this won't happen.
-Story Mode: Play through the game as a character, watching the events
they go through. Intermission cut-scenes would be included
when you fought someone special in relation to your
character. Like in Tekken 5. Choosing different paths would
get you different endings. Running away from or losing to
your greatest foe would lead you to the bad ending, but
beating him/her would lead you to get the better ending.
-Arcade Mode: Fight through random opponents ala old skool MK,
leading to the final boss.
-Rank Mode: Fight random characters to earn extra coins. Each time your
rank goes up, your opponents get tougher, but the prize gets
-Survival Mode: Fight through random enemies and see how long you
can last. A small amount of health is rewarded each
-Time Attack Mode: See how fast you can beat all your opponents.
- Tag Team Mode: You and friend fight the CPU and switch out with each
-Vs Mode: Fight your friend in a 1 on 1 battle.
-Vs. Tag Team Mode: Fight your friend in a 2 on 2 battle.
-Tournament Mode: Two characters pick a bracket of characters to fight
each other ala MK:T.
-Team Battle: Fight a friend with a team of characters. Each time your
character is K.O.ed, your next fighter steps up.
-Practice Mode: Practice against a friend or CPU, side-modes include
Freestyle, VS., Defensive Training, Moves Training.
MK Online: Play MK online with others from around the world.
Puzzle Kombat: Mortal Kombat, Tetris style.
Chess Kombat: Mortal Kombat chess, much improved from MK:D.
Konquest Mode: Also much improved from MK:D. More interaction, more
involved quests and storyline.
Arcade History: Play MK, MK2, MK:T, and MK:G against the CPU or a friend.
Kustomize: Kustomize fighters with extra clothing and accessories.
Krypt: Unlock and buy things with keys found throughout the game and your
heard earned koins.
Kontent: View all things unlocked in the Krypt.
Profiles: Load, save, or change a profile.
Options: Change game settings.
-Story Mode: Play through the game as a character, watching the events
they go through. Intermission cut-scenes would be included
when you fought someone special in relation to your
character. Like in Tekken 5. Choosing different paths would
get you different endings. Running away from or losing to
your greatest foe would lead you to the bad ending, but
beating him/her would lead you to get the better ending.
-Arcade Mode: Fight through random opponents ala old skool MK,
leading to the final boss.
-Rank Mode: Fight random characters to earn extra coins. Each time your
rank goes up, your opponents get tougher, but the prize gets
-Survival Mode: Fight through random enemies and see how long you
can last. A small amount of health is rewarded each
-Time Attack Mode: See how fast you can beat all your opponents.
- Tag Team Mode: You and friend fight the CPU and switch out with each
-Vs Mode: Fight your friend in a 1 on 1 battle.
-Vs. Tag Team Mode: Fight your friend in a 2 on 2 battle.
-Tournament Mode: Two characters pick a bracket of characters to fight
each other ala MK:T.
-Team Battle: Fight a friend with a team of characters. Each time your
character is K.O.ed, your next fighter steps up.
-Practice Mode: Practice against a friend or CPU, side-modes include
Freestyle, VS., Defensive Training, Moves Training.
MK Online: Play MK online with others from around the world.
Puzzle Kombat: Mortal Kombat, Tetris style.
Chess Kombat: Mortal Kombat chess, much improved from MK:D.
Konquest Mode: Also much improved from MK:D. More interaction, more
involved quests and storyline.
Arcade History: Play MK, MK2, MK:T, and MK:G against the CPU or a friend.
Kustomize: Kustomize fighters with extra clothing and accessories.
Krypt: Unlock and buy things with keys found throughout the game and your
heard earned koins.
Kontent: View all things unlocked in the Krypt.
Profiles: Load, save, or change a profile.
Options: Change game settings.
Ok I get what you mean now bleed, but if they use that idea then how are we supposed to knock our opponents into another arena or deathtrap?
That should be something you can turn on and off somehow. Good idea though, a lot helpful for juggle combos instead of having to stop at the walls all the time and turn around.
That should be something you can turn on and off somehow. Good idea though, a lot helpful for juggle combos instead of having to stop at the walls all the time and turn around.

The stage would be like a juggle training stage.
It's like focus training
If you want the death traps and all that, then just choose a normal stage.
Another juggle training stage idea would be to set a standing point for both fighters, so if you press "select" it will bring you to that spot instantly.
this is so you don't have to back up or move around to get to the same spot again.
You would just go there 1 time and save the spot, then press select to go there instantly whenever you want.
That would be good for practicing Wall combos. And stage kill combos.
It's like focus training
If you want the death traps and all that, then just choose a normal stage.
Another juggle training stage idea would be to set a standing point for both fighters, so if you press "select" it will bring you to that spot instantly.
this is so you don't have to back up or move around to get to the same spot again.
You would just go there 1 time and save the spot, then press select to go there instantly whenever you want.
That would be good for practicing Wall combos. And stage kill combos.
What I would like to see in the next MK is...
Story Mode: Have it go sorta like Guilty Gear X2. You see your character and other characters speak to each other through text or voice acting, and the story changes from what you do in matches. Like if you lose a match, the story changes, win a match in under 30 seconds, etc. The endings could be pictures, and every character could have many different endings.
Arcade Mode: Standard arcade mode with 5 or 6 regular matches, a mirror match, one endurance match, a really tough sub-boss, and then a weaker but extremely cool boss. Plus, the endings could be sweet CG movies.
Practice Mode: Make it so that you can have your practice opponent able to do things, like jump, atttack, evade, etc. Plus, you can see a combo or special move by selecting it, a la Soul Calibur 2.
Versus Mode: A standard versus mode. Yup.
2 vs 2 Mode: This was one thing I really liked about UMK3, MKT, and MK4. It changed the gameplay a little bit, and it made it more fun. Also make it so that 4 people can play, such as Player 1 and 2 against Player 3 and 4.
Edit Mode: This mode can give you the ability to edit costumes for the characters in the game, but you cannot change their primary costume. You can only be able to edit the normal and alternate costumes by color and what not and save those costumes to your profile.
Klassic Mode: Play the classic games a la Tekken 5 (unless a kompilation has already come out).
Krypt Mode: It could be interactive, where you could be like a monk and you can walk around, having to find the koffins. You would use kurrency earned from Arcade and Story modes.
Online Mode: It's pretty simple. Make Versus, 2 vs 2, and Klassic modes have online capability.
And please let there be a new gameplay engine.
Story Mode: Have it go sorta like Guilty Gear X2. You see your character and other characters speak to each other through text or voice acting, and the story changes from what you do in matches. Like if you lose a match, the story changes, win a match in under 30 seconds, etc. The endings could be pictures, and every character could have many different endings.
Arcade Mode: Standard arcade mode with 5 or 6 regular matches, a mirror match, one endurance match, a really tough sub-boss, and then a weaker but extremely cool boss. Plus, the endings could be sweet CG movies.
Practice Mode: Make it so that you can have your practice opponent able to do things, like jump, atttack, evade, etc. Plus, you can see a combo or special move by selecting it, a la Soul Calibur 2.
Versus Mode: A standard versus mode. Yup.
2 vs 2 Mode: This was one thing I really liked about UMK3, MKT, and MK4. It changed the gameplay a little bit, and it made it more fun. Also make it so that 4 people can play, such as Player 1 and 2 against Player 3 and 4.
Edit Mode: This mode can give you the ability to edit costumes for the characters in the game, but you cannot change their primary costume. You can only be able to edit the normal and alternate costumes by color and what not and save those costumes to your profile.
Klassic Mode: Play the classic games a la Tekken 5 (unless a kompilation has already come out).
Krypt Mode: It could be interactive, where you could be like a monk and you can walk around, having to find the koffins. You would use kurrency earned from Arcade and Story modes.
Online Mode: It's pretty simple. Make Versus, 2 vs 2, and Klassic modes have online capability.
And please let there be a new gameplay engine.

mortal kombat soccer mode haha itd be great like sub zero would make the ball freeze and scorp would make it go on fire wile raiden would make it have electrocution although they would never do it and like everybodys bomb this idea i think itd be great
I am going to go ahead and add some more to my list at the top....Seeing all these other ideas have given me some more ideas...
The New Krypt- Personally, MK:Deception's krypt was lame, filled with useless and large amounts of concept designs. Also, the same setting with the graves is also getting old to me. For the next game, I think the krypt should be retitled and become something like a merchant hut with the old Shang Tsung selling you stuff. (or someone who at least would look like that guy from RE4). Each time you progressed more into the game it would give you more to choose from to buy from the merchant. What you would be able to buy from this krypt would consist of:
Extra Outfits for characters- Alternate outfits have always been fun, but in this game I would like to be able to personalize my own alternate outfits. Kustomize a Kharacter mode would make this possible, which I will explain below.
Movies- Like Cooking with Scorpion
Some Concept Art
Very few IF ANY crew pics, cause they seem to just take up good space
And any other stuff that could be added.
Kustomize a Kharacter mode- Here, each character would have different things exclusive only to them which could be used as their alternate outfits. You would go buy something like Sub-Zero's MK2 outfit. Then you would go into this mode and open up Sub to edit. You would choose to but his MK2 outfit, and from there have a selection of what parts from his MK2 outfit to put on his alternate costume. Say you had unlocked his MK3 and 2 outfits. You could go in and put his MK2 mask/hood on him and then put his MK3 shoulder pad things on him.
Kreate a Kharacter- Pretty self-explanatory. Stuff could be bought to use for yor character from the Merchant. You would first edit appearance, then moves and such, most like a wrestling game or something along those lines.
First Person View mode- Aha! Now this would be kool. It would be available in any mode exept for the 2d version of the game. When switching characters in the 2 player co-op mode, it would briefly show the normal side view mode to let you know your characters were switched, then it would go back to FPV.
Survival- How could I forget. The above posts already mention they would like to see this mode, but I figure I would go ahead and add what mine would be like. First off, Survival would let you pick to 1 player or 2 player co-op modes. In 1-player Survival, you would first pick your arena, then have a random round of either 10-15-or 20 players to fight (which all depends on the number of character actually in the game). The 2-player co-op Survival mode would be the same, but you would choose to take on 10-15-or 20 teams (or more, also depending on the amount of characters in the game). Instead of the normal "2 rounds to win" kind of thing, Survival would be sort of one big round. Each character that you face would fight you for the length of his/her energy bar, then you would be able to Finish Them, like a sort of "one round fatality". Once you defeated that person, the next would come but your energy bar would never change from its damage. In other words, the hits you take from one guy would still be there in the next round. For finishing this mode, of course, koins would be givin, depending on the following things:
Number of Round Won in a Role
Number of Fatalities Executed
Number of Flawless Victories
Fastest Round Time
The New Krypt- Personally, MK:Deception's krypt was lame, filled with useless and large amounts of concept designs. Also, the same setting with the graves is also getting old to me. For the next game, I think the krypt should be retitled and become something like a merchant hut with the old Shang Tsung selling you stuff. (or someone who at least would look like that guy from RE4). Each time you progressed more into the game it would give you more to choose from to buy from the merchant. What you would be able to buy from this krypt would consist of:
Extra Outfits for characters- Alternate outfits have always been fun, but in this game I would like to be able to personalize my own alternate outfits. Kustomize a Kharacter mode would make this possible, which I will explain below.
Movies- Like Cooking with Scorpion
Some Concept Art
Very few IF ANY crew pics, cause they seem to just take up good space
And any other stuff that could be added.
Kustomize a Kharacter mode- Here, each character would have different things exclusive only to them which could be used as their alternate outfits. You would go buy something like Sub-Zero's MK2 outfit. Then you would go into this mode and open up Sub to edit. You would choose to but his MK2 outfit, and from there have a selection of what parts from his MK2 outfit to put on his alternate costume. Say you had unlocked his MK3 and 2 outfits. You could go in and put his MK2 mask/hood on him and then put his MK3 shoulder pad things on him.
Kreate a Kharacter- Pretty self-explanatory. Stuff could be bought to use for yor character from the Merchant. You would first edit appearance, then moves and such, most like a wrestling game or something along those lines.
First Person View mode- Aha! Now this would be kool. It would be available in any mode exept for the 2d version of the game. When switching characters in the 2 player co-op mode, it would briefly show the normal side view mode to let you know your characters were switched, then it would go back to FPV.
Survival- How could I forget. The above posts already mention they would like to see this mode, but I figure I would go ahead and add what mine would be like. First off, Survival would let you pick to 1 player or 2 player co-op modes. In 1-player Survival, you would first pick your arena, then have a random round of either 10-15-or 20 players to fight (which all depends on the number of character actually in the game). The 2-player co-op Survival mode would be the same, but you would choose to take on 10-15-or 20 teams (or more, also depending on the amount of characters in the game). Instead of the normal "2 rounds to win" kind of thing, Survival would be sort of one big round. Each character that you face would fight you for the length of his/her energy bar, then you would be able to Finish Them, like a sort of "one round fatality". Once you defeated that person, the next would come but your energy bar would never change from its damage. In other words, the hits you take from one guy would still be there in the next round. For finishing this mode, of course, koins would be givin, depending on the following things:
Number of Round Won in a Role
Number of Fatalities Executed
Number of Flawless Victories
Fastest Round Time
i love playing mkd online and mk7 will be online also, they should have more online things to do like halo
like 2 on 2 chess mode were each players has a designated player like player 1 gets half of the characters and player 2 gets the other half, and u guys get to choose who the leader is or the leader can be random.
take out puzzle sorry lol
the ranking system online should be like that of hale the harder the person u beat the higher u go then this woould bring out more comp.
and have an online tounrey tree where the top person/best person stay on top until someone can beat them
tag team idea is good like when u are low on health u can switch out oppenents and also u can play 2vs2 with 4 people total.
take out konquest and krypt and make us beat the game with a certain character to unlock another one, and have super unlockables only in arcade and not able to pick online, also make fighters even with each other, and no infinates or at least not as many lol.
hmmmm what about this instead of puzzle its MORTAL KOMBAT MELEE. Ok this is how it would be u would get to pick alot of different character like 30 of em throughout all the mk series but its like super smash bros, fight style so it can be like 4 people in one match at one time just like super smash brothers but its with mk characters and the famous mk gore no fataliies though just death traps like super smash brothers, but added on with a lil midway magic. that i think is the best idea
like 2 on 2 chess mode were each players has a designated player like player 1 gets half of the characters and player 2 gets the other half, and u guys get to choose who the leader is or the leader can be random.
take out puzzle sorry lol
the ranking system online should be like that of hale the harder the person u beat the higher u go then this woould bring out more comp.
and have an online tounrey tree where the top person/best person stay on top until someone can beat them
tag team idea is good like when u are low on health u can switch out oppenents and also u can play 2vs2 with 4 people total.
take out konquest and krypt and make us beat the game with a certain character to unlock another one, and have super unlockables only in arcade and not able to pick online, also make fighters even with each other, and no infinates or at least not as many lol.
hmmmm what about this instead of puzzle its MORTAL KOMBAT MELEE. Ok this is how it would be u would get to pick alot of different character like 30 of em throughout all the mk series but its like super smash bros, fight style so it can be like 4 people in one match at one time just like super smash brothers but its with mk characters and the famous mk gore no fataliies though just death traps like super smash brothers, but added on with a lil midway magic. that i think is the best idea
They should also try and make a Cinema Mode.
Basically you pick and character and it's a cinema of them doing moves and different fighting styles. Kinda like what Soul Calibur 2 has.
Ex: You pick Scorpion and it's a 2 minute cinema of Scorpion doing moves, weapon tricks, stances, fighting styles while the user is able to spectate and move the camera/angles around for better viewing.
I think that would be a good way to view your character and see what he does and how it looks from different angles and such.
You should also be able to create something like that for the character you make. So you make a cool fighter and make his cool cinema. So when you view it he does his own little custom made cinema tricks.
Basically you pick and character and it's a cinema of them doing moves and different fighting styles. Kinda like what Soul Calibur 2 has.
Ex: You pick Scorpion and it's a 2 minute cinema of Scorpion doing moves, weapon tricks, stances, fighting styles while the user is able to spectate and move the camera/angles around for better viewing.
I think that would be a good way to view your character and see what he does and how it looks from different angles and such.
You should also be able to create something like that for the character you make. So you make a cool fighter and make his cool cinema. So when you view it he does his own little custom made cinema tricks.

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#MicksDesk, #gamiz, #tmk, #mortalkombat
maybe if they include Chees Kombat Back in MK7 i would like to see the stages from MK3/MK4 Stages Back and Chraters well i havent seen in a while Sarenna Stryker Reiko Fujin And Sektor.I Would also like to see Test Your Might Back as well
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