posted10/05/2005 09:26 PM (UTC)by
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10/05/2005 02:15 AM (UTC)
Hey peoples! Well since the game Mortal Kombat:Shaolin Monks i have been wondering something.Since i love MMORPG's like World of Warcraft and Dark Age Of Camelot.How would you like it if Whoever made a MMORPG for Mortal Kombat?I think it would be awsome.Just becasue since the MK franchise has so many fans to begin with this and if they actually did it right i think it would make alot of money for the people and that it would better future MK games.But...How it would go? Making a character would be difficult since there are so many diffrent races in the MK world and since that Most of them are tied to the other races such as Goro's race is all in that one particular clan and ect ect. But how it would start is..You make a character he enters the world with a set of weapons and you have to level him up by killing some creatures that are eaither in Outworld or Earth or wherever other world you start out in.Level up to ahh 5 lets say.And then there are clans spread everywhere and that you can pledge and become one of the clans and learn their powers and stuff(or a form of it) and so on and so forth.Now if i wasnt so tired i would go into more detail about how the game would be played and such but i think i would rather hear your thoughts and suggestions,if you think this would be a bad idea or a good one and what else would make this type of game good.
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10/05/2005 08:37 AM (UTC)
It probably could work given the diverse cast of entities and the many realms and locations within MK but such a game would require vast amounts of work and effort and is something I do not see ever happening.

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10/05/2005 04:44 PM (UTC)
What the hell is Dark Age of Camelot?
10/05/2005 05:53 PM (UTC)
the idea could work, create a character, have clans and such. but it would need something more, something that makes it stand out. not just a rehash of one game with mortal kombat characters thrown in.
10/05/2005 07:36 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
It probably could work given the diverse cast of entities and the many realms and locations within MK but such a game would require vast amounts fo work and effort and is something I do not see ever happening.

Yeah. After all, this IS Mortal Kombat.
10/05/2005 09:26 PM (UTC)
Dark Age Of Camelot is one of the biggest MMORPG's out there.It is known for its PVP.
Yes i think the people of the game would really have to make this game stand out and i think it would just because of the mere fact that it is MK ..MK stands ut no matter what.The worlds the characters...all of that would make it stand out by its self.I think it would work great as a MMORPG and like i said...they would really have to make it right for it to be a big seller...So yeah they would have to have its own..uniqness about it.Something that other games dont have..Like you can actually interact with the kings and queens of the world or something....I dont know
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