MKX (Mk4 + MK Mythologies + MK deception + MK9)
posted06/07/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)by
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04/26/2014 09:39 PM (UTC)
Didn't see any topic about this, if so please correct me haha.

I just came up with something, WHAT IF MKX is like continueing the story @ MK 4 then it mixes up MK:M (double Fujin confirmed) and goes forward towards MK: Deception/MK 9?
I'm 99% sure that Tanya, Shinnok, Fujin & Reiko (hopefully) will be playable,
with the outcry of many fans to make them playable!

Would you guys be cool with that? What do you think?
Shit forgot to say, I got this Idea seen it was like Subzero & scorpion fight (MK:M) While Ed said something like "Its a sequel but also a throw back, kinda hard to explain" or something like that on his twitter.
06/07/2014 06:51 PM (UTC)
You forgot Deadly Alliance.
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06/07/2014 07:23 PM (UTC)
cyrax_has_returned Wrote:
Shit forgot to say, I got this Idea seen it was like Subzero & scorpion fight (MK:M) While Ed said something like "Its a sequel but also a throw back, kinda hard to explain" or something like that on his twitter.

He never said it was going to be a "throw back". The question being asked was if MKX was going to be a sequel to MK 2011 or an all new original story and Boon replied by saying "kind of both, hard to explain".

I think that we can expect to see plot elements from MK4 appear within the game, but I would hope that's it. I honestly don't want to see anything from Deadly Alliance onward as the story of those games ultimately led to the downfall of the series. I would hope that a whole new story would be told with some MK4 elements.
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06/07/2014 09:10 PM (UTC)
Ultimachu Wrote:
I think that we can expect to see plot elements from MK4 appear within the game, but I would hope that's it. I honestly don't want to see anything from Deadly Alliance onward as the story of those games ultimately led to the downfall of the series. I would hope that a whole new story would be told with some MK4 elements.

I think Deadly Alliance and Deception were headed in a good direction story-wise. They didn't lead to the downfall that is MKA, Armageddon just sorta... happened.

Btw, nice avatar! I'd try to reverse it back to the MK Logo so it looks like a loop.
06/07/2014 09:56 PM (UTC)
Part of the problem with MK Armageddon is that they seemed to not realize that they could've just made the game noncanon and still had their game with 60+ fighters.

Still they should've stuck to it and truly kill off a good chunk of the roster. But they never will, the MK4-A cast will never be given a fair shot and the MKTrilogy cast will always be looked at with nostalgia and pressure NRS into bring them back.
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06/07/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
Borshay Wrote:
Part of the problem with MK Armageddon is that they seemed to not realize that they could've just made the game noncanon and still had their game with 60+ fighters.

Still they should've stuck to it and truly kill off a good chunk of the roster. But they never will, the MK4-A cast will never be given a fair shot and the MKTrilogy cast will always be looked at with nostalgia and pressure NRS into bring them back.

Well, we have Midway to thank for Armageddon. Sorta.

The problem is that the MK4 newcomer characters lacked even the basics of individuality. Hell, the only worthwhile additions were Kai, Fujin. I can sorta tolerate Tanya and Shinnok, (and there is always Chalkdick McMurderface) but seriously> Jarek, Reiko? Reiko didn't even have anything, he was sorta there, because hey, we do not want Noob Saibot.

The fact that they deliberately joked around helmets..badly, and still made him nondescript up until Armageddon speaks volumes of the care NRS displays towards the canon.

Namely none if they can sell something stylish. And that only worked around MKDA and MKD, and even then they still screwed over the worthwhile additions.

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