MKX DLC Arcade Endings / Dialogues *Confirmed*
posted05/05/2015 12:45 PM (UTC)by
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03/12/2004 02:25 PM (UTC)
Apparently these were found in the games files and are legit. No bio's as far as I'm aware yet. Posting them here just as reference until further proven or disproven.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

Like Scorpion, Jason Voorhees was a revenant: a vengeful spirit returned to life. Hundreds had fallen victim to his bloodlust. Liu Kang, now ruler of the Netherrealm, took notice. An immortal killer like Jason would be useful in his plans for konquest. He drew Jason into the Netherrealm and offered him an endless bounty of slaughter... in return for his allegiance. Jason's simple reply was to destroy Liu Kang.


This world called Earth produced many worthy opponents which made for excellent sport. Some possessed a power previously unknown to the Predator's race: sorcery. The Predator sought to harness this new power for use in his konquests. He analyzed a trophy from a recent battle and eventually discovered its secrets. With the power of sorcery, the predator was unstoppable and decimated whole worlds single-handedly. He had become the Apex Predator.


With Mileena executed, Tanya's dreams of a free Edenia seemed dead as well. She and the other rebels were fugitives from Kotal Kahn's justice. Her fellow Edenian Rain had proved a powerful ally and a satisfactory konsort. But he had become useless to her. In exchange for leniency, Tanya informed the Kahn of Rain's whereabouts. Imprisoned but alive, Tanya's plotting began anew.


Standing over Shinnok, Tremor reveled in his power. Much had changed since the Black Dragon's excursion to the Dream Realm. Kano had sent Tremor's team there to retrieve a "psych-bomb," to be used in Kano's theft of Shinnok's Amulet. Exposure to that realm had increased Tremor's power and expanded his mind. He would evolve into an Earth elemental: a demi-god whose power would rival that of Raiden and Fujin.

Character Intros

Kotal Kahn to Jason: Who are you?

Kotal Kahn to Predator: You do not belong here.

Kotal Kahn to Tanya: Hold, Edenian.
Tanya to Kotal Kahn: You know my heritage, but don't honor it.
Kotal Kahn to Tanya: Edenians are my subjects.

Kotal Kahn to Tanya: Tanya....
Tanya to Kotal Kahn: Ko'atal....
Kotal Kahn to Tanya: You will address me as Emperor.

Kotal Kahn to Tremor: Tremor.
Tremor to Kotal Kahn: You face a Black Dragon.
Kotal Kahn to Tremor: It matters not...


Cassie Cage to Jason: This is where you run away.

Cassie Cage to Predator: Seriously.

Cassie Cage to Tanya: Dogbreath.
Tanya to Cassie Cage: You insult me at your peril.
Cassie Cage to Tanya: Uh huh, right, yeah...

Cassie Cage to Tremor: Tremor.
Tremor to Cassie Cage: Flee now, Cassandra.
Cassie Cage to Tremor: You should rethink your life.


Ermac to Jason: Well...?

Ermac to Predator: You!

Ermac to Tanya: Tanya.
Tanya to Ermac: How do you know me?
Ermac to Tanya: We house your family's souls.

Ermac to Tanya: Tanya.
Tanya to Ermac: Leave me, Ermac.
Ermac to Tanya: We are ordered to kill you.


Goro to Tanya: Tanya.
Tanya to Goro: This should not take long.
Goro to Tanya: None will mourn your passing.

Goro to Tremor: You think you can best me?


Johnny Cage to Jason: Here ya go, Lucky Boy.

Johnny Cage to Predator: Hey. You.

Johnny Cage to Tanya: Good morning to you.
Tanya to Johnny Cage: Speak your last.
Johnny Cage to Tanya: Uh.... Well now I can't think of anything....

Johnny Cage to Tanya: Tanya....
Tanya to Johnny Cage: Subtle as a hektakar of blasting powder....
Johnny Cage to Tanya: Yep. Boom.

Johnny Cage to Tremor: Let's go.
Tremor to Johnny Cage: You will not live to rue this day.
Johnny Cage to Tremor: Yeah yeah, here's my fist.

Johnny Cage to Tremor: You're gonna like this....
Tremor to Johnny Cage: I'm blessed to fight Johnny Cage?
Johnny Cage to Tremor: Congratulations on winning the lottery.


Jacqui Briggs to Jason: Not now.

Jacqui Briggs to Predator: What're you?

Jacqui Briggs to Tanya: Goin' down, girlfriend.
Tanya to Jacqui Briggs: Do not threaten me.
Jacqui Briggs to Tanya: It's much more than a threat.

Jacqui Briggs to Tremor: It's you.
Tremor to Jacqui Briggs: I admire your gauntlets.
Jacqui Briggs to Tremor: I like your...... yeah.


Kotal Kahn to Jason: You do not impress.
Cassie Cage to Jason: Don't get any blood on me.
Johnny Cage to Jason: Ohhh... freak.
Jacqui Briggs to Jason: Gonna be that kinda day, huh...
Jax to Jason: We gonna fight now?
Takeda to Jason: This should be interesting...
Kung Lao to Jason: I will defeat you easily enough.
Kenshi to Jason: An appalling lack of manners.
Kitana to Jason: Enough of this.
D'Vorah to Jason: You are merely another victim.
Kung Jin to Jason: I owe you money or something?
Liu Kang to Jason: I am ready.
Mileena to Jason: Give it up, scum.
Erron Black to Jason: Get ready.
Quan Chi to Jason: You will serve me well.
Scorpion to Jason: Your soul is weak.
Shinnok to Jason: You amuse me.
Sonya to Jason: You know how to use those?
Sub-Zero to Jason: You do not impress.
Ferra/Torr to Jason: Torr. Finally kill Ferra?
Tremor to Jason: Mute? Or terrified?


Jax to Jason: This is a waste o' my time.

Jax to Predator: Any time now...


Kano to Jason: Who're you?

Kano to Tanya: Tanya....
Tanya to Kano: Begone, snake.
Kano to Tanya: Not till I'm done with you.

Kano to Tremor: Tremor.
Tremor to Kano: The Dream Realm changed me, Kano.
Kano to Tremor: Don't care, really.

Tremor to Kano: I'm leaving the Black Dragon.


Kitana to Jason: Who are you?

Kitana to Predator: You!

Kitana to Tanya: Tanya.
Tanya to Kitana: My family respected you, Kitana.
Tanya to Kitana: It is not enough to stay my hand.

Kitana to Tanya: Edenians should not fight each other.
Tanya to Kitana: Our realm is dead. As you shall be.

Kitana to Tremor: Any final pearls of wisdom?
Tremor to Kitana: The realms will have one less princess.
Kitana to Tremor: I think not.


Liu Kang to Jason: You!

Liu Kang to Predator: I do not know you.

Liu Kang to Tanya: Hold, Tanya.
Tanya to Liu Kang: It is you.
Liu Kang to Tanya: Feigned reverence will win you nothing.


Mileena to Jason: Who disturbs the Empress?

Mileena to Predator: Step aside.

Mileena to Tanya: Dearest Tanya....
Tanya to Mileena: Shall we proceed, Empress?
Mileena to Tanya: It will be my pleasure.

Mileena to Tanya: You freed me from prison.
Tanya to Mileena: And will help regain your throne.
Mileena to Tanya: It would be a shame to lose you.

Mileena to Tremor: The weapons dealer.
Tremor to Mileena: I'm much more.


Ferra/Torr to Tanya: Tawny!
Tanya to Ferra/Torr: To what do I owe this pleasure?
Ferra/Torr to Tanya: Ferra-Torr want you' eyes.

Ferra/Torr to Tremor: Shake-Shake!
Tremor to Ferra/Torr: The earth will swallow you.


Erron Black to Predator: Papers, please.

Erron Black to Tanya: My friend Tanya...
Tanya to Erron Black: We are not friends, bounty hunter.
Erron Black to Tanya: Have it your way...

Erron Black to Tanya: That's far enough, rebel.
Tanya to Erron Black: Why would I listen to you?
Erron Black to Tanya: I've got two good reasons.

Erron Black to Tremor: You won't want this....
Tremor to Erron Black: I laugh at your weapons.
Erron Black to Tremor: Gonna regret saying that.


Kotal Kahn to Predator: The sacred time is near...
Cassie Cage to Predator: W-T-F.
Johnny Cage to Predator:Whatever you say.
Jacqui Briggs to Predator: Ya ready for it?
Jax to Predator: Gettin' on my nerves.
Kano to Predator: Y'don't belong here.
Takeda to Predator: Back off.
Kenshi to Predator: How could I say no to that?
Kitana to Predator: Begone.
D'Vorah to Predator:You're a fool to confront us.
Kung Jin to Predator: Look what the cat barfed up....
Liu Kang to Predator: Shall we?
Mileena to Predator: Your face is too repulsive to eat.
Erron Black to Predator: Such a pretty face.
Quan-Chi to Predator: You must not value your life.
Reptile to Predator: You will regret this.
Scorpion to Predator: You will die.
Shinnok to Predator: Do your worst.
Sonya to Predator: Get out of my office.
Tanya to Predator: You do not fighten me.
Tremor to Predator: You will not hunt me, creature.


Scorpion to Tremor: Tremor.
Tremor to Scorpion: You dare attack me, Scorpion?


Shinnok to Jason: Jason Voorhees.

Shinnok to Predator: The Predator....

Shinnok to Tanya: Another insect.
Tanya to Shinnok: I am Tanya, not Dvorah.
Shinnok to Tanya: It matters not.

Shinnok to Tremor: Tremor.
Tremor to Shinnok: You will not have my soul.
Shinnok to Tremor: Your soul is not worth harvesting.


Sub-Zero to Jason: Kombat me, fool.

Sub-Zero to Predator: You do not belong here.

Sub-Zero to Tremor: Tremor.
Tremor to Sub-Zero: I control the earth elements.
Sub-Zero to Tremor: It matters not...


Tanya to Liu Kang: Liu Kang.
Liu Kang to Tanya: Kitana warned me of you.
Tanya to Liu Kang: Pity she is not here to protect you.


Tanya to Tanya: I am not amused.
Tanya to Tanya: You shouldn't be.
Tanya to Tanya: Here's a way to lighten the mood....

Tanya to Tanya: You're me?
Tanya to Tanya: In a way, yes.
Tanya to Tanya: In a way, you should die.
04/25/2015 12:18 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Ermac to Tanya: Tanya.
Tanya to Ermac: How do you know me?
Ermac to Tanya: We house your family's souls.

04/26/2015 03:02 AM (UTC)
where did you get this?
04/26/2015 06:53 AM (UTC)
futuretime23 Wrote:
where did you get this?

Another forum.
04/26/2015 07:00 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
futuretime23 Wrote:
where did you get this?

Another forum.

I saw this on there as well. I don't know whether or not to believe it, but it seems legit. Hard to believe that someone would come up with all of this just to troll

Tremors intros are the best by far imo.
04/26/2015 07:16 AM (UTC)
Is this the first time in mortal kombat that this dream realm has been mentioned? It seems interesting
04/26/2015 07:36 AM (UTC)
AcidSpit95 Wrote:
Is this the first time in mortal kombat that this dream realm has been mentioned? It seems interesting

Freddy Krueger's MK9 ending had it (I STILL fuckin' hate that he was DLC) Don't know if that counts.
04/26/2015 03:45 PM (UTC)
what forum? did they obtain it from a file that's in a recent patch?
04/26/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
Kotal Kahn to Predator: The sacred time is near...

A refrence to kotals mayan roots and the first avp movie in one go I like it
04/26/2015 10:37 PM (UTC)
futuretime23 Wrote:
what forum? did they obtain it from a file that's in a recent patch?

04/27/2015 12:53 AM (UTC)
yep,just saw it. is the user ever going to post the file where he got the info from?
04/27/2015 12:57 AM (UTC)
"Johnny Cage to Tanya: Good morning to you. "

Isn't that going to sound a little strange on a dark stage like the sky temple?

Also Shinnok, Sub-Zero and Kotal Kahn all saying 'it matters not' during intros? I'm skeptical lol.
04/27/2015 01:12 AM (UTC)
"It matters not" is wayyyy overused.
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

04/27/2015 04:33 AM (UTC)
Bullshit. Half of the dialogues vs Jason have Predator listed there, so I'm pretty sure someone got lazy with a copy/paste job while wasting their time doing this.

I'm saying these are fake.
About Me

04/27/2015 06:43 AM (UTC)
And kinda dissappointing too.
These are just the right amount of underwhelming that I could believe the devs got lazy or some fan made it up.
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Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

04/27/2015 12:58 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
And kinda dissappointing too.

What else is new? grin
05/04/2015 03:31 PM (UTC)
So, these are pretty much confirmed I think. One of the Jax ones was featured in the Jason trailer.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/04/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
Meh nothing special. But I loved Tanya's interactions with Mileena, Kitana, and Ferra/Torr.

Lmao @ Tawny!

Her interaction wirh Shinnok was also hilarious. "I'm not D'Vorah" lol
05/04/2015 04:58 PM (UTC)
I figure they wrote and recorded dialog for the entire cast, just in case they wanted to make DLC of them. Sindel, Frost, Li Mei, Sektor, Baraka, Sereena, Rain, Smoke and Bo Rai Cho probably all have a finished set of intros and outros, most of which we'll never see.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/04/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
SJWMegatron Wrote:
I figure they wrote and recorded dialog for the entire cast, just in case they wanted to make DLC of them. Sindel, Frost, Li Mei, Sektor, Baraka, Sereena, Rain, Smoke and Bo Rai Cho probably all have a finished set of intros and outros, most of which we'll never see.

The pain is real. :(
05/05/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
Yep, so Jason's ending is now confirmed. These are legit folks.
05/05/2015 04:26 AM (UTC)
Pretty cool
About Me

'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

05/05/2015 09:13 AM (UTC)
Most seem a little too generic, Kano and jax could have more to say to Tremor

Plus the Tanya ones seem to bland
About Me

05/05/2015 10:47 AM (UTC)
This greatly increase my love for Tremor and excitement for Predator. I've always identified with Earth as a metaphorical characteristic myself and Tremor appears to have the most interesting ending out of the DLC's. Though I'll admit I loved Jason's, true to his character, fit him in the Mortal Kombat universe with explanation of his powers AND the artwork was amazing with plenty of it.

Tanya is probably the character I am least excited for, but I'm a huge Rain fan so hopefully we will see him in the ending and then receive him down the track for Kombat Pack 2 or the Story Pack if they happen ????
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