MK9 time
posted03/02/2009 07:17 AM (UTC)by
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

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12/04/2008 05:03 PM (UTC)
First of all this day in age we need to see a much larger cast of characters than just 20, because hundreds of ppl play online so there need to be some type of character variety for all the different ppl that play. Plus you can't start a totally new cast of characters if you havent told us truthfully about what happened to the characters in armageddon character by character.

Then in mka there were 62 characters well 63 if I add the girl khameleon from the wii system so this day in age since this is the 9th mk regular game they need to only subtract half of those numbers to like 30 returning characters and like 10 new ones, for a total of like 40 plus characters.

Dont kill off characters though, change the mka story line plot so that for now on we follow a real story line and not like before when chars die they come back, plus by not killin off chars they can have a chance to come back in later future mk games lookin totally different with different moves. Remember hundreds of ppl play online so the game needs a viariety of characters.

As far as create a fighter, tons of features that they left out armageddon need to be implimited plus this time around kaks should be able to have any moves of all the characters in the game even clothing and items.
01/01/2009 09:38 PM (UTC)
MK:A story is quite... Unfinished. Lol, we want to know more of character bios. What I want in MK9 is videobios and video endings. As for MK:A, there was only one video - Ermack bio, a concept movie. I expect same movies for each character in MK9. Otherwise, i'll be just unfinished, like MK:A
01/01/2009 09:55 PM (UTC)
Another one?
About Me


01/18/2009 10:01 PM (UTC)
we dont need so many new characters. just quality remember quality over quantity
01/19/2009 06:52 PM (UTC)
I think a character roster of around 35 , more or less, would suffice. Obviously they'd have to be good characters who are worthy of continuing on in the story...

As for gameplay, MKvsDC was good, however, I felt the characters had very few moves and limited combo a greater moves list would be nice!

Hopefully they won't decide to take away the blood n' gore in the next game as
01/19/2009 07:05 PM (UTC)
rodrigomaru Wrote:
I think a character roster of around 35 , more or less, would suffice. Obviously they'd have to be good characters who are worthy of continuing on in the story...

As for gameplay, MKvsDC was good, however, I felt the characters had very few moves and limited combo a greater moves list would be nice!

Hopefully they won't decide to take away the blood n' gore in the next game as

No, 35 characters is asking too much. You want a decent amount of characters, 22 is fine, beyond that is way too much. Because for two reasons:

1.) You will have a lot of characters that will never be popular. You honestly think that Darrius, Dairou, Kira, Kobra and a few others have a very strong fan-base? No, I don't like it when games features characters are just in there just to fill some empty spaces.

2.) Too many characters will lead to unsatisfactory results such as: Lame fatalities, boring story/ending, unusual personalites towards other characters such as alignments, how to think of a way to start a rival with a current long-time character.

These are the two reasons that I can come up with that will make it sort of a bad thing if they feature more than 22 characters. Just like movies, you can't have a huge ass cast and have them in something that makes no sense.

Though it's just a thought.
01/19/2009 07:38 PM (UTC)
I think the storyline should start over from scratch. The storylines are so confusing now, I think its good to wipe the table.
01/19/2009 09:05 PM (UTC)
Oh yeah, hehe 35 was just a random estimation of how many characters were already in rosters from past games, my bad...

Icebaby makes a good point...


And yeahhh so many new characters have made the storyline unnecesarily confusing, such as all that chaos/order stuff, they pretty much started something that they can't finish now...or maybe they can, but it's gonna be hard...
so i think they should limit their new characters to two or three, and focus on the good, older characters with decent plot lines and fix those

03/01/2009 06:00 AM (UTC)
i agree, 22ish characters is plenty
03/01/2009 07:10 AM (UTC)
yeah, 22 - 26 characters are all we need. The only reason 22 seemed not enough on MK vs DC was that people simply ignored DC characters on the count (I mean, there were only 11 MK characters in the game)
03/02/2009 07:17 AM (UTC)
kunglao786 Wrote:
we dont need so many new characters. just quality remember quality over quantity

I agree with you man, quality over quantity is the best way to go.

I think a roster of 24 (including a boss and secret characters) would be perfect! We don't need so many new characters because there are still A LOT of MK characters who need development in their storyline. A large quantity of characters is not necessary because the MK Team is known for getting lazy or running out of time towards the release date. Each character should have his or her own unique "get up," fatality, victory pose etc.

24 is good

1 Boss
1 Sub Boss
2 New Characters
2 Secret Characters
18 Returning Characters (with atleast 5 female characters)

With that said, my ideal roster would be:

1) A Boss Character
2) A Sub Boss

3) Sub Zero
4) Scorpion
5) Raiden
6) Shang Tsung
7) Shao Kahn
8) Reptile
9) Kung Lao
10) Ermac
11) Baraka
12) Kabal or Kano (I prefer Kabal)
13) Liu Kang
14) Reiko
15) Sektor or Cyrax (1 cyborg)
16) Kenshi

17) Sonya Blade
18) Kitana
17) Mileena
18) Jade
19) Li Mei or Sareena

20) Quan Chi
21) Noob Saibot

*NEW CHARACTERS* (I want one of Shao Kahn's Shadow Priest)
23) New Playable Character
24) New Playable Character

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