posted03/05/2009 11:32 PM (UTC)by
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

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12/04/2008 05:03 PM (UTC)
Hey, read my 2 post close to the bottom of the screen not the other one close to the top, then look at the names down the list and look for mortalkombat kombatmortal,(my screen name), then read my posts. Then look on page 2 and read my other posts, cuz my ideas are perfect.

To sum some things up, I THINK!, just incase mk9 ends up bein the last mk, I wanna see damn near everybody, with a story on each character as to what happened to them in previous mk game and what happened to the trufully after armageddon. Really no one should hav been killed, jus so in future games the char can come back for the new technology with a new look and added moves and kombos.

I want this game to feel like another trilogy, but wayy better than the previous trilogy(mka).

iwant all old classic fatalitys from mk1-mk vs dc, but of corse switch up some of the mk vs. fatalities, so they wont copy the fatalities from mk vs dc.
MK DECEPTION was a perfect like lineup as far as fatalities go- cuz mostly all the fatalities from mkd were good plus the hara kiri's were too. Really u monz well say that mkd had 3 fatalities a piece for each character, becaus their hara kiri was basically a fatalioty also- u jus got to do it on urself instead of the player finishing you.
03/05/2009 03:28 AM (UTC)
Actually, to be honest, your ideas were horrible. Quit trying to promote people to look at your threads because that's like... bad... I mean, you repeat the same things over and over again and I've read your ideas, and like I said, they were horrible.

No, if MK9 is truly the last MK game ever, they should NOT make it another Trilogy game. We just got over that with Armageddon.

No, they don't need to do that, it would be horrible.

I'm pretty sure that they would go back to the traditional fatality system only because create-a-fatality sucked. But no, we don't need another trilogy game after everyone's fate has basically been decided within the next game.

It's either they're in, or they're scrapped. That's it... that's what people usually do when they say they want to "Clean the Slate." I mean, yeah, not every single character is scrapped from MK history, but they're not going to be around like the original characters do.
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

03/05/2009 04:45 AM (UTC)
-You dont know anything on how to make a great mk game, I do. BESIDES most mk games had 22 characters, its time to bump that number up, and midway still can maintain quality and not get lazy, so no excuses 4 them not makin another trilogy like game. Plus like I said no point of wipin slate clean if we still dont know what happened to all the characters, so stop bein stuck on new characters so much. Plus like I said we dont need tons of new chars, all they hav to do is giv the old chars new looks with new moves. Im tired of ppl livin in the past, if u want an old type of game then just play mk2 online or umk3 or something, and by now we need at least 40 characters or nothing under 35, meaning 35 would be the min amount of characters, it gets borin playin with the same 10-20 characters, especially when there are hundreds that play online.
03/05/2009 11:32 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
-You dont know anything on how to make a great mk game, I do. BESIDES most mk games had 22 characters, its time to bump that number up, and midway still can maintain quality and not get lazy, so no excuses 4 them not makin another trilogy like game. Plus like I said no point of wipin slate clean if we still dont know what happened to all the characters, so stop bein stuck on new characters so much. Plus like I said we dont need tons of new chars, all they hav to do is giv the old chars new looks with new moves. Im tired of ppl livin in the past, if u want an old type of game then just play mk2 online or umk3 or something, and by now we need at least 40 characters or nothing under 35, meaning 35 would be the min amount of characters, it gets borin playin with the same 10-20 characters, especially when there are hundreds that play online.

I don't know how to make a game? You're right, I'm just a teen almost graduating high school, you got me there... but your ideas are horrible.

FIRST of all, you're asking too many characters for a game... we don't need that. It's just like the MKA movie... so many characters were added to that film, HALF of those... no... more than half of those characters DID NOT belong in there whatsoever. Why add all these characters? Pointless.

Stop living in the past? Okay, when pigs can fly using their tails by shooting laser beams out of their eyes, then I'll stop living in the past. Until then... heck no. Dude, MK fans don't ever stop living in the past. We don't need to move on with everything like you can, it's not your right to tell me I have to stop living in the past, I'm not until what I said becomes true.

I stated wiping the slate clean for a reason. We don't need to know every single fighter's reason why they don't show up for those who are not in the next game. No, we probably know the answer why, they weren't that much of a fan favorite to still have hanging around the MK roaster. Plus, I highly doubt that if the next game comes, they're going to pick up from Armageddon's story. I don't think that we'll ever know what happens. I really don't, but yet again, that is what I think, you don't have to agree, but I'm stating this because I feel like to.

It gets boring playing the same characters again? Oh boy, then how the hell did Street Fighter survived all these years by having almost the same exact roaster for every single game? Can you answer me that? Because if you can, then what's the point on even stating that in your comeback? "It's boring to play the same 10 characters..." Yeah okay, just like it's boring playing the same character in MK vs. DC... yeah, I've been playing Sub-Zero and Raiden every single fight online, and I don't get tired at ALL... they're so fun to play with... in a virtual kind of way, and so what if I repeat the same thing over and over again... it's called having fun and learning how to beat the better players.

So yeah, you're just repeating the same idea over and over and over and over... you get the point... again... and it's not a good idea at all. Sorry, but this is what I think. Don't like it? Expect criticism, you'll learn something new.
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