MK9 a redone MK but not from part 1
posted04/26/2009 07:14 AM (UTC)by
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

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12/04/2008 05:03 PM (UTC)
I think they need to balance characters out from now on like tekken and virtua fighter, tekken over the years was balancing their game so in future game it would be flawless. Instead of pullin chars out and addin too many new chars, they jus simply added little bits of chars at a time, with new styles and fixed up more of its gameplay 2 become flawless later on e.g.(tekken 5, 5-dark ressurection, tekken 6. Mortal Kombat need to start over as far as makin each char hav only 1 style- then add tons of moves or kombos 4 that style like tekken, they could pull out chars from armageddon that they wanna use 2 start over agin, mostly all char from their first 3 games, then use some of the good newer char that were introduced in the other 3d series from mkda 2 mka. Then from now on jus add little bits of chars at a time while still keepin other chars and balance characters and gamepla more through each game after as well as bringing in the new char with a new style, then it can b like a mk tournment

All Caps

Do not type your title in all caps please. It is unnecessary to do that. Thank you.


04/21/2009 10:54 PM (UTC)
Okay, okay... hold on here...

1. I can barely understand what you're trying to get here by saying MK should be like Tekken... No, each fighting game should have their own, individual style... if all the fighting games soon started copying off of the other fighting games, then it would be so boring to play the same game over and over again just with different characters and stuff like that...

2.What the hell is part 1?

3. You've been repeating yourself for like three threads now...
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

04/25/2009 12:43 PM (UTC)
IL type how I pleazzzzzze, who the he11 R U??? Get a Life
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

04/25/2009 12:45 PM (UTC)
read and STFUP Bunch of no life f ukers
About Me

"There is no knowledge that is not power."

04/25/2009 03:07 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
I think they need to balance characters out from now on like tekken and virtua fighter, tekken over the years was balancing their game so in future game it would be flawless. Instead of pullin chars out and addin too many new chars, they jus simply added little bits of chars at a time, with new styles and fixed up more of its gameplay 2 become flawless later on e.g.(tekken 5, 5-dark ressurection, tekken 6. Mortal Kombat need to start over as far as makin each char hav only 1 style- then add tons of moves or kombos 4 that style like tekken, they could pull out chars from armageddon that they wanna use 2 start over agin, mostly all char from their first 3 games, then use some of the good newer char that were introduced in the other 3d series from mkda 2 mka. Then from now on jus add little bits of chars at a time while still keepin other chars and balance characters and gamepla more through each game after as well as bringing in the new char with a new style, then it can b like a mk tournment

I totally agree with this.

@ Icebaby: This does not necessarily mean the game has to be like Tekken (even though that would be an improvement) MK has its unique niche in the market and if it didn't, you wouldn't have people here right now strategizing its survival, we'd just all be playing Tekken, SC and SF. Those are all great games, and I definitely don't think MK needs to "copy" off of them. There's a lot of good practices that they can take away from those games, such as sticking with tried and true formulas while steadily and gradually trying out new ideas, but MK definitely needs its own individual style to be considered relevant.

All in all, I agree that they should keep the characters that we all know and love, it would be a shame to just throw them all away and starting new characters when there is so much more that can be doen with them. That would be like DC throwing away Batman and Superman because they're *gasp* over 60 years old!

I also agree with the one style system. The style switching turned out to really just be a gimmick and was more annoying than anything else. Really there would be no problem if it was implemented properly, but you gotta at least get one style right before you can add a second one.

Personally, I would go with one hand to hand fighting style that encompasses all of that fighter's fighting skills, no matter what the discipline, and let them have access to all of those moves at all times. Of course, I would also like to see a selection of weapons available to each character and their moveset would be modified appropriately if that weapon is drawn.

As far as copying Tekken's ffighting style, I wouldn't say copy it directly, although Tekken has a lot of features that are pretty standard in a modern fighter, and I feel MK should have them as well, such as string combos, frame based gameplay, and just holding back to block.

Personally, I would prefer a more Def Jam: Fight for NY approach with totally 3D interactive arenas and finishing moves that are worked into the gameplay, not done for show after the match.
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04/26/2009 07:14 AM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
read and STFUP Bunch of no life f ukers

Not all of us have English as a native language. Try to show some courtesy and not berate us because you feel lenient towards typing like a human being.
Besides without punctuation it still hurts my eyes.

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