MK8 storyline speculation
posted04/25/2007 09:12 PM (UTC)by
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I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
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04/01/2007 07:32 PM (UTC)
Thinds I want to be posted in this thread:

1.What character endings from MKA do you think will be kanon.

2.What characters do you think will die off for good.

3.New Character concepts, with bios that could possibly tie into current characters.

4.The possible overall story to Mk8. (fan fiction accepted).

5.will the storyline focus on a new Mortal Kombat tournament, the one being , taven and Daegon, the realms etc.

6.Any possible plot twists for MK8.

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04/14/2007 03:36 AM (UTC)
I think that they'll just kill off all the currnet characters and bring in a whole new roster. The only characters that will be carried over will be taven and daegon.
04/14/2007 03:20 PM (UTC)
I doubt daegon will survive but Taven will probalbly survive along with scorpion, Subb-zero, and probably 6 other characters
04/14/2007 08:26 PM (UTC)
This was my storyline idea for the next generation I posted a few months back, Mortal Kombat: Rebirth.
I even made a sequel to it, Mortal Kombat: Korruption.

I should make the third part some day.
04/18/2007 03:10 AM (UTC)
XD, can I just state that you have amazing gifts? I don't read much fan-fiction, about anything, but your stories captivated me, made me care, and not only did you write interesting stories for them, but you managed to sketch them as well. I like to pride myself on being a capable writer, but one thing I could never do is draw.

Do you think you could create your own stories from scratch? If so, I definitely suggest you find a way to make money from your talents. You are are definitely good enough.
04/18/2007 03:34 AM (UTC)
I would personally love to see an entirely new story line.
04/18/2007 03:38 AM (UTC)
One thing that has been nagging me about the current Mortal Kombat storyline: It is impossible to create meaningful human characters. One needs to know where they were during Shao Kahn's invasion of Earth, and why we should believe they are as skilled as fighters such as Liu Kang.

Seeing as the title of the series is "Mortal Kombat," having human characters is probably a good idea.

So yeah, I agree, a future setting, or only bringing back characters that can justify not aging (as XD did) is the way to go.
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
04/19/2007 01:53 AM (UTC)
yeah, i'm personally getting tired of characters dieing and then just coming back to life. It worked with johnny Cage but that's about it. And I hate the ridiculious stories they come up with to explain a character's coming back to life.

That's something that should definatly be gotten rid of in MK8.
04/19/2007 03:38 AM (UTC)
Haha, it's always been ironic (in a bad way), that the game is entitled "Mortal Kombat" and yet half the characters are either immortal, or life isn't ever in jeopardy for them, as they can keep coming back.

If the MK Team wants to bring back characters that have been killed, why not create a special edition of Mortal Kombat down the line, and have the plot centered around the ruler of the Netherrealm (probably some really cool new character) hosting a tournament to see who gets to avoid suffering the eternal punishments of his Oni for a century.

I suppose you can even slip in new characters to the above storyline. A guy who wakes up in the Netherrealm, and doesn't know how he got there; more sexy demons akin to Sareena and Ashrah; there could be long-suffering denizens of the realm that are looking for peace.

It might make a better spin-off than Shaolin Monks or Anthologies: Sub-Zero.
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04/19/2007 11:30 PM (UTC)
If anyone has played MK: Armageddon, it ends with the annhilation of all the characters except for Taven. I think the creators might have some good ideas for new characters or something, though no new character could replace the classics like Baraka, Sub-Zero, and Scorpion.
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
04/20/2007 01:04 AM (UTC)
parody Wrote:
If anyone has played MK: Armageddon, it ends with the annhilation of all the characters except for Taven. I think the creators might have some good ideas for new characters or something, though no new character could replace the classics like Baraka, Sub-Zero, and Scorpion.

The endings in Mortal Kombat games are always "What-if" Scenerios. We never know whitch endings are kanon until the next mK comes out. Thet's what there is so much speculation.
04/20/2007 02:44 AM (UTC)
parody Wrote:
If anyone has played MK: Armageddon, it ends with the annhilation of all the characters except for Taven. I think the creators might have some good ideas for new characters or something, though no new character could replace the classics like Baraka, Sub-Zero, and Scorpion.

Sub-Zero and Scorpion will be back, don't you worry.

I think XD did a great job at creating a character who surpassed Baraka (at least in my opinion) in terms of coolness. Bring on the Jackal! :D

When I heard they were killing off most of the characters, I wanted to see Scorpion go, and a new badass step up to take his place. Don't make them a Scorpion re-hash or anything, but give them the Harpoon, and have them kick ass. Scorpion's other moves could be divided up amongst new characters.

Sub-Zero could easily be replaced by the seventh Sub-Zero. :P
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
04/22/2007 12:26 AM (UTC)
They're probably just going to kill off the b-list characters, ie stryker, kabal, fujin etc, and leave all the more popular characters, ie raiden, shang tsung, baraka etc.
04/22/2007 06:24 AM (UTC)
Yep, that sounds about right. I think Baraka will surely be killed off, though. I just can't see him surviving.
04/22/2007 06:17 PM (UTC)
well i know it would never happen but i made my own story line using my kreate-a-figther person 4 MK8 and its pretty great 2 and could actually happen 2 the MK universe! i think that the fued between Quan chi and scorpion will end, as well as the one between kitana and mileena! it said that mostly new characters were going 2 b introduced in an interview with ed boonsad but they wouldnt get rid of scorpion, sub zero, and mileena would they? i mean their way 2 popular
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
04/22/2007 10:48 PM (UTC)
Midway simply doesn't have the balls to kill off the most popular characters. Because,let's face it, Mortal Kombat is one off Midway's last successful francises. They really can't risk it.
04/23/2007 06:18 PM (UTC)
thats true, its is a risk for midway, but killing off most of the characters (even A-listers) is the only way to keep the game going. I mean lets face it, the story lines have all gotten ridiculous and cheesy and most of the characters (even the insanely popular ones) have no where to grow in there story or in gameplay. Personaly im really happy to hear boon say that the next game is going to be a lot dirtier and grittier. I miss the feeling of MK1 and MK2 and im looking forward to seeing more serious games like those on next gen systems. Hopefully they'll only keep 5 or 6 of the already existing characters and change the direction of the game entirely. Think darker, think the "twisted metal black" of the mortal kombat franchise. thats what im hoping for.glasses
04/24/2007 02:37 AM (UTC)
As long as Kenshi is alive, it's fine by me. He's the only non-classic character worth keeping. I hope they don't kill him off. He's better than some of the classic characters in the series.
04/24/2007 02:41 AM (UTC)
Oh yeah and as far as the storyline goes I like XD's story. It was so fantastic. I don't think the MK team will be able to come up with that kind of idea. I wonder what kind of story will they make???
04/24/2007 02:34 PM (UTC)
I think it would be cool if for the next MK they made the game set a couple hundred years before the first MK or a remake of the first MK. That way you could still have some of the classic characters like Kung Lao, Raiden,Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, Kitana, Sub-Zero and Scorpion.

It would be a great way to either start a new storyline or fix and change the current storyline...
About Me
I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
04/25/2007 09:12 PM (UTC)
yeah, a prequal would kick ass. It could open up new areas of the overall storyline, answer questions and create new ones.
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