Mk8. Should Ed listen to fans, or do his own thing?
posted03/25/2007 01:49 AM (UTC)by
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02/11/2003 05:05 PM (UTC)
I think it would be a great idea for him to take his ball and run with it this next time around. It would be a surprise to see what his twisted mind came up with on his own (and the Mk team, naturally)
Having every single character in Armageddon turned me off personally, because I don't even like half of them. Hsu hao? That speaks for itself. I mean, come on. Not the greatest characters.
Fans pushed for Motaro. Now look at him. Forever scarred in the minds of gamers because he had to be worked in through a god awful story that took away his livelihood.
I just think there could've been alot more substance to MKA had Ed and Shaun and whoever had just kept off the internet and just ran with what they thought was right. But that's just my opinion. Now let me hear yours.
02/06/2007 08:18 AM (UTC)
honestly,in my view of things...i think that they should listen to the fans but also have there own twists to the ideas given to them....this way the fans play a slight role and the mk team have something original to play with....this way fans wont be totally upset and the game can still be new and somewhat original.
face it,there are many mk fans that want change but also dont want to loose the mk feel....hearing that changes in the controls are going to be made is upsetting....hopefully they dont mean like fight night style controls because mk with analog sticks would really give the game a big fatality and fall into the pit of my which my opinion is that them controls suck lol
As long as they dont mess up something obvious like having every fatality the same for all the characters.
02/07/2007 04:34 PM (UTC)
Ditto....listen to the fans, but keep their own things. Maybe listen to us in terms of what should stay or go (Air kombat, the mini-games..or at least poll us on what mini-games we want). But keep their own ideas when it comes to arena's (With a few exceptions, i think MK as a series has some of the most imaginative arena's ever) and character design.
02/07/2007 05:30 PM (UTC)
They should do both. Do there own thing while considereing their fan's opinions.
02/08/2007 04:20 PM (UTC)
*wishful thinking/sour grapes hat on*

I just wish they'd hire me to write their storyline(s) and do a few sketches. I'm sure I could do a better job than John "Don't Take Some Of Our Characters TOO Seriously" Vogel.

*wishful thinking/sour grapes cap off*

02/23/2007 04:29 PM (UTC)
They should walk on both sides of the street. What i mean is use the ideas that you like and then use some of the fasn ideas that you like.
02/24/2007 12:43 AM (UTC)
Good question.

At times I think the MK team can have some great ideas, and at other times, not so good. An outsider view never hurts, I think they should take the fan’s ideas into consideration and see if they could work with it, I’ve seen some incredibly good ideas on here.
02/24/2007 07:37 PM (UTC)
what the hell kind of a question is that? of course he should listen to what the fans think because he depends on us if we're that interested in this game. seriously, "should he listen to fans" and of course he's doing his own thing becuase if he wasn't there would be no mortal kombat anymore... come on!
03/17/2007 05:25 PM (UTC)
Are you kidding? Some of the fans even on this post have some of the most off the wall ideas that would jack up the series. Maybe read some of the suggestions, sure. However, if they really put a lot of thought into half of the things people ask for, the series would die. But the undeniable truth is that the MK team for Midway doesn't read these posts. They don't care what kind of characters you want to see, not see, etc. They're creating characters to fit a story. The MK series has just been an ongoing story. Do you seriously think that for a sequel of a movie the writers would ask ordinary people, who would they like to see in the movie? The answer is no, it's not up to you. You can want, wish, put your suggestions on here, but the only people who read this are just ordinary Joes. That's why they made the Kreate-a-Fighter for MK: Armageddon. It's because they don't want your suggestions, if you want a certain type of character, creat your own. The MK team will decided who goes into their story and who doesn't.
03/17/2007 09:30 PM (UTC)
Lone_Thunder Wrote:
Are you kidding? Some of the fans even on this post have some of the most off the wall ideas that would jack up the series. Maybe read some of the suggestions, sure. However, if they really put a lot of thought into half of the things people ask for, the series would die. But the undeniable truth is that the MK team for Midway doesn't read these posts. They don't care what kind of characters you want to see, not see, etc. They're creating characters to fit a story. The MK series has just been an ongoing story. Do you seriously think that for a sequel of a movie the writers would ask ordinary people, who would they like to see in the movie? The answer is no, it's not up to you. You can want, wish, put your suggestions on here, but the only people who read this are just ordinary Joes. That's why they made the Kreate-a-Fighter for MK: Armageddon. It's because they don't want your suggestions, if you want a certain type of character, creat your own. The MK team will decided who goes into their story and who doesn't.

Very well said. Like the noobish ideas put out on this site are even worth the consideration.
03/19/2007 10:23 PM (UTC)
I agree with the two above. No offense to anyone here but I would highly count the 1000 people here as "fans" compared to the millions that play the game. Listening to you guys and putting out a game based on what you want would be suicide.
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03/19/2007 10:56 PM (UTC)
Ed should listen to the fans and do his own thing.Maybe they team will get some good ideas.
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03/24/2007 02:56 AM (UTC)
I personally think that Ed Boon should listen to what the fans have to say and then do his own thing based off of what we think, that way everybody will be adding there own ideas to the game.glasses
03/24/2007 03:10 AM (UTC)
I feel that Ed should listen to the fans and the ideas they would have for the upcoming game. At the same time, Ed may also improve/add/twist the fans' ideas a little with his own to make it even better. That's my opinion.
03/25/2007 01:49 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
I personally think that Ed Boon should listen to what the fans have to say and then do his own thing based off of what we think, that way everybody will be adding there own ideas to the game.glasses

If the MK team revamped the game based on yours and other's opinion, then he really wouldn't be doing his own thing. Mortal Kombat didn't become popular off the minds of teens, but the creative genius of the crew who actually made the games. Like I said before, it's not up to you and I think they should do what they need with the game that they envision themselves. They know what they're doing and they have a story and characters that they will use. If you want Midway to use your ideas, send them a resume. If you don't get hired, then obviously you're not that qualified to decided what should and should not go into the game.
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