MK8 Rivalries
posted10/24/2007 04:40 PM (UTC)by
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07/06/2007 12:58 AM (UTC)
There should be all types of Rivalries in MK8. So there will be More characters than everyone is expecting. What rivalries does everyone want to see?

Scorpion and Shirai Ryu with a new alliance with Sub-Zero and his Lin Kuei vs. Quan Chi, Scorpions brainwashed son, Quan Chi's new allies (Noob Saibot's brotherhood of shadow( I dont exactly know about this one),Smoke, and Sector).
Scorpion wants his son back and Quan Chi dead.

Onaga and Baraka(tarkatans) vs. Shao Khan And Reptile(Saurians) vs Reiko and newly acquired ownership of the brotherhood of shadow(This would be cool).
For control of Outworld

Nitara vs. Ashrah
Ashrah wants vamp dead

Raiden, Shinnok, Shang Tsung, Kintaro, Sheeva, Tanya, Sareena, Mileena vs. Elder Gods and White Lotus Society with added members Shujinko, Nightwolf, Kai, Kitana, Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho, Jade, Sindel, Ermac
War for control of all realms

Black Dragon vs. Sonya Blade, Jax, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Stryker, Cyrax vs. Red Dragon

Rain vs. Taven
For control of Edenia

Goro vs Motaro
Longstanding rivalry

Dairou, Darrius vs. Hotaru
Good against evil dictator

This is what I think would be cool. And It will be alright if some characters die off. But if they dont ths would be cool. And the thing with the brotherhood of the shadows is that noobs ending might change things up. I dont know what will happen to the clan.
10/18/2007 02:08 AM (UTC)
haha, that would be awesome!
I really like the Reiko part, he should be ally with Noob, Sareena and Quan Scorpion and Sub-Zero would have a reason to become allies; since Noob was killed by Scorpion, he should seek revenge on him! Qhaun Chi should finally die!!! And it would be cool to have Scorpion and Noob fight in this insane battle, and since they're both like specters and can't die, it be cool if they went to hell, and Scorpion ultiately kills Noob(again)!!!
10/18/2007 03:24 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
Scorpion and Shirai Ryu with a new alliance with Sub-Zero and his Lin Kuei vs. Quan Chi, Scorpions brainwashed son, Quan Chi's new allies (Noob Saibot's brotherhood of shadow( I dont exactly know about this one),Smoke, and Sector).
Scorpion wants his son back and Quan Chi dead.

There are quite a few problems with this.

-Scorpion being the leader of the Shirai Ryu. With all of the Shirai Ryu being killed by Quan Chi, including its leader, don't you think that it would've been logical for that leader to assume his position?

-Scorpion is simply NOT leader material, because his character had been changed so horribly.

-The way you're suggesting an alliance with Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei

-Noob Saibot being an ally to Quan Chi; I'd rather have Noob Saibot still want to take control of the Netherrealm.

-The direction you're suggesting makes Scorpion's overall story even more repetitive, which is basically about revenge, yet AGAIN! Sure, people like mkflegend support directions like this, arguing that Scorpion's story would have the element of wanting to save his son. But at the end of the day, Scorpion's story would once again be about revenge, making him into even more of a joke.

colt1107 Wrote:
Onaga and Baraka(tarkatans) vs. Shao Khan And Reptile(Saurians) vs Reiko and newly acquired ownership of the brotherhood of shadow(This would be cool).
For control of Outworld

Baraka is extremely redundant and stale as a character. He needs to die. I'd rather not see Onaga or Shao Kahn (It's spelled "Kahn", btw.) return. Reptile should not have anything to do with Shao Kahn anymore. The Saurians would NOT be helping Shao Kahn. I don't see Reiko acquiring control of the Brotherhood of the Shadow.

colt1107 Wrote:
Nitara vs. Ashrah
Ashrah wants vamp dead

This is one I agree with you on.

colt1107 Wrote:
Raiden, Shinnok, Shang Tsung, Kintaro, Sheeva, Tanya, Sareena, Mileena vs. Elder Gods and White Lotus Society with added members Shujinko, Nightwolf, Kai, Kitana, Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho, Jade, Sindel, Ermac
War for control of all realms


colt1107 Wrote:
Black Dragon vs. Sonya Blade, Jax, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Stryker, Cyrax vs. Red Dragon

I'd rather not have a lot of these characters return. Having Sonya, Kenshi, and Kira is fine. Daegon, Mavado, and very slightly...Stryker..maybe. The rest, I can't agree with.

colt1107 Wrote:
Rain vs. Taven
For control of Edenia

Even if Taven lives and becomes Edenia's new Protector God, that doesn't mean that he rules it. He protects it and its people. But yes, I too would want a continued rivalry between the two half-siblings.

colt1107 Wrote:
Goro vs Motaro
Longstanding rivalry

It's a shallow, almost seemingly nonexistant rivalry. Really, it's just a Shokan vs. Centaur thing. I'm not interested in seeing either of them return, let alone see a rivalry of this, namely because it's shallow and imo, uninteresting.

colt1107 Wrote:
Dairou, Darrius vs. Hotaru
Good against evil dictator

Dairou might eventually find out that Darrius was the one who hired the assassin to kill his family, so he may turn against him. Saying "Good against evil dictator", you seem to not understand the Order/Chaos subplot too well. It's really more of a gray area instead of "black and white".

colt1107 Wrote:
This is what I think would be cool. And It will be alright if some characters die off. But if they dont ths would be cool. And the thing with the brotherhood of the shadows is that noobs ending might change things up. I dont know what will happen to the clan.

I know these are your ideas, but I feel you might want to rethink about them, because some of them are really questionable. You seem to be someone who wants most or all of the characters to return. I personally would rather have about half of the roster gone. Noob Saibot's MKA ending, should definitely NOT happen as it would fuck up his character immensly.

rodrigomaru Wrote:
haha, that would be awesome!
I really like the Reiko part, he should be ally with Noob, Sareena and Quan Scorpion and Sub-Zero would have a reason to become allies; since Noob was killed by Scorpion, he should seek revenge on him!

Qhaun Chi should finally die!!! And it would be cool to have Scorpion and Noob fight in this insane battle, and since they're both like specters and can't die, it be cool if they went to hell, and Scorpion ultiately kills Noob(again)!!!

*slaps forehead*

Sareena is a character who wants to be good but has to struggle with her demonic instincts. Taking her back into the villain role would likely take her story backwards, especially if it's not well-thought. An alliance between Reiko, Noob Saibot, Sareena, and Quan Chi would not really work.

The idea to have Noob Saibot want to kill Scorpion out of revenge and to have a forced battle between the two due to reasons of revenge would return Noob Saibot to being a joke and make Scorpion even MORE of a joke than he already is.

The only thing I can agree with you on is that Quan Chi should finally die, even though I do like him and find him to be a good villain.


Now it's my turn to post my ideas.

-Rain vs. Taven: I agree with colt on this one. However, the premise for it, I didn't quite agree. Rain should still want to take control over Edenia, with Taven trying to stop him. I don't care for Taven all that much, but I don't hate him. But if they can have a nice, interesting dynamic with their rivalry, it could be good.

-Sonya vs. Kira: Because Sonya is very much in the middle in terms of my like/dislike feelings, part of me wants her to live and retire while another part of me wants her to continue through and get some character development, something that she's gotten NONE of throughout her story. I would like to see Kira be set up as Sonya's antithesis, basically being the personification of Sonya's dark potential. Kira is a very cunning, tactical, and ruthless criminal who has a more disciplined approach to evil, which makes for an interesting villain, imo. Sonya, although a Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Special Forces, seems to come off as a bit brash and demanding. I think that Kira should have the upper hand on Sonya due to her cunning and discipline, something that Sonya could learn from. And hopefully Sonya would get some nice character development and would actually be quite interesting as a character.

-Sub-Zero vs. Sektor: If they continue Sektor and the Tekunin subplot, I'd like to see Sektor be shown as Sub-Zero's antithesis, because Sub-Zero rejected the idea of the automation process while Sektor embraced it out of extreme loyalty to the clan. If they also bring back Noob Saibot, perhaps there could be an alliance between him and Sektor.

-Sub-Zero vs. Noob Saibot: One problem that easily arises from this is the predictable path of Sub-Zero continuously wanting to save his brother and realizing near the end that his brother is gone. Although that does kind of fit his personality, the whole perseverance thing, it would be kind of predictable. I'm not entirely sure how to really set up an interesting dynamic with their rivalry. However, if something good can be done, I wouldn't mind seeing their rivalry continue.

-Nitara vs. Ashrah: I really like the dynamic between the two characters, and so far, it makes it ambigious as to who is really the good one and who is really the bad one. Like the Order/Chaos subplot, this is one of those things that's all about personal perspective. Nitara and her race seem to just want freedom from Shao Kahn's control while Ashrah really wants to purify herself and be good. However, Vampires are often depicted as evil, and Raiden's MKDA ending makes a slight hint that they are potential threats in the future. Ashrah, although wanting to purify herself, does it through means of slaying demons and vampires. Then there's the issue of her Kriss, which is called the Datusha (meaning "holocaust" or "massacre"), a vampire-slaying weapon that possesses its wielder and deludes him/her. So yeah, this is definitely one of the more interesting rivalries.

-Sareena vs. Ashrah: Sareena and Ashrah, being former members of the Brotherhood of the Shadow, may have likely known each other. It would be interesting to see how a rivalry could work between the two, and perhaps Ashrah can be set up as Sareena's antithesis. They could be characters who both want purification and freedom but go about it in different ways, with Ashrah taking the more radical approach.

-Scorpion vs. Noob Saibot: Unlike rodrigomaru's idea for the motivation behind the rivalry, I'd rather see something interesting and worthwhile. Noob Saibot seems to be proud of what he's become, so perhaps in a slight way at least, he would be thankful to Scorpion and may even want him on his side. Scorpion could learn of Noob Saibot's true identity but reject his offer, being angered at the way his old rival had changed like this. I do want Scorpion to destroy Noob Saibot, but NOT out of revenge. Instead, it should be out of taking responsibility for his actions, in which he helped create this monster. By destroying him, he would've taken his responsibility and put an end to an evil force.

I guess this is all for now.
10/20/2007 01:53 AM (UTC)
The Scorpion/Noob part is perfect man, cause I too am tired of seeing Scorpion trying to take revenge on someone and in failing to kill one, he gets another three people to get revenge on...First Sub-Zero, then Quan Chi, then Moloch and Drahmin, and then the Elder Gods, and has he killed any of these guys? NO, it never ends...forget the bs i said earlier, sub-zero7th's shit's always genious
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I SUB-ZERO FROM MK3 WILL RETURN IN MK8! Welcome back my Ice Showers, and welcome a new move called: Melting Teleport!

10/20/2007 03:25 AM (UTC)
Here's my rivalries................

Ashrah vs Nitara
Noob vs Sub-Zero
Shang/Chi vs Kahn/Reiko?
Raiden vs Scorpion(new)-if raiden stays corrupted and scorp is a god.
Havik vs Kabal
Mileena vs Jade
Zombie Liu Kang vs Kung Lao(if kung's mka ending is false)

it's all i can think of for now......more to kome!
10/22/2007 07:37 PM (UTC)
Liu Kang vs Shang Tsung
Kung Lao vs Goro

The white lotus Society should have a group of rival monks face them.
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10/22/2007 09:38 PM (UTC)
Kitana vs Mileena

Raiden vs Shinnok

Shang Tsung vs Quan Chi

Kung Lao vs Goro

Sub-Zero vs Scorpion

Jade vs Tanya

Asrah vs Nitara

Sonya vs Kano

Kabal vs Mavado

Hotaru vs Havik

Sindel vs Shao Kahn

Khameleon vs Chameleon

Reptile vs Cyrax

Darrius vs Dairou

Also, keep just those 20 in the next game, I want 26 GOOD characters, not 62-3 sucky ones, okay! I like the old basics anyway.
10/24/2007 04:40 PM (UTC)
Well keeping in mind that we do not know anyone is may be dead, this idea is just working with what we have. It deals with what I will call the "Netherrealm Rivalries" .

A little background first: (Taven's Ending occurs and the warriors become stronger through Blaze's corruption. Not that the stronger thing will mean much) Shao Kahn and Onaga are no where to be found after the events of Armageddon, therefore Outworld is without a ruler. Li Mei with the help from Earthrealm and Edenian forces attempt to bring Outworld to peace and establish a safe and secure form of government. However at the same time Reiko, being Shao Kahn's lead general, is the only superior left. Shang Tsung, who would be second in command next to Goro, is dead (sent to the Netherrealm) and Goro returned to the Shokan empire awaiting to wage war in Outworld against their old rivals, the Centaurians. That is another feud but unrelated to my topic.

Reiko then takes control of what is left of Shao Kahn's army. In their weakened state however they manage to pose a great threat to the liberty of Outworld and Li Mei's forces. Now here comes the good part. Reiko is still a member of the Brotherhood of Shadow, and his superiors (like Lin Kuei Grandmasters) attempt to instruct him on taking over and ruling Outworld, thus claiming a vast empire for the Brotherhood.

Remember that Reiko despises Quan Chi, evidence in MKA Konquest as Reiko reveals it to Taven. Quan Chi a former member of the Brotherhood also dies and returns to the Netherrealm where he is hunted by the Brotherhood for his "betrayal". Noob Saibot envies Reiko's new "emperor" position of Outworld and his recent praise from their Brotherhood superiors. Believing himself to be more fit to rule, Noob questions Reiko's objectives but the Brotherhood Leaders dismiss his case. Slightly fearing interference from Noob, they send him on an assassination mission. Reluctantly Noob accepts and he must kill Quan Chi.

Quan Chi discovering that he is being hunted by the Brotherhood is also still being pursued by Scorpion who was denied his revenge. Quan Chi stumbles upon Shang Tsung in the Netherrealm. In a quick battle Shang Tsung proves he is still a worthy adversary and enemy, and Quan Chi pleads for his help. By creating an alliance (once again) even if temporary, the two sorcerers have a much better chance of escaping the Netherrealm. But what can be done about the Brotherhood and Scorpion? The Oni demons were also killed returning them to the Netherrealm. While they were betrayed by Quan Chi (in MKDA) Shang Tsung gave them refuge in his underground chamber. Still with a loose alliance with Drahmin and Moloch, Shang Tsung convince them to aid the sorcerers by eliminating their hunters. Between Shang Tsung and the Oni, it matters not if they decide to kill Quan Chi, but that would be once they fulfill their obligations and escape the Netherrealm.

As Noob searches for Quan Chi he does so and engages in a quick battle, only to be ambushed by Moloch and Drahmin. Noob fights valiantly but cannot overcome the combined might the Oni. However Scorpion also tracking Quan Chi attacks the Oni for denying his revenge on the sorcerer. Quan Chi escapes, and soon after the Oni retreat. Scorpion and Noob Saibot stand together and while Noob scoffs, "I didn't need your help" Scorpion simply replies "I wasn't coming to your aid". Sorry for the cheesy lines but it gives you the gist of what's going to happen. The two then realize that by joining forces, only then can they defeat the Oni and seek redemption.

Kinda long I know, but I thought that set up a nice story arc that involves quite a few people. It brings in some temporary alliances as well as a throwback to the past.
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