mk8 or future game
posted10/31/2007 07:28 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/29/2007 06:35 AM (UTC)
I'd like to see a character named mole who could burrow thru the ground & come out on the other side to attack kinda like the teleport moves. I love Armageddon despite a few small annoyances. I would like to see a Mortal Kombat that took place when Kung Lao lost to Goro. Then you could put Raiden Shang Tsung Kitana Goro & Kung Lao or anyone else that was old enough. Then all the rest could be new characters. I'd also like to see the KAK thing return but with more types of models to choose from so you could make more monster like fighters. Also it would be great if you could assign your creations as com players like THQs SVR games. I'd like to create some characters to fight against to. It would be nice if they paid attention to next time to things like putting Scorpions spear move & his summon flames in the same slot so you can't use the both with a created scorpion????? I didn't understand that one. Also reptile's acid spit would have been nice. Actually what they should do is add a create a projectile where you could choose what shoots at the player like what color & the shape of it, orb shaped or like a star. A sequel to shaolin monks wouldnt be a bad idea. I'd like to see one that is a game like monks but featured everyone from armageddon at some point in the game .Is there a good way to submit fan Ideas to midway? And what about khameleon for us sony/xbox owners. Can't they make a downloadable update that adds her?
10/29/2007 02:11 PM (UTC)
As for the Mole character.....NO! As for the rest...huh?
10/30/2007 01:25 AM (UTC)
As for the rest huh? What do you mean huh? It's called english. Im sorry it was too complex for you to understand I will try to "dummy" it down for you next time.
brianw32 Wrote:
As for the rest huh? What do you mean huh? It's called english. Im sorry it was too complex for you to understand I will try to "dummy" it down for you next time.
Not cool, man. Do not mock the Cyber Ev1l. Or call people stupid.
Maybe if you put it into logical paragraphs, people could understand.
10/31/2007 02:38 AM (UTC)
Not cool, man. Do not mock the Cyber Ev1l. Or call people stupid.
Maybe if you put it into logical paragraphs, people could understand.

Well first of I wasn't going for the English lit award if you can't read that and understand it sorry. This is just a forum not English class. I have read it several times I get it- SO SORRY there are so many that do not. I am sorry if I didn't satisfy your writing standards. Hmmm lets see I mentioned making a game that took place before all the other games customizing projectiles and I complained about some of scorpions options maybe you. There ya go maybe you all should go back to school or stay in. If you couldn't figure that out. I never called him or anyone stupid I said I would "dummy" it down for him. Don't like my posts? Don't reply 2 them!
brianw32 Wrote:

Well first of I wasn't going for the English lit award if you can't read that and understand it sorry. This is just a forum not English class. I have read it several times I get it- SO SORRY there are so many that do not. I am sorry if I didn't satisfy your writing standards. Hmmm lets see I mentioned making a game that took place before all the other games customizing projectiles and I complained about some of scorpions options maybe you. There ya go maybe you all should go back to school or stay in. If you couldn't figure that out. I never called him or anyone stupid I said I would "dummy" it down for him. Don't like my posts? Don't reply 2 them!
Yo, man. I never said make it perfect. Just split it into paragraphs. Helps people read things easier. Now, on your condensed post...

1) An Mk Prequel... Can't say much. May be a good idea, may no be. Depends on how clean a slate Midway is willing to make MK8 start.

2) Mole character. Best way to replace Tremor. All I can say.

3) Create a Projectile. seems fine. How will you handle the rest of the character (i.e. Non-projectile moves, looks)?

If you take this personally, you might need to chill. I never meant to make a personal assault on you.
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