MK8 needs to have KAK but without!
posted11/14/2007 04:28 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/26/2007 06:19 PM (UTC)
MK8 should have KAK but this time have the moves be more equal, instead of figuring out which moves are the most powerful and giving you character those and being able to defeat anyone until they copy those moves too, this new system needs to be only able to choose a set of moves that balance out the character. Which would also be more simple, these moves should also be new moves not copied moves from other characters. They should spend more of there time with body shapes, cloths and detail instead of moves.

For example you could choose move list 1 and you would have the move set list that is in set 1, or you choose move list #2 which would be a different set of moves in list 2. This would not ruen the online fights and move the cheezy cheap move players.
11/13/2007 08:35 PM (UTC)
I think the problem with KAK is that many people are just not good with designing characters. It's so problematic.
11/13/2007 08:54 PM (UTC)
KAK ruined MKA for me. Everyone online who gets beat, turns to their kreated character, beats you senseless because you don't know what's coming. It's just cheap and ruins the game. No kak for future games.
11/13/2007 10:52 PM (UTC)
Thats right, even a 5 year old could beat any MK pro with there KAK b/c of the cheap moves, once someone finds the super powerful and fast moves and picks them all for there KAK, there is so skill or talent left, just a cheezy game. I say fix KAK or remove it.

I loved the whole idea of the appearance and name of your character, so maybe keep that, maybe the male KAK could already have standard moves list, and same with the female, so everyone knows the moves he or she has, and wouldn't ruen the game, but still allow everyone to name there character and design how they would want there character to look. And they could focus more on this, giving more cloths and detail selection.
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11/14/2007 04:28 AM (UTC)
Personally, I LOVE the idea of KAK. I was championing that idea before MKA came out, before VF4 had it's clothing modifiers and before Soul Calibur went down the create a character road. But I agree that MK's KAK mode needs to iron out the moves in terms of balancing issues.

Though I hate borrowing an idea from Soul Calibur, I think they're somewhat right when it comes to using entire move lists. I belive they're associated with a character class. You pick a class and then based on some attributes, a move set and weapon is automatically associated with that created character.

I like the idea, but I'd want to see that expanded. First and foremost, you would pick a class. Take MKA for example and use ninja as a class. You could still pick from a large variety of special moves, but they'd all be in the ninja class. You would also be able to use a movelist from a ninja in the game (Scorpion, Rain, Ermac, Sub Zero, Reptile Noob or Smoke), but there would also be 10 or so pre made move lists lists for the ninja class. You have maybe 10 classes with 10 premade choices each as well as move lists from characters already in the game AND your own choice of special moves for ninjas and you still have a unique character, but I think that this way the balancing issues could be controlled alot more.

Obviously there would be less choices in a new MK game as far as I would assume that there won't be seven ninjas in the game, but you get the idea. Different classes could offer different martial arts, which could still give you a good amount of variation, or perhaps a mixture of martial arts in move sets. Either way, you could still get alot of variety to make your own character unique without having everyone being able to select the cream of all moves available.

My one hope for KAK though is that they have more slots available for kreated karacters. Maybe give me a whole select screen. I mean, I have an Xbox 360 with a hard drive. I shouldn't have to create a new profile every time I want a new created character. I never understood why MKA was done this way. I mean, the original Xbox has a hard drive, yet there seemed to be a one created character per profile limit. Dumb dumb dumb.

Oh yeah, and I said it before and I'll say it again. Allow players to create bios, background info/intro stories and endings for their characters. Just put in some backgrounds and allow players to place a picture of their character in some part of the background and then give us space to write their intro and then their ending on a different background. I wouldn't think that would be too hard. But with MK's emphasis on it's story, one would think that something this small would be a nice addition. You know, something other people could read before they fight a player online. You see their bio, then you fight them, then you see their ending.

Again, just a thought.
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