MK8 Idea.
posted01/29/2007 05:20 PM (UTC)by
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07/14/2004 01:41 AM (UTC)
Well i was thinking. And i thought about MKA the movie which we all know sucked. Anyway..

I rember towards the end liu kang and shao kahn went into they're animality's.

I was thinking kinda like bloody roar. What if you could alter/morph into your animality in this game. Between rounds.

Boon did say he was kind of excited. And we only saw animality's used for button inputs at the finish him screen.

I think it could be unique route for mk.

Your thoughts?
Animalities were used to silence a rapant MK II rumor as was Ermac(MK I rumor though). I really think that's where they should end.
01/27/2007 10:07 AM (UTC)
ive thought about that idea countless times and i think it might actually be cool if its done right...alot of people dont like animalities but i think they give the game character....the morphing idea is kinda a cool thought but it would seem like a bloody roar rip off and also it would take the ality out of the word
i think that if they keep the kreate a fatality system,they should have animalities as a third finisher (or additional ender)for each character and like it was said already....they need to touch up the system a bit...i wouldnt say more gore but more detailed gore,more enders and the heart rip/other organs should be enders

i posted in another thread this>>i would really like for the original fatality system to return but if they keep the new kaf system they really need more to it than just torso tears,heart rips,arm rips,ect....they need to get more keep all the other stuff yes,but add one or two character speciffic enders... most characters can do enders like the head rip,the head crush,the torso rip,ect.....but lets say reptile for example...what if he could do his traditional touge lash and eat the guys head or give the guy an acid bath leaving him in bones and ooze like his classic fatalities and still have the other traditional enders like decapitation and limb severing....also make it so that some enders are unlockable depending on how many are made for each character.
a rough idea of a button combo using a three hit fatality for an example on a special ender button taps: toward (x2),triangle + up (x2),triangle + toward (x2),back,down,circle

maybe make some of the character speciffic enders anaimalities...?
01/28/2007 06:08 AM (UTC)
i dunno i was never a big fan of them...or friendships or babyilitys...
01/28/2007 06:43 AM (UTC)
I think that we would be really cool if you where able to morph into your animal during battle. But I think that it would only work good if you had to power up somehow in order to morph. You would have to power up and if your oponent is beating you while your in the animality stage than you go back to normal. Id imagine that your hits would cause more damage during your animality morph so thats why I think youd have to power up somehow than do your morph and if your losing while your in your animality than you will grow back down to your normal self. Otherwise it would just be cheap if you morphed into your animal and stayed that way for the whole time. Thats not really fun.
01/28/2007 08:45 AM (UTC)
I dunno. I think if someone turns into a powerful animal they could actually become cheap. I don't really want cheap lame animals during a battle and lose from it. On another view as most animals, how would you shoot projectiles?

If KAF isn't in next MKgame and animalities are in it then I would make it as a finisher and make it look more realistic. Not an all green paper mache thing.
01/29/2007 01:47 AM (UTC)
people please! the fact that animalities suck and will never return, therefore we can stop thinking about it and start thinking about more important things. besides if characters had the ability to morph into their animal side its like having the power rangers having their kick ass giant robot to fight all their battles for them... so completely get this topic out of your minds and never think of it again. to make it worth it, get a shovel to knock the crap out... that will work, works every time.grin
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01/29/2007 07:57 AM (UTC)
The morphing thing could work kinda like the powerup does for Mavado, Kabal, and Hsu Hao. where they clench they're fist, or like drahmin where he kneeled down in deadly alliance and charged up. If ur hit before the morph you have to wait till it re-charged. I aint saying u'd stay morphed for the who game it would last as long as mavado's powerfist powerup or kano's charge up move. That's what i was implying.

Also if they get the charge up move in mka and start the combo with even 3 hit's from the combo they're doing twice the damage anyway. So in relation i don't really see much of a difference in power advantage.
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01/29/2007 05:20 PM (UTC)
Animalities were cool for Liu Kang and a few others, but for people like Sonya, Stryker and Jax they were just doofy. If they return in any form I would say probably just as an alternative fatality for a few suitable characters.
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