Mk8 expectati0ons
posted07/28/2007 12:05 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/13/2007 04:23 AM (UTC)
Im not sure if my message was posted in the original mk expectations post, but here is my opinions....

Ok. Here is what I think should be focused on in MK8/9/10/so on....

1)KaK design-I have never seen such a basic, mediocre and boring system in my life!!The process of making a character should be detailed. Like in Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007, whre you can change big things like hair style, color, body shape height; to small things, like eyebrow height, angle depth, etc. We need more slots to make lots of characters! Not just 1!You can make over 20 in SvR2008!! If you have to, delete the stupid minigames like chess kombat, kart kombat, and puzzle kombat!! They are a waste of memory! And the moves. You shouldnt have the same moves the rest of the characterrs have. Have 10-20 unique fighting styles and 10-20 different weapon styles, too. I dont want to have my character use the same weapon Havok has! I wanna give my character a chainsaw, a scyth, or maybe even a flaming Guitar! We need to improve it ppl!!!!!

2)Konquest mode-I played konquest mode for Unchained, and it absolutely sucked. I did not like doing the little side quests like trying to find a cave to ambush Liu Kang for Tanya, finding the cave, going back to where Tanya was SUPPOSED to be and discovering that the game data overlapped and she was now by the portal in outworld with the key to unlocking her second costume in the Krypt. If you want to do side quests, you need to do them like The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening did.

3)The Krypt(This sorta has something to do with #2)-NO LOCKED KOFFINS! I WANT TO PAY KOINS ONLY!!!!

4)Kharacters-Ok. ill make this brief. Make their back story more insightful, with more rivalries......ok??
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07/21/2007 03:03 AM (UTC)
I totally agree with number 3, the the koffins you need to unlock suck.

I didn't read any of the other stuff, too long.
07/21/2007 03:20 AM (UTC)
Thanx man. Im glad some1 agrees with me! Those Koffins were a bitch...
07/22/2007 03:42 AM (UTC)
All I want for the love of God is just a solid smooth fighter that's deep and has balanced characters, and overall solid gameplay. Everything else is just a bonus.
07/27/2007 11:28 PM (UTC)
i agree with 3 but only if theres no cheap ways to get koins like in MK DA where u could bet them and make it so u gained more and more koins easily, and about #1 im a big fan of Raw vs smackdown but 2 be honest they should just toss KAK away cuz it will take up 2 much of there time, midway needs 2 focus on the gameplay and the storys more IMO, and as for throwing away the minigames i agree w/ that 2, motor kombat was fun liek the first 3 times then it got old
07/28/2007 12:05 AM (UTC)
xmxvolt Wrote:
Im not sure if my message was posted in the original mk expectations post, but here is my opinions....

Ok. Here is what I think should be focused on in MK8/9/10/so on....

1)KaK design-I have never seen such a basic, mediocre and boring system in my life!!The process of making a character should be detailed. Like in Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007, whre you can change big things like hair style, color, body shape height; to small things, like eyebrow height, angle depth, etc. We need more slots to make lots of characters! Not just 1!You can make over 20 in SvR2008!! If you have to, delete the stupid minigames like chess kombat, kart kombat, and puzzle kombat!! They are a waste of memory! And the moves. You shouldnt have the same moves the rest of the characterrs have. Have 10-20 unique fighting styles and 10-20 different weapon styles, too. I dont want to have my character use the same weapon Havok has! I wanna give my character a chainsaw, a scyth, or maybe even a flaming Guitar! We need to improve it ppl!!!!!

2)Konquest mode-I played konquest mode for Unchained, and it absolutely sucked. I did not like doing the little side quests like trying to find a cave to ambush Liu Kang for Tanya, finding the cave, going back to where Tanya was SUPPOSED to be and discovering that the game data overlapped and she was now by the portal in outworld with the key to unlocking her second costume in the Krypt. If you want to do side quests, you need to do them like The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening did.

3)The Krypt(This sorta has something to do with #2)-NO LOCKED KOFFINS! I WANT TO PAY KOINS ONLY!!!!

4)Kharacters-Ok. ill make this brief. Make their back story more insightful, with more rivalries......ok??

The KAK wasn't that bad for a first time it does need improvement tho. Konquest was kina boring in deception but I think they had improved a lot in armageddon and I think they still going in the right direction with it.
I what the unlocking of stuff to be harder I want to work for it, it was way to easy to get everything. I agree with number 4.

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