MK8 charatcers
posted10/27/2006 05:05 AM (UTC)by
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07/27/2004 12:21 PM (UTC)
These are some characters that i think shoulb be in MKA
Scorpion-well we can't replace him so he's the only one who should stay after Armageddon. I think they should scrap the Elder Gods fucked me so I want revenge. I think he should stay heir champion and after Armageddon where almost everyone dies The Elder Gods decide to make him the replacement for Raiden and Fujin becouse they were both destroied during a battle where Fujin killed the currupt Raiden with a blast like Raiden did in MKD intro, but now it worked. This will give Scorpion a new interesting story and distance him from the crazy revenge spector thing.

Sub-Zero-well this will be the new Sub-Zero and not the one from MK2-MKA. He can be his son or whatever. He should be younger too.

Shaolin Monk-but this one should really look like a shaolin monk like Lei Fei from Virtu Fighter. And he should be based on Jet Li and not on Bruce Lee like Liu Kang was.

Shokan-but for originality I think he should be a small and agile one that has speed as his main streaght and not his size.

robot-this one should be something like a secret project of Sector before his death. A full robot and not human turned into one.

FBI agent-Well we had cops and army men and I think it would be cool to see someone who looks like Albert Wesker kick some ass.

Psycho-I think someone like Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers should be made for MK. They would feel right at home.

Freak-If i'm not mistaken MK didn't have a real freak character. Havik and Meat were close but they shoul think about something that will make players say "ok that's just not right"

Big Guy-every game has a big guy. They Sould make some kind of giant race from some kind of realm.

that's all i have so far
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