MK8 Boss
posted01/21/2009 06:51 PM (UTC)by
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

Member Since
03/23/2007 01:12 PM (UTC)
For MK8 I would personally like to see Shao Khan be the Boss again. Why? Because he was the only boss I ever liked, felt that was a challenge and talked alot of shit to you while kicking your ass. "You're still trying to win?" I fucking love the attitude, and all the rest were dull. Who do you think should be the next MK boss and if you don't agree, do you have better Ideas for a boss? If so post them, describe them and they better be better than the infamous Shao Khan.grin
04/01/2007 10:20 PM (UTC)
Definetly Shao Kahn! If not, then someone that is just as impressive as he was.
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04/01/2007 11:54 PM (UTC)
I think it should be someone different that we wouldn't expect or possibly a new character, although I would love to see Drahmin as a boss (obviously :P).
04/02/2007 01:05 AM (UTC)
Shao Kahn needs to be killed off by Onaga; he's pissed off so many people its near impossible for him to survive MKA.Also, he's been the boss in too many Mk games.

Personally i'd like to see a surprising boss, maybe Raiden or Shinnok. It'd be cool as well if Reptile and Khameleon were like the bosses in MKDA.
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"because real men throw eggs"

04/02/2007 01:25 AM (UTC)
once a boss becomes a regelur charecter, they can never be a real boss again. sorry.
04/02/2007 03:44 AM (UTC)
I would only like to see Shao Kahn as the boss if he came back as SUPER Shao Kahn, like Super Shredder lol. But seriously if he does come back, I hope this will be his final push for control of the Realms and this game would be his Swan Song
04/02/2007 12:30 PM (UTC)
I personally would like to see a female boss. All the bosses in the previous MK games were guys, it would be a refreshing change to have a new, never-seen-before badass female boss in MK8.
04/02/2007 05:42 PM (UTC)
I personally think that Midway should kill ALL the characters of the current MK, and give us new ones. I think that a big humanoid machine or cyborg would be awesome for a boss, maybe a robot which bears a face of a current Mk character but as a hude robotic body ( for example the character survived from an explosion etc. )
04/02/2007 07:35 PM (UTC)
They definetly need a new boss character. The other boss characters have been overplayed X10.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

04/02/2007 08:16 PM (UTC)
Ermac_rain Wrote:
I personally think that Midway should kill ALL the characters of the current MK, and give us new ones. I think that a big humanoid machine or cyborg would be awesome for a boss, maybe a robot which bears a face of a current Mk character but as a hude robotic body ( for example the character survived from an explosion etc. )

Good idea for a boss but as far as killing ALL of the characters off, I disagree with you. Com'mon, you're a MK fan right? Then you would know that by killing off all of the classics, Mortal Kombat wouldn't be Mortal Kombat now would it? No, It would just be a completly different game with MK themes and that would suck ass, and so what if the new characters have connections with the old ones, I don't give a fuck cus I became such a big fan BECAUSE of the CLASSICS so they can't ALL just die off like that, I would just loose interest (and I'm pretty sure many other fans would too) and I would hate to loose interest in a game that I have loved so much for many years. The one game that I AM passionate about, I mean I fuckin love it! I have mentioned this before but AGAIN, when I say classics, I mean characters from MK1-MK3/MKU3/MKT series. This is my opinion and I think those characters are classics because I accepted them all. From MK4 and on there were a few characters that I accepted(Fujin, Kenshi, Havik, Drahmin, Quan Chi, and Tanya just to name a few.) and the rest didn't care for. I don't mean to sound like I'm bitchin or anything or a pain in the ass but I just wanna make sure that I emphasize that you CANNOT kill off the classics, because that would just piss me off, and you will be hearing a lot of me online.

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04/02/2007 10:14 PM (UTC)
And the de facto presence of the overall uselessness of most MK1-MK4 characters. Oh yeah, I would preferably eradicate most of them and go with the recent ones from MKDA, MKD.

But honestly, I hope the next MK would start a new storyline, having NOTHING to do with the previous MK games continuity. Which is quite overplayed frankly.
04/03/2007 05:10 AM (UTC)
Maybe, just maybe, if the armageddon is supposed to be "the end", then for mk8, the final boss should be either one of these 2:

a combination of all the bosses of all time, to form some kind of new boss

... or a ALL NEW boss with a great story, and a reasonable reason to be the boss.
04/03/2007 10:15 AM (UTC)
when it comes to the boss for MK8 I really want a boss who is new and not some old rehashed one, besides I think shao kahn will die after MKA because he has pissed off so many characters.
04/03/2007 05:53 PM (UTC)
Next boss should be someone new. If not that, then Raiden.

NONE of the old bosses.
About Me

I am awesome.

04/04/2007 03:56 AM (UTC)
Too late to go for Shao Khan, which is a shame 'cause he was the best boss of them all.

Next boss better not be another Shinnok...
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

04/05/2007 04:47 AM (UTC)
Ok I notice that a lot of people feel that MK8 should have a new boss and it would only make since for me to agree. But I'm only tryna make a point here so here me out. Now don't get me wrong, if the next boss is badazz, has personality, attitude and is challenging to the point you're like "what the fuck man, why is this guy so hard to beat!" then I approve of it. Now this may just be my opionion (and if you agree with me please say so) but I think that the bosses after Shao Khan just got lame. For instance, when MK4 came out I remember fighting my way to the top thinking that I was going to meet a new boss, when it turned out to be one of the new characters that were already playable (Shinnok). I remember thinking "since when did we already have the boss as a playable character?" The game didn't give me no suprizes, nothing to look foward to as far as the boss went. Now I know that you were able to play as the boss in MKT for the playstation, but I didn't care because I already knew who Shao Khan was and I didn't play with him anyway. Shinnok was a new character and they didn't let me discover him as the Boss, he was already playable. For MKDA I was Ok wit it because it went along with the story and I thought that it was cool to have both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi be the bosses, besides you can
finish them off with a FATALITY. Don't get me started with MKD's boss. Onaga? man IMO I thought that he just was an idea that came from nowhere in MKDA and a waste of a boss. They had to come up with a story for Blaze (who was a hidden character at that) and to explain the egg of the "Dragon King" that he had to protect they used that for the boss of MKD. You know damn well before Deadly Alliance that you ain't hear nothing about no Dragon King. Onaga wasn't even all that intimidating anyway. Com'mon he can barely move and to beat him you had to get the Kamidogu to weaken him? Lame. Shao Khan used to bash you in the head with his big hammer, now that's brutal. And as for Blaze himself, he should have not been the boss either because they made him so big for no reason and he was almost too easy to defeat. nuff said. My point is if they make a new boss he should have a badass personality, powers, fighting style and be hard to beat. And as one of you mentioned.... Yeah Raiden does sound like a good boss for MK8.
About Me

04/05/2007 05:17 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Ok I notice that a lot of people feel that MK8 should have a new boss and it would only make since for me to agree. But I'm only tryna make a point here so here me out. Now don't get me wrong, if the next boss is badazz, has personality, attitude and is challenging to the point you're like "what the fuck man, why is this guy so hard to beat!" then I approve of it. Now this may just be my opionion (and if you agree with me please say so) but I think that the bosses after Shao Khan just got lame. For instance, when MK4 came out I remember fighting my way to the top thinking that I was going to meet a new boss, when it turned out to be one of the new characters that were already playable (Shinnok). I remember thinking "since when did we already have the boss as a playable character?" The game didn't give me no suprizes, nothing to look foward to as far as the boss went. Now I know that you were able to play as the boss in MKT for the playstation, but I didn't care because I already knew who Shao Khan was and I didn't play with him anyway. Shinnok was a new character and they didn't let me discover him as the Boss, he was already playable. For MKDA I was Ok wit it because it went along with the story and I thought that it was cool to have both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi be the bosses, besides you can
finish them off with a FATALITY. Don't get me started with MKD's boss. Onaga? man IMO I thought that he just was an idea that came from nowhere in MKDA and a waste of a boss. They had to come up with a story for Blaze (who was a hidden character at that) and to explain the egg of the "Dragon King" that he had to protect they used that for the boss of MKD. You know damn well before Deadly Alliance that you ain't hear nothing about no Dragon King. Onaga wasn't even all that intimidating anyway. Com'mon he can barely move and to beat him you had to get the Kamidogu to weaken him? Lame. Shao Khan used to bash you in the head with his big hammer, now that's brutal. And as for Blaze himself, he should have not been the boss either because they made him so big for no reason and he was almost too easy to defeat. nuff said. My point is if they make a new boss he should have a badass personality, powers, fighting style and be hard to beat. And as one of you mentioned.... Yeah Raiden does sound like a good boss for MK8.

What a waste of effort and grammar.
04/05/2007 09:49 PM (UTC)
MK8 should defenitly have a new boss, never seen and never heard of before, to keep the series going. A female for the first time wouldn't hurt.

I was thinking of a fusion between Shinnok and Onaga, but that would just end up having a repeating storyline. MK8's boss should be completely new.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

04/10/2007 03:28 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Ok I notice that a lot of people feel that MK8 should have a new boss and it would only make since for me to agree. But I'm only tryna make a point here so here me out. Now don't get me wrong, if the next boss is badazz, has personality, attitude and is challenging to the point you're like "what the fuck man, why is this guy so hard to beat!" then I approve of it. Now this may just be my opionion (and if you agree with me please say so) but I think that the bosses after Shao Khan just got lame. For instance, when MK4 came out I remember fighting my way to the top thinking that I was going to meet a new boss, when it turned out to be one of the new characters that were already playable (Shinnok). I remember thinking "since when did we already have the boss as a playable character?" The game didn't give me no suprizes, nothing to look foward to as far as the boss went. Now I know that you were able to play as the boss in MKT for the playstation, but I didn't care because I already knew who Shao Khan was and I didn't play with him anyway. Shinnok was a new character and they didn't let me discover him as the Boss, he was already playable. For MKDA I was Ok wit it because it went along with the story and I thought that it was cool to have both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi be the bosses, besides you can
finish them off with a FATALITY. Don't get me started with MKD's boss. Onaga? man IMO I thought that he just was an idea that came from nowhere in MKDA and a waste of a boss. They had to come up with a story for Blaze (who was a hidden character at that) and to explain the egg of the "Dragon King" that he had to protect they used that for the boss of MKD. You know damn well before Deadly Alliance that you ain't hear nothing about no Dragon King. Onaga wasn't even all that intimidating anyway. Com'mon he can barely move and to beat him you had to get the Kamidogu to weaken him? Lame. Shao Khan used to bash you in the head with his big hammer, now that's brutal. And as for Blaze himself, he should have not been the boss either because they made him so big for no reason and he was almost too easy to defeat. nuff said. My point is if they make a new boss he should have a badass personality, powers, fighting style and be hard to beat. And as one of you mentioned.... Yeah Raiden does sound like a good boss for MK8.

What a waste of effort and grammar.

You know what bitch? Fuck you, don't come here disrespecting my thread like that, if you got sumthin slick to say about me, keep it to ya self and get tha fuck out of the thread, that's it. What the fuck man. What's your opinions, maybe I can shit on your thoughts too.
04/10/2007 04:44 AM (UTC)
Maybe It should be shao kahn because he's a cool boss
About Me

04/10/2007 07:17 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Ok I notice that a lot of people feel that MK8 should have a new boss and it would only make since for me to agree. But I'm only tryna make a point here so here me out. Now don't get me wrong, if the next boss is badazz, has personality, attitude and is challenging to the point you're like "what the fuck man, why is this guy so hard to beat!" then I approve of it. Now this may just be my opionion (and if you agree with me please say so) but I think that the bosses after Shao Khan just got lame. For instance, when MK4 came out I remember fighting my way to the top thinking that I was going to meet a new boss, when it turned out to be one of the new characters that were already playable (Shinnok). I remember thinking "since when did we already have the boss as a playable character?" The game didn't give me no suprizes, nothing to look foward to as far as the boss went. Now I know that you were able to play as the boss in MKT for the playstation, but I didn't care because I already knew who Shao Khan was and I didn't play with him anyway. Shinnok was a new character and they didn't let me discover him as the Boss, he was already playable. For MKDA I was Ok wit it because it went along with the story and I thought that it was cool to have both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi be the bosses, besides you can
finish them off with a FATALITY. Don't get me started with MKD's boss. Onaga? man IMO I thought that he just was an idea that came from nowhere in MKDA and a waste of a boss. They had to come up with a story for Blaze (who was a hidden character at that) and to explain the egg of the "Dragon King" that he had to protect they used that for the boss of MKD. You know damn well before Deadly Alliance that you ain't hear nothing about no Dragon King. Onaga wasn't even all that intimidating anyway. Com'mon he can barely move and to beat him you had to get the Kamidogu to weaken him? Lame. Shao Khan used to bash you in the head with his big hammer, now that's brutal. And as for Blaze himself, he should have not been the boss either because they made him so big for no reason and he was almost too easy to defeat. nuff said. My point is if they make a new boss he should have a badass personality, powers, fighting style and be hard to beat. And as one of you mentioned.... Yeah Raiden does sound like a good boss for MK8.

What a waste of effort and grammar.

You know what bitch? Fuck you, don't come here disrespecting my thread like that, if you got sumthin slick to say about me, keep it to ya self and get tha fuck out of the thread, that's it. What the fuck man. What's your opinions, maybe I can shit on your thoughts too.

Have I made any reference towards any of your imposed thoughts? No.

Have I made a reference to your ill-composed amount of grammar? Yes.

Think before you post, and think wisely. Do not jump to conclusions and
most importantly, do not exaggerate your own overall stature here.

Have I made myself clear?
04/10/2007 08:33 AM (UTC)
The One Being, period! A fusion of Blaze, Raiden, Fujin would be interesting. Elements combined, wouldn't make sense story wise but just a random thought.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

04/10/2007 03:43 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Ok I notice that a lot of people feel that MK8 should have a new boss and it would only make since for me to agree. But I'm only tryna make a point here so here me out. Now don't get me wrong, if the next boss is badazz, has personality, attitude and is challenging to the point you're like "what the fuck man, why is this guy so hard to beat!" then I approve of it. Now this may just be my opionion (and if you agree with me please say so) but I think that the bosses after Shao Khan just got lame. For instance, when MK4 came out I remember fighting my way to the top thinking that I was going to meet a new boss, when it turned out to be one of the new characters that were already playable (Shinnok). I remember thinking "since when did we already have the boss as a playable character?" The game didn't give me no suprizes, nothing to look foward to as far as the boss went. Now I know that you were able to play as the boss in MKT for the playstation, but I didn't care because I already knew who Shao Khan was and I didn't play with him anyway. Shinnok was a new character and they didn't let me discover him as the Boss, he was already playable. For MKDA I was Ok wit it because it went along with the story and I thought that it was cool to have both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi be the bosses, besides you can
finish them off with a FATALITY. Don't get me started with MKD's boss. Onaga? man IMO I thought that he just was an idea that came from nowhere in MKDA and a waste of a boss. They had to come up with a story for Blaze (who was a hidden character at that) and to explain the egg of the "Dragon King" that he had to protect they used that for the boss of MKD. You know damn well before Deadly Alliance that you ain't hear nothing about no Dragon King. Onaga wasn't even all that intimidating anyway. Com'mon he can barely move and to beat him you had to get the Kamidogu to weaken him? Lame. Shao Khan used to bash you in the head with his big hammer, now that's brutal. And as for Blaze himself, he should have not been the boss either because they made him so big for no reason and he was almost too easy to defeat. nuff said. My point is if they make a new boss he should have a badass personality, powers, fighting style and be hard to beat. And as one of you mentioned.... Yeah Raiden does sound like a good boss for MK8.

What a waste of effort and grammar.

You know what bitch? Fuck you, don't come here disrespecting my thread like that, if you got sumthin slick to say about me, keep it to ya self and get tha fuck out of the thread, that's it. What the fuck man. What's your opinions, maybe I can shit on your thoughts too.

Have I made any reference towards any of your imposed thoughts? No.

Have I made a reference to your ill-composed amount of grammar? Yes.

Think before you post, and think wisely. Do not jump to conclusions and
most importantly, do not exaggerate your own overall stature here.

Have I made myself clear?

You know what? I'm a take back what I said before because I'm a bigger person than this. I misunderstood your comment toward me and I felt disrespected that's all. But really I'm a nice guy and I'm only here because I love Mortal Kombat just like the rest of you guys. I am not here for any trouble, but if that is ever the case, I'm always prepared. I apoligize.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

04/10/2007 03:45 PM (UTC)
Khankiller Wrote:
The One Being, period! A fusion of Blaze, Raiden, Fujin would be interesting. Elements combined, wouldn't make sense story wise but just a random thought.

A random thought but I kinda like where you're going with this....grin
04/11/2007 03:28 PM (UTC)
I'd like a boss that is unbalanced to hell, and has three weapon stances.
Like if Eyedol and Inferno (from Soul Calibur 2) were merged.

That way it can be fast...Goro from MK4 was so easy once you learned to just jumpkick him to death...some goes for the newly unexplained mutant Blaze. jumpkick spam...although he can break it if you're too slow.

...combining this post with the aforementioned 'Boss Fusionpalooza'

That is one boss I could really enjoy fighting.

and it better be worth it when you beat him furious
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