MK7s Engine
posted10/05/2005 06:22 AM (UTC)by
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02/26/2003 05:35 AM (UTC)
If I read this right, Fight Night, hinted that the same engine as MKD would be being used for MK7, but with significant enhancements. Also, something brand spanking new would be introduced that they are very excited about, but cannot reveal just yet. Do you think significant changes could indeed improve this engine? And what brand new feature do you think they plan on introducing?
10/04/2005 02:51 AM (UTC)
I have no idea what this brand new feature is, but my guess is that they're probably gonna take the "reversal" system from deadly alliance and really focus on how to reverse attacks when recieved. That's what I would love to see. Again it's just my guess.

10/04/2005 03:33 AM (UTC)
To be honest, I'm really skeptical about MK7 and I think this is going to be the game that determines MKs evolution or MKs destruction. The MK fighting system needs essentials like throw cancels, throw escapes, ground/wake up game, fluid animations and feel, balance, etc.
10/04/2005 03:01 PM (UTC)
if im remebering correctly they also said that MKD would be essentially MKDA's fighting engine with some major upgrades, and we all know that didnt happen, it was worse. The past few years ive been pretty skeptical of MK's promises, but hopefuly theyll take a step in the right direction and not a step backward.
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10/04/2005 03:58 PM (UTC)
Unless they give the MKD engine the changes it needs by adding in recovery moves and all the rest of the other needed stuff, then MK7 is as good as doomed regardless of whatever enhancement they add. Remember for MKD they said they'd have somethign special and what we got was 3 rather useless combo breakers which fail to be of anything impressive.

They should rebuild the entire engine from scratch, add the neccessary things and spend time to fully test it in all areas. At least then we could be sure of something worthy of our time.
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10/04/2005 06:00 PM (UTC)
Recovery moves + hit / damage allocation+ move properties + no univer-sal tracking + move buildups + throw breakers + throw reversals (no game did this yet to my knowledge) + make the other half of the movelist more realistic (MKD and tekken are the most purist martial art games in terms of move realism) + Midway you did this in BIO Freaks: limb damage (not necessarily a maim) + instant kills (optional).

If theese are done at least mediocre, then i would say MK7 has a good or decent start. If not, MK is crapfest and it's his own Armageddon. (the subtitle is crap IMO)
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10/04/2005 06:12 PM (UTC)
Im not sure if they need a completely new engine for the game, I would just like to see it much more fluidic and prehaps a little faster to add some more pace to the battles.

I also think that blocking animations maybe the whole blocking system should be looked at, one of the most iconic things about movie martial arts is not when someone lands a punch but all the really cool blocks and parries they do leading up to it, this builds both the pace and excitement of many fights. If they can incorperate that into the mix it would be awesome.
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10/04/2005 08:50 PM (UTC)
i wasnt able 2 go t fight night sad
10/05/2005 12:47 AM (UTC)
probly you can switch fighting style sets before the battle.. that would be tight
10/05/2005 06:22 AM (UTC)
Keep in mind that the word "engine" is thrown around a lot at this site quite freely, and probably half the time isn't really used in the "correct" sense, you might say.

It's entirely possible that when the question was answered, it was answered in more of a "Yes we will be using the same software to produce MK7 as we did with MKD" light, and not a "Yes we will be using the same mechanics as MKD" light. Just because they're using the same "engine," that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be anything like MKD at all.

When people bring up things like no throw escapes, universal tracking, etc, those problems aren't so much intrinsically related to the engine, but more the way the game is designed within the engine and how that engine is put to use.
Take for example, the "Unreal Engine" that we keep hearing about. A lot of games are supposed to be using/will have used this engine, but that doesn't mean they'll play anything alike.

Though, I kind of get the feeling the game will play a lot like MKD anyway so whatever.
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