MK7: The Return Of Kai
posted10/18/2005 05:54 AM (UTC)by
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Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

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09/03/2005 05:22 PM (UTC)
I really liked playing as Kai back in mk4, i loved his moves, and his fatalaties, really wicked, but one thing i don't get, he gets raidens staff and he go on a soul search, but never comes back. here is my idea for Kai return. I will give you my idea of his bio, alternate bio, ending, moves, and fatalaties.


I was alone. Darkness swarmed all around me. I couldn't tell right from wrong. The staff. It overpowered me. I couldn't handle its enormous power. What have I done. All I can remember is raidens voice, and it. The staff. Why couldn't I handle it? Why did it force me to open a portal and release everything from the Netherrealm? Is it me thats doing this, or an unknowing force? NO! It cant be me!!! I'll never admit that i'd done it!!! I would never do such a thing!!! Why is it making me kill? Why am I not helping the Earthrealm Warriors fight this cause? The pain, it gathers within me, I can't hold it in. It must be released. But not for the side of either good or bad. I don't know anymore. Am I going crazy? I know what i must do now.

Alternate Bio

I decided that I must turn my self in, in order to protect any more innocent people. I couldn't turn my self in to ordinary police men, i'll turn myself in to the special forces. Yes!! There Sonya and Jax can help me!! And once they're not looking, i'll tear them limb from limb and steal all their nukes!!!! What?!? Did I just think that? No!!! It can't be. I will not do that!!! What is making me think this?!? Why wasn't I helping the cause to fight Onaga, and why am i not helping now? Aghhh!!! This is not working!! What will I do?


It was Raiden's fault. Once he had turned evil, he planned to make me do those bad things, he made me open the portal to the netherrealm. He used the staff to transport his evil inside me. No more. No longer will I be controlled. I walked up to him, and snapped the staff in two, releasing whatever evil he had bestowed upon me. He said, "You like it don't you. You love the rush of killing innocents. Don't deny it. You've always wanted to see what it felt like, haven't you?" I looked up at him. No. I will not be controlled by you. I let loose an onslaught of vicious attacks upon raiden, and i defeated him finally by knocking him into the depths of the netherrealm. There, his god like essence was torn to shreds. I was congratulated by Liu Kang. I ripped his head off. I make my own decisions from now on, and my first is this. I will rule the realms, i will put every thing into darkness. When i was swarmed by it in my previous journeys, i enjoyed it!!! I loved the rush of evil! I then looked up, and at my stunned audience, Sonya, Jax, Johnny Cage, Ermac, and everyone else that I have not destroyed yet, and said these very words before i ripped all of them in half, "Have A Nice Day."


Neck Twist: Kai jumps behind his opponent and cracks their neck.
Fire Blast:Kai blasts his opponent with a blue fire ball.
Evil Glare: Kai shoots a hypnotic beam at his opponents and stuns them.
Telekenetic Rise: Kai uses his abilities to raise his opponent in the air for a few quick hits.


Pinata: Kai uses his Telekenetic Rise to pick up his opponents and then he uses his staff to beat his opponents. Kai then picks up the opponents guts and eats them as if they were candy.

Evilness: Kai looks at his opponent, till they run away, unknowingly, they have a telekenetic string wrapped around their neck. As the run away, they rip their own heads off.

If anyone else can come up with a Kai bio, go ahead and post it.

10/13/2005 01:51 AM (UTC)
mexicanoslasher Wrote:
I really liked playing as Kai back in mk4, i loved his moves, and his fatalaties, really wicked, but one thing i don't get, he gets raidens staff and he go on a soul search, but never comes back. here is my idea for Kai return. I will give you my idea of his bio, alternate bio, ending, moves, and fatalaties.


I was alone. Darkness swarmed all around me. I couldn't tell right from wrong. The staff. It overpowered me. I couldn't handle its enormous power. What have I done. All I can remember is raidens voice, and it. The staff. Why couldn't I handle it? Why did it force me to open a portal and release everything from the Netherrealm? Is it me thats doing this, or an unknowing force? NO! It cant be me!!! I'll never admit that i'd done it!!! I would never do such a thing!!! Why is it making me kill? Why am I not helping the Earthrealm Warriors fight this cause? The pain, it gathers within me, I can't hold it in. It must be released. But not for the side of either good or bad. I don't know anymore. Am I going crazy? I know what i must do now.

Alternate Bio

I decided that I must turn my self in, in order to protect any more innocent people. I couldn't turn my self in to ordinary police men, i'll turn myself in to the special forces. Yes!! There Sonya and Jax can help me!! And once they're not looking, i'll tear them limb from limb and steal all their nukes!!!! What?!? Did I just think that? No!!! It can't be. I will not do that!!! What is making me think this?!? Why wasn't I helping the cause to fight Onaga, and why am i not helping now? Aghhh!!! This is not working!! What will I do?


It was Raiden's fault. Once he had turned evil, he planned to make me do those bad things, he made me open the portal to the netherrealm. He used the staff to transport his evil inside me. No more. No longer will I be controlled. I walked up to him, and snapped the staff in two, releasing whatever evil he had bestowed upon me. He said, "You like it don't you. You love the rush of killing innocents. Don't deny it. You've always wanted to see what it felt like, haven't you?" I looked up at him. No. I will not be controlled by you. I let loose an onslaught of vicious attacks upon raiden, and i defeated him finally by knocking him into the depths of the netherrealm. There, his god like essence was torn to shreds. I was congratulated by Liu Kang. I ripped his head off. I make my own decisions from now on, and my first is this. I will rule the realms, i will put every thing into darkness. When i was swarmed by it in my previous journeys, i enjoyed it!!! I loved the rush of evil! I then looked up, and at my stunned audience, Sonya, Jax, Johnny Cage, Ermac, and everyone else that I have not destroyed yet, and said these very words before i ripped all of them in half, "Have A Nice Day."


Neck Twist: Kai jumps behind his opponent and cracks their neck.
Fire Blast:Kai blasts his opponent with a blue fire ball.
Evil Glare: Kai shoots a hypnotic beam at his opponents and stuns them.
Telekenetic Rise: Kai uses his abilities to raise his opponent in the air for a few quick hits.


Pinata: Kai uses his Telekenetic Rise to pick up his opponents and then he uses his staff to beat his opponents. Kai then picks up the opponents guts and eats them as if they were candy.

Evilness: Kai looks at his opponent, till they run away, unknowingly, they have a telekenetic string wrapped around their neck. As the run away, they rip their own heads off.

If anyone else can come up with a Kai bio, go ahead and post it.

I'm a rater, not a writer.

Obviously very amateur in format, but originality makes up for some of it. I guess you're trying to make him sound as if he was possessed after fetching the staff for Raiden. You're making the conflict with himself seem far too blatant: make it more as if he knows he's been tainted and he's slowly and gradually falling towards his more malicious side.

I didn't even get through the ending. Once again, Raiden is NOT evil. Just pissed.
About Me

Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

10/13/2005 01:56 AM (UTC)
thats just my 2nd story i've made up. anyways, about raiden, in mk7, he might go on a rampage, and really turn evil. The way he's pissed, it doesnt seem he's gonna get better, it seems it will get much more worse. Kai knows he's being tainted, he just won't admit, if you read more closer.
10/13/2005 02:42 AM (UTC)
mexicanoslasher Wrote:
thats just my 2nd story i've made up. anyways, about raiden, in mk7, he might go on a rampage, and really turn evil. The way he's pissed, it doesnt seem he's gonna get better, it seems it will get much more worse. Kai knows he's being tainted, he just won't admit, if you read more closer.

More closer? More closely, maybe?

A deity such as Raiden doesn't turn evil at the flick of a switch. One can understand that he's angry because of the vanity of Shujinko that led to blah blah......but to turn from the pure protector of Earthrealm to the malicious deliverer of animosity and vengeance isn't something that happens so quickly.
About Me

Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

10/13/2005 02:52 AM (UTC)
oh well, say there's a couple of years between 6 and 7.
About Me


10/13/2005 03:00 AM (UTC)
KaizuDragon Wrote:
mexicanoslasher Wrote:
thats just my 2nd story i've made up. anyways, about raiden, in mk7, he might go on a rampage, and really turn evil. The way he's pissed, it doesnt seem he's gonna get better, it seems it will get much more worse. Kai knows he's being tainted, he just won't admit, if you read more closer.

More closer? More closely, maybe?

A deity such as Raiden doesn't turn evil at the flick of a switch. One can understand that he's angry because of the vanity of Shujinko that led to blah blah......but to turn from the pure protector of Earthrealm to the malicious deliverer of animosity and vengeance isn't something that happens so quickly.

Comeon dude cut him some clack, who cares if his punctuation or sentence structure isn’t as etiquette as yours... get over it.
About Me

Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

10/13/2005 03:27 AM (UTC)
nobody is perfect. i just put that post so everybody could enjoy it, not criticize it. take a chill pill and relax.
About Me

10/13/2005 05:28 AM (UTC)
Basically you used cliches over and over again. Raiden cannot turn evil, since that is the bvery thing he fights against. There is no logic in turning him to rampage, since his faculties are allright. He doesn't kill Shujinko becouse he is manipulated by some power, he kills him becouse he makes a choice by alone.
About Me

10/13/2005 07:03 AM (UTC)
mexicanoslasher, no need to get defensive. If you post it here people will critize it and tell you what they do or don't like about it. Use it to your advantage, to get your story better or, don't do anything with it, up to you.

K, ontopic. It is a little cliché. You could have made it a bit more complex. Atleast the struggle going on inside Kai, using his White Lotus training or something making it a bit deeper, darker or so.

I did like the "Have a nice day" touch. reminded me of MK1 / MK2

Just my 2 eurocents
10/13/2005 11:37 AM (UTC)
chardballz Wrote:
Comeon dude cut him some clack, who cares if his punctuation or sentence structure isn’t as etiquette as yours... get over it.

It's called grammar, ass.

By making this, he knew his thread would be openly criticized. Note that I said "criticized", and not condemned or made fun of........criticizing something is with the intent of helping out. Next time you post, make it more beneficial to the thread, hmm? And I agree with the last two posts, doesn't need to be extremely complex, but just not as simple as it is now.
About Me

10/13/2005 12:36 PM (UTC)
KaizuDragon Wrote:
chardballz Wrote:
Comeon dude cut him some clack, who cares if his punctuation or sentence structure isn’t as etiquette as yours... get over it.

It's called grammar, ass.

By making this, he knew his thread would be openly criticized. Note that I said "criticized", and not condemned or made fun of........criticizing something is with the intent of helping out. Next time you post, make it more beneficial to the thread, hmm? And I agree with the last two posts, doesn't need to be extremely complex, but just not as simple as it is now.

Hahaha, own3d!
About Me


10/13/2005 12:52 PM (UTC)
KaizuDragon Wrote:
chardballz Wrote:
Comeon dude cut him some clack, who cares if his punctuation or sentence structure isn’t as etiquette as yours... get over it.

It's called grammar, ass.

By making this, he knew his thread would be openly criticized. Note that I said "criticized", and not condemned or made fun of........criticizing something is with the intent of helping out. Next time you post, make it more beneficial to the thread, hmm? And I agree with the last two posts, doesn't need to be extremely complex, but just not as simple as it is now.

Why criticize, why not motivate ?

who craes fi he makse a few spllin mistakes, YuO CnA STiLl Read TiHS CNat Yuo.....

so get over it, ass

and next time congratulate him on the effort, not everyone sees things like you do, doesn’t mean u need to "criticize. Just state your opinions as an answer, not as an insult.

besides i would love to see Kai back, and him becoming evil due to Raidens staff sounds like a wicked idea.. keep up the good work buddy
About Me

Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

10/13/2005 03:48 PM (UTC)
many thanx, you wanta better one, more complex, ok then here you go asshole.


My dreams. They haunt me. Why do i feel, evil? The staff. It speaks to me. "Kill all those who threaten Earthrealm, even the ones that have saved it." No!!! I will not. I must continue my training. "You are a fool to pity the weak!" No! I'm not!! Why are you speaking to me? Why have you made me kill so many lives? I need to find out what is going on. I must find my refuge.

Alternate Bio

I have an idea. I'll just turn myself into the Special Forces, that way I won't kill anymore. "Yes, and once sonya isn't looking, we'll rip her in half!" Who said that? Leave me alone!!! I must do something about this. And what do you mean we? "Kai, you ingnorant fool, I am you guide, we work together." No!! I will not listen to you!!! I thought you were gonna make me stronger!!! Why are you so evil?!? "You fool, I'm not evil, you are!!"


I know what I must do now. Raiden gave me the staff, it is he that is making me do these things. I must kill him. I confronted him at the portals. We battled many hours. The staff!!! It turned on me!! Why is it weakening me!?! It is Raiden, I must finish him fast. I kicked him into the portal to the Netherrealm, that way he would be torn to bits. After Raiden was defeated, the staff said to me, "You fool!!! It was not I who was making you kill!!! It was you! You killed those innocent children, you killed sonya and jax, you did everythin!!! I was trying to stop you. You're a mad man!" I snapped that damn twig in two. Liu Kang came to congratulate me. I ripped his head off. The staff, it speaked the truth, I loved darkness, the killing, everything that is evil!!! I just wouldn't admit it, i thought i could fight, but why fight it, when i can feed off of it? As the others came to see what happened, I thought to myself, a world of complete darkness, and pure evil, with me ruling it. The first thing I said before I ripped everybody in half was,
"Have A Nice Day"
10/13/2005 08:05 PM (UTC)
I could say "bitch ass bitch bitch bastard.....", but that doesn't emphasize any point. Mature up a bit.

Apparently you didn't read my post, which isn't surprising in the least. Criticisms and derogatory comments are two different things, and I don't care to re-explain it, so actually READ. I was his first reply, so its obvious where I stand.

Onto the real topic at hand, once again, you're stating that both Raiden and his staff have become spontaneously evil. On what grounds?
10/14/2005 02:05 AM (UTC)
Man that is a weird story line. Plus I don't see Kai doing the Pinata fatality either. That's just not him.
About Me

Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

10/14/2005 09:37 PM (UTC)
on the more revised bio of Kai, i did not state that raiden was evil. I just stated that Kai was just going crazy, and he thought that the staff was evil.

I just threw in the pinata fatalaty cuz he has the staff as his main weapon, and i couldn't thing of anything at the time.
About Me

GT: Dimitri1033

10/17/2005 07:10 PM (UTC)
Dude, thats cool. I stink at thinking up ideas. hey, the guy who called you immature, is a hypocrit, he called everybody asses. thats name calling. and being a hypocrit is way immature.
10/18/2005 12:35 AM (UTC)
microchip Wrote:
hey, the guy who called you immature, is a hypocrit,


microchip Wrote:
he called everybody asses. thats name calling.

I wouldn't say name calling, but rather a derogatory comment with the intent of insult and injury. And I didn't say asses, that's plural.......I specifically said ass.

microchip Wrote:
and being a hypocrit is way immature.

It's hypocrite.
10/18/2005 05:26 AM (UTC)
Please stick to the topic at hand... no more venturing into this matter about what sort of critiques are welcome and which are not. Though I do admit it's rather sad to point out grammar mistakes when the author is clearly looking for feedback on his storyline and ideas, there is little that can be done to disable that.

However, please refrain from flaming each other.
10/18/2005 05:54 AM (UTC)
It's always reassuring to know our mods are just chock full of blatant bias and partisan stances.

Even your last post itself had a latent flame, which is mildly hypocritical, but your point has gotten across.
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