MK7 Suggestions, us to MK Staff
posted05/18/2005 09:32 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/25/2004 07:11 PM (UTC)
Make some suggestions to the MK staff for MK7 please. Tell them what they did bad and good, or what had potential, but needed more development on. Go ahead, don't be shy. I only have five minutes, so mine'll be pretty short, but here's my list on Keep, Bring Back, Don't, Improve, and Do:

Fighting Styles and Weapons
Story development
Having a decent sized roster

Bring Back:
Ability to stab your weapon, but make there be a stopping point for where your life depletes, and also make it go slower

Having so many new characters; bring back necessary ones and add 2-3 new characters instead
Using chains for combos, use the kind where you can block mid-combo.

Throws; make them less cheap
Special moves
Character Development;(ex. Sub-Zero just feels like he's there to please fans..)
Konquest; less linear, more control, less invisible walls, more open-ended, more choice influenced, kinda like an RPG.

Add Kreate-A-Kharacter(where you can choose the fightings styles, weapons, etc.)
05/16/2005 11:57 PM (UTC)
I think for the next game they should have every character ever made in it including bosses and semi bosses like they did for MK trilogy.
05/17/2005 12:43 PM (UTC)
Stuff I wanna see for MK7.

More in depth, realistic fighting styles, with more variety in each character's moves. And more variety in the styles everyone's using, how about a grappler or two for example.

Balanced gameplay this time please. And far less of MKD's cheap shit, like super easy throws etc. Other people have explained this far better than I can elsewhere, about the combo system etc.

Some sort of rapid movement. I wouldn't say the Run button, but a dash.

The little things in MKDA like power ups, reversals, that I think added to each character.

More interactive backgrounds, with breakable objects, multiple levels and maybe things like the acid statues in MKDA.

Try to make each character in the roster some way relevant to what's going on with the main plot, without fillers. And less newcomers, I'd say go for 4-5 well developed newbies rather than 8-9.

Test Your Might/Sight, and a couple more little bonus games.

Concentrate on the main fighting game this time, rather than waste disc space on a shitty, adventure mode with a nonsense story. Save the adventure games for the spinoffs, we want a good beat em up.

05/17/2005 03:52 PM (UTC)
Command throws.
Throw escapes.
Side and reverse throws.
A wake up system.
Universal tracking removed.
Fluid animation.
A backturned stance.
Logical frame usage.
Basic buffering.

And Mavado.grin
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It's offical. you Suck!

05/18/2005 03:38 PM (UTC)
chaosruler Wrote:
I think for the next game they should have every character ever made in it including bosses and semi bosses like they did for MK trilogy.

that would be cool but it would take forever to make. As for MK7, they need a sourceress, some old stages, Shao Kahn, MKDA Raiden, no crappy newbies, and bad ass fatalities.
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05/18/2005 05:33 PM (UTC)
krackerjack Wrote:
Command throws.
Throw escapes.
Side and reverse throws.
A wake up system.
Universal tracking removed.
Fluid animation.
A backturned stance.
Logical frame usage.
Basic buffering.

And Mavado.grin

Same here

Saves me using my brain grin
05/18/2005 07:35 PM (UTC)
Speaking on Fatalities; I know this may not seem important, but I think that there should be an Unlockable Fatality. People always komplain that they want some of the Klassic Characters Fatalities back(Liu Kangs' Dragon Morph, Toasty,etc.), but if there was an Unlockable third Fatality, we could have the inventiveness of new Death Moves, but still be able to Unlock a Klassic Fatality. ...and plus, it would be pretty kool to actually unlock an extra Death Move. ...and maybe the Mk team would get some inspiration from the Mk7 Fatality/Hara Kiris thread; there's some pretty nifty ideas there, although of course Fatalities are not the MAIN idea of the game, they are VERY important!

Skeletons: This probably sounds really dumb, but I think we need more Skeletons! Yes, seriously! Remember how funny it was in the OldSkool games when you did a fire Fatality on someone and they were still skreaming as a flamin' toasty Skeleton! somebody needs a Skeleton rip in the next Mk! ...Of course not Skeleton overload; just in a few fire death moves and the above.

Kombat: A kounter system would be alot better than the kurrent "breakers",
perhaps allowing many varying ways to katch an opponents' move and turn it against him/her! Some form of double tap dash is needed too, methinks!

Modes: Test your Might/Test your Whatever, etc. Maybe a reworked, more engaging Konquest. 8-player Tournament. And I think there should be a 2-player mode where you and your enemy have to get to each other through a small Konquest style level before you fight, the aim being to avoid death traps that destroy you before you kan have a chance to fight.
Tag Team Kombat would be good; yes, I know what you're thinking; "Tekken Tag Rip". Actually, it doesn't matter; as a side-mode apart from the main, this would kombine Tag with the depth of Mortal Kombat and open up a whole new type of two-player/3-player/4-player/and online play, it would be Kool! Think of the possibilities! Tag- Team Fatalities would be kool, but would maybye take up too much space, so we'd have to settle for normal Fatalities! Puzzle Kombat should return along with Chess Kombat; any other new side- games would be appreciated too.

Characters: Good mix of old and new, with distinct stories and play styles.
Keep it around 24 or 26 Characters; every Character in Mk history would be too much, not merely because of the programming memory........

Character Kreation: This would be awesome if it had a wide a range as many a car customiser or wrestler game, but if you can't do it good with the memory, then don't do it at all! ....Please try though!
It would be great being able to set the Characters facial and body frame and giving her/him moves and Fatality sets!

...Sorry for taking up all the space with my ideas!tongue
05/18/2005 09:31 PM (UTC)
come on guys, why do u have to copy off my thread. thats not fair!

Hit the submit button ONCE in future! Thanks.

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