MK10 Storyline, Characters ideas
posted07/26/2011 07:35 PM (UTC)by
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07/26/2011 09:14 AM (UTC)
Scorpion - From the time between mk9 to mk10, scorpion has came to
realize he is but a pawn to Quan-chi. He has been sent to make preparations for the invasion of the realms, while Noob Saibot has been assigned more meaningful tasks. Quan-chi has taken great care in assuring that Noob and Scorpion have little to no communication with each other (hint). Shinnok needing more generals for his undead army, inquires Quan-chi about Scorpion and Saibot. Staying true to his sadistic and twisted nature, Quan-chi orders the two to combat one another in front of Lord Shinnok. They fight vigorously but Scorpion shows that he has the upper-hand. With Noob on the ground, Scorpion stood above him triumphantly and made sure it was known that he will continue to avenge the memory of the Shirai Ryu from the likes of the former sub-zero, despite his transformation. Noob coughing on his own blood subtly remarks on Scorpions foolishness and is quickly rebuked by Quan-chi. Noob then states that Quan-chi fears losing his lapdog but then is knocked out when Quan-chi responds with a kick to his head. Scorpion becoming very suspicious, visits the former temple of his clan and is visited by Fujin, the god of wind. Fujin enlightens Scorpion to the true fate of his clan and becomes enraged with Quan-chi, burning the remains of the temple to the ground. Fujin restrains Scorpion using his wind abilities and tells that his help will be needed to stop the invasion, and that he will personally ensure that Scorpion is the one to kill Quan-chi as long as he cooperates. Scorpion agrees. Scorpion then meets up with the heroes, but encounters Cyber Sub-zero before he can announce his new found alliance. Cyber Sub-zero beats Scorpion to the ground, but Raiden interferes before too much damage could be done. Scorpion informs Cyber Sub-zero of the truth, and the two ally together to defeat Quan-chi. Scorpion later brutally kills Quan-chi.

Cyber Sub-zero- Tormented by his new cyborg body, cyber sub zero has been seeking the help of Raiden. Sub zero is convinced that he is permanently corrupted by his new artificial body and fears that he will suffer a similar fate to that of his brother if he is ever to fall in battle or fall into the hands of an enemy. Raiden counsels him and assures that he is completely independent of his brother and that he is the master of his own fate. Taking comfort in Raiden's wisdom, Sub zero tells Raiden that he is taking it upon his own shoulder's to defeat Noob Saibot and cleanse his brother's soul. Soon after, Cyber Sub Zero spots Scorpion, and hastily attacks him. Raiden quickly intervenes and orders Sub-zero to allow Scorpion to explain himself. Scorpion explains that Quan-chi is ultimately responsible for the death of the former sub zero and the Shirai Ryu. The two
form an alliance to defeat Quan-chi and cleanse Noob Saibot. Sub zero then leaves with Scorpion on their own way to the Neatherrealm but assures the heroes they will see him again.

Reptile- Reptile's mental state is quickly deteriorating and suffers short fits of insanity. Always having relied on someone to take orders from in hope that his race may one day be restored, Reptile has wandered aimlessly in Outworld, seeking any trace of his species. While in the living forest, Reptile feels a strange presence and losses conscious. He hear's a voice telling him to seek Raiden for guidance in the quest to revive his race. Skeptical was to whether the voice was a hallucination or reality, Reptile uses his instincts to find the god of thunder out of desperation. Reptile encounters Smoke and defeats him. As Reptile was about to finish Smoke, Raiden fires a jolt of electricity hitting him square in the chest. After recovering, Reptile realizes he has found the thunder god, and quickly kneels before him. Reptile begs Raiden to help him recover his race and swears his service to him as long as it takes for him to return with his species. Despite Smoke's suspicion, Raiden agrees and Reptile joins the heroes.

Bo-rai-cho- After hearing news of Liu-Kang and Kung-Lao's fate, Bo-rai-cho feels the responsibility to assist in Earthrealms defense (despite his drunkeness). Knowing many of his eager pupils will follow him on his way to meet the group of heroes, Bo-rai-cho attempts to gather a bag of his favorite booze, and leave the Shaolin temple inconspicuously during the night. Just nearly escaping unnoticed, Bo-rai-cho falls and knocks over a rack of weapons in his drunken plight and draws the attention of Kai, who was out late training despite the temple's curfew. Kai asks curiously where Bo-rai-cho is going. Not being able to lie to his favorite student, Bo-rai-cho informs him of Liu-Kang and Kung-Lao's fate and his current destination. Kai begged to take part in his quest, just like he knew he would. Bo-rai-cho eventually submits to Kai's pestering, and they make their journey to meet the defenders of earthrealm. When they arrive at the camp, Bo-rai-cho runs into the resurrected Liu Kang lashing out at Raiden. However, baring the sight of his favorite mentor and long lost friend, Liu Kang runs to Bo-rai-cho and greets him enthusiastically. A few hours later when they sit and discuss each other's past at the Shaolin temple. Bo-rai-cho eventually scorns Liu Kang for his disobedience and disdain for his master Raiden, and explains that Raiden is the god of thunder and need Liu Kang's faith more than ever.

Noob Saibot- Having completed numerous tasks for Quan-chi with little reward, Saibot becomes rebellious. While Quan-chi was at an audience with Shinnok, Noob brazenly barged in the chamber, demanding he be given a proper reward. Quan-chi apologized and dismissed himself and Noob from the room. Out of Shinnok's presence Quan-chi told Noob Saibot he will demand nothing and reminded him that he can just as easily strip him of his power as he can give it. He then told Saibot that he would have an opportunity to own an army of his own if he defeats Scorpion in combat infront of his lord and master Shinnok. He warned however, that Scorpion can not learn the true fate of his family and clan and threatened to have his head if he ever revealed the truth. Soon after, the combat was commenced. Noob Saibot fought the ninja specter valiantly, but was finally outmatched. Scorpion made reference to his former clan and Noob called him foolish. Quan-chi scorned him quickly, and Noob Saibot retaliated and said that he was just afraid he was going to lose his favorite lap-dog. With Noob still in pain on the ground, Quan-chi silenced him with a kick to the head, knocking him unconscious. When he was awoken Quan-chi was in rage and made it clear that he was only still alive because Shinnok requested that Noob be granted a section of the army in belief that Scorpion was to unpredictable and may one day have to be disposed of. While commanding his undead army in a battle against Earthrealm, Noob Saibot encountered Cyber Sub Zero. Sub Zero pleaded Noob to come with him to seek cleansing, but Noob Saibot retorted that he was in need of no cleansing and that he was perfected in his transformation. Cyber Sub Zero tried his best to subdue his brother but Noob was far more deadly than he was in their last encounter. He quickly over powered him, damaging his cybernetic armor. Noob left him there unconscious, deserting his dwindling army to be finished by the earthrealm forces. After the invasion had been thwarted by the earthrealm, Noob Saibot returned to the ruins of the battle. He then came across Quan-chi's burned and charred body. Upon Quan-chi's corpse, he found an amulet that was seemingly familiar. Noob realized it was the amulet he was sent to retrieve years ago when he was Sub Zero of the Lin Kuei. With the power of the amulet, Noob was able to take control of the Neatherrealm and sieze the throne for himself.

07/26/2011 09:17 AM (UTC)
I apologize for the lack of explanation when I posted this, I had a bunch of ideas and I wanted to get them down before I forgot. I plan on doing a quick story analysis for all the characters I believe will be in mk10, including an explanation for the characters that died in mk 9. I probably should have written the original story plot first but this is just the main idea for how some of these characters will be involved, I'll try to add some more tomorrow. Hopefully I can get this completely done, tell me what you think
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07/26/2011 12:31 PM (UTC)
Those are some pretty cool ideas, I like how they all cross over as well in the different parts. You've obviously put a lot of thought into this, let me know when you post more.
07/26/2011 07:35 PM (UTC)
Kenshi - Kenshi's storyline begins as he wanders aimlessly through Earthrealm, challenging anyone who can stand up to his telekinetic powers. Coincidentally, he runs into the Earthrealm heroes. He is approached by Sonya Blade, who asks him to join their efforts in freeing their friends' souls and tells him that his telekinesis will prove to be of great help. With no true motives or destination, Kenshi eventually agrees to help the heroes. Raiden, Sonya Blade, Cyber Sub Zero, Smoke, and Kenshi took upon the task to find any Outworld fighters willing to join their cause and perhaps momentarily ally the realms all together. Before entering the living forest, Ermac was seen rambling uncontrollably to himself in many different voices and strange languages. When confronted by Kenshi, Ermac attacks him and they fight one another. Kenshi defeats Ermac and senses a great disturbance within Ermac's being. Out of pity, Kenshi used his telekinesis to create order within Ermac's many conflicting souls. Ermac's thoughts were then clear to him and the two became close friends. When the Neatherrealm's invasion was finally thwarted, Sonya and Jax Briggs offered him to join the Outer World Investigation Agency. Having served his purpose and with no where to go, Kenshi accepted this offer. Kenshi told of his past and how he came to be the person he was today. He told of how a strange sorcerer lured him into a cave and stole his ancestor's souls from their graves and left him to die but he was drawn to the sword which eventually led him out. Sonya and Jax knew Kenshi was referring to Shang Tsung, and that a new threat has arisen. (Plot for MK11)
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